TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden; believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #35

DNA Solves
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Gotcha! Whew. Thank you for clearing that up because others could have assumed what I started to assume. And that's right, I forgot she would more apt be at church than a bar. :doh:
Gotcha! Whew. Thank you for clearing that up because others could have assumed what I started to assume. And that's right, I forgot she would more apt be at church than a bar. :doh:

On the last AMW episode they released a video of her singing at church.
And there very well could have been someone at her church who became obsessed with her. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going into a garage makes you a car.
And there very well could have been someone at her church who became obsessed with her. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going into a garage makes you a car.

A family infamous locally for its crimes might, in its encompassing badness, be able to keep the lid on if one of its own committed this act. Does such a family exist? Could they have had reason to kidnap Holly Bobo?
A family infamous locally for its crimes might, in its encompassing badness, be able to keep the lid on if one of its own committed this act. Does such a family exist? Could they have had reason to kidnap Holly Bobo?

I would venture to guess that Parsons/Darden, TN is not immune to crimes. Drugs, robberies, home invasions, etc.

As a matter of fact, not too long ago, I read an article about how small towns have become the "go to" for crimes. Drugs, prostitution, gangs, etc.

We know drug crimes are a huge problem in Tennessee enough so that a big chunk of their crime stopping resources are allocated there.

So yeah. I think such a family could exist. As to why they would kidnap Holly there could be a number of reasons, imo One example as mentioned by others early on is perhaps she witnessed something or knew too much, directly or indirectly.

I still think the likelihood of it being drug related is very slim though. I think a stalker/obsession creep is more probable, imo
I do think looking at recent bookings or just men in the area committing crimes could be fruitful. I am always amazed by how many people who do stuff like this have related, but perhaps more minor crimes on their record. Like, Mickey Shunick's murderer had charges for sexual misconduct.
For some reason, I have a feeling whomever did this has a record, but not one that would immediately make him suspicious. Like, maybe some misdemeanor stuff, but Holly was his first obsession.
I may be way off, but in the absence of further evidence that is what it feels like to me right now.
I do think looking at recent bookings or just men in the area committing crimes could be fruitful. I am always amazed by how many people who do stuff like this have related, but perhaps more minor crimes on their record. Like, Mickey Shunick's murderer had charges for sexual misconduct.
For some reason, I have a feeling whomever did this has a record, but not one that would immediately make him suspicious. Like, maybe some misdemeanor stuff, but Holly was his first obsession.
I may be way off, but in the absence of further evidence that is what it feels like to me right now.

The problem I have with that theory is if the perp was incarcerated for another crime, wouldn't they have their fingerprints/DNA on file? One would assume fingerprints/DNA was taken at the Bobo home, Holly's vehicle. What about footprints? The perp walked into the woods with Holly. Surley there would be footprints. A connection would be made somehow. I think. No?
The search criteria asks for a county. Does anyone know what County would be closest to the Bobo's? Decatur/Parsons/Darden doesn't appear on the list. :waitasec:

Henderson County.
Henderson County.

Thanks. Henderson County is not on the scroll down list either.

These are the choices:

The problem I have with that theory is if the perp was incarcerated for another crime, wouldn't they have their fingerprints/DNA on file? One would assume fingerprints/DNA was taken at the Bobo home, Holly's vehicle. What about footprints? The perp walked into the woods with Holly. Surley there would be footprints. A connection would be made somehow. I think. No?

I know little about forensics since watching "Bones" doesn't teach me anything, but I'll 'step' out and say I think the conditions have to be just right to get any footprints or fingerprints. When someone stole my pond pump, it was summer with dirt all around the pond and the driveway and still there were no footprints. As for fingerprints, I worked in an office where they busted the front window and came in the place and stole all the computers. Detectives tried to get a print on a lot of tables, chairs, etc. and couldn't lift any at all.

BTW, I was watching "Bones" one night and they said Weeping Lovegrass can only be found on another continent. That's just NOT true. I live in one of the biggest grass seed producing areas in the world - the Willamette Valley - and the farmers deal in Weeping Lovegrass here. I just had to insert that. :blushing:
Thanks. Henderson County is not on the scroll down list either.

These are the choices:


Henderson is the closest county in the area of Holly's home.
But as you can see here:
TN has a lot of counties!
So for example if we go into Decauter, we're just next door to Henderson but that may make a difference in registries and crime patterns and that sort of thing.

TN is not a huge state, but it is long; and as a result there are a couple of major thoroughfares that cut through, as well as some very densely populated cities not far from where Holly was abducted from her home.

I think it's worth looking into the arrests in all surrounding counties, after she was abducted.
Respectfully snipped for space because OMG this made me laugh:

<BTW, I was watching "Bones" one night and they said Weeping Lovegrass can only be found on another continent>

I just recently had a botanist tell me that kudzu seeds will only germinate in the fall.
What??? ?
Tell me that when it's May and the seeds are sprouting!
The problem I have with that theory is if the perp was incarcerated for another crime, wouldn't they have their fingerprints/DNA on file? One would assume fingerprints/DNA was taken at the Bobo home, Holly's vehicle. What about footprints? The perp walked into the woods with Holly. Surley there would be footprints. A connection would be made somehow. I think. No?

Are footprints usually recorded when you have committed another crime?
I am not sure the person would have left fingerprints or DNA either. We do not know he touched the car. He could have just touched Holly or even worn gloves. If she didn't fight him I don't think his hair would have necessarily been at the scene or something and he was wearing camo so that covers a LOT. Sometimes they even have something that covers your face though Clint did not clarify.
Also, do they get your DNA if you just have misdemeanors? I was more thinking some kind of small petty crime and I didn't think they took DNA for that though they would fingerprints.
Clues. Do they have mug shots in the area and one could look at them and see if someone was arrested wearing camo? That's just one example. I was watching a lot of cases via Netflix on the Investigative channel and it boggled my mind at the clues out there on so many solved crimes that were overlooked. The Kristi Cornwell case is one example. Not that the clues are similar, but how they were able to put what little they had together to find the killer.

