TN TN - Karen Swift, 44, Dyersburg, 30 Oct 2011 - #1

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Panthera.. this is what I am thinking as well... if you notice the pictures of the car it had to have been flat on the passenger side of the car (which was away from the road)...

add the TBI and crime scene techs at her house yesterday and I think something happened to her there or outside..

the phone, per media reports, last pinged by the river... so perhaps it was thrown in there? and the care driven back and positioned in the location it was found and the tire made to look/be flat... the media reports show that if she was coming from her house she would have been pointed in the other direction... however if the perp was coming from dumping something... like into the river, etc.... the car would have been pointed back toward her home if that makes sense.

all speculation and mooo

Exactly. The car is going the wrong direction if she were heading out from the house. There is still no explanation where she was going that morning, so early, after getting to bed sometime after 1:30am. It doesn't make sense.

hubby never claims to have seen her leave.. only to arrive home....

she may not have been going anywhere.....
also.. who moved the little girl in her sleep.. one article said that she woke up in a different room. Went to bed with mom but woke up in a different room....

(starting to hink myself out)
also.. who moved the little girl in her sleep.. one article said that she woke up in a different room. Went to bed with mom but woke up in a different room....

(starting to hink myself out)

Could there be any possibility the girl got up during the night, went to the bathroom, then returned to her own room and not remember doing so? If not, it appears dad may have moved her.

I just lost my whole entire post.. but basically what I meant to say was that: close to the home is where this case will be solved.. and it reminds me of the nancy cooper case
short case synopsis:

Karen attends a Halloween party and gets a phone communication from her daughter that she is sick.... (this is the only communication LE will currently verify)

She allegedly goes and picks up her daughter and takes her home around 0130 am... her STBX sees her in the "stairwell" and he reportedly goes to bed
-my question: was she in her costume? what was she wearing at this time because
last seen clothing was never released

Reportedly she goes to bed with the sick daughter who wakes up later at 0630 in another room with mom gone
-has this child been forensically interviewed? If not, it needs to be done

Karen's car is found later the next day about a mile from the home facing toward the home with a flat tire and no blood was found around the car.
-the flat, in pictures to my eyes only, does not appear to be on the driver's side
which was facing the road... (could the flat have been staged? makes sense..
as who would flat a tire while in full view of the road)
-costume was found in the car (did she change after the party? again, what did
hubby last see her wear? LE has yet to state this)
-allegedly some clothing of Karen's found in the area/jeans and a grey sweatshirt
(was this what she was last seen wearing?? seems staged to me)
Home searched by Tbi yesterday
-was this the primary site of the crime scene?
Neighbor poisoned dog
-who reported this to LE?
Husband on crutches in several videos
-new injury? old? Has anyone seen him walking around lately without
cell phone last ping near the river
-have river searches/dives been done for Karen?
-cell phone allegedly still missing
Her car was found along Millsfield Hwy and Harness Road intersection with a flat tire at 6am.

her daughter allegedly woke up at 0630 to mom missing... did she sense something?

This is the most troubling to me. If Karen left the house on her own, it would be pitch black dark outside. What would be so important it couldn't wait until a more reasonable hour of the morning? On the other hand, it would be the perfect time for someone to dispose of her body, ditch the car, and walk home unnoticed.

Her car was found along Millsfield Hwy and Harness Road intersection with a flat tire at 6am.

her daughter allegedly woke up at 0630 to mom missing... did she sense something?

Or did she hear something? She might have been woken up by a sound (someone coming home from a walk, for example) and not remember hearing anything. How far is the home from the location where the car was found? Who was in the house when she woke up, and what were they doing? I apologize if these questions have been answered already.

(bbm, all moo as always, just letting my imagination run wild here)
Or did she hear something? She might have been woken up by a sound (someone coming home from a walk, for example) and not remember hearing anything. How far is the home from the location where the car was found? Who was in the house when she woke up, and what were they doing? I apologize if these questions have been answered already.

(bbm, all moo as always, just letting my imagination run wild here)

I'm with you - I think she heard something.

By the way, here's a map in a previous post.... 0.4 miles from her house:

So now I have something else bugging me about this case.

- If this neighbor (or someone else other than the husband) is responsible, then why leave her car where it was left? Evidently, she was not in it as the dogs did not detect her scent. So it must have been driven there by the perp. The neighbor lived close by, so that means he either got her outside of her home, or hid in her car and then just rode along and then surprised her all of a sudden. If outside of her home, then why move the car at all? If in her car with her, then why bring it back? I know he needed to get home somehow if that's the case, but he didn't have a family at home to notice him missing (or did he? I don't know) so he could have taken it further than 1/2 a mile away, kwim?

