TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #18

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1&2: I take these as good signs that he is not the standard "take and kill" in as quick and secretive manner possible. These things are odd abductor behavior I think ( but Im just a guy who is posting on a message board ).

If a guy is just going to take her, attack her, and kill her then why scatter the stuff so much away from where you left her. If you're in "hide" stuff mode (as with the body) you hide it you dont toss it out the window or pull over and throw it out.

3. Can't know! I don't think they'd tell us if they were testing people. This community and LE have been really unified and quiet.

4. I think they may have figured out where he started from, but he must've been lucky and no one saw his vehicle or they would have plastered that out there with the limited description initially.

As far as the map goes. I know what you mean. I've looked at the map down to the small roads and tracked different paths both ways to the evidence. I simply chose the one that fit the "hunch" with a few probable(in my mind) guesses about the evidence thrown out.

I agree that it wasn't a standard kill and dump. She would have been found already in the first few days, imo. I think he wanted her specifically and is trying to figure out a way to keep her with him, alive.I sure hope so anyway.

I say when they find Holly the person responsible (not the perp) gets a statue made of them and put up in the middle of town! Give the money to someone who needs it more and smile for the rest of your life (I would).
As far as the wording on the reward from the governor, he says it (the $50K) is for the arrest and conviction of the person responsible for Holly's disappearance. Is there a reward for finding Holly, does anyone know? Is that perhaps the other $25- $30K? I never saw how that was worded.


at one point I wasn't sure what the gov's reward rule said, b/c there's articles that say the reward is for the rescue and recovery of Holly Bobo.

Perhaps the 1st reward is worded for Holly's recovery, and the second (the gov's) is for the apprehension of the kidnapper.
I the abductor might know a lot about police procedures....I bet he wanted to be one and either couldn't or got kicked off the force or something....would explain why LE would want to keep things sooo quiet if they thought he might be listening to scanners or chatting up the local cops in the coffee shop, etc.

What made me wonder was the way all the evidence is thrown all over the place with no attempt to hide it, when he could have just as easily burned it or threw it in the river or stuck it in a fast food bag and dumped it in the trash at McDonalds or whatever...wondering if he was trying to get them to spend time chasing their tails....

But then I thought more today about the early time she was abducted and it kind of struck me that a "dawn raid" is a common LE them the element of suprise....could that have played into his thinking?
just noodling...if the family really really thinks it knows who kidnapped Holly and why ... and LE has slowly been able to confirm their theory...

that could be the source of hope...
About the state portion of the reward, while we know this is unlikely, I wonder if the part about the money being for the arrest/conviction could be phrased that way just in case it were to turn out Holly did not want to come home, for example if she had left willingly, and someone "found" or "saw" her, they would not want to have to pay that person $50K? Just kind of covering their bases?
(I don't believe this to be the case, just FYI.)
This is the part of this case that really confuses me (as if the rest of it doesn't! LOL).

Law enforcement has been so careful about not letting out what evidence or information they might have, BUT they have not kept secret any of the search sites.

If they were not wanting the abductor to know what they know, then why would they not be keeping the search sites confidential?

Are they keeping the evidence and information secret from the public, or from the abductor?

The rest of the case also has my brain in a mess... even more so than it normally is.
This is the part of this case that really confuses me (as if the rest of it doesn't! LOL).

Law enforcement has been so careful about not letting out what evidence or information they might have, BUT they have not kept secret any of the search sites.

If they were not wanting the abductor to know what they know, then why would they not be keeping the search sites confidential?

Are they keeping the evidence and information secret from the public, or from the abductor?

The rest of the case also has my brain in a mess... even more so than it normally is.

