TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #25

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The problem I keep having is how the family or LE stated that someone had to have known those woods to know where to enter and exit. This is why it had to be a local, and more than likely a hunter to boot. Perhaps CB went hunting and a friend of his was talking about his sister how pretty she is blah blah blah and some other in the hunting party that maybe CB only knew of but not friends with. Something like that!

I'm sure CB has racked his brain on anyone he might have run into that could be a suspect. If I were LE I would ask CB to think hard on anyone who has ever made a comment good or bad about his sister to him.

IT is something and I hope that was already done.

For a stranger, lets say HB was on the interstate and a trucker saw her, followed her when she got off the exit and to her home. This stranger would have to know the area, the enter and exits spots of the woods, when to grab her and it wouldn't be a noise truck would it?
Let me just say I'm stumped, and Bean has followed this closer than I have so I will respect and try to follow her instincts.

You know I can see a mild stalker and HB not mention it to anyone. She is a very pretty girl and probably got so use to guys staring and trying to hit on her. It probably was something like that and she just brushed it off as another guy trying to hit on her.
Someone who followed her could have done so a day or two before and figured out his escape route. It would not be that difficult or unprecented. Stalkers, serials, etc. often choose their victim, watch them for a while and then strike. I hope LE does not think it HAD to be someone local or familiar with those woods, I don't believe that.
Let me just say I'm stumped, and Bean has followed this closer than I have so I will respect and try to follow her instincts.

You know I can see a mild stalker and HB not mention it to anyone. She is a very pretty girl and probably got so use to guys staring and trying to hit on her. It probably was something like that and she just brushed it off as another guy trying to hit on her.

BBM. Thank you so much for your confidence in me, Lera, but for God's sake, don't anybody follow me - I'm lost! :floorlaugh:
BBM. Thank you so much for your confidence in me, Lera, but for God's sake, don't anybody follow me - I'm lost! :floorlaugh:

Well, the problem is not enough facts for any of us to go on as usually the case. I mean she could have been sold to a slave owner. Gosh she could be anywhere alive.

I keep checking back in hopes of a news break but I'm always left disappointed.
My normal feeling to to focus on someone close to the victim... like the family, estranged ex husband, stalker boyfriend, crazy co worker, etc. Shelly Mook, Drew Peterson's two wives, Lacey Peterson, etc. fall into this category. This kind of killer usually goes to some great lengths to hide the body. But also they are at least suspected by the rest of the family and LE even if its hard to officially charge them. Missing women in this category all have friends of family that come forward and say so and so threatened them, was abusive, told them if they left they would kill them, etc.

Plus you have just the crazed killer stalker like the guys that killed Rebecca Schaeffer, John Hinkley, etc. They dont seem to hide their action or the body.

In Holly's case you can probably rule out a crime based on a risky behaviours like drug deals gone bad (Krista Dittmeyer)

You can also probably rule out some kind of mental disorder or drug/alcohol abuse (Mitrice Richards).

Then you have the sex offender type killer who may abduct someone from a home or out in the community. Again they seem more impulse type killers. They may hide the body but not so well and because they are repeat offenders they get caught. This would be someone like John Gardener who killed Chelsea King and Amber Duboise. He was already in the system for raping another girl and the case against him in Chelsea and Ambers deaths quickly built up against him. Chelsea's body was found fairly easily and evidence recovered from the crime scene led right back to Gardener.

Oh and don't forget the girls that hang out with suspect friends, often while drinking or doing drugs. I suspect this in cases like Lauren Spierer, Brittnee Drexel, etc. Someone that was with those girls when they disappeared knows what happens. And again, the families of those girls have said as much. They may not be able to name someone but they have ideas. And those families have spoken out. Morgan Harrington sort of falls into this category too. None of her friends seemed to pay much attention and its not known why she left the concert. And the last time she was seen was hitch hiking on a bridge... Its not like she was taken from her house she was out where someone could get her.

True stranger abductions seem somewhat rare compared to all those other kinds of abductions and murders. They do happen but I think all of the above scenarios happen 100 times more often. Elizabeth Smart isnt really a total stranger abduction either. Her family and sister knew the guy that took her they just didnt recall him.

