TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden; believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #36

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I guess no presser or are they going to wait until the searches are complete?
Couple quick questions, please, before I delve into the links up-thread.

Do they know the exact location the purse was found? The dog lead them back to the spot? TIA
Going read..
Couple quick questions, please, before I delve into the links up-thread.

Do they know the exact location the purse was found? The dog lead them back to the spot? TIA
Going read..
We don't know at this point. Unless something happened when I was out at WalMart awhile ago. Don't think so though.
it was a civilian dog that located the purse and brought it to its owner who immediately recognized it as Holly's..the purse wasn't located during a search of any kind and was not a search k9..just regular persons dog who happened up on it..all our local news report it as being buried, civilian dog dug it up approx mile from Hobo home and brought it to its owner..
color me confused ....the dog digs up the purse and takes it home to it's owner, and he know right away that it is Holly's purse? How did he know that his dog dug it up? Where did the dog dig it up?
color me confused ....the dog digs up the purse and takes it home to it's owner, and he know right away that it is Holly's purse? How did he know that his dog dug it up? Where did the dog dig it up?

The dog owners are neighbors of Holly's family.

The person was found one mile behind the Bobo residence.
Arlo, a six-year-old Blue Heeler/Springer Spaniel mix, has been tabbed to head the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation following his discovery of a purse belonging to Holly Bobo, found within a mile of where she went missing two years ago, sources say.

His friend Mr. Mibbles, a four-year-old dachshund, becomes TBI's Chief Information Officer after aiding in the same find.
I'm sorry, couldn't help myself.
Shefner, the FBI has converged on Boston MA, and Ironically, just gave a press conference asking for the American public's help in identifying the suspects in the marathon bombing investigation.

The FBI spokesperson said something to the effect of: "The American Public is a very valuable resource in investigations that we have relied on for over 100 years" Over 30% of the FBI's 10 Most Wanted has been apprehended due to the public's tips...."The public is our eyes and ears"...

Oh yes, I know the FBI is in Boston....I watched the presser live.

I am simply saying that I do not believe TBI is up to par. They have not handled Holly's case (or others) in a professional way...and that is simply my opinion. The moment I saw truckloads of civilians making their way into the woods on Day 1, I fell over. I know (having lived in the NC/Tenn Mtns) that we are talking about a dense area and a large area but securing the scene was not done. Very sad but true. Roadblocks were not set. No pertinent info was released to the public so we could help in the most efficient way possible.

I know more about the Boston bombers than I do about Holly's perp.
Dogs recover stuff all the time. I recall a case fairly recently where a dog brought home a leg bone or something one day and a hand the next. Dogs also have a much greater sense of smell than a person. This is really not unusual.

Why was it not found 2 years ago? It could have been burried at the time. It could have been quickly covered by leaves or forest litter. Perhaps it was dumped there after the initial search. Perhaps the hap-hazard searchers missed it. Remember the weather was horrible with tornado and storm warnings hampering and curtailing searches. Somehow I don't think it was buried like someone dug a hole and buried it, but rather it got covered up over the last 2 years.

It should be easy to tell if the purse was buried underground versus laying on the surface or under leaves, etc.

You would not normally take found evidence and give it to the family. You probably would show them a photo for identification.

Perhaps the neighbor knew it was Holly's purse because of something inside with her name on it, or perhaps some description of personal items had been given out to locals. You may assume a neighbor probably has talked to the family about the case over the last 2 years.
The dog owners are neighbors of Holly's family.

The person was found one mile behind the Bobo residence.

LOL....the person was found? That is new information!

Just kidding ya, iluv....I think you meant "purse."
A purse would not be buried unless it was buried with the body. As it can be easily carried away there is no reason to.
The dog owners are neighbors of Holly's family.

The person was found one mile behind the Bobo residence.

Please go back and read the msm article, iluvmua. The dog's owner's home is one mile from the Bobo's home and although reported, they do not know that the purse was buried, nor the exact spot the purse was located by the k9..

Holly Bobo's purse found one mile from her home
Please go back and read the msm article, iluvmua. The dog's owner's home is one mile from the Bobo's home and although reported, they do not know that the purse was buried, nor the exact spot the purse was located by the k9..

Holly Bobo's purse found one mile from her home

This is exactly what iluvmua said, Foxfire. The dog owner is a neighbor to the Bobo's and Holly's purse was found one mile from her home.

It's presumed the purse was buried...and I admit it looks pretty rough. But I think it was "buried" under tons of leaves, sticks and other natural debris....not "buried" as in "dug and put in the ground buried."
Imo, In Holly's case, her abductor prolly would have made her leave the items at the abduction site; in the carport, if not for Clint's presence. I am confident he was aware that he was being watched and wanted Clint to think exactly what he did; everything was fine..

This is one of the primary reasons that indicate an experienced sexual predator, imo..
It will be interesting to learn if her Drivers License, student ID, or camera was in the purse...
This is exactly what iluvmua said, Foxfire. The dog owner is a neighbor to the Bobo's and Holly's purse was found one mile from her home.

It's presumed the purse was buried...and I admit it looks pretty rough. But I think it was "buried" under tons of leaves, sticks and other natural debris....not "buried" as in "dug and put in the ground buried."

This is one of the things I was referring too about the MSM reports. They do not know where the purse was actually located yet. The K9 owner's home is one mile from the Bobo's Swan Johnson home/abduction site...
If Holly was put into a vehicle right there near the woods, I feel like the purse was placed later, when the perp returned to the area. Not a passing-thru serial offender.
This is one of the things I was referring too about the MSM reports. They do not know where the purse was actually located yet. The K9 owner's home is one mile from the Bobo's Swan Johnson home/abduction site...

Yes...they do not know if the purse was buried. But it has been reported as "buried," much like Holly's abduction was a "home invasion."
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