TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #25

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Ahh this is so frustrating....I really hope something comes up soon to give them a solid direction, or at least, an obvious direction. When I think about this case there are a few things that plague the surveillance police car outside of the bobo residence following her disappearance. Did LE feel the family was being watched and needed protection, or were they trying to watch the habits of the the family? I feel that LE wanted to provide extra security, which makes you think they must have reason to believe someone could/would harm, which IMO is not something you would worry about if it was random.

And the roadblocks, set up after the abduction, seem almost more like they were actions just put on for the sake of appearances....did they really have something they were looking for? Or was it just a way to canvas a lot of cars locally in hopes of seeing something amiss?

The cause of the blood splatter also boggles my mind....I have had several minor injuries(busted lip, cuts here and there, I am a terrible klutz) but none of my injuries really ever were severe enough to leave blood behind on the ground, minus when I managed to hit myself in the face with my cellphone, breaking my nose. THAT injury bled severly, and I was thinking if someone punched/hit her in the nose, not only would she be stunned, but that it would likely leave blood behind. And in the days following, if her kidnapper was transporting her with him, she may have been forced to wear large sunglasses/hats to obscure bruising on her face, so if anyone noticed a couple acting bizarre, or a woman hiding her face in the surrounding areas, it would be worth putting some thought into if it could be her.

Another point to consider is that if her abductor is serious about keeping her, her physical appearance could have changed(hair color, style, make up and clothing choices, etc.) .

Hoping we get some POSITIVE news soon.
I rarely post on WS but I have been keeping up with the Holly Bobo case for several weeks. I want to make a few observations based on what I have read. I may be off base, but I want to focus on the type person involved based on the behaviors we know. My opinions don't really add much to what is known but maybe it will spark additional thoughts or possibilities from others.

Sometimes it is easy to get focused only on the evidence or the lack of it. There are a lot of behavioral clues that can get overlooked that could lead to a sharpened list of suspects. Looking at the information we know and making some educated guesses can tell us a lot about the kind of person who took Holly Bobo (Assuming the current version of facts remains the same and ruling out the brother). The male who took Holly had planned the event in advance. We can conclude this by looking at the totality of the event. The Bobo's home was in a wooded area yet he apparently knew their schedule. Her parents had already left with only the brother and Holly home. The abductor laid in wait, was clothed in camouflage, and likely had a vehicle positioned out of sight of the Bobo home. It appears he was targeting Holly, but it is possible he was actually waiting on Clint. I further believe he likely brought a weapon (gun or knife) with him to the scene though it is not a certainty. Holly screamed when she saw the armed intruder and it was at this point the perp likely struck her either with a fist or the weapon (hence the blood). This is why she went (reluctantly) into the woods with the individual. What does all this tell us about who took Holly? Almost certainly it is someone who knows her or the family. He either knew their habits from surveillance or he had observed it as an acquaintance or neighbor. For those who are hunters, this individual followed the script for deer hunting. He scouted the area, made his plans for taking the target, wore the appropriate clothes, brought the weapon of choice, laid in wait, and subdued his target. His motives for taking Holly are not known and we really don't have great clues to lead us to a conclusion. We can rule out money (as far as we know) and criminal enterprise which are 2 reasons why individuals are abducted. This leaves sexually motivated crimes, revenge (either against Holly or a family member), or for reasons only know to the kidnapper. First, I think we can say this person has above average intelligence as evidenced by his ability to plan ahead. I believe he is a local based on a number of things including knowledge of where she lived, the fact she appears to have been targeted (likely personal motive), and even the fact he wore camouflage argues for a native. I suspect this person is fairly young. My guess, based again on all we know, is that he is between 19 and 27 years old. I believe he is a loner who had few friends and no really close relationships. My reasoning is based on the fact there has been no real information developed from local sources as far as we know (The other possibility is he isn't local and that is why no one knows anything). I think this argues for someone who isn't a talker or a social person. It also suggests someone who lives alone or with someone (perhaps a grandmother) who does not closely supervise the individual or ask questions. I think the time of the abduction, early Wednesday morning, also suggests that the abductor does not work or at least does not work a day shift. He likely is not a known criminal (would have been a suspect early on) but very well may have had minor run-ins. I personally think it is very likely he has had hunting violations or is known to wildlife officers.

