TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #23

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I can't expound on this much, but i am friends with a psychic who had offered her services to the Bobo's and didn't want anything monetary for doing it and LE were the ones who nixed it. I understand that many people believe that psychics are not legit (and probably 99 out of 100 aren't), but when she told me this I thought, "WTH????" How could it possibly hurt anything?
I think people begin to think "conspiracy" or "important people involved" or even a possible LEA involved, whenever a case is this secretive, this quiet. It could mean nothing more than they have nothing to report. They apparently are not searching, they are probably busy interviewing the many RSO's in TN, as well as locals, and hoping for the best.

As far as psychics, I think most LE will always advise against it, if they are asked their opinions. They have dealt with this issue in multiple cases, most likely, and probably have had zero positive results. I doubt they forbade the family, but probably advised against it. Some psychics "see" the person alive, get the hopes up, when we later learn the victim was dead the very first day. It is a lot of emotional trauma with a very low percentage, in my opinion.
So if the family is being advised by LE and being kept up to date on their investigation, but not compromising it, to do exactly what LE are advising them to do, people are saying, no way, I would not listen to the FBI or TBI, no matter if they told me it was in the best interest of my daughter, I would be out in public, shouting at the top of my lungs, sorry, not me.
Why on earth would LE share with the public the leads or evidence they might have, if it would compromise their investigation.
Just because they aren't sharing, doesn't mean they have nothing, LE have solved many cases without the help of the public, other than the information the public gives them.

The one thing that's weird to me is the family not making public pleas but that may have more to do with the personality of the family than anything else, I don't know. At first I thought the Bring Them Home internet radio show family friend interview was shut down by the TBI but the host did say it was at the request of the family. Maybe the family believes they can do more through the community directly and through the church than through the media. My guess is that the perp is from a little farther away than most think he is though. I also think he's probably a little older than most might think also.

I tend to side with you here about the family not making pleas. But I won't pretend I know how Holly's disappearance affects them. Maybe they have a reason for being quiet. :waitasec:

I also agree with you about the perp possibly being older. I think the perp is an older white male, likely respected in the community.
Only a guess.....
So if the family is being advised by LE and being kept up to date on their investigation, but not compromising it, to do exactly what LE are advising them to do, people are saying, no way, I would not listen to the FBI or TBI, no matter if they told me it was in the best interest of my daughter, I would be out in public, shouting at the top of my lungs, sorry, not me.
Why on earth would LE share with the public the leads or evidence they might have, if it would compromise their investigation.
Just because they aren't sharing, doesn't mean they have nothing, LE have solved many cases without the help of the public, other than the information the public gives them.

When LE doesn't share what they have---even a wittle bit with the general public, and when the missing person is still missing, it IMO makes things appear like LE doesn't have a whole lot.
Hope this makes sense. ;)
I hope LE is SURE this is a local case, as they are totally not looking for national attention for Holly, nor is her family. I would hate for them to find out later they were wrong and that Holly had been driven out of state and had been alive for a period of time. I am sure the locals won't need help remembering about Holly, but the rest of the country at large has probably moved on, due to lack of information/stimulation.
Missing in Tennessee: an update
Gail Palmgren - missing for 16 days
Holly Bobo - missing for 33 days
Shelly Mook - missing for 77 days
I know very little about this case. I was going to visit my dad in a nursing home when I heard about an abduction in TN and I think they said it may not be a real abduction.
They said the brother saw his sister being taken away by a man. I thought they'd find her right away. But they had lots of daylight and it would have been best if they had been less destructive in their search... maybe they were, maybe the video I saw was misleading.

I checked that night by searching TN woman missing brother etc.... in hopes of hearing she was safe. Then the next day I looked again hoping she was safe.
What I saw in a video disturbed me.... a massive amount of people on horses, all terrain vehicles, on foot,, etc... all over the place. I thought at that time -Oh no- now they will never know what happened with all that tramping around the abduction area!! on the very day it occurred.
but I can understand how this happened knowing they were looking for her and thinking perhaps it was of extreme importance to find her fast.

I also thought that since she was a very small person 5'3" that perhaps a female could have taken her. If the brother only saw camoflauge and nothing else then he really doesn't know if it was a male or female. (maybe a jealous or angry female)

Maybe LE and family are quiet because they had a ransom request? but it has been too long for that.

It means nothing but in the video of the family ... the mother reminded me exactly of Susan Smith.

