TN TN - Karen Swift, 44, Dyersburg, 30 Oct 2011 - #1

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Ok, I'm jumping in here after a quick read-over, so forgive any errors.

It's been a long day too and I'm rambling, but about the urgent text - don't you get urgent "call me" texts only to find they were way over-hyped? I do. I get the you won't believe who I just saw and he's divorced now, or she's put on a ton of weight - blah, blah.

Plus, maybe KS ran into someone at the party AFTER telling friend she was bored and not having a good time, only to be interrupted by daughter's call. Maybe it was someone that promised to tell her info on her STBX that might help in a divorce settlement.

Maybe it was someone (that she had developed a relationship with) that she had previously arranged to meet at a certain time that night who became angry when she told them that she was leaving town and wouldn't be continuing their relationship?

What if someone followed her home from the party and waited while she got her daughter settled in for the night? Kids are often "sick" when they're not having a good time somewhere. Do we know that the daughter was actually sick? In a situation like that mom might have known getting the child to sleep wouldn't take long. Then she could take her car and meet them, leaving her car near home. How many times have cars parked along the side of the road been vandalized?

What if someone unknown that had seen her at the party followed her home?

So many what-if's, along with all the information the authorities are keeping mum about.

I think how the tire became flat is important, but not necessarily the direction the car was facing when found. No scent of her around the car is a mystery though. As far as the STBX, maybe his job is to take care of those little girls, and as someone else said - may rather be dead than speak in front of cameras.

As far as the STBX and learning about the divorce, I have a friend that takes her ex on vacation with the family and the new husband, so it happens. Yeah, they grew apart, and when the actual divorce papers were delivered, he wasn't happy, but he knew they were better apart - for them and their children. The anger dissipated. They get along better now.

I'm just hoping and praying for a good ending. For all of her family and friends.

Sorry for all the blabbing....

Nite all :bedtime:
Just heard the brother say her friends were "a little different".. When asking about Karen leaving in the middle of the night..??

In response to your question last night, here's how it went Smooth:

GRACE: We are taking your calls. Joining me right now, TJ Ward, private investigator. TJ, I want to hear your analysis.

TJ WARD, PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR: Well, what I think, as I talked about before, I think we need to go back to the phone call from the girlfriend, the panicked phone call at 11:00 at night. There is something that`s going to tie into that phone call.

Obviously she left for some reason. It may have been tied into that phone call. Maybe they did talk, and maybe there was an e-mail, but something about that phone call could have made her leave.

Maybe she changed her mind about getting divorced. Maybe there was a significant other that was calling and she was going to meet. Who knows? And I`m not suggesting that she had a boyfriend or a significant other.

But the phone call is going to be very, very important and the police need to go back and interview this girlfriend in depth and find out why she was making this frantic phone call at 11:00. And then shortly thereafter in the middle of the night she leaves.

GRACE: You know what? As her brother stated I don`t see her leaving her little girl in bed willingly much less at 5:00 a.m. Maybe I`m crazy but I don`t usually hear of sexual rendezvous, you know, at 5:00 a.m. in the morning, leaving your children behind.

But you know what? Let`s explore it. Jeffery Johnson, brother of Karen. Has anybody advised you who that 5:00 a.m. call recipient was?

JOHNSON: I know she`s got some friends that are -- they`re a little different, I guess. I don`t know how --

GRACE: Are you talking about friend girls, her girlfriends, Jeffery?

JOHNSON: Yes. Girls. Friend girls.

GRACE: OK. You don`t know of another man on the scene, do you, Jeffery?

JOHNSON: No, I don`t. No, I don`t.

GRACE: Everyone, quick break. We are taking your calls in the search for a missing mom of four, Karen Johnson Swift.
Originally Posted by mahoolin
It's been a long day too and I'm rambling, but about the urgent text - don't you get urgent "call me" texts only to find they were way over-hyped? I do. I get the you won't believe who I just saw and he's divorced now, or she's put on a ton of weight - blah, blah.

ITA this is quite likely about the phone calls and text to BFF, Ginny at 11:39pm and that it's just something totally unrelated to the situation.. Why do I feel strongly that this is the case? Because Karen came in direct contact with multiple people after these calls/text, meaning that she could have and IMO would have reached out to these others if it was a situation she felt in fear of.. She made no other attempts to speak to other friends or fam about whatever that situation was which leads me to believe it was just something benign amd not related to what happened to her hours later.. IMO even her husband would have likely been reached out to if there were a situation especially when Karen picked up her daughter therefor now having her child in the situation she was in fear of.. I think dad would have been made aware "if" there were some fearful situation..

Moo is that everything was par for the course in every way for Karen up until whatever occurred that had her get out of that bed that she was sleeping in with her 9 yr old daughter.. IMOO that is when the beginning of the end occurred..jmo, tho!
Thanks tarabull for the transcribing the part about the friends.. So, any thoughts on what you think he was getting around to with his saying this? Only people hearing the actual convo would be able to tell that he was going SOMEWHERE(as in he had a definite reason he felt they were "different")with what he was saying.. It's a damn shame NG doesn't follow thru with convos such as this.. Aarghh!!
If they were in the process of getting divorced, why would anyone expect the husband to be the media spokesperson? After all, for all practical purposes they are not effectively married any more and the relationship is over. Allthough still married in name the only connection between each other is that they live in the same house, they are not living as husband and wife.

The son on the other hand would still have a familial relationship, so it is alltogether appropriate that he act as the spokesperson. IMO it would be highly inappropriate for the (soon to be ex) husband to represent her publically.