Yes! I find that amazing too, and similarly, a few cases in which even though there were massive searches, the victim is found not far from the victim's home, or where the crime took place.

I'm still stuck on a couple of things about this case that are unusual:

The long conversation between Holly and the .
The way so many, many people arrived so quickly at her house (in a rural area) and overran the crime seen.
The way so many agencies became involved so quickly (had to be bureaucratic confusion).
State Governor got involved so quickly with a large reward.

Not disparaging, those who tried to help, or the gov putting up a reward, just things that set this case apart..

The tremendous turn out of locals - like everyone is listening in on scanners, or whatever; yet despite all this connectivity - no one sees Holly being driven away, or on the road, or anything stranger taking place.

A paradox - really tight knit community with so many willing to help, yet whomever did this seems to be invisible!
I'm trying to recall the timeline of those who saw Holly last. She had an 8am exam ( I believe that time is correct?)

4am Karen/mom, said she saw Holly studying for her morning exam around 4am

530am Dana/dad goes to work around 530am, says goodbye to Holly with her bedroom door closed as he's standing next to it

7am Karen leaves for work

For Holly to get to her college exam in Parson TN, she had to drive, park, walk to her class, so I'm figuring at least a 30 minutes timeframe, it's my best guess

730am Clint/brother sees Holly with some guy in the carport, first kneeling, then talking, then walking off to their backyard woods

If this was a local guy who knew the family routine, as is suspected by TN LE, then the perp could've have known Clint was still home, he probably saw Clint's and Holly's cars in the carport.

My feeling is Holly probably walked to the carport to her car very shortly after her Mom left. So the perp sees Karen drive off, then sees Holly come out. Holly's exam was an important one. So if she's talking to the perp for a considerable amount of time, thus making her late, which she knew she could'nt afford to be late, I'm wondering as we all are what went on during this timeframe?

Could the perp made up a story, he was driving to go hunting and ran out of gas, he saw the Bobo's house, needed money, a plastic gas tank, or a lift to get gas? There are a million scenarios, this is just a guess

Because it was stated Holly and the perp were together for quite some time in the garage/carport it leads me to believe she knew the perp well or he was an acquaintance she recently met

Because the Bobo's area has been described as a close knit community, everyone knows everyone and thus LE spent alot of time asking the locals if they know of anything about this case to speak up

I have a suspect in mind and he's locked up awaiting trial, so I hope LE gets a huge break and this guy gets enough heat on him and confesses
Respectfully snipped for space because OMG this made me laugh:

<BTW, I was watching "Bones" one night and they said Weeping Lovegrass can only be found on another continent>

I just recently had a botanist tell me that kudzu seeds will only germinate in the fall.
What??? ?
Tell me that when it's May and the seeds are sprouting!
"Weeping Lovegrass" sounds like a woman in Arthurian myth.
"Weeping Lovegrass" sounds like a woman in Arthurian myth.

Completely :eek:fftopic:
Waaaay,back in junior high school.. i had an awful breakup with my boyfriend.(didn't we all). So,on springbreak ...i flew down from Seattle to visit my cousin who went to school at University of Cal at Berkley. She,took me to a Janice Joplin & Big Brother concert at the Fillmore West. I remember .....sitting on the floor next to a hippy chick called "Weeping Love-grass". True Story. MOO
I'm trying to recall the timeline of those who saw Holly last. She had an 8am exam ( I believe that time is correct?)

4am Karen/mom, said she saw Holly studying for her morning exam around 4am

530am Dana/dad goes to work around 530am, says goodbye to Holly with her bedroom door closed as he's standing next to it

7am Karen leaves for work

For Holly to get to her college exam in Parson TN, she had to drive, park, walk to her class, so I'm figuring at least a 30 minutes timeframe, it's my best guess

730am Clint/brother sees Holly with some guy in the carport, first kneeling, then talking, then walking off to their backyard woods

If this was a local guy who knew the family routine, as is suspected by TN LE, then the perp could've have known Clint was still home, he probably saw Clint's and Holly's cars in the carport.

My feeling is Holly probably walked to the carport to her car very shortly after her Mom left. So the perp sees Karen drive off, then sees Holly come out. Holly's exam was an important one. So if she's talking to the perp for a considerable amount of time, thus making her late, which she knew she could'nt afford to be late, I'm wondering as we all are what went on during this timeframe?

Could the perp made up a story, he was driving to go hunting and ran out of gas, he saw the Bobo's house, needed money, a plastic gas tank, or a lift to get gas? There are a million scenarios, this is just a guess

Because it was stated Holly and the perp were together for quite some time in the garage/carport it leads me to believe she knew the perp well or he was an acquaintance she recently met

Because the Bobo's area has been described as a close knit community, everyone knows everyone and thus LE spent alot of time asking the locals if they know of anything about this case to speak up

I have a suspect in mind and he's locked up awaiting trial, so I hope LE gets a huge break and this guy gets enough heat on him and confesses....

Xavier, Correct me if I'm mistaken...It was said Dana left H. gas money on the kitchen counter.
IF she needed gas, extra time should be considered for her putting gas in her car before class that morning.

Speaking of what the neighbor heard.
I suspect the neighbor heard a Loud argument coming from the Bobo's that morning and that is the reason he didn't investigate...instead telling his Mother and continueing on to work..
I feel IF he heard Screaming, he would have immediately done 'something' different....jmo
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