TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #19

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The FBI is involved. They are all working together.

I think the FBI takes the second seat..They are usually called in immediately and then they distance themselves sometimes they totally leave and come back if requested tooo...I think they let TBI do their thing and assist and offer tips and how tooo's JMO
IMO: I'll bet there are so many parallel investigations going on in this case, "it would make one's head spin."
I keep reading people saying the abduction was well-planned. Can someone who thinks it was well-planned please explain the planning involved? To me, it looks like a very undisciplined abduction, and that he was fortunate that Holly's brother didn't notice the abduction and blow his brains out. Since her brother unfortunately didn't notice, the perp got a head start on everyone and that was possibly all he or anyone else would've needed to get away with the crime.

In my opinion, it looks more like some sort of out of control pervert who was so excited that he took a big chance, not knowing or caring if her brother was at home. He wanted to kidnap her right then regardless of the risk of getting caught.

You know how average Joes often risk their marriages or risk catching diseases or risk going to jail over sexual interests even though it's not rational behavior? I think in a similar sense, the perp didn't care about the risks he was taking, he just wanted instant gratification and couldn't wait.

And I also think that his out of control behavior and lack of self-discipline is going to make him continue to do crimes like this until he gets caught.
I believe it is in public records. Building permits, tree cutting permits, injunctions, court rulings, etc. are all public record. Being charged with crimes may not show up at the clerk of courts but any convictions or court judgements would.

In my state, an order to stay away from someone you dated, married or had another familial relationship with is called a "protective order." They are criminally enforceable but are actually civil orders, which means they can be issued against minors, and would be usually open records that the public can access. Criminal records for a minor tried as a minors are confidential, and only law enforcement agencies and courts can access those.
I would think also that just having different agencies involved would provide access to different resources, different funding sources etc. More options available is a good thing.

Anyway I am outta here for a while Good luck y'all!
Sorry to go off track here for a second, but this is not always correct.

Now I'm not sure what the laws are surrounding this issue in the US, but here where I am in Australia it's not correct.

When someone turns 18 here, the records are not 'wiped clean' as many would believe. Instead, that happens at the age of 28.

During the ages of 18-28, convictions recorded whilst the person was a minor can be brought up in court if they are relevant to the matter currently being trialled. I'm interested to find out if this is the case in other jurisdictions.

Anyway, I hope Holly gets to come home soon. She is never far from my thoughts.

I like that approach, but unfortunately it does not work that way in my state. A minor tried as a minor will have a closed record. However, it is not automatically expunged, and LE can still access it indefinitely in the future. When the minor becomes an adult, s/he can request for it to be expunged, then no one would have access to the information.
The FBI is involved. They are all working together.

Oh I know they are here but the TBI is still the lead on the case. I thought if it was a case of smuggling the FBI would take the lead. That's all I meant.
I keep reading people saying the abduction was well-planned. Can someone who thinks it was well-planned please explain the planning involved? To me, it looks like a very undisciplined abduction, and that he was fortunate that Holly's brother didn't notice the abduction and blow his brains out. Since her brother unfortunately didn't notice, the perp got a head start on everyone and that was possibly all he or anyone else would've needed to get away with the crime.

In my opinion, it looks more like some sort of out of control pervert who was so excited that he took a big chance, not knowing or caring if her brother was at home. He wanted to kidnap her right then regardless of the risk of getting caught.

You know how average Joes often risk their marriages or risk catching diseases or risk going to jail over sexual interests even though it's not rational behavior? I think in a similar sense, the perp didn't care about the risks he was taking, he just wanted instant gratification and couldn't wait.

And I also think that his out of control behavior and lack of self-discipline is going to make him continue to do crimes like this until he gets caught.

Perhaps the reason why some people think it was planned and others don't, is that the things an abductor might bring to kidnap someone in the city (a knife or gun, duct tape, etc.), are things that a hunter would normally carry. Therefore, a local might say, he wasn't preparing to abduct her, he was just a hunter would had all that stuff anyway.
MOO, the remoteness of the location indicates he specifically drove out to where she would be most off guard, he waited until a time when she was leaving and alone, after her parents had left (and as opposed to a home invasion). He probably had a good idea that no one would see/hear them, as opposed to just grabbing her wherever he first saw her, likely out someowhere in the city where there might be witnesses.
The blood found and duct tape found meant he may have had a weapon and duct tape (things that might be part of a kidnapping kit--admittedly also things a hunter might carry), he was or became familiar with the area and roads (I totally would've been lost out there without a map). And he was out of there apparently very quickly.
These are things that indicate it was preplanned.
I wonder If there are any parents in that town that went to LE and said my son walked out in camo that morning to go hunting?
Perhaps the reason why some people think it was planned and others don't, is that the things an abductor might bring to kidnap someone in the city (a knife or gun, duct tape, etc.), are things that a hunter would normally carry. Therefore, a local might say, he wasn't preparing to abduct her, he was just a hunter would had all that stuff anyway.
MOO, the remoteness of the location indicates he specifically drove out to where she would be most off guard, he waited until a time when she was leaving and alone, after her parents had left (and as opposed to a home invasion). He probably had a good idea that no one would see/hear them, as opposed to just grabbing her wherever he first saw her, likely out someowhere in the city where there might be witnesses.
The blood found and duct tape found meant he may have had a weapon and duct tape (things that might be part of a kidnapping kit--admittedly also things a hunter might carry), he was or became familiar with the area and roads (I totally would've been lost out there without a map). And he was out of there apparently very quickly.
These are things that indicate it was preplanned.

