TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #25

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I wonder if Clint is possibly now having to take meds like an anti-depressant. IMO that would be a pretty normal affect of what's happened and possible that he is being prescribed medication to help deal with the unimaginable..

Of course not having anything to compare his "affect" before Holly's going missing it certainly could be "normal" for Clint's affect to be so flat, expressionless, monotone.. I have seen some have this same affect from certain doses of certain anti depressants. And that is why I ask if possibly Clint could be being medicated in some way to help deal and cope with, as I said previously, this unimaginable nightmare..

Just something I noticed in watching and listening to the video of Clint with mom and dad..

Still praying for Holly..
BeanE, were you able to watch/listen? Sorry, I don't live in the area, so I don't know if this was radio or TV. I wish I could find it online somewhere. Do you know how it went?

Hear the emotional message from holly bobo's mother tonight at 5 and 6 on @NC5

BeanE, were you able to watch/listen? Sorry, I don't live in the area, so I don't know if this was radio or TV. I wish I could find it online somewhere. Do you know how it went?

I wasn't able to view it either....
Mother of Holly Bobo gives statement to the press

Jackson Sun - 3:32 PM, Jun. 25, 2011


Karen Bobo thanked volunteers who showed up today and those who have been working to find her daughter since day one of the search. She also spoke out to her daughter's captor.

"To whoever has our daughter, I'm asking you to please do the right thing and let her come home," Karen Bobo said.

She and other family members had been searching for evidence of Holly Bobo throughout the morning about 10 miles west of the Decatur County Middle School

"I've been pastoring 52 years, and I've never seen a family that's gone through this level of anxiety, suffering and pain," Franks said.

"She's having a tough time," he said.

Look for the full story in print and online Sunday.|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE
About a minute and a half in on the video on this page starts the clips of Karen's message:

My opinions only, no facts here:

I confess that I really doubt that Law Enforcement reads my or any other posts. There are a zillion theories online, and some of them are correct, but which ones? How can you tell?

But I repeat, re-looking north of the abduction site near the junction of 5 Forks and Swan Johnson Road is not a total waste. It is not my absolute favorite area, but that is all I can offer up on websleuths and abide by the rules. I have no inside information. This represents complete speculation from an outsider.
Thanks for keeping up on Holly's case BeanE..... :)
Do you know when the last vigil was for Holly..??? TIA...
Thanks for keeping up on Holly's case BeanE..... :)
Do you know when the last vigil was for Holly..??? TIA...

I usually only track the events where there is info that may be case-related in the articles/videos, because I think the Facebook pages in these cases do a great job of tracking and publicizing the events.

If you take a peek at Holly's tweet archive, that's probably the fastest way to see when the last vigil was. They may even have held a vigil after the bike rally yesterday - I just don't recall seeing it (mind going blank atm lol).
I have been reading up on Dr. Giovanni Palumbo who has been stalking Country Star Shania Twain. This Dr. is from Ottawa and he put his car in a trailer and drove approx. 9 hours to Timmins (Shania's hometown) to stalk her. He also showed up to the Country awards show where he was arrested. Shania did not show up for court on April 1st so he was aquitted of stalking her. You can google him and find lots of info. Anyway, I can't find out the exact date he was released in Toronto (April 1st?, April 13th?, April 15th?, still looking into that. I don't know if someone here can find a proper link to date of release.

This Dr. is scary, could he of had time to put his car into a trailer, drive to Tennessee and grabbed Holly? Far fetched but possible? If he drove with trailer 9 hours north then he could drive his trailer south also. He has stalking behaviour with Shania so could he also have a thing for Whitney Duncan? Could he have met Holly thru some medical means at a hosital in Tennessee? He has a specialty which he is apparently very good at and known for.

I dunno, sorry for the rambling. Here is one article on him.

Dr. Giovanni Palumbo

The man was Dr. Giovanni Palumbo, a 50-year-old Ottawa doctor, who had been accused of stalking the Canadian superstar, and has been under court order to stay 500 metres away from her.
Sniped to save space:
I have been reading up on Dr. Giovanni Palumbo who has been stalking Country Star Shania Twain...........

Thanks for this info!
Since Shania has dark air, versus Holly being blonde, I wonder if that would make a difference? Whether it does or doesn't, I believe your overall point is to show the lengths a twisted mind will go to in pursuing someone, as well as wondering if the association of Holly with her cousin factors into Holly's case.
Sniped to save space:

Thanks for this info!
Since Shania has dark air, versus Holly being blonde, I wonder if that would make a difference? Whether it does or doesn't, I believe your overall point is to show the lengths a twisted mind will go to in pursuing someone, as well as wondering if the association of Holly with her cousin factors into Holly's case.

Most (not all of course) stalkers chose their victim specifically...not someone who resembles them or someone in the same is usually pretty personal, at least in their minds...if Holly had a stalker, I'd guess it one of her own. Especially since there hasn't been (apparently) any ransom demand, which might happen if this was celebrity-related.
I know everyone is please that the family "gave another statement or plea" and that is all well and good. I have brought this up before, but I would still like to know..AT THIS TIME...a CONFIRMATION from TBI of who the last person was to see Holly besides Clint and what time that was. The whole timeline is up for grabs if you ask me. I rewatched the Geraldo interview with people and Mark Fuhrman and it was CONFIRMED by TBI that the dogs did NOT scent at the treeline and the "pool of blood" was actually "Trace" evidence. Trace evidence to me means a minute amount of something, barely noticeable. And it HAS been confirmed by TBI that they know whose trace blood it is but they are not releasing that. I'm really wondering if this "trace" blood in the carport has absolutely nothing to do with the case.
If they know whose it is, that means it's either Holly's or obviously somone known to them that they have identified. I'm still really torn about this whole case. I am NOT accusing anyone, Clint, ex boyfriends, etc. but I really wish they would at least release the above info...I know, I know, in the infamous words of Mick can't always get what you want!
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