I think LE may have kept some search sites private....we don't know if they have searched any RSO's residences (I think if you're out on probation they don't even need a warrant or a reason), or the boyfriend's house etc when they were trying to rule those people out. I think we always hear about the volunteer ground searches because they are pretty impossible to keep secret.....probably takes the media five minutes to figure out where those are if they don't just follow the busloads of searchers out there....who's not going to notice ten people crawling on their hands and knees by the side of the road?
Two opposite things I am thinking about the statement about the family being fingerprinted:

On the good side it might mean they have a print for comparison. I just realized that if they do have a print for comparison and it hasn't popped in AFIS then we can rule out anyone who would have to be fingerprinted for their job since those are entered into AFIS as well. This would eliminate: anyone with a prior criminal history, law enforcement, teachers, school bus drivers in some states (not sure about TN ), and anyone else who needs an FBI check prior to employment (some jobs only require a state background check....not sure if those get entered into AFIS or not)

On the bad side: Some of this statement seems to me to be not just quashing rumors but also tempering expectations....doesn't commit to further searches, publicly stating that Holly could be dead, no new developments, the cynical side of me is concerned that they are fingerprinting people now because the case is heading "cold" and they want to have it for the file now, in case people die or move away in the next weeks, months, years....hope the cynical side of me is wrong....
I've heard about the "fingerprinting" a few times. One person said it was being reported on Ch3 news, but no contextual way to see for myself, and then I've heard about it 2nd/3rd hand. Anyone have an article about it or anything yet?
No link I can find. The poster MILofForensicSpecTBI said she saw it on the news tonight on Memphis Channel 3
Oh that TBI lady said "to my knowledge" which only has to mean she has not physically seen Holly. Would still be really hard to pull off but hey stranger things have happened. If she is alive I don't think she is able to talk (coma, traumatized, what have you) or she does not know who it was.

The Bible Verse: I thought it was her mom's favorite verse then I read it was Holly's. Either way if you ask a young person to quote their favorite Bible verse it's going to be Philippians 4:13 or John 3:16. I would say 99% of the time because those verses are burned into our memory banks from a very young age. I think it is coincidental. Would I have said that at her age? Absolutely. First thought that comes to mind type thing.

The blood: Has anyone thought it was blood from one of the dogs? Maybe the man had to shut a dog up so it hurt it? Flecks, spatters, whatever the latest term is to describe the blood could have been from a dog running away. The TBI would NOT confirm if it was human blood.

I am beginning to think for various reasons that Holly knew this person in passing, enough to be friendly and say hi how are you, it is a man in his late 30s to late 40s, and it is not an ex-boyfriend.

Yes (though I didn't want to say it). To be honest, when I first read about the blood my first thought was, " He's a hunter!" . I just had this visual of the guy coming out of the woods carrying something dead. Turkey, squirrel, I don't know, something. I get stupid visuals (not to be confused with visions!) like that all the time, and then find it hard to shake them. It's annoying, because intellectually I know this guy didn't pop out of the woods with a dead animal.

But anyway, my first thought when I heard "blood" was animal. Now that reason has taken over though, I think it more likely it is human. But I don't neccesarily think it will turn out to be Holly's or her kidnappers.
Okay... let's just pretend for a moment. All hypothesizing.

What if Holly was abducted by a guy who thought he had a relationship with her or wanted a relationship with her?

What if Holly did not resist and went along with this in order to survive?

What if they are NOT in the area, but did stay there for a few days?

What if they are looking for evidence of the time they did spend there? (No concern about search sites being known if there is no perp in the area, but still a need to search.)

What if the significant find was something of Holly's, (phone, jewelry) along with something to alter her appearance (hair dye box?) and/or maybe a map?

What if Holly has been able to somehow communicate? Maybe he has taken her out of the state and they have to stop as gas stations... what if she is leaving messages/clues so they know she was alive the day before?

Anne - Abducted by a stranger who wanted to "keep her." Left notes and other clues, managed to call 911 once as well from a cabin. They just missed them by an hour before finally catching up to them at another cabin.

Karen - Abducted at knife point by her ex boyfriend for the second time... left notes in bathrooms that led the FBI to her along with phone taps and ATM transactions at the end. They kept missing them because of the time it took people to find her notes. They were going from hotel to hotel.

Jessica - Abducted at knife point by her ex boyfriend, cut in the process and talked him into taking her to the hospital. Was able to alert the staff there of her abduction.

There are more in here who were abducted and kept alive... many that we know and many more that are not listed here. I realize it is rare.

