TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #27

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I have no idea if this was a rumor or if I misread something, but in one of the beginning threads for this post I swear I read that the brother wouldn't normally be there. That made sense to me because if someone was watching the household schedule they would think Holly was alone at that time. However, no amount of keywords is leading me to the posts where I remember this. Does anyone remember that?
Something to think about ... if you were planning to abduct someone, would you walk right up to their house in broad daylight, stand on their carport and grab the victim? Then walk them casually through the yard and into the woods without drawing any alert from the brother that happen to see this play out? Why risk the possibility of being seen? Granted, it is a rural area. However, if the perpetrator had planned it and knew her schedule they had to know other people lived in that house and knew something about their schedule also and know there was a possibility that one of them might be there also. Why not wait until it was certain that she was more alone or do it under the cover of darkness? If this happened as reported, this was very blatant and deliberate act. In my opinion, this action sounds like it would be done by someone that felt very comfortable on the property ... someone that knew it and had been there before. Someone she knew and knew her. Otherwise, it just doesn't make sense to me.
I have felt this way since the beginning. It is very personal to come onto somebodies property and abduct them. We are talking about a very isolated area. I find it easy to look at everything through CB eyes and work our story out from there, but the more information that we are given to work with, you can begin to see more of the crime through the abductor's eyes. For example, why use the woods as cover? Consider how dense those woods are. If this person had stalked HB and her home for any length of time, why not choose the time that HB is home alone and pull into the driveway and take her? I believe that CB was not always around the home that time of the morning, in one of the interviews it was mentioned that CB was not suppose to be there that morning. So why did the abduction have to be that day? A day when her brother was at home. I cannot get past this notion, not to say CB is guilty, but maybe this person was fully aware of CB presence? I am not sure. I just have a hard time picturing an abductor spending time talking in one spot with their victim, then having them casually walk away toward the woods and an unknown fate. Why not just grab her and go?
Why take all that time trying to abduct her? Seems they had a talk around the garage/carport and then casually walked away together. CB had enough time to call and talk to his mother at work between the garage sighting and them walking away together, so at least a couple minutes or more? Also consider that HB and abductor would of probably spent more time together at the carport before CB's sighting. So it is probably safe to say it was 4-5 minutes or so minimum between their encounter and then walking to the woods together. Does his seem like somebody trying to get HB and get out of the area asap? I am not sure. I also realize we are probably working with 1/100 of the ACTUAL story, but from what we have been given it is hard to look past some of these questions.
I have no idea if this was a rumor or if I misread something, but in one of the beginning threads for this post I swear I read that the brother wouldn't normally be there. That made sense to me because if someone was watching the household schedule they would think Holly was alone at that time. However, no amount of keywords is leading me to the posts where I remember this. Does anyone remember that?

I think you are right. I remember that from either an article or a SW post. That was where I got the idea that CB was a teen. I somehow got it in my head that he was out of school for the summer. Possibly it said something like CB is in school and wouldn't normally be home. I'm just guessing but somehow I connected him NOT being at school with him BEING at home. Therefore, I thought summer vacation.
I have no idea if this was a rumor or if I misread something, but in one of the beginning threads for this post I swear I read that the brother wouldn't normally be there. That made sense to me because if someone was watching the household schedule they would think Holly was alone at that time. However, no amount of keywords is leading me to the posts where I remember this. Does anyone remember that?
In the Open Line interview, the interviewer states that CB was not suppose to be home when the abduction occurred and then CB agrees with her statement, he does not actually say it himself.
Thank You! I guess I should watch that full interview. What creeps me out about this case is I really feel like whoever did this is either someone so close to the family that knowing their schedule would be normal or a creeper who had been watching the house for awhile.
Thank You! I guess I should watch that full interview. What creeps me out about this case is I really feel like whoever did this is either someone so close to the family that knowing their schedule would be normal or a creeper who had been watching the house for awhile.

I agree. I wonder if there is a neighbor who hung out there or a friend of CB or her father who might have been infatuated with LB. I just believe the perp knew her and she knew him. I'm probably wrong but I still believe it.
I was looking on google map of any areas that was the same description as the chart. Frankly all the areas where water is that is shown on the map is not a place a 20 year old could afford and be that secluded. Two hour drive with hill driving could take her just outside of Nashville if the chart is to be correct. Also if this guy is as the chart describes I'm willing to be he has a criminal record of some sorts. I know the FBI and local police know every single person that is anti government and a person as describe would be on their radar.

