TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #21

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The only thing I take from it aside of a genuine appreciation of the efforts of the public and LE is "no child is safe" and I 100% agree.

They can say this a member of the community all they want. Ted Bundy was a member of the community and so was Joel Rifkin. The fact is there was an apparent similar attempt a few months ago within a few miles and there are far too many missing women in the general area dating back many years.
"We're very much still investigating it," TBI spokeswoman Kristin Helm told The Associated Press. "We just don't have as many people dedicated to it as we did in those initials days" after her disappearance. "You just can't sustain that large an operation for a lengthy period of time."

IMO - You also can't sustain that large of an operation for a lengthy period of time with:

a) little if any information being provided by LE
b) virtually no presence by family pleading for help, her safe return, information about her whereabouts, etc.

Just a thought.
IMO, Holly's family is getting frustrated/fearful of time. I think they did a wondeful job with the letter, it is just a thank you note.
I agree. The Pastor's statement is strange and out of place. I honestly don't see any reason for it's inclusion. (Remember: I'm an Evangelical Pastor myself...I just couldn't imagine why he wrote what he wrote.)

Hear me: I'm not raising suspicions about anyone. Just saying it's just another really strange thing in this case.

Again, IMO, the Pastor is the news contact, and he was confirming for his news contact that the note was from his parishoners, the Bobo family.

Doubt any news orgs will focus on the Pastor's cover page comments on missing children in general - the news is in what Holly's family statement is.

I'm happy they were able to make a statement via a trusted family advisor - this completely devastated family just is not ready for prime time. Yet clearly they wanted to thank those who've been helping and donating and encourage them to remain vigilant.

In the Bobo's community, I'm sure this statement will be very powerful.
Hey SunSoaker,

I agree that some type of interview could certainly reinvigorate the investigation, or at least the public support and effort within the investigation.

They are most likely staying away from interviews because they will ask questions (about the brother, the timeline, blood, cell phones, other evidence and a million other things), and the TBI has released very little information concerning the investigation.

I know that John Walsh has said some comments that, while being very true and things I absolutely agree with, are probably not in a direction the family is interested in going.

John Walsh "I urge her parents to keep going to the media, the media is very key in this case." John Walsh's comments can be seen 1:44 and on in this video Fox interview

Mr. Walsh is right. A public presence keeps volunteers invigorated, perp's aware they are still being hunted, news media fixated on running the story, and makes sure people stay informed.

Is is difficult to face the media and risk breaking down over your loss?...yes, but the benefit far outweighs the cost.
Curious I totally agree with you! This case is making me frustrated to no end. I am about to pull all my weave out.

I have so many questions for the LE, the community, and HB family. I just dont know how much good anyone can do when we know so little?? I at least need a time line or something? 911 call transcript? Something more than just bits and pieces.
Interesting...wish, like the entire case, this wasn't so vague...who/where in particular are they needing to search that has prompted them to break their silence?

TBH I think the fact the official searches are coming to a halt prompted them to release this statement to get people to continue to look at their own property/properties just to keep hope alive someone will find something, even though there are no longer big volunteer searches happening. You know, to remind people their help is still needed.
It's almost 4pm. (est)
Must be time for our thread's daily vent. :maddening:

:chillout: Gee thanks, I needed that.
Mr. Walsh is right. A public presence keeps volunteers invigorated, perp's aware they are still being hunted, news media fixated on running the story, and makes sure people stay informed.

Is is difficult to face the media and risk breaking down over your loss?...yes, but the benefit far outweighs the cost.

Really? John and Patsy Ramsey, anyone? Didn't turn out too hot for them... If our own forum is any example there are many people who will criticize them no matter what they do - or don't do. Even when they were on the media last people here were trying to claim the mom's reaction was off...and let's not even go there about the treatment CB has gotten...they are criticized when they don't speak and criticized when they do. While I agree that I would take any mud anyone would sling at me if I thought it would bring my child home, in this small town I don't think anyone doesn't know she's missing, or know as much as we do if not I don't know that it would benefit them necessarily at all.
I think...

#1. There are people who have not agreed to property searches. For whatever reason, maybe LE wasn't able to get a search warrant for the property. (How easy is it?) I think they are subtly making it known that some people haven't consented and this puts more of a public eye on them...possibly?