(In the above I have suggested a planned event which I think is the most likely, but to be honest, Holly could have been out the evening before and the abductor followed her home, waited all night, and began the process of abducting her when he saw the parents leave in the morning. Not likely, but certainly in the realm of possibilities.)

The troubling thing about all this is we don't know why he did it. If he were simply obsessed with Holly, she may still be alive. If it were revenge or sexually motivated, she likely is not.

To summarize, I think he is a white male between the ages of 19-27 who is acquainted or familiar with Holly or the Bobo family. He is from the local area and lives alone or with a nonintrusive friend or relative. I think he has few if any friends and would be considered a loner. He is at least average intelligence but more likely above average intelligence. He probably is unemployed or sporadically employed but, if he does work, it is likely the 3rd shift. He is comfortable in the woods and is a hunter. He could have some minor run-ins with law enforcement such as poaching, trespassing, or other game laws. He will not be well known in the community as he flies under the radar.

The type individual I have suggested does not perfectly fit some of the normal characteristics for this type offender. This is an organized crime in most respects. An organized offender is usually a very social person who gets along well with others . He is cunning and methodical. He usually picks victims unknown to himself and away from where he lives. He is mobile and travels more miles than normal (In my argument in the above paragraphs about him being a loner, it is because there has been no local talk or information. That could be explained by the fact that he isn't a local). He is often focused on ritual and fantasy. People are shocked when he is arrested because he is perceived as a good person. He is often married and holds down a job. Like our current case though, he does tend to commit his crime in one area and dispose of the evidence in other locations, uses a vehicle (normally well maintained), and brings a weapon to the scene (my own speculation).

I think these same in-congruent elements are what is baffling LE. Is is a local crime? You want to think so, but what of the organized offender characteristics? If it is an organized psychopath, he may be from anywhere and Holly could have been taken anywhere. There just isn't enough evidence to be certain either way. How much more information is needed to start developing a clear vision of the offender? It is a case with more questions than answers.

Finally, let's construct a most likely narrative based on what I said at the beginning. Holly was abducted by a local who was infatuated/obsessed with her. He would have had to plan this for some time and conducted surveillance to pull off the crime as he did. If he were this careful at planning, it is not much of a stretch to think he had a well planned exit strategy as well. He knew where he was going to take her and what he was going to do with her. He didn't want to just kill her. He could have done that at the house. He led her away to his waiting vehicle to take her for a specific purpose. Again, he had a plan. Was it a sex crime? It is where our mind takes us, but maybe it is more complicated than that. He could have committed this crime much easier if it had been away from her home. Why there? Was it safer there in his mind? If so, isn't that a clue as well? Why early in the morning? Was he coming home from a 3rd shift job such as a convenience store or did he know that was the only time Holly would definitely be home and her parents would be gone? If he just wanted to have a forced sexual encounter, wouldn’t it have made sense to have done this some other place and in some other way? I think he wanted time with Holly under his control and this thought may be the most foreboding of all.