So after staying up all night with this...I'm going to bed. LOL
When I heard what Drew's Mother stated (that Apr. 13th was the first night that Drew and Holly were not together in a year), it sounded like important information to me.

Don't we always look for any change in routine at the time of a crime?
What caused that change?

Drew's Mother knows and Holly's Mother talked to Drew sometime early that morning.

BBM. This is a pretty easy one. What caused that change is that Holly was abducted the morning of Wednesday April 13th.

(The interview of Drew's grandmother was conducted on Thursday April 14th, and she says the night before (Wed Apr 13) was the first Holly and Drew had been apart in a year.

For reference, here's the article with the interview of Drew's grandmother.)
In the very beginning when TBI released the "revised" account of that morning I had a red flag go up but I didn't think of Clint as changing his story. I mentioned to a few people my thought on what was going on and everyone thought I was so far off. Well watching this case progress I am starting to think Im closer then comfort.
If you haven't followed all the speculation then this may be hard to understand.
Think for a moment that Clint did challenge this abductor, and he held a weapon on Holly and threatened to kill her if he tried to intervene.
So he got away with her.
Now think about the account TBI released. They took Clint out of the equation and even added that he had "reason" to believe he wasn't an attacker.
TBI on the other hand had "reason" to believe Holly was in fear off her life. (Hmm I wonder how)
So what I am getting at is that TBI was forced to release a misleading account of the abduction because Holly's immediate safety was in danger and a direct threat had been made on her life.
This resulted in the families silence and LE trying to kill the media coverage.
This is why Clint's account won't ever make sense until the truth is reviled.
This is why LE couldn't get their stories straight.
This is why no POI's or suspects have been named.
But most of all this is why LE has allowed the MISinformation to exist.

This is all just my opinion.
Please use caution when expanding on this for obvious reasons.
Hi. I was wondering if anyone can tell me why my post from early this morning was removed? TIA!

ETA: I think i figured out why...i copied and pasted a few paragraphs from a blog...i think thats against rules...

So ill just post the link...
A very interesting forensic astrology charts analysis on Holly's abduction:
Something to think about ... if you were planning to abduct someone, would you walk right up to their house in broad daylight, stand on their carport and grab the victim? Then walk them casually through the yard and into the woods without drawing any alert from the brother that happen to see this play out? Why risk the possibility of being seen? Granted, it is a rural area. However, if the perpetrator had planned it and knew her schedule they had to know other people lived in that house and knew something about their schedule also and know there was a possibility that one of them might be there also. Why not wait until it was certain that she was more alone or do it under the cover of darkness? If this happened as reported, this was very blatant and deliberate act. In my opinion, this action sounds like it would be done by someone that felt very comfortable on the property ... someone that knew it and had been there before. Someone she knew and knew her. Otherwise, it just doesn't make sense to me.

Not criticizing.... just conversing.... While it may not seem the best way to abduct a person (don't like the sound of that) - it worked for whomever did this. To me it shows planning, and even experience - as if the perp(s) had been watching Holly and knew this was the best way to grab her..
Hopefully, LE knows Holly's every-day routine and things she did recently before being taken and can use that to figure out why the perp(s) took her this way.
Thanks cluciano63 @519 and BeanE @528 for the correction to my post @517
On second thought, I realized that Drew's grandmother was referring to the night
of April 13th as being the first night Drew and Holly would have not been together in
a year. It was part of her explanation of how profoundly distraught he was.
So, there was no change in routine to be considered.
I would only like to ask Drew what time did he last see Holly.
I’d like to comment on CB hearing voices in the carport. CB has stated that one of the voices sounded like someone younger. How was CB able to distinguish this? Since CB was inside and the carport is outside, wouldn’t the voice be muffled? (And if the perp was whispering to Holly, I certainly do not believe CB could have heard the voice.) IMO, the only way CB would be able to distinguish the “youngness” in someone’s voice from outside, is if the person was yelling or talking very loud. Note that CB has never mentioned how loud the voices were speaking; just that he heard voices. Once again, it’s what is being left out that prevents me from figuring this out.