I think it was premeditated in advance, but there just seems to have been very little planning. Sheer luck was just too big of a factor in his success. Good planners shouldn't have to rely so heavily on luck.
I keep reading people saying the abduction was well-planned. Can someone who thinks it was well-planned please explain the planning involved? To me, it looks like a very undisciplined abduction, and that he was fortunate that Holly's brother didn't notice the abduction and blow his brains out. Since her brother unfortunately didn't notice, the perp got a head start on everyone and that was possibly all he or anyone else would've needed to get away with the crime.

In my opinion, it looks more like some sort of out of control pervert who was so excited that he took a big chance, not knowing or caring if her brother was at home. He wanted to kidnap her right then regardless of the risk of getting caught.

You know how average Joes often risk their marriages or risk catching diseases or risk going to jail over sexual interests even though it's not rational behavior? I think in a similar sense, the perp didn't care about the risks he was taking, he just wanted instant gratification and couldn't wait.

And I also think that his out of control behavior and lack of self-discipline is going to make him continue to do crimes like this until he gets caught.

It didn't looked well planned out to me. Why leave all the evidence out in the open versus dumping it into the river, never to be seen again. Or bury it somewhere. Take it far away and put it in a dumpster. I can think of a lot of things that would have been harder to trace than leaving it on the side of the road. If he is meaning to leave it, he will get caught trying to play cat and mouse. I think if he is in fact a local and tries to do it again he will have to wait a long time. The reason I say this is, right now, everyone and their actions, or lack there-of, is under a microscope. Just my thinking. I do believe this person thinks he is smarter than the law. I think he has a big ego as well. The only thing that I have noticed I differ with people with on here, and I don't remember you ever commenting on it MIL, but I do not think all of the evidence was thrown out as soon as he picked her up. My reasoning is although it might not have been noticed on the more remote roads, 641 (69), is a high traffic road. Someone would have seen him throwing stuff out the window. Especially around these businesses where workers are outside. It was not raining that day so the workers would have been outside for sure. It just stands to reason to me that he did it at night. Because in the beginning the search was focused around her house. All JMO. Thoughts anyone?
It's just a bit disconcerting when (lol) is used.

I am a stalking and rape victim/survivor. Someone in my family was also a victim. I am not a public figure.

I am sorry Concentric about your past experiences but I am glad that you are here and I respect your opinion. I think you could be on to something and agree that your theory is a strong possibility.
It didn't looked well planned out to me. Why leave all the evidence out in the open versus dumping it into the river, never to be seen again. Or bury it somewhere. Take it far away and put it in a dumpster. I can think of a lot of things that would have been harder to trace than leaving it on the side of the road. If he is meaning to leave it, he will get caught trying to play cat and mouse. I think if he is in fact a local and tries to do it again he will have to wait a long time. The reason I say this is, right now, everyone and their actions, or lack there-of, is under a microscope. Just my thinking. I do believe this person thinks he is smarter than the law. I think he has a big ego as well. The only thing that I have noticed I differ with people with on here, and I don't remember you ever commenting on it MIL, but I do not think all of the evidence was thrown out as soon as he picked her up. My reasoning is although it might not have been noticed on the more remote roads, 641 (69), is a high traffic road. Someone would have seen him throwing stuff out the window. Especially around these businesses where workers are outside. It was not raining that day so the workers would have been outside for sure. It just stands to reason to me that he did it at night. Because in the beginning the search was focused around her house. All JMO. Thoughts anyone?

I dont think it was well planned either.

Of first off i dont think there are as many clues as we think there are. as i saw there were 2 so we know one is the lunch tote, what is the other one.
the blood? the tape? or the phone?

for some reason i dont think they got a phone. I dont know why but i think
the blood was hers the lunch pail was hers and the tape was on her. these three clues make more sens cause they are in an area close together. I do not think this guy is leaving things around

I think the easter significant find fell thru.

Who know!

I think they will find whatever she left the house with that morning with her and she will be found in the area her lunch tote was found JMO
This is a bit off-topic; however, Patience, I love your avatar. This is because I was night diving in the Caribbean and the Cuttlefish swam up to me in a multi-level V formation, like a luminescent squadron with their big eyes.

Let the truth be known in the light of scrutiny, IMO.
I think it was premeditated in advance, but there just seems to have been very little planning. Sheer luck was just too big of a factor in his success. Good planners shouldn't have to rely so heavily on luck.

Ah, I see. For some reason I equated "not well-planned" with "not premeditated." Sorry!
I actually think those unsolved cases, especially those in Parsons could very well be related despite some of them happening three decades ago.

Holly's kidnapping is in some ways similar to Dru Sjodin's in the way she was strongarmed. Sjodin's kidnapper had been arrested for sex offenses three decades prior to Sjodin kidnapping, so it's not unheard of for a deranged sex offender to have such crimes three decades apart, especially here in the USA where society has no respect for women and unleashes known predators from their cages to go back onto the prowl for more prey.
I actually think those unsolved cases, especially those in Parsons could very well be related despite some of them happening three decades ago.

Holly's kidnapping is in some ways similar to Dru Sjodin's in the way she was strongarmed. Sjodin's kidnapper had been arrested for sex offenses three decades prior to Sjodin kidnapping, so it's not unheard of for a deranged sex offender to have such crimes three decades apart, especially here in the USA where society has no respect for women and unleashes known predators from their cages to go back onto the prowl for more prey.

Good points. I have cited the case of Dru Sjodin several times on these threads. In fact, I've stated she is the reason why I started sleuthing.
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