In Holly's case none of the above SEEM to apply. Possibly someone had been to the home to do some work or something and saw Holly. But no one has ever recalled such a person or said "hey what about that guy that was here in February... "

When the case was first reported the details did make Clint look suspicious. Remember this was said to be a home invasion, that clint saw his sister being dragged away, etc. I think most people should wonder wtf didn't he try to stop it? That obviously influenced Pat Brown's statements that have aired on TV a couple times implicating Clint. No matter where or how the reporting errors were made, they were made, and that made an impression on people. Its like when the newspaper prints something wrong and everyone reads it, no one sees the correction 3 days later on page 200.

But so far this whole story just does not add up. He saw it he didnt see it she was in fear for her life, they were just walking, there was blood, the blood was a tiny amount, the blood was pools or flecks, the blood was across the yard, there were 2, 3, 4, 911 calls. The mom called 911, the mom didn't call 911. People went into the woods searching, they didnt go into the woods...
One question too that no one has ever answered (that I know of) is did Holly work? Most 20 year olds, even going to college, have or have had some jobs somewhere. That would put her in contact with more potential suspects.

Another question that I have not seen addressed is I assume there has been no activity on a bank account of Holly's. Again I assume a 20 year old would have a bank account.
Not just activity after she disappared but right before or around the same time (like in Eve Carson's case where she was abducted and taken to a bank to withdrawl money).
My normal feeling to to focus on someone close to the victim... like the family, estranged ex husband, stalker boyfriend, crazy co worker, etc. Shelly Mook, Drew Peterson's two wives, Lacey Peterson, etc. fall into this category. This kind of killer usually goes to some great lengths to hide the body. But also they are at least suspected by the rest of the family and LE even if its hard to officially charge them. Missing women in this category all have friends of family that come forward and say so and so threatened them, was abusive, told them if they left they would kill them, etc.

Plus you have just the crazed killer stalker like the guys that killed Rebecca Schaeffer, John Hinkley, etc. They dont seem to hide their action or the body.

In Holly's case you can probably rule out a crime based on a risky behaviours like drug deals gone bad (Krista Dittmeyer)

You can also probably rule out some kind of mental disorder or drug/alcohol abuse (Mitrice Richards).

Then you have the sex offender type killer who may abduct someone from a home or out in the community. Again they seem more impulse type killers. They may hide the body but not so well and because they are repeat offenders they get caught. This would be someone like John Gardener who killed Chelsea King and Amber Duboise. He was already in the system for raping another girl and the case against him in Chelsea and Ambers deaths quickly built up against him. Chelsea's body was found fairly easily and evidence recovered from the crime scene led right back to Gardener.

Oh and don't forget the girls that hang out with suspect friends, often while drinking or doing drugs. I suspect this in cases like Lauren Spierer, Brittnee Drexel, etc. Someone that was with those girls when they disappeared knows what happens. And again, the families of those girls have said as much. They may not be able to name someone but they have ideas. And those families have spoken out. Morgan Harrington sort of falls into this category too. None of her friends seemed to pay much attention and its not known why she left the concert. And the last time she was seen was hitch hiking on a bridge... Its not like she was taken from her house she was out where someone could get her.

True stranger abductions seem somewhat rare compared to all those other kinds of abductions and murders. They do happen but I think all of the above scenarios happen 100 times more often. Elizabeth Smart isnt really a total stranger abduction either. Her family and sister knew the guy that took her they just didnt recall him.

In Holly's case none of the above SEEM to apply. Possibly someone had been to the home to do some work or something and saw Holly. But no one has ever recalled such a person or said "hey what about that guy that was here in February... "

When the case was first reported the details did make Clint look suspicious. Remember this was said to be a home invasion, that clint saw his sister being dragged away, etc. I think most people should wonder wtf didn't he try to stop it? That obviously influenced Pat Brown's statements that have aired on TV a couple times implicating Clint. No matter where or how the reporting errors were made, they were made, and that made an impression on people. Its like when the newspaper prints something wrong and everyone reads it, no one sees the correction 3 days later on page 200.

But so far this whole story just does not add up. He saw it he didnt see it she was in fear for her life, they were just walking, there was blood, the blood was a tiny amount, the blood was pools or flecks, the blood was across the yard, there were 2, 3, 4, 911 calls. The mom called 911, the mom didn't call 911. People went into the woods searching, they didnt go into the woods...

