TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #24

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Where did that sentence about the body come from?? Is that a proposed scenario or did we hear that someplace??

Just responding to the conversation chain I quoted. never heard anything about a body from any source. quotes probably threw you off, sorry about that.

see JMHO.

or perhaps better accompanied by "theory" or better "ASI" = a scenario of the imagination as in "the way a-si it.
my opinions only, no facts here:
(respectfully snipped)

I repeat my question from a previous post- can any of the readers deduce a a reason why public searches seem to have been discontinued? My suggestion is non-sinister and practical, and has nothing to do with press leaks from searchers. I am just waiting for someone else to come up with my stupid idea before I will acknowldge it.

[FONT=Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial]These are not necessarily reasons to stop a public search in Holly's case, but reasons IMHO from other cases....

---there's evidence to suggest missing person is a runaway

---credible sightings of missing person

---missing person found safe

---suspect is unstable and LE is waiting for him/them to leave her alone where she's captive

---LE is negotiating a ransom

---already know who the perp is and are observing him 24/7

---LE has exhausted what they consider the boundaries of the search area

---found evidence to suggest she is no longer in TN

---found no evidence to suggest she ever actually entered the woods

---found her deceased but not revealing that to the public to see if the perp returns to check that spot (discussed already and so unlikely)

---helicopters, tracking dogs, sonar, and/or infrared yielded nothing

---missing person made a call saying her captor(s) ordered the search called off or she would be killed

---a second witness heard the missing person scream and LE was able to determine that it came from a road near the woods, not IN the woods.

---upon further questioning and more consideration, the original ear-witness to the scream realized it didn't come from the woods, just BY the woods, or that she was mistaken altogether.

---several neighbors were outside at the time and heard no scream.

---too risky for public safety to encourage them to search --- potential accidents.

---too risky for public safety for them to search, if LE is concerned about them coming upon the perp's hide-out

---untrained public searchers who are angry might be too aggressive if they encounter a suspect

---untrained searchers may not make sure they are getting enough sleep and might make mistakes that lead to injuries

---LE waiting for more information

---maybe the blood was neither the missing person's nor even human and LE believes the blood was some staging by someone

---with abducted person not dropping her purse, etc., and if the blood wasn't human, maybe they're re-evaluating the whole case

---LE knows exactly who did it and realizes a ground search makes no sense. (For example, In Australia, when police had a good idea of what had happened, they called the search off:

Again, these are off-the-top of my head OPINIONS of reasons to call off a search. Hope I haven't offended ---- e.g., I KNOW (IMHO) in Holly's case it's ridiculous to even use the word "runaway".

Another reason to call off the public searches would be if the suspected perp or perps was/were participating in the public searches. Parsons is a very small town and if the abductor is local (which LE has stated they believe to be the case), it is very likely the abductor or his accomplice(s) has "helped" search for Holly or her belongings.

I'm unable to find a source for the things not as they appear statement by LE. All my searches on Google just return me to this post on WS:

04-26-2011, 10:17 PM

Post by Plumeria5

Mark Gwyn said "sometimes things are not as they appear"

What do you think he meant by that ruling out that she didn't just run away.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TN TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #17

Does anyone have a source? I want to get the full statement and context.

I'm unable to find a source for the things not as they appear statement by LE. All my searches on Google just return me to this post on WS:

04-26-2011, 10:17 PM

Post by Plumeria5

Mark Gwyn said "sometimes things are not as they appear"

What do you think he meant by that ruling out that she didn't just run away.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TN TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #17

Does anyone have a source? I want to get the full statement and context.


It seem to me I have heard this phase a lot in missing person cases.:waitasec:
I don't recall hearing it from LE on any case I've followed.

Well darn it! I sure I heard that phase a lot in cases:innocent:

Or maybe it in my head "always expect the unexpected".

Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden...” unknown:waitrose:
I'm unable to find a source for the things not as they appear statement by LE. All my searches on Google just return me to this post on WS:

04-26-2011, 10:17 PM

Post by Plumeria5

Mark Gwyn said "sometimes things are not as they appear"

What do you think he meant by that ruling out that she didn't just run away.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TN TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #17

Does anyone have a source? I want to get the full statement and context.


Hi, BeanE,

I can't remember what source is was but it was a news article, not a blog.
I will see if I can find it. :)
It was on News Channel 5 - OpenLine on April 26th. (Link to that, not to this show specifically.)

It was after being asked why Holly's brother didn't help her if he saw it happen.
He said he can't go into details of the case.
That they know more than what is out there.
That "sometimes things are not as they appear."

Since it was a show not an article I can't link you an article... but I know it was discussed on here....

Yep... link:

I'm unable to find a source for the things not as they appear statement by LE. All my searches on Google just return me to this post on WS:

04-26-2011, 10:17 PM

Post by Plumeria5

Mark Gwyn said "sometimes things are not as they appear"

What do you think he meant by that ruling out that she didn't just run away.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TN TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #17

Does anyone have a source? I want to get the full statement and context.

It was on News Channel 5 - OpenLine on April 26th. (Link to that, not to this show specifically.)

It was after being asked why Holly's brother didn't help her if he saw it happen.
He said he can't go into details of the case.
That they know more than what is out there.
That "sometimes things are not as they appear."

Since it was a show not an article I can't link you an article... but I know it was discussed on here....

Yep... link:

Thanks, Ms Facetious! Maybe that is where I saw it!

