TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - # 8

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Good interview with Christopher Voss, former FBI on Fox News. While it offered nothing new it didnt rehash the old "dragged into the woods" inaccuracies either.
Here is what I'm noticing this morning. The police stated that the boyfriend was at work at the time so basically without saying the words indicating he isn't a suspect. The actions of LE is different though. It was put out that they want people to be aware of anyone who didn't go to work that day, came in late, acted strange, etc.

This in itself could be applied to anyone I know but I think even though he was at work and that checks out, they were still thinking maybe someone was covering for him. Perhaps he was late that morning, or acted different when he came in. His mother's statements of "He WAS going to marry her" really hit me. Does she think HB is deceased already at the time of that statement or was it, they had indeed broke up recently?
No and the tester was clear about how the test worked and was very good at explaining things and doing the pre test introduction, etc. The process is way more complex than you would think on TV and the whole episode was several hours long. And again, unlike TV, the questions they asked were no surprise because I answered them multiple times "off the record"... at the end they just rig you up with the electrodes, etc and ask again for the actual test. And unlike TV they didnt have the needle and paper machine but its all done on a computer. My polygrapher said the paper test was not widely used any more but it looked good on tv so you still see it there.

I knew I was innocent but was very scared. I was being accused of mailing steroids to an undercover police sting address. Out of the blue one day investigators just showed up at my house and started badgering me. Hence the test. But I passed the test, they kinda said sorry about that, and went back to Miami.

OMG Carla im glad you got that straightend out LOL
here in florida as you know they send ya away for a longgggggg time for drugs just ask Ron and Misty lol
The brother is not a suspect or POI and I think it's kind of inappropriate to be victimizing him a second time in all likelihood.

When very rudimentary examples were done on TV asking people to remember what they saw a short time afterward most people not only got it wrong but changed their stories. Look at plane crash accounts and you'll see the same inconsistencies and it doesnt mean those witnesses caused the crash. People see and remember different things in a traumatic situation.

Making this situation worse is that in the country people come and go from the woods. Up north here people come and go on snowmobiles all winter. Her walking off towards the woods wouldn't be much different than a coastal dwellar walking off to the beach. Especially if you thought it was someone she knew on first impression...say a fisherman or swimmer in this example....his situational awareness was nil. Not his fault we all do it.

The perp roughly matched the expectation he had of what her friend/boyfriend looked like, it was hunting season and it was early in the day. Absent any reason to expect a bad thing happening at first look something may look like playful leading into the woods....when he realized she was missing in a different light it looks much worse.

Beyond all of this there's reports he passed the LD. Beyond that the timeline is way too tight as currently understood right now. If other facts come to light I may change my opinion but right now I think it's a wasted avenue.

Sadly almost all hope on my end will be lost by the end of the week. I'm hoping for a miracle. This one really has me infuriated.
ok peeps i today is the day i have to clean my pool ill return shortly!
Re: this map

Do we know what the building is just bordering the Bobo property on the south? It isn't marked as a neighbor on the map?? Someone commented in a thread the nearest neighbor was 200-300ft?? In looking at the map and the mileage key, the nearest tagged neighbor is at least 1000ft away.
Good Morning All. Has anyone heard how Decatur County faired last night through the storms? We had our fair share that is for sure...
Do we know what the building is just bordering the Bobo property on the south? It isn't marked as a neighbor on the map?? Someone commented in a thread the nearest neighbor was 200-300ft?? In looking at the map and the mileage key, the nearest tagged neighbor is at least 1000ft away.[/QUOTE]

I recall looking earlier for a barn. They supposedly had horses, therefore there would be a barn. Maybe that is what it is.
Its almost 9am. Hopefully we will hear something from Will Nunley soon considering volunteers are supposed to meet at 9am this morning.
Hi, first time posting. Could someone tell me how I can get to the scanner posts? Thanks!
Oh sorry, also Will had tweeted last night that he wouldn't be back at the fairgrounds until afternoon unless there was a big break. Fyi. :)
Clu has referred to the Jenni-Lyn Watson case several times now as similar and I totally agree. Jenni-Lyn was the same age as Holly, and went missing the weekend before Thanksgiving last fall while home on a break from college. She was found 8 days later, and her very recent ex-boyfriend has been charged with her murder. The difference in discussion and speculation was that it was established early on that Jenni-Lyn had indeed recently ended an engagement and that it had not gone well.