I would like to hear the 911 calls and the times they came in. Nothing should keep them from releasing the 911 calls if they think it is a stranger.
All I could find when I search for updates is that the LE are close... and just need one more clue?

I find the "one more clue" alarming if I were a Loved One being told to not speak out... if my speaking out would maybe get that one more clue...

" one more clue" what do they want ? the abductor to call and give their initials?
one more clue- what in the world does that mean.

Do they already know who took her? Do they know for sure it was not a female. A 5'9" female with boots on would look big next to 5'3" Holly. Maybe that is the one clue they need.
One more what almost every unsolved case needs...
Of course all Jmo.. I just wanted to make sure and say that right off the bat..

IMO much was bungled in those first moments of that first day[just as Fortress posted above^]..of course I too understand completely the communities reasons and feelings and urgency that were displayed that very first day..It was done out of nothing but complete care..concern for a fellow citizen..a young and helpless 5 foot girl weighing no more than a buck o5..panic..anger and determination were fueling these citizens moves that day..and IMO it destroyed anything that could've been used investigative wise in the coming days and weeks.. Fortress I, too saw the video of which you speak and until its seen you just really cannot comprehend the most likely damage that was done to these areas within those first 24hours...

Sadly I personally feel that LE/Investigators have very little of anything that is giving them a direction to focus or zoom in their focus and even begin to solve and figure out what happened that day and by whom.. I do not feel this way because of LE refusing to release info or evidence..That is SOP to not release these type things to the public.. What has my opinion formed this way is a combination of things.. I believe that LE releasing the info of their belief that it was a member of the community that was the perp was mainly formed just by the most likeliest of scenarios.. It's my opinion that in those first hours if not even those very first days that LE was leaning towards this being the boyfriend[I AM IN NO WAY SAYING HE IS A SUSPECT OR INVOLVED]but I believe that in beginning the investigation that of course they relied very heavily on what Clint Bobo saw and stated that he witnessed..It will not surprise me that whenever the 911 call is released[NO TIME SOON IMO]that it is quite possible that we may even hear CB state he saw Holly with her boyfriend being "led into the woods" or however it ends up being actually worded by CB himself when relaying the info to 911.. And it is because of CB's initial belief and therefor reporting of that he saw the bf with Holly outside their home that LE at the earliest stages of this investigation probably thought that most likely that was the case[just as many detectives/investigators I have known/spoke with over the years always say that the majority of the time in investigating a crime it is NOT necessary to "think out of the box" but rather think simple and keep it simple and that 9 times out of 10 that is what leads to resolution of a case]..So, I think they were keeping it simple in the beginning and in that leaned toward "IT" being just as "IT" appeared to be..BF leading Holly into the woods..

IMO that has most likely soon thereafter been nixed as a possibility due to boyfriends airtight alibi..possible passed poly..etc..etc.. or combo of several of those type things that led them to the conclusion that it was not gonna be that simple as they first thought in thinking that BF was there man.. I think this thought process in the extreme early stages of this case is what then allowed for the trampling and destroying of any/all possible other evidence not yet found or collected from the scene of the crime and its surrounding areas..

We saw the community come out in absolute full force because just as many have stated with an eyewitness..LE brought in within minutes.. and searchers and searches[alot of those not organized thru LE in the beginning IMO]quickly moving in and spreading out in order to find and bring this girl home..They just as many of us thought with all of those things "going for us"..seemingly in our favor[or better yet in Holly's favor] it sooooo looked as though that the chances were very high that they were gonna be able to quickly find her and bring her back..

Sadly as we now know that just didn't happen.. and now in hindsight looking back at those first hours IMO LE probably realizes that its so very possible that pieces of vital importance may have been destroyed with the fiasco unleashed in those first few hours..

LE IMO does not at this point have anything positively indicative of anything except for the fact that Holly has seemingly vanished into thin air and at this point they haven't a clue as to the who, the why, or the where to.. One of LE's most resent statements released IMO hints at their not having anything.. Agent Locke said that where as they had asked earlier for people to not call in or come in with rumors that they wanted first hand knowledge and then at the end of last week Locke states that they want anything even if is just a rumor that's been heard circulating in the community..

IMO if LE had a specific direction that their investigation had reached a point that was positively indicating a person's possible involvement..then I believe that the latest statement wouldn't have been said.. If they had part of the who, they why, or the where that was giving them insight to the perp they wouldn't want to wasting any of Holly's precious and endangered time by wanting people to report rumors that were circulating but rather only specific, certain info or details that would only further corroborate the evidence they had pointing to a certain individual...