I also think the reason law enforcement has been quiet is evident from what I have suggested. Holly could be alive if this person were obsessed with Holly and had no plans to hurt but only wanted to possess her. Although a thin chance, it does provide hope. Constant pressure on this type individual could cause him to make the choice to go further than originally intended and take Holly's life. It is the one reason that would make sense to not turn up the heat locally.
DrHog...I agree with most everything you have so succinctly written. Your ideas about the perp mirror my own with a few exceptions. I feel the kidnapper is a local who is arrogant...perhaps a young man who has the protection (or over-protection) of a well-connected family. I feel he may not have acted alone, but instead used his persuasion to get a couple friends, who did not like Holly, to join him in the crime. Perhaps this act against Holly was in fact against her family or a member of her family.
I feel the friend or friends were male...but one might have been female, although I think that is less likely now.
I feel the arrogance of the main perp might get him in trouble eventually. Also, one of the accomplices (if this theory is true) might finally cave...because, as they say, the only way to silence 3 criminals is to murder 2 of them.
Thanks for your insightful post!
Holly Bobo's family vows never to give up
The Bobo family makes a couple of statements- "It seems like it gets harder everyday, but we are not giving up," mother Karen Bobo said. "We have to keep believing and keep hoping and we do."
"We will never give up. We have searched day and night. We will be there looking for her from now on no matter how long it takes," father Dana Bobo said.
The family takes some comfort in the story of Jaycee Dugard, the woman who was abducted from a bus stop near her home in South Lake Tahoe, California in 1991. "It does because we will never give up until we have her back at home," Bobo's mother said. "I cannot see any of us ever giving up until we have her back home."
Tuesday C&P Leasing is planning to unveil a decal that will be put on all trucks. It will include a picture of Bobo and the number to call with information if anyone has info.

This article talks about a piece of evidence that was found based on a tip. Wonder if it was found by "tree lines"?.........
This article is also contains numerous words that are misspelled, as if this story wasn't already the epitome of journalism.
DrHog, I also enjoyed reading your ideas. To me, two of the biggest questions would be 1) how did he first encounter her? and 2) how did he first find out where she lived? If he was a stranger who just randomly encountered her at the mall, or her work or school, how could he follow her back through the roads to her house without being noticed? The fact that he knew where she lived is very indicative to me of someone who knew her (although there are plenty of cases where stranger abductions occur at a person's home) or had encountered her before as an acquaintance. Perhaps I just don't know a lot about rural areas, but I tend to think of a remotely located house (in comparison to a big city) as a place that is harder to follow someone to (in a car) without being detected.

Based on everything I've read, I definitely think it was someone in the age range you provided, with whom she has met before, through friends, work or school. This would not be someone who outwardly expressed interest in her to the people around her, and would not have seemed to be obsessed with her.

I would be shocked to discover it was a stranger abduction, but in the event that it is, I expect that the abductor will be much older than your age range.
DrHog - enjoyed reading your theories!

Perp has to be smart since he's eluded LE this long... could have a good job and have been on vacation, or a few days off...
Smart and stays to himself, a private person who doesn't seem strange enough to call attention to himself that way...
His going to her house strikes me as something a spurned or person infatuated with her might to - he wants her to run away with him.. she doesn't want to go, he forces her...
OR he knows her schedule so well, he knows the only time she is alone is the time he chose...
She might know him, at least enough that she didn't run the moment she saw him (assuming he didn't totally surprise her)...
Since he do not know really how far into the woods he went, he may not be a hunter, may not be someone familiar with the woods...
Looking at all the young, beautiful girls who just vanish;

Kara Kopetsky, Lauren Sperier, Holly Bobo, Brittanee Drexel

and that's only four who have gotten some media attention,
does anyone think that a prostitution cartel could be kidnapping these girls? And maybe they aren't just taking females, there are so many males who go missing too, maybe they are falling victim to it too. People don't just vanish without a trace. What else could it be? Are these cases really not connected at all? They seem way too alike to not be, I mean young, beautiful, and poof, gone. No evidence. No witnesses. Idk, maybe I'm reading too much in to this. Any thoughts?

My opinions only, no facts here:

I suggest that the Holly Bobo case is distinctly different than the other cases you cite. The other three cases have the feel of "crimes of opportunity". Read about them in detail. By comparison with those cases, Holly was in the wilderness. Face it, this country has reached a state where young women should not EVEN THINK ABOUT walking down the street alone in a large town or city. I live in possibly the safest neighborhood in America, but I used to walk my 16 year old daughter to the house 25 feet away so she could babysit. I understood the reality then and I understand it now.

