TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden; believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #35

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Sorry if answered or known, but has the LE released ANYTHING about her personaility, relationship w/bf, family? Anything???

Her friend HR described her a quiet, did little but study, spend time with family, go 4 wheeling with her boyfriend, but mostly stayed home.

KB described her as shy at first but funny and loud when in her comfort zone.

I think KB also talked about how they would spend Sundays together as a family doing activities.

The boyfriend's grandmother talked about how the evening after she went missing was the first time Holly and her boyfriend weren't together. Off the top of my head that's all I can remember. It sounds like a close family and a good relationship with her boyfriend overall.
Who is the district attorney? Do they normally get involved in missing person cases before the victim is found or a suspect is apprehended?

5 days after her disappearance is when the governor announced this reward.

I've only been here a short while and have only followed a handful of cases but have seen in it a couple cases already. I also think I read somewhere where that is where the request has to come from. Not sure about that last part though.
I think in a high profile case in a small town, the D.A. might possibly involve himself early.

That reward - sounds like they knew who did it and it was a rough lot they'd be dealing with and lots of money would be needed to loosen lips, as the consequences for the person who talked might be dire.

I suppose on the one hand it doesn't hurt to put it out there, but how often do rewards even work?
i'm still going with #15(old list)/#7(new list) - kidnapped her to keep her. i think about it like this -

whoever did this planned it out. they didn't break into her house, they didn't snatch her in public, they didn't do anything sloppy like that. they waited until she was "alone" and most vulnerable, when they thought they'd have all the time in the world. i keep seeing folks asking why the perp was so leisurely and i think it's because he knew how the bobo family worked and he thought it would be hours before anyone noticed her missing. i've read that she had class twice a week, so the morning he took her was only one of two when she left at that time and i don't think it was random "luck" that he happened upon her that morning.

thinking he had all the time in the world, if this was just a simple sexual assault he could have done whatever he wanted to at her house or in her house. he didn't. instead he likely waited in the woods for her to exit her house and he got to her in the thirty seconds it takes a person to walk out their front door and get into their car. that's not a sign of being unprepared, it again points to someone who had this planned out.

this was probably not the first time he sat in the woods watching the house. he knew where to hide, he knew where to park, he had a plan for spiriting her away. when he approached her at the car he took his time talking to her. he wasn't in a hurry. in hindsight we know that law enforcement, cb, neighbors, etc were on the scene within ten to twenty minutes of this, yet he managed to get away and get her away with him...and not just "away", but so well managed that even though he thought he had all the time in the world he still hasn't been caught after a year and a half and no sign of her has been found in that time. that's another red flag of someone who had a plan a, plan b, plan c.

it's my belief that whatever articles of hers have been found have been planted by him, and he still hasn't been caught. there's no denying he's calculated, careful, exacting.

there's no part of the above m.o. that says this was random. there's no part of the above that says this was simple sexual assault, simple revenge, or trying to get rid of competition/someone who saw too much. in any of those cases you get the job done and you get out of town. you don't bother walking a hostage through the woods, you don't make sure she takes all of her stuff with her, you don't manage to disappear in twenty minutes, you don't hide her/her body so well that no one has found a trace of it in a year and a half. you don't manage to plant items of hers around town without getting caught.

once you look at how this guy operates and eliminate the options that don't make sense with his careful planning, his ability to be calm (and take ten minutes talking to her) in the middle of enacting his plan, his ability to blend in with others (such that he can plant her items without being noticed) then i don't know how you can think he's not capable of having kidnapped her as his "prize" to keep her and frankly none of the other options make sense to me. she may not be alive now, a year and a half later, but whatever he did was well planned and well executed and to me you only go to that effort if you're planning to kidnap her to keep her. :twocents:

Very good points. I would only differ with you on the bolded however. While your theory is very plausible, I don't think anything you stated would rule out a sexual predator, whether it's an RSO or someone who knew of Holly. It's not unusual for a sexual predator to abduct from one spot and take the person to a zone of comfort of his own, especially if he planned on killing her from the beginning and particularly after she was able to get a scream out. I think much of what you described about the planning and blending in also fits the way many sexual predators behave. JMHO
Shefner, imo, if Clint had not just woke up from a deep sleep, I am confident that he would have been more perceptive of the events on 04/13/2011. As an Atlanta Firefighter, many times during the night the gong would wake us from a deep sleep. At times I would not fully awake for miles down the road, til I saw the flames, and I was the driver.

