TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #25

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Bobo Family Talks about Search
By Keli McAlister
Story Created: Jun 22, 2011 at 11:03 PM CDT
Story Updated: Jun 22, 2011 at 11:03 PM CDT

Video not yet posted but article is up.

ETA: Both video and article are now up.

I am sooo happy that they personally spoke to the media. I'm sure it is difficult for them to talk about it and maybe they just needed time to do so. For some reason, I always felt they didn't speak personally because they felt it might not be good for Holly's well-being.
I also feel, as I have for a while, that her abduction has something to do with the Bobo family. NOT that they did anything to her but that this was possibly a revenge motivated crime, in addition to other motivations. Just a gut feeling that could be wrong.
I really wish Holly could be found. This case is such a mystery....
So I am trying to do the math on the time the perp had from the moment he conforts Holly till the time police arrive and begin to secure the area.

Please feel free to add an opinion, I may be missing something known here..

I plot is at about this:

1 to 2 minutes from the time dog barks till CB looks out kitchen window and sees perp with HB. 5 minutes at the outside.
After this time the perp and HB never seen agian that we know of..

5 to 10 minutes, CB goes to carport, finds blood and coke can, goes inside, calls mom and 911 and then proceeds to edge of woods where HB last seen. Sees/hears nothing.

Mom is home before police arrive at residence...Scotts Hill School 28 min at least 30 mins here.

So my math is:
Initail Abduction 1-2 mins.
Headed in the opposite direction of the road according the interpretation of "woods/treeline behind the carport.",
Out of sight or hearing of the actual crime scene in approx 5 to 10 minutes,
Out of the immediate vicinity of Swan Johnson road in at minimun as I read it 30 mins.

I can't see how its possble that HB is left during this time because within a 30 minute walking radius she would have been found by now..also I dont think there would have been time...especially if the perp had been alerted by CB calling into the woods for HB, or calling her Cell Phone...So what fits this timeline?
I just hope this poor girl is found. I have nothing to go on at all just pure gut says she is alive and being held. I just pray she is found alive soon.
Has it been published anywhere if LE has investigated any particular patients she may have been treating at the time?

Do we know..

1. Was she still in classroom only or was she in clinicals in regards to where she was at in her schooling for LPN? I assume she had clinicals (working in hospitals etc) along with book/class work as an LPN usually gets right into clinicals since the amount of time in school is shorter than an RN.

2. If she was in clinicals..where? Was she doing her OB rotation? Med-Surg rotation? Or psychiatric rotation?

3. If she was in psych rotation...who were her patients? Have any been released? What were they in psych for? Any violence?

I'm an old nurse now (lol) but as a young nurse, particularly before you knew better, it was common to share things with you patient about your life. It built rapport. And patients, particularly mentally unstable ones, can easily fixate on you. I would think in a small town, it would be pretty easy. I can see Holly saying, "Oh yeah, y'know we live out on Swan Johnson, my mom works over at blah blah blah... Fixation on you when you're a nurse happens pretty regularly in my experience..happened to me more than once.

Florence Nightengale syndrome could be in play here...JMO

does anyone know if hospital associates/patients have been investigated and cleared?

My opinions only, no facts here:

I may not fully agree with your theory, but the mention of the "Florence Nightengale syndrome" (I am sure you meant Nightingale) definitely to me shows: you are one of the special sleuths.
My opinions only, no facts here:

I may not fully agree with your theory, but the mention of the "Florence Nightengale syndrome" (I am sure you meant Nightingale) definitely to me shows: you are one of the special sleuths.

My opinions only, no facts here:

I saw the news-clip of the 2nd public appearance of the family since the crime occurred. Remarkable. Now hopefully, the family or law enforcement will hold a news conference and field questions from reporters so us sleuths can get our teeth into this case. If not, then nothing has changed, the status quo remains.
I am glad that the family spoke...I think that was important. Of course, they gave us nothing new. And it wasn't really an "interview," since I'm sure the Bobo's are limited in the answers they can give to the questions we are all wondering about.

I would like to ask:
What was Holly doing in the days and evenings leading up to her disappearance?
Do you know anyone who may have had a reason to be angry with any member of your family?