In this case I think the confusion about exes is that perhaps there may have been a VERY recent break-up, or attempt to set distance in a relationship that perhaps was not as formal as a so-called break-up, and so it was not really clear to any friends or family if it was on or off. Maybe even the couple themselves weren't sure of their status. I think that is not unusual at all in relationships, especially in young folks. This might explain why it hasn't really been clear if or who were Holly's current or ex boyfriends.

Please know I am not accusing anyone of involvement here, just trying to understand the confusion I have felt and make some sense of something so senseless.

According to Holly's current BF Facebook page, they had been "in a relationship" since Aug. 2010. So no very recent breakup with someone else if that's the case.
I'm reading the NG transcripts and they are saying that Holly lunch pail was found with blood stains on it.

Did anyone else hear this?

This is not good at all :(

and that blood was found in her garage, not the carport.
I wish we could get more info on the brothers initial statement and actions. What did he say exactly. Exactly why did he look out the window? If we could get those answers, I think everyone might feel better about the brother.

Was just thinking. Maybe the brother did say dragged into the woods but didn't mean literally. Maybe he meant 'persuaded'. Maybe I am reaching, but I can see me saying something like that if I felt like the person was leading someone into the woods and I thought they didn't really want to go. You hear it all the time in reference to a conversation. Two people have a heated discussion and then look to get someone else's opinion. That person says "Don't drag me into it".

Maybe by body language he could tell his sister didn't want to go, or maybe he was thinking the boyfriend was hunting and heading back into the woods to show Holly something. boyfriend was going back into the woods and dragging Holly along.

Just saying, the brother could have used the term dragged or dragging along and not meant it literally.
And had not thought of it this way, and haven't heard anyone say anything like this.

This is a VERY good explanation of what could have happened. It helps to understand why the TBI "clarified" their initial statement from last Wednesday.

I will admit that I was having trouble understanding how he could see her being literally dragged, and not be extremely alarmed. But knowing how some of us "country" people talk, I can see that he might not have actually meant literally dragged.

Thanks for the explanation!
This IMO is the reason for the passage of time with no 911 call immediately..Why would he when he saw what he thought was his sister outside talking with her boyfriend??..IMO it was only later when he heard loud voices[stated as arguing in an article]that he actually went outside to see exactly what was going on IMO it was at that time that he saw the blood on the carport and could not locate his sister

This is the only article I've read that says the brother heard arguing (correct me if I'm wrong):

(I bolded to place emphasis) I believe this is where we all started believing that Holly had an ex-boyfriend who was arguing with her. And it's not our imagination. It's a news article? Since when do news articles report heresay, inuendo and rumor?

Aren't news reporters supposed to check their facts? Or if a reporter made a mistake, retract?

and it says the ex-boyfriend not the boyfriend

Holly left the house to go to school and her brother heard her arguing with her ex-boyfriend who was dressed in camo, outside the home.

also in the article:

About an hour later he noticed his sister's car was still in the driveway. He called his parents, a friend of Holly's and then the ex-boyfriend, and then the police.
And had not thought of it this way, and haven't heard anyone say anything like this.

This is a VERY good explanation of what could have happened. It helps to understand why the TBI "clarified" their initial statement from last Wednesday.

I will admit that I was having trouble understanding how he could see her being literally dragged, and not be extremely alarmed. But knowing how some of us "country" people talk, I can see that he might not have actually meant literally dragged.

Thanks for the explanation!

That doesn't really work anymore because now they say he thought everything was fine, that she walked into the woods with her Boyfriend, it wasn't until he happened to notice the blood in the garage/carport/whatever that he was suspicious...
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