The actions by the abductor that tragic morning indicates an experienced sexual predator with a preplan. The psychopathic predator had gained immediate compliance of Holly, as displayed by the screams & the blood in the carport, as well as her walking willingly with him into the woods. Imo, This indicated that he had a firearm and had threatened her, that if she attempted to warn Clint or others, that he would harm them too..

Dejavu Shefner...

He could be experienced. I just don't think so much. It took him too long to get her outta there. No experienced abductor takes 20 minutes to get the victim from the scene.
He may have had a firearm but I am doubtful it was a handgun and I am doubtful he wielded it. I am thinking something more like a knife. This was upclose and personal.
I see a perp that is 20-30 years old. Someone with something to prove. Someone obsessed with Holly. Someone she has rejected, real or imaginary. Someone jealous. Someone envious. Someone local. Someone cocky. Someone who gets what he wants. Someone who is being protected by family.
But that's just me.
BBM Aww...Kimster. I tried to click on your, "The rumors stop here." because I thought it was a link where they were all going! :D

Oh my goodness....wouldn't that be a dream?
I would have 10,000 posts by now....:rocker:
Very good points. I would only differ with you on the bolded however. While your theory is very plausible, I don't think anything you stated would rule out a sexual predator, whether it's an RSO or someone who knew of Holly. It's not unusual for a sexual predator to abduct from one spot and take the person to a zone of comfort of his own, especially if he planned on killing her from the beginning and particularly after she was able to get a scream out. I think much of what you described about the planning and blending in also fits the way many sexual predators behave. JMHO

i'm very open to that theory. when i said "simple sexual assault" i meant grabbing someone for the sole purpose of sexually assaulting them and that being the sum total of the crime. kidnapping her to take her somewhere to do that or to keep her hidden somewhere for that purpose is more in line with what i think is likely to have happened. i hope that makes sense.
I would love to have a chronological timeline of everyone Holly dated and the duration of the relationships.
I would love to have a chronological timeline of everyone Holly dated and the duration of the relationships.

i've wondered how long she dated her current boyfriend, simply because a new-ish relationship could have been the motivation someone not in their right mind needed to instigate the kidnapping (a la - "if i can't have her no one can").
supposedly Holly and Drew had been in a relationship for some time, so it was not a new relationship. Thats one reason I tend to discount the "abusive ex boyfriend" theory. He would have had to have been from some time (years?) back and someone would know about him if he existed.
i've wondered how long she dated her current boyfriend, simply because a new-ish relationship could have been the motivation someone not in their right mind needed to instigate the kidnapping (a la - "if i can't have her no one can").

Off the top of my head they had dated since August of the year before. I would have to go back and dig that up before I can say that with any certainty though.
supposedly Holly and Drew had been in a relationship for some time, so it was not a new relationship. Thats one reason I tend to discount the "abusive ex boyfriend" theory. He would have had to have been from some time (years?) back and someone would know about him if he existed.

I certainly see your point. I will add, as a guy, that we can have a hard time letting go. I like to think that I'm not some crazy psychopath but there were certainly some (not all) girlfriends that I think of from time to time to this day. Now, if a somewhat normal guy can still think back about a couple girls he dated, I can only imagine what a guy who is also a psychopath could think or do. It certainly wouldn't be a "heat of passion" type action where he took things way to far but if he is otherwise a psychopath, I can see him simmering on it until something pushed him over the edge. Not saying it's the most likely, but just that I can see it. JMHO
I certainly see your point. I will add, as a guy, that we can have a hard time letting go. I like to think that I'm not some crazy psychopath but there were certainly some (not all) girlfriends that I think of from time to time to this day. Now, if a somewhat normal guy can still think back about a couple girls he dated, I can only imagine what a guy who is also a psychopath could think or do. It certainly wouldn't be a "heat of passion" type action where he took things way to far but if he is otherwise a psychopath, I can see him simmering on it until something pushed him over the edge. Not saying it's the most likely, but just that I can see it. JMHO

