TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden; believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #34

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I would sure like some blanks filled in between 0530 and 0730...when Drew spoke with Karen and later Holly. Did he continue to hunt at Karen's mother's place or not?

So there is a good possibility that Drew was the last person to speak with Holly, and Clint was the last person to see her, while the male neighbor was the last person to hear her....all occurring withing minutes of each other.


Sorry, Whisperer...I just had to do that!
What is fascinating is that this story is totally devoid of the mention of Clint hearing the voices and looking out to see Holly and the camo man squatting down over something. Do we have a link to that version of the story anywhere? That was the most common aspect of the re-telling....and one that was puzzling. We all wondered why Clint didn't step out and speak to them....

I recall CB talking about it on JVM. There should be a transcript. I think the video is gone...

He said he saw Silhouettes in the garage kneeling down. It drives me crazy. You see silhouettes through a window opaque screen not through a glass window. I have no idea what he is describing, using that word.

ETA: He did tell JVM he heard voices and that is when he called his mom.
I will have to leave somebody else interpret the silhouette issue. I'm too chicken. Been there, done that...

It's no secret that many of us who have followed this case from the start hinged on Clint's every detail because, let's face it, he was the only eye witness and any clue that could be derived by the witness would help find the perp who did this to Holly. So we looked at Clint's description of the perp. In Clint's own words, he thought the person with Holly was her boyfriend. He was so convinced it was that he didn't take action (for lack of a better word). He watched, he listened and called his mom and even then he was still not totally convinced Holly was with a stranger.

If we take Clint's description of the perp and looking at photos of Holly boyfriend, imo, the 3 arrested RSO do not match the description but again, this is just my opinion from looking at photos only. I do not think the boyfriend weighs 200 lbs. Terry Britt looks like a big guy. The Nickell guy also looks big ( I have to look up his stats). The Wall guy, even Karen said he didn't fit the description.

So, we are left wondering if perhaps Clint's description could be off or we take his word for it and look at someone who is close in height and weight as Drew which we don't really have available except for pictures. Drew as far as I know has never appeared on camera since Holly's disappearance making it difficult to guess what his height and weight could be.

Or like I said, we scrap the description of the perp and look at all other possibilities regardless of what Clint saw.

Another problem we face is we can't sleuth other possibilities because people have not been named as suspects in MSM even though nobody has been ruled out.

Just as an example looking at ex boyfriends. So our only hope in finding what may have happened to Holly is what has been released in the media which is not very much. There is so much we don't know. We were just recently told of her routine. We didn't know it 17 months ago.

Who would know her routine? A stranger stalker, someone she goes to school with (known or unknown to her) and those closest to her.

We know she brought her lunch that morning. Was she planning to go to grandma's or the other places mentioned by Karen? Unfortunately, even if we look at what has been told to us about Holly's routine, one would have to question why would the perp take the risk of taking Holly at home when he could have taken her at any other number of times and locations.

So was Holly a victim of a chance opportunity for a sex offender? Someone who had been lurking in the woods and happened upon a victim?
I'd like to know why the perp would want to take her lunch bag and purse with him. If she was attacked, she most likely would have dropped it. Clint saw them kneeling...I assume she was hurt and was going to the floor.

Now at this point, IMO, no stranger is going to go down to the floor with her. A stranger is going to stand up straight and tall and either grab her and pull her up or tell her to get up. She left her coke can on the pavement.

Clint never said what she was carrying but it appears she carried her lunch, bag/purse and who knows what else with her...into the woods.
We do know that she had a very important test that morning and got up early to study. One would assume that was not a normal routine. Even if she was at school by 8 any other day, getting up at 4:30 to study and leaving a little earlier was not routine.

At 4:30 it is still dark out. Were the lights on in her room? Did her abductor watch her from the outside?

The question asked as to where her bedroom is located is an excellent one, imo.
If Clint never heard her scream, it is troubling. Where was she when she screamed? If she screamed when she was in the garage/carport then how did Clint not hear her, since he saw two "silhouettes kneeling down".

I bet many think this is when she screamed...but....
I'd like to know why the perp would want to take her lunch bag and purse with him. If she was attacked, she most likely would have dropped it. Clint saw them kneeling...I assume she was hurt and was going to the floor.

Now at this point, IMO, no stranger is going to go down to the floor with her. A stranger is going to stand up straight and tall and either grab her and pull her up or tell her to get up. She left her coke can on the pavement.

Clint never said what she was carrying but it appears she carried her lunch, bag/purse and who knows what else with her...into the woods.