I am still unsure of what exactly happened to Holly???..was it possibly as it it has been painted for us to see..Holly vanishing into thin air as she stepped into the tree line of her property by a camouflaged perp??..or is it possible that is could be something totally and/or completely different from that which we know so far??..Of that I still am not sure..and only time will tell..For Holly's sake I continue praying that time will come very, very soon..

Lastly there is one last thing I wanted to mention..It was a detail I learned earlier from a link posted upthread^..and until just now reading this detail I, personally had never heard peep one about it..Wondering if any other of you were already aware of this and if so where and when this detail came to you..TIA..

**Below is the actual quote and link**
Woman working at local school with Karen said she heard Karen scream and cry uncontrollably upon hearing news that her daughter may have been abducted

Is this something that is fairly well known about?..Because as I said until just now reading from the above link is the first I have heard of this..maybe I had just missed it before...

I found it to be rather informative IMO.. She's stating that when Karen first heard of the possibility of Holly's abduction[at work..the elementary school]that mom's immediate response was actually screaming and crying..Anyone else see it as odd?

Because as we've been told Karen was contacted[by Clint or by neighbor..IMO never been clarified as to which it exactly was that made that call to Karen at work]while she was at school..and we also know that she was also back home before LE made it out to the house for the initial response..

So, if it were the neighbor that made the call[as some presume] and she was telling Karen of the scream that she heard coming from near her house.. I don't see how that would lead to having the response of screaming and crying..

And if it were Clint that called mom at work this was still so very early in[possibly even before CB made 911 call he made call to mom and she instructed him to call 911 and she would be en route back home..or possibly CB had already called 911 and then mom and thats when she left school and was home before LE arrived].. Either way it so very early in when everyone trying to figure things out I just do not understand first of all who would have even categorized it as abduction right away..immediately..

IMO this detail just doesn't add up or make sense IMO.. for her to be screaming and crying at the school..Just doesn;t correlate with how very early on into the case this was.. we are talking literally within minutes..

Because Karen/Dana Bobo were said to have left the residence right at around 7am. Holly was last seen right at the time of 7:30am and then LE state they initially got to the Bobo's just shy of 8am..and LE stated that Karen Bobo was already back home at the residence when they first arrived that morning..

So given that time this just doesn't add up and make sense IMO..
"Woman working at local school with Karen said she heard Karen scream and cry uncontrollably upon hearing news that her daughter may have been abducted"

i have never seen this anywhere else, and unfortunately we have no idea if its true.

if it is true it does seem odd, and fits with one theory of the crime that i have had for some time now.
my opinions only, no facts here

I notice that as the posters on this thread become fewer, they also become more astute. I guess that the real sleuths do not give up. Yes, something about this case is incongruent. It remains one of the most tight-lipped cases I have ever seen. The America's Most Wanted show has been resolving cases for decades. How? They lay all of the evidence on the line for everyone to see. It is better to inform ten million potential witnesses than a handful of people. Yet I will bet you that there are numerous cases ten or more years old where key evidence is withheld so as to increase the chance for a future conviction. And this may define the conflict- law enforcement is naturally concerned about a sucessful conviction, whereas sleuths just want to uncover who the most likely suspect is.
"Woman working at local school with Karen said she heard Karen scream and cry uncontrollably upon hearing news that her daughter may have been abducted"

i have never seen this anywhere else, and unfortunately we have no idea if its true.

if it is true it does seem odd, and fits with one theory of the crime that i have had for some time now.

"Blood curdling scream" is how I had seen it worded.

4th comment from the top and 3rd comment from the bottom.{427D25C6-9A69-4159-BE92-9B7C52EE1012}

And Smooth, I saw it within about 24-36 hours of Holly's abduction, the next day.

Which is why I had no issue believing the initial accounts of "dragged" into the woods.

When reporters were saying "according to the police report she was dragged into the woods" and the family reacted like they did... it made perfect sense.