We just do not know enough to base scenarios on related cases, but chances are this falls into one of those categories. I know a lot of people like to think stranger abduction in this case, but honestly I don't see why that is a popular thought. I could buy into a local who is a slight acquaintance to HB though. If this was a stranger from out of the area, they had local help IMO.
Why stalk for a lengthy bit of time in the deep woods during hunting season and learn all the ins and outs and the neighbors schedules(country folk spot unusual people and vehicles in their area quickly) and gauge LE reaction times, all without being noticed, when you could randomly happen upon somebody in a vulnerable place such as a highway (morgan harrington) or a populated area and blend back into the area without raising any suspicion. This is a very personal type of crime IMO. A vast majority of crimes that happen in, or outside a persons home are mainly domestic in nature, an individual specifically targeted for a crime or are collateral damage in the commission of another crime. Also look at how LE has handled this case, they seem very disinterested in anybody or anything that is not local, keeping in mind there are many LE agencies involved. The Bobo's have stated it is not unusual for hunters to be on their property that time of day/year and only locals would be aware of that, this could play into HB seemingly walking with her abductor. Many of the searches that LE conducted were in specific areas, not moving across a grid like the volunteer searches. There was one time a roadblock was setup and it was setup in one spot. I have seen it mentioned that this abductor could of taken HB with them to the interstate asap, but that again opens up the chance to be caught red handed. I find it far more likely this was a local suspect who had her in a secure location before LE even arrived at the Bobo home or before any type of search was organized. After that all bets are off. It very well could be that releasing more info than they already have or clearing up the story may point right at somebody as a suspect and LE wants to avoid that situation all together and would rather obscure the facts and say things like people have information they are not sharing or one clue away. Regardless, need to find HB to have resolution to this seemingly odd case.
I would also like to add that I always look for meaning in things, even the small things and maybe I read to much into it, but this would be the Houdini of abductions if this was a true stranger working alone.
Holly’s abduction happened right under everyone’s noses, so it’s very possible the perp may be hiding her under everyone’s noses. (The Jessica Lunsford case comes to mind.) I agree with many here on this thread that the perp is a local and is someone that is acquainted with Holly.
If he is a local and knew/knows Holly, he probably was not gone very long from home on the the word was out pretty quickly and people would have probably stood out if they were unaccounted for all day or even overnight. So maybe that is why LE thinks she is not far away?
Levi P. and Holly's mom on HLN now...nothing really new...Levi talked about RSO's, the one who was arrested days later and the one missing now. Holly's mom said that a large parameter and road blocks should have been done at once, which did not happen. She also said that TBI does not have to tell families anything and that she thinks that is a law. She knows they are working hard but is very frustrated.
Holly's mom talked about the decals for the truck...
Not hearing anything about actual searching...
If he is a local and knew/knows Holly, he probably was not gone very long from home on the the word was out pretty quickly and people would have probably stood out if they were unaccounted for all day or even overnight. So maybe that is why LE thinks she is not far away?
Well I would think that this perp did spend some time around the Bobo home that morning, making sure everything was going according to his schedule. At one point, I believe the TBI may have stated to think back to anybody who may of been missing between 5-9AM. If the abduction happens at 730AM and the TBI believes this person was back into their routine by 9AM, you could glean what TBI may consider a local. I would also think a local would dispose of her quickly in a predetermined place or secure her in a safe location asap, probably not at their house, but possibly on their own property or a property they were familiar with(knew this person never went to this dwelling or was away at the time) without arousing any suspicions. There are many old families there with a lot of property with dwellings on more than one property. I keep thinking that even in a rural area, that 730AM time frame means people will be around the neighborhood getting ready for work, taking a morning walk, etc.... and would probably spot an out of the ordinary vehicle. I also believe that being a local would make sense to take her into the woods because you have much more cover and can exit at a chosen point as oppose to throwing her in a vehicle and speeding off.
I'll probably get a thumbs down for this but it really bothers me that the family suddenly got vocal about their daughter/sister disappearance after almost 4 months.

Something irks me about it. We all know the first 24 to 48 hours are crucial in a missing person's case and I'm not suggesting that it's too late for Holly but where the heck were they almost 4 months ago??? Now, they come out and criticize all that LE has done or not done? Helllo????????

I just don't get it. Carry on..........
I'll probably get a thumbs down for this but it really bothers me that the family suddenly got vocal about their daughter/sister disappearance after almost 4 months.

Something irks me about it. We all know the first 24 to 48 hours are crucial in a missing person's case and I'm not suggesting that it's too late for Holly but where the heck were they almost 4 months ago??? Now, they come out and criticize all that LE has done or not done? Helllo????????

I just don't get it. Carry on..........