Anyone care to add some questions for that perfect interview (if we could get one!)?
The "Nightingale Effect" (or syndrome, as it is commonly known these days), occurs when a caretaker, such as a doctor or nurse, develops feelings of love or sexual desire for a patient for whom they are responsible. It is sometimes referred to for the opposite situation, where the patient develops an attachment and attraction for their caretaker. However, the later is not a classic description of the Nightingale Effect.

Does someone think that Holly had a patient for whom she developed strong romantic and erotic feelings? How would that play out by resulting in Holly's abduction? On the other hand, could Holly have had a patient who became obsessed with her? I wonder if this possibility has been eliminated by LE?
IIRC TBI says HB is NOT a run away.

I had a theory relating HB to wanting to be a singer like her cousin, - so she runs off... but in light of TBI saying she is not a run away, then she she would have to have been lured away, or at least willing to meet someone long enough that morning to be abducted...

Maybe she walked away!

Im not sure what happened to her but if it is an abduction she knew the guy!!!
And there is only one witness so we have to go by what he has said. If she wasnt abducted something happened to her in that home...JMO

LE keep saying someone knows and maybe some of her GF's know and they aint telling...
She wasnt dressed for clinicals according to the LE info. Clinicals have very strict dress code, scrubs, uniform smock, hair up, white closed toe shoes etc. She was reportedly wearing jeans and flip flops. She certainly wouldnt be allowed in any clinical setting like that. Its more likely she had class on campus that day, especially since its reported she had a test.

I didnt mean she had them that day but that is the part of the program she is in. Supposedly she had her exams the day of her disappearance. Thats been covered here before. There has been a lot of discussion about what she may/may not have been carrying with her to school that day.
Does someone think that Holly had a patient for whom she developed strong romantic and erotic feelings? How would that play out by resulting in Holly's abduction? On the other hand, could Holly have had a patient who became obsessed with her? I wonder if this possibility has been eliminated by LE?

I would think that unless LE had a specific named suspect, the names of any patient Holly worked with would be protected by various confidentiality laws.
I have not posted on Holly's threads for a good while, but the thing about a possible obsessed patient is something that crossed my mind early-on, but only my thought was concerning the fact that I believe her brother is in the social work field. I was thinking perhaps she frequently went to have lunch with him where he works (maybe he works in a mental health facility/treatment setting) and a patient there could have seen her with him and started watching and eventually was released (or could have even been an outpatient) and started secretly following and learning the family's routine. The reason I even entertained this "possible scenario" was because back in the 70's, I worked as a secretary in a mental health facility for a group of social workers and I guess I'm seeing things from that sort of perspective. All just my own speculation as I have nothing else really. Also, it crossed my mind because in the case of the VA Tech shooter, sadly, the mental health "system" failed and he evidently slipped through the cracks.
"The Bobos and investigators alike believe there are people they see in their own communities who know who took Holly. "Anyone out there who has any information, no matter how small you think it is, please, come forward with it and turn that in to authorities," said Clint."

The above quote snipped from the transcript of the second interview (sorry, too computer illiterate to know how to post links). Anyway, this quote, especially when I heard it in the video of the family's statement, gave me the distinct impression Clint has strong suspicions of who he thinks is withholding information. MOO.
"The Bobos and investigators alike believe there are people they see in their own communities who know who took Holly. "Anyone out there who has any information, no matter how small you think it is, please, come forward with it and turn that in to authorities," said Clint."

The above quote snipped from the transcript of the second interview (sorry, too computer illiterate to know how to post links). Anyway, this quote, especially when I heard it in the video of the family's statement, gave me the distinct impression Clint has strong suspicions of who he thinks is withholding information. MOO.

Yes! I think this may be why the family has not been more personally outspoken in the media. They have a good idea what has happened....and who did it....and why.
It was good to hear from the bobo family. They will never give up searching. The comment I found interesting was "LE believes holly is still in west tennessee."

I agree...don't think they're related at all, but just thought it was a weird coincidence.

I would surmise that everyone is related to someone famous somewhere in their family tree. Heck, there's probably some poor unsuspecting soul that is even related to Justin Bieber.
It was good to hear from the bobo family. They will never give up searching. The comment I found interesting was "LE believes holly is still in west tennessee."