Thanks cluciano63 @519 and BeanE @528 for the correction to my post @517
On second thought, I realized that Drew's grandmother was referring to the night
of April 13th as being the first night Drew and Holly would have not been together in
a year. It was part of her explanation of how profoundly distraught he was.
So, there was no change in routine to be considered.
I would only like to ask Drew what time did he last see Holly.

So would I!
I’d like to comment on CB hearing voices in the carport. CB has stated that one of the voices sounded like someone younger. How was CB able to distinguish this? Since CB was inside and the carport is outside, wouldn’t the voice be muffled? (And if the perp was whispering to Holly, I certainly do not believe CB could have heard the voice.) IMO, the only way CB would be able to distinguish the “youngness” in someone’s voice from outside, is if the person was yelling or talking very loud. Note that CB has never mentioned how loud the voices were speaking; just that he heard voices. Once again, it’s what is being left out that prevents me from figuring this out.



Good Point and My thoughts exactly until I heard the Jane Velez-Mitchell interview


Clint states that he saw the figures in the garage, which is "attached to the house." Previously, I believed that the carport 35+feet behind the house was the location of the incident.

I'm not sure if that means Clint peered through a window on the door leading to the garage, or a regular window that overlooks the front of the garage and I don't want to assume. Either way it answered the question of where they were when Clint saw them.
Stolly: From what I understand the carport is behind the garage. Even though the carport is attached to the house, it's still outside of the house. From what I understand Clint was inside looking outside to the carport (which is attached to the house).
Not criticizing.... just conversing.... While it may not seem the best way to abduct a person (don't like the sound of that) - it worked for whomever did this. To me it shows planning, and even experience - as if the perp had been watching Holly and knew this was the best way to grab her..
Hopefully, LE knows Holly's every-day routine and things she did recently and cab use that to figure out why the perp(s) took her this way.

It did apparently work, you're right on that account.

If Clint didn't see / hear anything happen, or he was not at home, one would think that even if Holly's vehicle was there, the family would not have suspected foul play immediately.

The mother would presumably return at 3-4pm and probably call to see if anyone picked up Holly on the way into school. She had a test that day and had been studying since 4am.

Perhaps the mother would think that some friends from a study group picked her up to go over the exam material. Or perhaps the mother would think that after the exam, depending on her schedule, she came home, some friends picked her up and they were enjoying a night of relaxing.

Either way, the perp would have had about a 7-8 hour head start if things went to plan. Not to mention that people would be skeptical of foul play as most abductions do not occur at a secluded house at 7am.

Clint and the blood in the garage were the two large problems. As soon as Holly bled on the ground, the situation changed. People would know something serious happened to Holly and that her life was in danger.

Clint being home and actually seeing the abduction take place was another huge stroke of luck in the effort to recover Holly. The police had the relative description of the suspect, a time, and a direct the abductor headed. All of those things are a rarity in so many missing people cases.
I believe the carport is attached to the garage. Not to be confused with the converted garage. Very common to have this.
Not criticizing.... just conversing.... While it may not seem the best way to abduct a person (don't like the sound of that) - it worked for whomever did this. To me it shows planning, and even experience - as if the perp had been watching Holly and knew this was the best way to grab her.. ][B/]
Hopefully, LE knows Holly's every-day routine and things she did recently and cab use that to figure out why the perp(s) took her this way.

I agree with you, OldSteve. Shows planning and experience.

I also agree with the earlier poster who questioned why someone would walk up to Holly, knowing there was no cover around the house and it seems wide open. You could see him coming a mile away.

My thoughts only (BeanE) -- perhaps the abductor had arrived there when still dark, waiting to ambush holly. Would be interesting to know if anyone heard anything out of the ordinary during the night or Very early morning house when still dark.:twocents:
The garage seems to be at the front of the house and is enclosed (no garage doors any more) and is aparently used as living space, according to a now inactive local we had here.

The carport is immediately behind the house and connected to the house. I do not know if a door on the carport (I assume there is one) opens into the house or the back side of the garage.

Clint was in the house and looked into the garage (where he saw the silhouettes). He does not say how he did this, ie through a door, etc.

There is what appears to be a tractor or mower shed wayyyyyyy behind the house and that is probably not assocaited wtih anything that happened.
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