But yes... we have heard before that she screamed. Definitely remember that.
my opinions only, no facts here

I notice that as the posters on this thread become fewer, they also become more astute. I guess that the real sleuths do not give up. Yes, something about this case is incongruent. It remains one of the most tight-lipped cases I have ever seen. The America's Most Wanted show has been resolving cases for decades. How? They lay all of the evidence on the line for everyone to see. It is better to inform ten million potential witnesses than a handful of people. Yet I will bet you that there are numerous cases ten or more years old where key evidence is withheld so as to increase the chance for a future conviction. And this may define the conflict- law enforcement is naturally concerned about a sucessful conviction, whereas sleuths just want to uncover who the most likely suspect is.

FYI America's Most Wanted was cancelled by Fox yesterday
"Woman working at local school with Karen said she heard Karen scream and cry uncontrollably upon hearing news that her daughter may have been abducted"

i have never seen this anywhere else, and unfortunately we have no idea if its true.

if it is true it does seem odd, and fits with one theory of the crime that i have had for some time now.

Yes, this had come out early. And...exactly the way that I would react if it had been my child...
my opinions only, no facts here

I notice that as the posters on this thread become fewer, they also become more astute. I guess that the real sleuths do not give up.

Well, that's not exactly the way it is. Many of us care very much about this girl and check in here day after day. Right now speculation may be running rampant but real clues are scarce. I prefer to read cases with verified facts, and the police in this case are being very tight with their information.

So it's not about who is a real sleuth or not, but just a lull in the case.

Also there are so many other cases unresolved right now that it wouldn't be fair to say that we've "given up" on them. On the contrary - all of them are driving us to distraction for lack of something credible to discuss.

And the main thing is, we want these people to be found!!! :banghead:
I only follow this one case. I have had a lot of thoughts over the last month and have shared most of them here. With no new evidence or info there isnt much more than I can chew on...
Of course all Jmo.. I just wanted to make sure and say that right off the bat..

IMO much was bungled in those first moments of that first day[just as Fortress posted above^]..of course I too understand completely the communities reasons and feelings and urgency that were displayed that very first day..It was done out of nothing but complete care..concern for a fellow citizen..a young and helpless 5 foot girl weighing no more than a buck o5..panic..anger and determination were fueling these citizens moves that day..and IMO it destroyed anything that could've been used investigative wise in the coming days and weeks.. Fortress I, too saw the video of which you speak and until its seen you just really cannot comprehend the most likely damage that was done to these areas within those first 24hours...

Sadly I personally feel that LE/Investigators have very little of anything that is giving them a direction to focus or zoom in their focus and even begin to solve and figure out what happened that day and by whom.. I do not feel this way because of LE refusing to release info or evidence..That is SOP to not release these type things to the public.. What has my opinion formed this way is a combination of things.. I believe that LE releasing the info of their belief that it was a member of the community that was the perp was mainly formed just by the most likeliest of scenarios.. It's my opinion that in those first hours if not even those very first days that LE was leaning towards this being the boyfriend[I AM IN NO WAY SAYING HE IS A SUSPECT OR INVOLVED]but I believe that in beginning the investigation that of course they relied very heavily on what Clint Bobo saw and stated that he witnessed..It will not surprise me that whenever the 911 call is released[NO TIME SOON IMO]that it is quite possible that we may even hear CB state he saw Holly with her boyfriend being "led into the woods" or however it ends up being actually worded by CB himself when relaying the info to 911.. And it is because of CB's initial belief and therefor reporting of that he saw the bf with Holly outside their home that LE at the earliest stages of this investigation probably thought that most likely that was the case[just as many detectives/investigators I have known/spoke with over the years always say that the majority of the time in investigating a crime it is NOT necessary to "think out of the box" but rather think simple and keep it simple and that 9 times out of 10 that is what leads to resolution of a case]..So, I think they were keeping it simple in the beginning and in that leaned toward "IT" being just as "IT" appeared to be..BF leading Holly into the woods..

IMO that has most likely soon thereafter been nixed as a possibility due to boyfriends airtight alibi..possible passed poly..etc..etc.. or combo of several of those type things that led them to the conclusion that it was not gonna be that simple as they first thought in thinking that BF was there man.. I think this thought process in the extreme early stages of this case is what then allowed for the trampling and destroying of any/all possible other evidence not yet found or collected from the scene of the crime and its surrounding areas..

We saw the community come out in absolute full force because just as many have stated with an eyewitness..LE brought in within minutes.. and searchers and searches[alot of those not organized thru LE in the beginning IMO]quickly moving in and spreading out in order to find and bring this girl home..They just as many of us thought with all of those things "going for us"..seemingly in our favor[or better yet in Holly's favor] it sooooo looked as though that the chances were very high that they were gonna be able to quickly find her and bring her back..