But... if it was her husband, then he needed to get the car away from the house so he could come up with an excuse as to why she is missing (e.g., "she left and that's all I know"). Yet, he had kids back home that he needed to get back to before they woke, so he didn't have time to take it far and then walk back home.

It's late and mind is tired, so I hope I'm explaining this well. There's only one person who had to leave the vehicle where it was left - which is far enough away to support a story of her "leaving" yet close enough to hurry back home before the kids woke up.


ETA: I also think it's very telling that LE is back inside their home shortly after the neighbor is "cleared".
Investigators believe, for some good reason, the vehicle made a U'e and crossed the hwy. Maybe something did occur in the house, she's then "dropped" somewhere and the driver makes a right onto Millsfield from Harness and quickly does the U'e to make it appear she was on her way home. Then goes to the opposite side of the car and "does" the flat? Or he/they could have gone anywhere really, then dropped her and staged the car heading north. Either way, according to what the investigators believe, the car had to come from the west (off Harness) or north to do a U'e and end up where it was. Make sense? LOL I's late.
I know this is far fetched and all, but where was the dog found? In the house? I know their dog has gotten away before. Is it possible she had been out searching for the lost dog and something happened to her during that time? I know, a stretch, just wondering.

ETA-I know the couple were divorcing, but is it at all possible that she may have been meeting someone at that location secretly? And then decided to hop in their car and return back later to retrieve her car? What was the situation with the divorce? Who and why were they divorcing this time around and why were they both still at the home? Were they at a stalemate as to who needed to leave? Or were they both seemingly happy about staying in the home for the sake of the kids? Had KS been going out with her friends a lot lately or with someone else? I know plenty of women who are in a divorce situation who do that (as well as men.) Kind of getting used to the idea of freedom again? The family seemed convinced that the couple loved each other very much, yet they were divorcing. I know of plenty of people who have amicably divorced like this, but it certainly isn't the norm, at least not enough to just disregard the fact when one of them goes missing.
Investigators believe, for some good reason, the vehicle made a U'e and crossed the hwy. Maybe something did occur in the house, she's then "dropped" somewhere and the driver makes a right onto Millsfield from Harness and quickly does the U'e to make it appear she was on her way home. Then goes to the opposite side of the car and "does" the flat? Or he/they could have gone anywhere really, then dropped her and staged the car heading north. Either way, according to what the investigators believe, the car had to come from the west (off Harness) or north to do a U'e and end up where it was. Make sense? LOL I's late.

Have cadaver dogs sniffed the car or home for her scent?
I hadn't realized they were that close to the Mighty Mississippi!!! Do any locals know how deep or fast that river is in that area? I know in other areas is is quite powerful. It makes me wonder if she will ever be found.
I know this is far fetched and all, but where was the dog found? In the house? I know their dog has gotten away before. Is it possible she had been out searching for the lost dog and something happened to her during that time? I know, a stretch, just wondering.

ETA-I know the couple were divorcing, but is it at all possible that she may have been meeting someone at that location secretly? And then decided to hop in their car and return back later to retrieve her car? What was the situation with the divorce? Who and why were they divorcing this time around and why were they both still at the home? Were they at a stalemate as to who needed to leave? Or were they both seemingly happy about staying in the home for the sake of the kids? Had KS been going out with her friends a lot lately or with someone else? I know plenty of women who are in a divorce situation who do that (as well as men.) Kind of getting used to the idea of freedom again? The family seemed convinced that the couple loved each other very much, yet they were divorcing. I know of plenty of people who have amicably divorced like this, but it certainly isn't the norm, at least not enough to just disregard the fact when one of them goes missing.

The divorce can be amicable but as soon one or the other strays and responsibilities suddenly become an issue especially living in the same home with children, I believe that would cause a lot of tension.

I could see it in this case. It was mom's turn for night out but suddenly daughter is ill. Daughter calls mom and not dad for some reason (perhaps because it was late and she thought he may have been asleep?). Mom picks up daughter, takes her home, puts her to bed, has a few words with ex perhaps telling him she's going back out. He's furious and can't believe she'd leave him with a sick child so she could go party. He feels betrayed. Even though they're divorcing knowing she's out partying with perhaps another guy only worsens the situation. He snaps. Probably strangles her. Sets it up to look like she was sexually assaulted.

All JMO. Yes very similar to Nancy Cooper case.
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