I was in Utah for the amazing return of Elizabeth.

I was also in Utah for the horrific stories of Destiny Norton, Ethan Stacy, Kiplyn Davis, Rachael Runyan, Hser Ner Moo, Anna Palmer, Susan Powell, Lori Hacking...

I know what the odds are. Which is why I rarely have hope in these cases.

But when I look at this list... and when I remember seeing and hearing "Elizabeth Smart Found Alive"... hearing that they had found Shawn and Ben... Shasta... Jaycee... very few people thought any of them would come back alive.

I can't give up hope on Holly. Not yet.

Shasta Groene (7 weeks)
Elizabeth Smart (9 months)
Jeremiah Treanor (3 years)
Colleen Stan (7 years)
Natascha Kampusch (8 years)
Steven Stayner (8 years)
Jaycee Dugard (18 years)

Shawn Hornbeck (4 years) and Ben Ownby (5 days)
Sabine Dardenne (80 days) and Laetitia Delhez (7 days)
The stars, Logic and statistics tell us she is gone. From the beginning of this case my heart has said she is alive. I want to believe it. Shawn Hornbeck came to mind and Elizabeth as well. Something tells me that she may just be out there still.
I don't know if it's worth looking at the direction this perp seemed to move in or not. I roughed out this map and the trail looks like an upside down U

On the left bottom side is the Bobo residence and then heading northward to the Gooch Rd area where the lunch container was found. From there a bit further northward and then curve back east/southeast to 69. South down 69 right in front of 100 Eaton and the college campus. It looks like a long trip but as you can see I noted on the side of the's only about a 15 mile, 30 minute drive.

Wonder if this person very quickly hid her somewhere, along the route, then proceeded on their way to get to class, or work, before say 9-10 a.m.ish AND was tossing out evidence all along the way :waitasec:.

Here's the link to hollye's interactive map as well,-88.031731&spn=0.173707,0.333366&z=12

thank you for doing this map. it's been in my head for days. imo. i think holly is in the opposite direction as she was imo the first piece of evidence that needed to be taken care of (sorry. i know some believe she's alive) then the perp went the opposite direction hoping to throw LE off by tossing her stuff. imo i don't think the perp planted it' just threw it out along his route. imo this was all done and the perp was home by the time the searchers were called out. imo

imo if someone wanted to keep her as his own,the only thing on his mind would be to get her to his safe place asap and would'nt be worrying about throwing her stuff out. imo he'd just keep it all or dump it all at once not leave a trail. her cell would be the only traceable she had on her so i can see throwing that. but her lunch bag? that would just be more of her to want to hang on to. imo

please excuse the spelling/punctuation. storming here so im holding my phone for light while i peck with one hand.
I hate to say it, but reading between the lines of LE saying that the search will begin to look more closely at a suspect in her disappearance, all I'm seeing is that there will be less focus on looking for Holly herself. Tells me that LE doesn't think they can find her without the suspects help...which after two weeks, I am inclined to agree. Somebody, just bring her home.
Yes (though I didn't want to say it). To be honest, when I first read about the blood my first thought was, " He's a hunter!" . I just had this visual of the guy coming out of the woods carrying something dead. Turkey, squirrel, I don't know, something. I get stupid visuals (not to be confused with visions!) like that all the time, and then find it hard to shake them. It's annoying, because intellectually I know this guy didn't pop out of the woods with a dead animal.

But anyway, my first thought when I heard "blood" was animal. Now that reason has taken over though, I think it more likely it is human. But I don't neccesarily think it will turn out to be Holly's or her kidnappers.

Just because someone wears camo does not mak ehim a hunter! JMO
I think that was just a diversion. and it worked how do you desribe a person in camo?

The guy was wearing camo LOL
I gotta give you that one Eileen. Camo is pretty common in MI too, ( I know shock and awe, LOL), and if that's what someone sees, that's the description. A guy wearing camo is going to be described as a guy wearing camo. Maybe a blond/brunette/redhead guy wearing camo, but that's about all you're gonna get.
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