Thoughts on possible ideas/actions/stressors pushing this unknown suspect 'over the edge?' TIA for what you think about this.
Thoughts on possible ideas/actions/stressors pushing this unknown suspect 'over the edge?' TIA for what you think about this.

related to him:
job loss
death in family
divorce/end of relationship
arrest or conviction
bankruptcy/money woes

related to her:
april is end of school year, maybe they shared a class and he thought he wouldn't see her again
afraid she was close to getting engaged
perceived snub by her
maybe she did something that made him realize his "love" would be unrequited (turned him down, bruised his ego unintentionally, etc)
April is the end of the school year? When is the start? Aside from that, it could be a male in her class. I have found a few cases where the student males become obsessed with a girl and tragedy happened.

Perps seem to be getting better and better at hiding bodies...even strangers are doing that now. They never used to hide them at all.
Her friend HR described her a quiet, did little but study, spend time with family, go 4 wheeling with her boyfriend, but mostly stayed home.

KB described her as shy at first but funny and loud when in her comfort zone.

I think KB also talked about how they would spend Sundays together as a family doing activities.

The boyfriend's grandmother talked about how the evening after she went missing was the first time Holly and her boyfriend weren't together. Off the top of my head that's all I can remember. It sounds like a close family and a good relationship with her boyfriend overall.

Yet no one mentioned what she did with her time off. She only attended schools 2 days a week....and all of her family worked. I am sure she must have worked. Wasn't she 21?

We are missing way too much of the story. We can sit here for years guessing and have no real facts. We know nothing about her...except she had a BF named Drew and we don't know what the story is with these two. Did they break up prior to the crime? Some say yes...but we have no facts. Her BF has never been seen since the crime and has never had one word to say about it to the media.
Holly was in the LPN program... she had classes two days a week but iirc she was also in clinicals.

I am an RN (with BSN) but from LPN's that I have talked to the program is intense.. I know as a student nurse I hardly had any free time at all. Not to mention the LPN program is accelerated.

I bet when she was not going to class or in clinicals she was studying... jmhoo but also based on personal experience.
Thoughts on possible ideas/actions/stressors pushing this unknown suspect 'over the edge?' TIA for what you think about this.

I'm no behavioral expert, so all I can do is speculate. Death in family? Lost job? Rejected by even another woman? Other problems with the law? Financial stress? It's all speculation on my part and probably as limitless as the imagination. All I was trying to point out was I don't think if it involved an ex-bf it had so much to do with being dumped by Holly (i.e. a fit of rage/crime of passion) as it did his mental makeup. I'm also not saying it's necessarily an ex-bf, although such a person would be remotely acquainted with Holly at the time.
related to him:
job loss
death in family
divorce/end of relationship
arrest or conviction
bankruptcy/money woes

related to her:
april is end of school year, maybe they shared a class and he thought he wouldn't see her again
afraid she was close to getting engaged
perceived snub by her
maybe she did something that made him realize his "love" would be unrequited (turned him down, bruised his ego unintentionally, etc)

Personally, if you're considering ex-boyfriends, more than "love" I think Holly represented perfection, all that is good in life. So when things in his life don't go so well he gets jealous or even blames Holly. "If she didn't dump me, my life would be perfect too, I wouldn't have to deal with this (insert stressor)". I can even imagine there being several stressors over time that caused this boil and build up inside him, then one stressor sent him over the edge. With this theory, it really is more about hate than "love". He may consider it unrequited love but in reality it's hate.
so going off the clinicals aspect... I wonder if anyone could have become fixated at her while she was at the hospital doing clinicals?

How about anyone associated with the girls she carpooled with to clinicals (darn my brain vaults are dusty on this case, but I can recall one of her friends talking about that...)

There was just another case in TN this past week where a man murdered the friend of his daughter who carpooled with her to nursing school (yes, I checked.. it is two hours away... but I almost posted it as a possible connection until I mapped it out)

I still look at this guy every once in a while:

(I posted on him way back in the early days of Holly's case as he is still on the loose and is known to hide out in the woods.. and also known to work in hospitals.. eta: and photos of the guys wife that he murdered resemble Holly a bit....)
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