Sadly as we now know that just didn't happen.. and now in hindsight looking back at those first hours IMO LE probably realizes that its so very possible that pieces of vital importance may have been destroyed with the fiasco unleashed in those first few hours..

LE IMO does not at this point have anything positively indicative of anything except for the fact that Holly has seemingly vanished into thin air and at this point they haven't a clue as to the who, the why, or the where to.. One of LE's most resent statements released IMO hints at their not having anything.. Agent Locke said that where as they had asked earlier for people to not call in or come in with rumors that they wanted first hand knowledge and then at the end of last week Locke states that they want anything even if is just a rumor that's been heard circulating in the community..

IMO if LE had a specific direction that their investigation had reached a point that was positively indicating a person's possible involvement..then I believe that the latest statement wouldn't have been said.. If they had part of the who, they why, or the where that was giving them insight to the perp they wouldn't want to wasting any of Holly's precious and endangered time by wanting people to report rumors that were circulating but rather only specific, certain info or details that would only further corroborate the evidence they had pointing to a certain individual...

I am still unsure of what exactly happened to Holly???..was it possibly as it it has been painted for us to see..Holly vanishing into thin air as she stepped into the tree line of her property by a camouflaged perp??..or is it possible that is could be something totally and/or completely different from that which we know so far??..Of that I still am not sure..and only time will tell..For Holly's sake I continue praying that time will come very, very soon..

Lastly there is one last thing I wanted to mention..It was a detail I learned earlier from a link posted upthread^..and until just now reading this detail I, personally had never heard peep one about it..Wondering if any other of you were already aware of this and if so where and when this detail came to you..TIA..

**Below is the actual quote and link**

Is this something that is fairly well known about?..Because as I said until just now reading from the above link is the first I have heard of this..maybe I had just missed it before...

I found it to be rather informative IMO.. She's stating that when Karen first heard of the possibility of Holly's abduction[at work..the elementary school]that mom's immediate response was actually screaming and crying..Anyone else see it as odd?

Because as we've been told Karen was contacted[by Clint or by neighbor..IMO never been clarified as to which it exactly was that made that call to Karen at work]while she was at school..and we also know that she was also back home before LE made it out to the house for the initial response..

So, if it were the neighbor that made the call[as some presume] and she was telling Karen of the scream that she heard coming from near her house.. I don't see how that would lead to having the response of screaming and crying..

And if it were Clint that called mom at work this was still so very early in[possibly even before CB made 911 call he made call to mom and she instructed him to call 911 and she would be en route back home..or possibly CB had already called 911 and then mom and thats when she left school and was home before LE arrived].. Either way it so very early in when everyone trying to figure things out I just do not understand first of all who would have even categorized it as abduction right away..immediately..

IMO this detail just doesn't add up or make sense IMO.. for her to be screaming and crying at the school..Just doesn;t correlate with how very early on into the case this was.. we are talking literally within minutes..

Because Karen/Dana Bobo were said to have left the residence right at around 7am. Holly was last seen right at the time of 7:30am and then LE state they initially got to the Bobo's just shy of 8am..and LE stated that Karen Bobo was already back home at the residence when they first arrived that morning..

So given that time this just doesn't add up and make sense IMO..

Could it be that the Kidnapper called her befor Clint did? JMO
my opinions only, no facts here

I notice that as the posters on this thread become fewer, they also become more astute. I guess that the real sleuths do not give up. Yes, something about this case is incongruent. It remains one of the most tight-lipped cases I have ever seen. The America's Most Wanted show has been resolving cases for decades. How? They lay all of the evidence on the line for everyone to see. It is better to inform ten million potential witnesses than a handful of people. Yet I will bet you that there are numerous cases ten or more years old where key evidence is withheld so as to increase the chance for a future conviction. And this may define the conflict- law enforcement is naturally concerned about a sucessful conviction, whereas sleuths just want to uncover who the most likely suspect is.

There's a pattern that emerges in many cases here at WS. When the information slows to a trickle, people will re-hash old info. (and many times things that were rumors start to be held as a fact). People then get frustrated and start to fuss at each other. It becomes very counterproductive. I check on a variety of cases every morning looking for any tidbit of info. only to find none (Alivia, Kenia, the Russells, etc.). Sometimes, patience is the only thing left after weeks/months of no news.
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