But Holly was out in the deep woods, virtually invisible to the predators that prowl the towns and cities where the opportunities are infinitely greater for the predator. My father lived in a very similar "wilderness" for 50 years and no crime ever occurred on his property. When it comes to the Holly Bobo case, think outside the box.
I know its been said before, but its time to ask for help! Release the information and let the public help.

You have to know when to reach out for help.
I think its gotta be a local...someone who knew her or her family. I think the "hunter" theory may be on target simply because we have someone out in the woods early in the morning, laying in wait while dressed in camo. Sounds like a "hunter" to me.

Holly's area is so secluded that I find it hard to believe a stranger would do this, although if he stalked her for days and followed her home then I suppose that is believable. Still, someone from "somewhere else" would take her and flee completely out of the area....but since so many small items of hers have been found (perhaps planted?) nearby, it leads me to believe that this was a person who was local.

Surely they have a good idea who it is....they just can't catch him (or them) with what they have. Or am I wishful thinking again?
I rarely post on WS but I have been keeping up with the Holly Bobo case for several weeks. I want to make a few observations based on what I have read. I may be off base, but I want to focus on the type person involved based on the behaviors we know. My opinions don't really add much to what is known but maybe it will spark additional thoughts or possibilities from others.

Sometimes it is easy to get focused only on the evidence or the lack of it. There are a lot of behavioral clues that can get overlooked that could lead to a sharpened list of suspects. Looking at the information we know and making some educated guesses can tell us a lot about the kind of person who took Holly Bobo (Assuming the current version of facts remains the same and ruling out the brother). The male who took Holly had planned the event in advance. We can conclude this by looking at the totality of the event. The Bobo's home was in a wooded area yet he apparently knew their schedule. Her parents had already left with only the brother and Holly home. The abductor laid in wait, was clothed in camouflage, and likely had a vehicle positioned out of sight of the Bobo home. It appears he was targeting Holly, but it is possible he was actually waiting on Clint. I further believe he likely brought a weapon (gun or knife) with him to the scene though it is not a certainty. Holly screamed when she saw the armed intruder and it was at this point the perp likely struck her either with a fist or the weapon (hence the blood). This is why she went (reluctantly) into the woods with the individual. What does all this tell us about who took Holly? Almost certainly it is someone who knows her or the family. He either knew their habits from surveillance or he had observed it as an acquaintance or neighbor. For those who are hunters, this individual followed the script for deer hunting. He scouted the area, made his plans for taking the target, wore the appropriate clothes, brought the weapon of choice, laid in wait, and subdued his target. His motives for taking Holly are not known and we really don't have great clues to lead us to a conclusion. We can rule out money (as far as we know) and criminal enterprise which are 2 reasons why individuals are abducted. This leaves sexually motivated crimes, revenge (either against Holly or a family member), or for reasons only know to the kidnapper. First, I think we can say this person has above average intelligence as evidenced by his ability to plan ahead. I believe he is a local based on a number of things including knowledge of where she lived, the fact she appears to have been targeted (likely personal motive), and even the fact he wore camouflage argues for a native. I suspect this person is fairly young. My guess, based again on all we know, is that he is between 19 and 27 years old. I believe he is a loner who had few friends and no really close relationships. My reasoning is based on the fact there has been no real information developed from local sources as far as we know (The other possibility is he isn't local and that is why no one knows anything). I think this argues for someone who isn't a talker or a social person. It also suggests someone who lives alone or with someone (perhaps a grandmother) who does not closely supervise the individual or ask questions. I think the time of the abduction, early Wednesday morning, also suggests that the abductor does not work or at least does not work a day shift. He likely is not a known criminal (would have been a suspect early on) but very well may have had minor run-ins. I personally think it is very likely he has had hunting violations or is known to wildlife officers.

(In the above I have suggested a planned event which I think is the most likely, but to be honest, Holly could have been out the evening before and the abductor followed her home, waited all night, and began the process of abducting her when he saw the parents leave in the morning. Not likely, but certainly in the realm of possibilities.)

