TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #19

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Im not sure this guy went there to hurt her it may have gotten out of hand.
Esp if its a local kid. what if he is leading her off by the arm saying i just want to talk to u come with me and then she gets frightend and screams ok he tapes her mouth she is struggling with him he gets angry and starts to strangle her he sees her she is passed out and rips the tpe off nd tries mouth to mouth ok he cant revive her he takes her and burries her out there with all her things he forgot about the tape that he ripped off cause he is in a hurry to leave. Never noticing that she dropped her lunch tote.....

Now he is back home no one ever noticed he was missing... On with life!

I believe it is in public records. Building permits, tree cutting permits, injunctions, court rulings, etc. are all public record. Being charged with crimes may not show up at the clerk of courts but any convictions or court judgements would.

ITA. An order of protection is definitely a matter of public record. That's how we find out in many of these missing person cases about an ex or current significant other's violent past, etc.
But would the FBI not be the lead on the case? Right now it is TBI.
Also someone posted the info back a bit, it's not the Feds it's the state Homeland Security which has several different responsibilities one of which is not human trafficking, at least not from what I read.
I believe it is in public records. Building permits, tree cutting permits, injunctions, court rulings, etc. are all public record. Being charged with crimes may not show up at the clerk of courts but any convictions or court judgements would.

Restraining orders can mean lots of things....not all restraining orders are entered into NCIC...for example if you and I are in a business dispute I can get a restraining order stopping you from disposing of any of the business' assets but that wouldn't be entered because it's a contract issue and not a safety issue. You can get a restraining order that forbids contact that is a civil order and it won't be entered into NCIC. These types of orders are common in divorce cases, contract disputes, etc. They require a lower burden of proof.

Protection orders are entered in the NCIC so that if a police officer would run your license or name they would be notified that there is an order against you. Because of that there is a higher burden of proof to get a protection order. Usually a temporary protection order is first issued ex parte meaning the other party is not given a chance to be present to dispute the need for the order. If that is the case then a full hearing is held within a few weeks where the other party may dispute the order if they choose. If the judge determines there is no need to continue the temporary order it expires and is removed from NCIC. If it is not contested or if after a full hearing the judge determines that there is need to continue the order then the judge will issue a permanent order which will be in place for years.

I'm pretty sure it works more or less the same everywhere. I'm not a lawyer but have been through the process. When I had to get a TPO for domestic violence on behalf of my child the judge was able to order my ex to turn over his gun collection to the local PD until the full hearing. I had a copy to keep on me and a copy to be given to my son's school so that if there were any problems and the police were called they could right away see exactly what the terms of the order were and act if necessary. At the full hearing my ex and I were able to come to an agreement that he would go through anger management and in exchange the TPO would be lifted.

We don't know if Holly had one, or if she did, what the nature of it was. But you can bet the police do.
It didn't looked well planned out to me. Why leave all the evidence out in the open versus dumping it into the river, never to be seen again. Or bury it somewhere. Take it far away and put it in a dumpster. I can think of a lot of things that would have been harder to trace than leaving it on the side of the road. If he is meaning to leave it, he will get caught trying to play cat and mouse. I think if he is in fact a local and tries to do it again he will have to wait a long time. The reason I say this is, right now, everyone and their actions, or lack there-of, is under a microscope. Just my thinking. I do believe this person thinks he is smarter than the law. I think he has a big ego as well. The only thing that I have noticed I differ with people with on here, and I don't remember you ever commenting on it MIL, but I do not think all of the evidence was thrown out as soon as he picked her up. My reasoning is although it might not have been noticed on the more remote roads, 641 (69), is a high traffic road. Someone would have seen him throwing stuff out the window. Especially around these businesses where workers are outside. It was not raining that day so the workers would have been outside for sure. It just stands to reason to me that he did it at night. Because in the beginning the search was focused around her house. All JMO. Thoughts anyone?

I agree with you about the evidence. I also wonder if it's an accomplice after the fact getting rid of evidence as well and not necessarily the perp.

Well, it wouldn't be the first time that a perp. stashes a victim somewhere, makes an appearance in his home territory to validate that he was there, returns to where he left the victim, disappearing for an unaccounted period of time, then concocts a story to explain his absence.

If this is not connected, tell us why.

Very interesting. I posted earlier that I wondered if the perp didn't possibly park his car in a nearby state park (can't remember the name of it..was posted earlier) and walkled in... possibly staying overnight, and that is why she was taken in the morning. Of course, that would mean he had been watching her routine, and used the woods as cover. Did whatever he was planning to do, and then left in his car. I am not too familiar with this kids ordeal other than what I read on your link about him Concentric. It is odd there is no mention of whether or not they found his car. :waitasec:
It's about an hour from Holly's home.

MILofForensicSpecTBI....oh what I wouldn't give for your DIL to give a "yes we got something" or "no we don't". Even a simple thumbs up or thumbs down. ;)

In her line of work I know all cases are probably you get an inkling from her that the TBI is feeling defeated?

Sorry to ask...grasping at straws here!! :confused:
My guess at the moment is that LE believes he did take her away in a vehicle; if they thought she might still be in the area, I think they would allow searching to resume. If he did, he basically had a two-week start, almost, while they searched the local area, thanks to the bits and pieces tossed around. If Holly is not alive, she may have been taken just far away enough for him to feel safe to do his harm, and then left behind. Maybe a local and maybe not, at least not as local as LE makes him out to be. If he had parked and walked in through the woods, he would be able to find his way back out the same way, local or not.
Well, Eileen, you know I've posted that there is a suspicious disappearance right around the time Holly disappeared:

What in the heck is going on???

I'm wondering how they determined his claims of kidnapping were false? Unless he was seen somewhere in public during the time he claimed he was kidnapped?
How's this for another wacky scenario, three men abduct both Holly and this guy around the same time as a team? One person leads authorities on a wild goose chase dumping evidence away from where they're actually headed while the other two hide her somewhere?
I'm wondering how they determined his claims of kidnapping were false? Unless he was seen somewhere in public during the time he claimed he was kidnapped?
How's this for another wacky scenario, three men abduct both Holly and this guy around the same time as a team? One person leads authorities on a wild goose chase dumping evidence away from where they're actually headed while the other two hide her somewhere?

Or, what if this guy kidnapped her himself, and made up the story about him being kidnapped as to draw suspicion away from himself? :waitasec:
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