The way they said this irritates me. I don't like it when either LE or the reporters (who knows where the exact wording actually comes from) say things like, "They have no evidence to suggest she left west Tennessee." (BTW, I support LE, so don't take that comment too seriously.) That doesn't mean anything. Does it mean they have evidence leading them to believe she did NOT leave that area? Or does it mean they have no evidence one way or the other? The way the word these things is misleading sometimes. Why tell us what they DON'T have evidence of? It doesn't really make sense. They don't have evidence of a lot of things, but it doesn't mean it didn't happen. I wonder if what they meant to say was that they have a reason to believe she didn't leave rather than they don't have a reason to believe she did?
The way they said this irritates me. I don't like it when either LE or the reporters (who knows where the exact wording actually comes from) say things like, "They have no evidence to suggest she left west Tennessee." (BTW, I support LE, so don't take that comment too seriously.) That doesn't mean anything. Does it mean they have evidence leading them to believe she did NOT leave that area? Or does it mean they have no evidence one way or the other? The way the word these things is misleading sometimes. Why tell us what they DON'T have evidence of? It doesn't really make sense. They don't have evidence of a lot of things, but it doesn't mean it didn't happen. I wonder if what they meant to say was that they have a reason to believe she didn't leave rather than they don't have a reason to believe she did?

This is all stictly my opinion, but here is why I think LE and family believe this is local.
Looking at this photo of the Bobo property

If the perp heads west from the carport(the treeline behind the carport is the what CB was quoted as saying) and since this is the closest cover, makes sense...then at some point they turn north, putting them quite close to Swan Johnson Rd which runs northwest and looks closer to the house at that point than at the actual driveway entrance. I think IF the perp's escape required crossing Swan Johnson, he would want to do it as soon as possible, to get accross that open area before the alarm has spread. It would also account for CB not seeing them when he came back out after the 911 call. In my experience, these things almost always happen exactly like you would think they would, like how people cut across the grass to avoid the 90 dregree angle of two sidewalks. Its just ingrained in most humans to take the path of least waste, especially in thick woods. Neighbors/population are obvious to the South from every map and picture Ive seen, so lets assume the perp comes in from/escapes to the north...leaving a vehicle either on the east or west side of the road, maybe or maybe not right off the road, and maybe or maybe not close to the house, but LE must have some idea where, which would indicate how long the escape took. Also Town is to the South, the most likely approach of police is from that direction..So perp reaches a vehicle and drives North to escape the immediate area. At some point they are at or near both Gooch Rd with lunchbag(remember though, this is found after first rain and near a creek) and at the site of the Easter evidence.

Any order is possible with the Easter evidence or the lunchbag left first. It could be driven both ways, however each of those ways suggest the perp heading in an different direction.

Suppose the Easter evidence is a cell phone, which was widely rumored(Sorry grandmaJ), I would think the perp tosses that out first because lots of people know that cell phone companies record GPS locations of customers, so that would worry the Perp. If that was tossed first, then it implies the perp must have headed North/North West, which agian, is away from population, and makes sense especally if he still has Holly. If we consider that Gooch road appears to be an isolated area and far enough away from the crime scene that the perp feels safe enough to re-secure HB, then we can now tie in the duct tape evidence also.

Still supposing the Easter Evidence is a cell phone, but now consider the lunchbag is tossed out first..The perp heads north from the crime scene, tosses out the lunchbag, and then South toward population and then tosses the easter evidence, but if it is a cell phone why hang onto it? Its way more dangerous to him than the lunch. I just dont buy this person is that careless.

North and West make more sense. I think LE and the family think this also, and I think its possible that looking at it this way connects the dots to area's that have been searched as well as to the RSO who tried to sell/scrap the truck a few days after the crime. I think that they very likely have a suspect, but not the evidence.

I think that if LE wants to more effectively use the public to help them find Holly, the best thing to do is to post a clear as possible timeline of the first hour/hours after the crime happened. For instance..someone may have seen something at one of the evidence locations, but at a time that seemed unrelated to the crime. We the public just don't know if its possible for the perp to have been seen at say Gooch Rd at 8am...maybe it is..and maybe somebody sees him...but doesn't think its possible for that to connected because its to early.
Also LE could release a most likely direction of travel..
Either of these things could help the public help Holly, without giving any of the "special" evidence away.

The only way I can see that they believe Holly is still in W. Tennessee is if they have a suspect or suspects who were not gone from town long enough to bring or leave her anywhere else. Otherwise, how on earth they can say this is beyond me. I am hoping they are not trying to say she is still within state lines in order to keep lead on the case, rather than FBI, if that would be a factor.
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