The troubling thing about all this is we don't know why he did it. If he were simply obsessed with Holly, she may still be alive. If it were revenge or sexually motivated, she likely is not.

To summarize, I think he is a white male between the ages of 19-27 who is acquainted or familiar with Holly or the Bobo family. He is from the local area and lives alone or with a nonintrusive friend or relative. I think he has few if any friends and would be considered a loner. He is at least average intelligence but more likely above average intelligence. He probably is unemployed or sporadically employed but, if he does work, it is likely the 3rd shift. He is comfortable in the woods and is a hunter. He could have some minor run-ins with law enforcement such as poaching, trespassing, or other game laws. He will not be well known in the community as he flies under the radar.

The type individual I have suggested does not perfectly fit some of the normal characteristics for this type offender. This is an organized crime in most respects. An organized offender is usually a very social person who gets along well with others . He is cunning and methodical. He usually picks victims unknown to himself and away from where he lives. He is mobile and travels more miles than normal (In my argument in the above paragraphs about him being a loner, it is because there has been no local talk or information. That could be explained by the fact that he isn't a local). He is often focused on ritual and fantasy. People are shocked when he is arrested because he is perceived as a good person. He is often married and holds down a job. Like our current case though, he does tend to commit his crime in one area and dispose of the evidence in other locations, uses a vehicle (normally well maintained), and brings a weapon to the scene (my own speculation).

I think these same in-congruent elements are what is baffling LE. Is is a local crime? You want to think so, but what of the organized offender characteristics? If it is an organized psychopath, he may be from anywhere and Holly could have been taken anywhere. There just isn't enough evidence to be certain either way. How much more information is needed to start developing a clear vision of the offender? It is a case with more questions than answers.

Finally, let's construct a most likely narrative based on what I said at the beginning. Holly was abducted by a local who was infatuated/obsessed with her. He would have had to plan this for some time and conducted surveillance to pull off the crime as he did. If he were this careful at planning, it is not much of a stretch to think he had a well planned exit strategy as well. He knew where he was going to take her and what he was going to do with her. He didn't want to just kill her. He could have done that at the house. He led her away to his waiting vehicle to take her for a specific purpose. Again, he had a plan. Was it a sex crime? It is where our mind takes us, but maybe it is more complicated than that. He could have committed this crime much easier if it had been away from her home. Why there? Was it safer there in his mind? If so, isn't that a clue as well? Why early in the morning? Was he coming home from a 3rd shift job such as a convenience store or did he know that was the only time Holly would definitely be home and her parents would be gone? If he just wanted to have a forced sexual encounter, wouldn’t it have made sense to have done this some other place and in some other way? I think he wanted time with Holly under his control and this thought may be the most foreboding of all.

I also think the reason law enforcement has been quiet is evident from what I have suggested. Holly could be alive if this person were obsessed with Holly and had no plans to hurt but only wanted to possess her. Although a thin chance, it does provide hope. Constant pressure on this type individual could cause him to make the choice to go further than originally intended and take Holly's life. It is the one reason that would make sense to not turn up the heat locally.
Nice post Drhog, very well thought out. I mostly agree with most everything you said except for the last paragraph, not that it couldn't be the case here. That line of logic can only be effective if you know who the perp is, but cannot locate the victim. If the concern was the perp feeling pressure, it would be analogous to a hostage situation. You would be very cautious in dealing with a hostage situation because the only conclusions are arrest or death, but you would want to minimize casualties and the silence would be ideal. Also this kind of situation could not last forever, something would eventually have to give. On the flip side, If you did not know who the perp is or where the victim is, the silence would not help locating the victim. Hypothetically, the perp could keep the victim locked in a basement indefinitely and without any leads to find them, you would have to keep trying to generate leads and ideally keep the pressure on the perp or acquaintances to make them expose themselves. Do you think that when the perp is tired of the victim, will they just let them go? Probably not, it's far more likely they would dispose of the victim, hence the need to constantly generate any form of pressure in this situation.
Other possible reasons LE may go silent in a MP investigation- Corruption in some level of LE involved in the investigation, possible perp inserting themselves into an investigation in a seemingly friendly way, mistrust between various LE agencies, covering for possible LE mistakes made during the investigation, etc...
Also keep in mind, it isn't always LE that solves cases, many many times it is an informed public that tips off LE as to what happened or where to find a suspect.
I think its gotta be a local...someone who knew her or her family. I think the "hunter" theory may be on target simply because we have someone out in the woods early in the morning, laying in wait while dressed in camo. Sounds like a "hunter" to me.