The only thing I can think of is perhaps he told her to act like nothing is wrong. Walk normal, carry your stuff but shut the heck up and then when they got to a certain area she either dumped her cell and lunch bag or a struggle entailed and the items were dropped. She held on to her purse or he took her purse with the camera in it? Was the camera what he wanted all along? Not the camera for its value but what was on it?
We do know that she had a very important test that morning and got up early to study. One would assume that was not a normal routine. Even if she was at school by 8 any other day, getting up at 4:30 to study and leaving a little earlier was not routine.

At 4:30 it is still dark out. Were the lights on in her room? Did her abductor watch her from the outside?

The question asked as to where her bedroom is located is an excellent one, imo.

I would think the dogs would alert to a stranger on the property. Both parents are early risers and Dana was already leaving @ 0530. Karen would have heard the dog if a stranger was near.
If Clint never heard her scream, it is troubling. Where was she when she screamed? If she screamed when she was in the garage/carport then how did Clint not hear her, since he saw two "silhouettes kneeling down".

I bet many think this is when she screamed...but....

A lot of stuff doesn't make any sense. I agree. But maybe it's time to stop beating the dead horse (or turkey) in this case and think outside the box.

What if we scrapped everything Clint did or didn't do? Just a suggestion.

I'm just as frustrated that this case is unresolved.
I would think the dogs would alert to a stranger on the property. Both parents are early risers and Dana was already leaving @ 0530. Karen would have heard the dog if a stranger was near.

I wonder if the inside dog barked because of the neighbour? We don't know where the outside dog was at the time. That has never been confirmed.

Maybe the perp was someone the outside dog knew? I don't have a dog but if someone who was frequently in the area and the dog was familiar with the person, would it bark?

Examples: Paper guy, mailman, meter reader, etc.
I wonder if the inside dog barked because of the neighbour? We don't know where the outside dog was at the time. That has never been confirmed.

Maybe the perp was someone the outside dog knew? I don't have a dog but if someone who was frequently in the area and the dog was familiar with the person, would it bark?

Examples: Paper guy, mailman, meter reader, etc.

~n/t~, due to many indicators, imo, Holly Bobo, was abducted by a stranger or slight acquaintance sexual predator who had planned the abduction in advance. The more time that goes by without a named suspect or arrest lends more credence to this theory, imo. Stranger on stranger crimes are the most difficult to solve by investigators, and often go cold.

Many yard dogs simply do not bark at strangers, but if they do there are devices that prevent barking. There is precedence where these devices have been used by predators prior.
Dog Silencer Pro™
Silently Trains Dogs up to 300ft Away,
~n/t~, due to many indicators, imo, Holly Bobo, was abducted by a stranger or slight acquaintance sexual predator who had planned the abduction in advance. The more time that goes by without a named suspect or arrest lends more credence to this theory, imo. Stranger on stranger crimes are the most difficult to solve by investigators, and often go cold.

Many yard dogs simply do not bark at strangers, but if they do there are devices that prevent barking. There is precedence where these devices have been used by predators prior.
Dog Silencer Pro™
Silently Trains Dogs up to 300ft Away,

Wow...never heard of that dog silencer. While it's great for the owners it is also scary to think perps would be equipped with such a device. Would they even bother to carry such a thing if they have a weapon? All they have to do is shoot the dog, grab the victim and take off. It takes seconds. Not 20 minutes as in this case. That's one of the problems I'm faced with when looking at the whole picture.

Yes, stranger abductions are very real and perhaps the most difficult to solve but we know the statistics and I won't mention them again. We have many many cases here that someone close to the victim is suspected but yet the victim is still missing, no suspects, no arrests. Not saying that's the case here. It's just that right now I'm not so sure any scenario is easy to solve anymore.
Wow...never heard of that dog silencer. While it's great for the owners it is also scary to think perps would be equipped with such a device. Would they even bother to carry such a thing if they have a weapon? All they have to do is shoot the dog, grab the victim and take off. It takes seconds. Not 20 minutes as in this case. That's one of the problems I'm faced with when looking at the whole picture.

Yes, stranger abductions are very real and perhaps the most difficult to solve but we know the statistics and I won't mention them again. We have many many cases here that someone close to the victim is suspected but yet the victim is still missing, no suspects, no arrests. Not saying that's the case here. It's just that right now I'm not so sure any scenario is easy to solve anymore.

nt, actually the dog bark silencer was used in a previous Nashville, TN, Sexual Predator/Rapist's reign of terror. He would stalk the victim's house for days/weeks before attacking.. Organized predators are very calculating and creative...
Dateline- 'Through Pouring Rain' documentary..