#2. The family is definitely damned if they do and damned if they don't. I would have liked to see them more vocal from the beginning, but here, there, and everywhere else people have been begging for them to say something, ANYTHING, now here they have and we (some) still aren't satisfied.

#3. I wish they would just find her already!
You need probable cause to get a search warrant.
I'm not questioning the family at all. But Will tweeted this:

This statement is said to have come from the Bobo family and relayed through the 'family spokesman'. #hollybobo

Last I had heard, Kevin Bromley was the family spokesman, not Pastor Don Franks of the Corinth Church. My concern is FOR the family, not ABOUT the family. I think the Pastor appears to be inserting himself in front of the family's very touching statement.


I'm not sure that's a fair conclusion. For all we know, they might have asked the Pastor to take over as spokesperson.
Kimster asked yesterday that this whole line of discussion about the family speaking out stop. Now that they have spoken out that isn't good enough. It isn't good enough in message to some, the way it was delivered was not good enough and accusing the Minister of inserting himself into this case?

Knock it off. Get back to the case and stop this whole line of discussion. We are here to look for clues not be critical of the Victims who are living a Nightmare. We are here to help not make totally nonfactual guesses about the situation.

The rants need to end and the work needs to start this isn't a whine thread.

Everyone :chillout: and take a few minutes to read and thank this post.
One of the things we haven't listed are the places where someone would go to work very early or leave very early 6:30 -7:30 in the morning. Or what is in the area.

Now I don't want business names brought here but have we checked out the area for transient type motels. The ones where you stay for a month or months because it is a cheap place to stay. Cabins, truck stops, are there hospitals close by, all night shopping? Factories with multiple shifts?

What is in the area that might have brought someone to that area if this abductor was a stranger to Holly?

A good way to list it would be

Factory, *advertiser censored* Street Name Leave the street Number out
Motel *advertiser censored* Street Name
You need probable cause to get a search warrant.
Yes I think it's not likely a search warrant would be issued just because a small portion of a much larger search hasn't allowed access. We've seen this in other cases, owners don't want their property searched. Maybe some have something to hide that has nothing to do with Holly but I also know a lot of people just don't want to have anything to do with the government or just don't want to get involved. I've known people like that throughout my life. Of course Holly's family could have specific people in mind who LE have an inkling about but in general it's unfortunately not uncommon for property owners to not consent to searches.
One of the things we haven't listed are the places where someone would go to work very early or leave very early 6:30 -7:30 in the morning. Or what is in the area.

Now I don't want business names brought here but have we checked out the area for transient type motels. The ones where you stay for a month or months because it is a cheap place to stay. Cabins, truck stops, are there hospitals close by, all night shopping? Factories with multiple shifts?

What is in the area that might have brought someone to that area if this abductor was a stranger to Holly?

A good way to list it would be

Factory, *advertiser censored* Street Name Leave the street Number out
Motel *advertiser censored* Street Name

Convenience Market Tennessee Avenue
Convenience Market Hwy 641
One of the things we haven't listed are the places where someone would go to work very early or leave very early 6:30 -7:30 in the morning. Or what is in the area.

Now I don't want business names brought here but have we checked out the area for transient type motels. The ones where you stay for a month or months because it is a cheap place to stay. Cabins, truck stops, are there hospitals close by, all night shopping? Factories with multiple shifts?

What is in the area that might have brought someone to that area if this abductor was a stranger to Holly?

A good way to list it would be

Factory, *advertiser censored* Street Name Leave the street Number out
Motel *advertiser censored* Street Name

Good place to look this up:,_tennessee.htm

Birdsong- I-40, exit 133

Do any 24 hr busineses have video surveillance from early morning hours- prior to, say, 5AM the day Holly was abducted. Is it typically busy in the early morning hours? How many businesses in the area (besides hospitals) are 24hr?
If Holly is already dead, as some strongly believe, then I can't see where the family speaking out in public is going to help them at all. It would only satisfy the curiosity of a few. It surely won't help find her body.
As long as LE believes she is still alive, then yes, I think it might help, but again there are those few who tend to criticize them, no matter what they do or say.
Personally, I think the handwritten note was a nice touch, it made it seem more personal. That's just me.
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