Holly's area is so secluded that I find it hard to believe a stranger would do this, although if he stalked her for days and followed her home then I suppose that is believable. Still, someone from "somewhere else" would take her and flee completely out of the area....but since so many small items of hers have been found (perhaps planted?) nearby, it leads me to believe that this was a person who was local.

Surely they have a good idea who it is....they just can't catch him (or them) with what they have. Or am I wishful thinking again?

Or someone with relatives in the area? A family member or friend who often stayed and perhaps hunted there? Someone in Darden holds the answers, imo and is not talking.
Can someone please help me?

I am trying to determine what school it was that Holly took nursing at, and I can't seem to find it? I am examining a possible link to another case. TIA
Can someone please help me?

I am trying to determine what school it was that Holly took nursing at, and I can't seem to find it? I am examining a possible link to another case. TIA

From this article:

"Bud Grimes, a spokesman for the University of Tennessee at Martin, said Bobo was studying to be a licensed practical nurse through the Tennessee Technology Center. She was taking classes at the university's extension campus in Parsons, but was not a UT-Martin student."

Been discussed a bit here in the past with pics of the campus (single building and parking lot) etc.
It is just a feeling, no way to prove this at all, but this sad case reminds me of the ordeal of the Groene's and even of the Smart's, in that in the first case they were zeroed in on by a total stranger from far away, in the second case an aquaintance, both certainly "survivalist" types (in their minds, anyway). It feels even more like the Groene's case than the Smart's, in my gut.

This person wearing cammo, lurking in the woods, going into the woods, violent, etc - for some reason it gives me a feeling he took her and has her somewheres. I think Dr. Hog's post about the person having run-ins likely with game wardens is VERY IMPORTANT and should be checked by LE.
At this rate (being almost 3 months) would her body be bones by now?

What's even sadder is that there was at least once where there was speculation that she was found alive. :(

I will be shocked if she is somehow still alive and I will be even more shocked if the person who did this was a stranger.
yep pretty sad , i remember strongly feeling that LE almost had it solved but were just proceeding carefully... and thinking if only they would release some details of evidence they have then maybe i would be reassured...

and now i dont think that they have any clue what happened at all, and i dont think any of the evidence has been of any significant help in the investigation at all.

At this rate (being almost 3 months) would her body be bones by now?

What's even sadder is that there was at least once where there was speculation that she was found alive. :(

I will be shocked if she is somehow still alive and I will be even more shocked if the person who did this was a stranger.

In the warm weather now it would be skeletonized in a week or so, let alone 3 months

This is the recent interview of the Bobo's.

Listen to dad, he says We will be there (looking over) he changes it to Looking for...YOU
I found that very interesting. JMO

Are you referring to the part at about :42? I didn't hear it this way. I replayed it several times and just heard/saw "We search day and night for her. We'll be there looking over - looking for her from now until however long it takes."

I didn't find anything odd about this. I think he just stumbled over his words a bit when he said "over," which didn't really make sense, then he changed it to "her." It would be hard to talk about something like this on camera in just a few sentences when there are so many feelings that have built up over the last few months. Although they haven't been in the media much, they've probably rehashed this with loved ones and in their own heads a billion times by now, and it can be awkward to be asked to recite the situation on the spot like that and put it in a few words.
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