Robert "Jason" Burdick; the forest rapist...

Police believe they have caught up with a suspected serial rapist responsible for a string of rapes in the Brentwood, Forest Hills and south Nashville neighborhoods spanning more than a decade.

Robert "Jason" Burdick, 38, was arrested Thursday while traveling on I-24 in Rutherford County.

He is believed to be the "Wooded Rapist" and, according to police, responsible for at least 13 sexual assaults between March 1994 and February of this year.(2008)
In the Mickey Shunick abduction/murder, although a stranger abduction. The predator/serial killer was identified, arrested, indicted, prosecuted, sentenced to LWOP, and her body located. All within 90 days.

The one missing ingredient from the Holly Bobo investigation and Mickey Shunick's, is the American public...

Local church members to search for Holly Bobo

Posted: Sep 21, 2012 11:05 PM EDT

Holly Bobo disappeared from her west Tennessee home on April 13, 2011.

PARSONS, Tenn. -
The team that found Nashville flood victim Danny Tomlinson will travel to Darden, Tennessee Saturday to search for missing nursing student Holly Bobo.
read more-
Where did Drew and his father go if they left the property? Did they hunt somewhere else? Was Drew still ticked off two hours after the confrontation...only Karen or Clint knows.

Wait a sec..if Drew called Karen before she left for work about this, why was it necessary to keep up the riff for Holly. Why wasn't Clint made aware of the problem. Clint is a hunter. Drew spoke with Clint the night before about hunting the next morning. Why wasn't Clint invited and why didn't Drew tell clint he would be hunting on his Gma's property instead of the Bobo property? Clint claims he never mentioned where.

In my mind, where you are going hunting would be central to your conversation about hunting....(or camping ~n/t!

because the family's various re-tellings of what happened that morning don't make sense with each other (note - i'm not blaming them for anything, i'm just stating a fact). you can be an apologist for using words that aren't synonyms, like "dragged" vs "walked" but that's a stretch imo. the timelines don't match up, the story doesn't make any sense, and the retellings i've read and heard from the horse's mouth lack the rich detail you'd get from the average person retelling an important story.

it's the difference between "i went to the market this morning and purchased a bag of red delicious apples because they were on sale" and "i bought some fruit". none of them have given a publicly available run-down of that morning that wasn't mostly one word answers.

please note - i've said from the beginning that i don't think they have anything to do with this, however i do not think the story they are telling is the entire story. we know le asked them not to release info about the blood, we know le didn't want the public to know about the phone being found, and i firmly believe there is something else going on that they're not allowed to talk about.

possible theories - 1) as others have said, the family has a good idea who the perp is but he has an alibi, 2) there's an indication holly is alive but in danger, 3) cb saw more than he is allowed to say, or perhaps heard snippets of the conversation.
because the family's various re-tellings of what happened that morning don't make sense with each other (note - i'm not blaming them for anything, i'm just stating a fact). you can be an apologist for using words that aren't synonyms, like "dragged" vs "walked" but that's a stretch imo. the timelines don't match up, the story doesn't make any sense, and the retellings i've read and heard from the horse's mouth lack the rich detail you'd get from the average person retelling an important story.

it's the difference between "i went to the market this morning and purchased a bag of red delicious apples because they were on sale" and "i bought some fruit". none of them have given a publicly available run-down of that morning that wasn't mostly one word answers.

please note - i've said from the beginning that i don't think they have anything to do with this, however i do not think the story they are telling is the entire story. we know le asked them not to release info about the blood, we know le didn't want the public to know about the phone being found, and i firmly believe there is something else going on that they're not allowed to talk about.

possible theories - 1) as others have said, the family has a good idea who the perp is but he has an alibi, 2) there's an indication holly is alive but in danger, 3) cb saw more than he is allowed to say, or perhaps heard snippets of the conversation.

4. A stranger sexual predator that stalked Holly Bobo, who fits the optimum victim profile of a predator's victim. Whereas everyone actions, or lack thereof on 04/13/2011, becomes suspicious or a suspect or poi..
Ok, who wants to play a game with me? Alright, more of an experiment than a game, but anyways.

Post a theory of what might have happened that you have NEVER posted before. Think outside the box, don't use others, let's see where it goes.

Let's see if we can't get at least 25 different possibilities.
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