I wonder if Mark was talking about Clint "things are not as they appear." Meaning Clint thought it was her bf and it wasn't. So, things are not as they appear? IDK
BeanE I remember it as the cousin making this statement on twitter.... have'nt found it but that is MY memory. LOL we all heard/saw it but all have a different source!
In my personal opinion, I don't know that we have the truth of the matter concerning her disappearance from the home.
I think that this is true and have felt this all along. Mark Gwyn AND Hollys cousin alluded to the "things are not what they seem" within just a couple days of each other. This was about the time that Clint was being accused and doubted by so many.

I think that a lot of what we know as " facts" between 7:15 and 8:15 the morning Holly went missing have been changed around or completely fabricated to come up with a believable time line for the public. What if LE needed to keep so many things about the disappearance " close to the vest"
that there were just too many holes in the remaining time line. They add a couple of things to make a believable story but didn't stop to think that this would point a lot of fingers at Clint even though he had nothing to do with it. I could be totally wrong but I can't get past this gut feeling.
If this is the case, then we're not just missing too many puzzle pieces, we have the wrong puzzle.
Walkers join in prayer for Bobo: Event organized to raise awareness

First Baptist Church Pastor Kevin Bromley gave reporters an update on the Bobo family's emotional condition. He said each day that passes by gets more disheartening for the family.

"Day to day," Bromley said before the crowd made their way from the Parsons Center. "They have good days and some not so good days. Obviously, they're hopeful each and every day."|head
So, the Bobo family has just been holed up in their home all this time? They are not going to the grocery store or checking in on work? I know they are devastated and they have my compassion and heartfelt prayers. But I am just wondering how this is going to end for them.....
Are they intentionally trying to avoid the public...or could LE be asking them to stay out of the public eye? This situation is so unusual...I can't figure things out.
So, the Bobo family has just been holed up in their home all this time? They are not going to the grocery store or checking in on work? I know they are devastated and they have my compassion and heartfelt prayers. But I am just wondering how this is going to end for them.....
Are they intentionally trying to avoid the public...or could LE be asking them to stay out of the public eye? This situation is so unusual...I can't figure things out.

I don't get it either, but how do we know they're holed up in their house? I mean, I kind of get this impression, too, since we haven't heard about their presence at any events or their making any public appearances, but how do we know they aren't going to the grocery store? I guess the extent isn't really important either way, because I agree that they're staying under the radar, and I can't figure it out, either.

I'm also confused about why this pastor and others decided to put on this event to raise public awareness or keep Holly's name out there (there was some wording to this effect, but I forget exactly how they put it), yet the family isn't doing this, law enforcement has called off searches and been silent, and for all intents and purposes we have every reason to assume that there's a reason. So, is this prayer walk evidence that law enforcement has NOT suggested to those close to the situation to stay silent and it's just a personal choice by the Bobos for some reason, and it turns out there's really no real reason behind it at all in terms of law enforcement requesting their silence or anything like that? Or could it be that the pastor and others who organized this walk just don't know what the family knows? I have a hard time believing that their pastor wouldn't know if law enforcement had informed them that it was best not to draw attention to the case. I also have a hard time believing that the family's pastor and others close to the situation would support something like this if they had any reason it would be harmful to the investigation. I ALSO have a hard time believing that the Bobo family would allow this to take place without speaking out if they thought raising public awareness wasn't what they should be doing.

Therefore, I guess I've reached a tentative conclusion that the Bobo's silence is a choice and does not necessarily have anything to do with the investigation. That bothers me. I'm sorry to say it, but it does. And I've been a big defender of families making these choices (made a previous post somewhere here about reading John Walsh's book that deals largely with his and his wife's decisions about publicity and media), but this isn't right. Okay, maybe I'm going too far by saying it's not right, but if there is no good reason for silence and others are out there raising awareness, Holly's own parents should be doing the same. How can others, especially nationwide, be expected to care when we get the impression that Holly's own family doesn't want or need the public attention? They need to say something. For Holly's sake. Even if they just make a statement in support of public awareness. No wonder interest is dying and people are confused about how/whether or not to help.

ETA: I don't mean to blame the family for anything. Maybe they're just not media savvy or can't emotionally handle it. I just wish they'd realize, or their PR person would realize, or SOMEONE would realize the conflicting message the public gets when the family stays at home but other organize a march, yet LE and the family see no reason to stop it. Make sense?
I agree with whomever said they think the police know something.
Today I am at a total loss. I am not only back at square one, but I have zero confidence in anything I have seen or read up to this time! Except: I standby my awe of the community response to this family. I have never seen a more impressive display.

I agree with WHO EVER it was that said "Things are not as they seem." Obviously we have been told nothing of the Holly Bobo story. Fact is all I know about Holly is that she has a pretty voice, a pretty face and is studying nursing. Period. OH yeah and is missing.
IMO Le knows way more than they're releasing. IMO her case must be very specific to her or her family. If this wasn't the case, then I would think Le would be making the public aware that this could happen again in their community, kwim. Praying for the Bobo family tonight.
Not to redirect the conversation, but I have been wondering about campus security. Does anyone know what that situation is? Is there any? If so, do they background check? Is it 24/7, or only when classes are in session? TIA for anyone who knows this.
Thanks, Ms Facetious! Maybe that is where I saw it!

I wonder if Mark was talking about Clint "things are not as they appear." Meaning Clint thought it was her bf and it wasn't. So, things are not as they appear? IDK

It is where you heard it... if you look at my link to that thread... you discuss it during that conversation. Might not be till the first page of the following thread, but you are on there. :seeya:
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