It would make more sense to me if they were alongside Marc Klaas, for instance, telling what they felt was not done properly. I am confused as well. I think they should have called him instantly anyway, just as a source of their own as a liason with LE, whether LE liked it or not.
One can know an area terrain without knowing the people living in a
certain home. How well you know an area might depend on whether you
have lived there (in the past), worked there or just hunted there from
time to time.

Anyone from a town or so away or even from a neighboring state
could have been hunting/poking around that area before
or could have lived in the area in the past and hunted
or have worked in the area in the past & thus have
knowledge of the terrain and then there is the
the possibility that someone went in looking around and then
left retracing the way they entered the area.

Or,unlikely as it might seem, he/they might have used an
internet thing like google earth
or other mapping system with an overhead sat. view to
pick out homes that were rural yet close to the interstate
and thus ripe for burglary.
(Not my pet theory but just listing possibilities.)

Since he did not take steps to get the brother out of the way
I think he did not know he was in the house
and so I don't think the home was stalked and I doubt Holly was
an intended target.

Still, Holly is gone . . .

I figure LE has the bases covered looking at local stuff so
I am thinking more of other possibilities.

Once this person had Holly I would think he would be in a hurry
to get her out of sight & I suspect he would make that
bee line for someplace he would much feel safer.
I don't think this was a burglary turned into a kidnapping because if you were going to break into a house you would not park your car so far away you had to carry your loot out through the woods to get to it. And a burglar might not have duct tape etc that this person may have had. Also a burglar who just decided to kidnap someone would not really have a plan in place for what to do when they caught someone. Just seems like if it were a burglary gone bad he would have been caught quickly or they would have foudn Hollys body quickly and not hidden too well.
I don't think this was a burglary turned into a kidnapping because
if you were going to break into a house you would not park
your car so far away you had to carry your loot out through the
woods to get to it. . .
IF LE is correct in their hint that an ATV may have been involved then he
did not have to carry his loot through the woods but transported it by
ATV. There are certain advantages to that.

Again, we do not know if he planned to burgle or just got to poking around
when opportunity offered.

As to duct tape being carried with him:
It does not necessarily mean he planned a kidnapping.
Evidently some hunters carry it around.
'. . . A hunter attacked by a grizzly bear on a remote trail said he used
duct tape to bind his bite wounds, then rode an all-terrain vehicle to his
pickup truck and drove himself to a hospital. . . .'

duct tape on a deer

'. . . Camo duct tape is a must for any bowhunter's gear bag . . .'

And burglars also sometimes carry duct tape. Just google 'burglar' and
'duct tape'. You should see many examples.
(I saw them when I searched.)
A couple things. I know WS is a victim-and-family-friendly forum, but there's been discussion about Clint, so I just have to ask this. For those who suspect he had something to do with it, what do you think the motive was? He may have been the last person to see her, he may have been a hunter, etc., etc., but WHY on earth would he kill his sister?

Now, not talking about Clint specifically, here, but I could see a brother maybe KNOWING something (not exactly what happened but maybe some possible people involved) and not speaking out for whatever reason, maybe because he's protecting a friend or afraid of somebody or maybe because he's protecting himself not because he had anything to do with the crime but because he was doing something else stupid that people would find out about (I'd like to think a 25-year-old who seems like a decent guy would get over any of those things at this point, so I'm not specifically saying this about Clint)... who knows, but I can't see why a brother in a seemingly normal family would murder his sister or have anything directly to do with it, as in setting it up. Of course we can never know everything that was going on in this family, but I just don't see what would be in it for him.

PS the items found in searches was either the perp placed them to throw off the search or indeed HB was able to leave a trail. I'm thinking it was the perp to get the LE off in a different direction.

This also got me thinking about Clint. Ever since Karen got home, I'd assume Clint was at the house, too. It's not like he could just disappear at any point that day or even in the coming days, so if he was the perp, how could he have planted the lunchbox? We know Karen saw Holly that morning, and if the neighbor really heard a scream then we've got a pretty good timeframe of when Holly went missing, so it's not as if he could have planted things before everyone found out.
Another question that I have not seen addressed is I assume there has been no activity on a bank account of Holly's. Again I assume a 20 year old would have a bank account.
Not just activity after she disappared but right before or around the same time (like in Eve Carson's case where she was abducted and taken to a bank to withdrawl money).

Totally OT, and I apologize, but I just have to ... I totally didn't know that about the EC case. My impression was that she was shot right there in the car on her road, then later they saw pictures of the perps trying to withdraw money from an ATM. At least that's how I remember it.
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