Even a divorced Prince Charles went to France to escort Princess Diana's body home. He may not be "with" Karen, but he is the father of their children and should show respect for her (looking and being a spokesperson) for the sake of his children. ^i^
Smooth, you can watch it and hear how it's said at this link, compliments of Patty G:

The bit about the friends starts around 28:30

The other bit about David having told Karen's brother he saw her leaving the house that morning, but didn't establish a specific time is around 33:45

All Nancy Transcripts are here:

Tonights show isn't up yet...

I recorded Nancy's show and it is currently being processed by YouTube. It should be view-able by 9:30 PM EST. Here is the link to my channel to get to the video.
I don't think NG covered this case was about the little boy Sky being missing...unless I missed part of it. HTH.
You're right! My bad, shux! It was JVM that covered Karen tonight and her transcipts are here

but again tonights aren't up yet

Gosh not a problem. I missed JVM as real life called but I did watch the part with the son sad. Breaks my heart.
I think I just heard this case will be covered on a Memphis station
That is their link but I don't know if the story will be up tonight or not.
I'm afraid I'm losing sympathy for the husband. Initially, I didn't want to suspect him just because they were divorcing. But knowing that she felt she had to leave town while he was served has changed that, as has seeing how long he has made the 21-year-old boy - and they are boys at that age - handle the shock publicly.

Beyond the initial shock, where the husband might get a pass for being distraught, there's no reason to me that you would let your 21-year-old son, whose shock must surely be greater than yours, and who is far less equipped emotionally just in terms of age, to be your "media spokesperson."

I can't imagine putting my son in that position. I shows, IMO, that this father is very profoundly narcissistic and thinks only of his own needs. He also seems to be concerned that if he speaks to media, he might reveal something he doesn't want to reveal. I also can't recall seeing another innocent spouse who has done so little to handle his own media relations, to plead for return of his wife, the mother of his two small daughters, and then force his son to do that work.

CPS needs to look at this situation.


dovebar, how about Matthew Palmgren?
Not just the spouse, most of the time LE advises all immediate family members not to search. There have been a few cases where the perp actually led them to the body... not just the spouse in all cases. Family members do not need to be the ones to find the remains of their loved one. They can totally obliterate any evidence, for one thing, but most importantly, it would haunt them for the rest of their lives.
Family should be looking in places where a person would be alive, not out in fields and woods.

Excellent point! I was disappointed to see that the Nancy Grace show spent so much time trying to imply that there was something suspicious about the husband because he wasn't out searching fields for his missing wife. First it was said that he wasn't participating in searches, but half way through the show that morphed into he "wasn't cooperating". It's so unfortunate when a talking-head tries to influence public opinion by skewing words and information. There's nothing to be gained by trying to get people riled up about something that Nancy Grace most certainly knows is perfectly normal.
I would guess that "top of the stairs" means the landing to the 2nd floor. Are you thinking that she might have fallen down the stairs, or was maybe pushed? It's a possibility.

I guess I was wondering if what he saw from the "top of the stairs" is that she was at the front door leaving (is the front door at the bottom of the stairs?). Is he saying that he just happened to be at the top of the stairs while she was moving around on the main floor sometime between 2 and 5 AM and she was walking by the stairs, or is he saying that she was at the front door ready to leave when he just happened to be standing at the top of the stairs? Was her car in the attached garage or parked in front of the garage?

Here's a layout of the property. The front door is in roughly the center of the front of the house, but if she was parked in the garage, she should not have been at the front door ... if that is what is at the bottom of the stairs ... she would have gone through the house to the attached garage. It also looks like there is an exit near the garage, so it's more likely she would have left through that door - if she was leaving alone in the middle of the night. I'm wondering about the layout in terms of why she would be at the bottom of the stairs - to understand if this is plausible.


For example, it looks like there was an addition put on the house in the last three years where the carport to the left of the house (facing front) was converted into living space and the garage was added on at the far left. Were two bedrooms added in that part of the house and, if so, why would Karen be at the bottom of the stairs? The house seems to have a layout - based on looking at previous similar houses - of great/dining rooms at the front of the house on either side of the front door, family/kitchen at the back of the house. Normally, there are no bedrooms on the main floor in that type of layout. With the addition on the left of the house, that could be two bedrooms and a hallway leading to the garage with an exterior people door just inside the garage (in case the car was parked in the driveway) ... not sure. Suppose this is true, then I'm very curious why Karen's husband saw her at the bottom of the stairs at an unknown time.
Preston says they (the kids) are doing pretty good, doing everything they can to be together right now, doing everything they can to help the girls deal with the situation, have been in therapy...

asked about the google search: we really don't know have any idea - LE pinged her phone at 5 (did he say 5?) in the morning was about 12 miles from the house....

preston has never had it confirmed that it was a google search - but they are talking to the sheriff everyday to see if there's new info...

[ETA: after listening to JVM around 3:32 Preston does say pinged her phone at 5 o'clock in the morning]

If the phone pinged a tower 12 miles from the house, then that explains why they had expanded the search area to a 14 mile radius from the house.
Excellent point! I was disappointed to see that the Nancy Grace show spent so much time trying to imply that there was something suspicious about the husband because he wasn't out searching fields for his missing wife. First it was said that he wasn't participating in searches, but half way through the show that morphed into he "wasn't cooperating". It's so unfortunate when a talking-head tries to influence public opinion by skewing words and information. There's nothing to be gained by trying to get people riled up about something that Nancy Grace most certainly knows is perfectly normal.
I agree that it's true he isn't out searching, although we don't actually know if he even went out looking before he first called police.

But in a way NG is telling the truth - this man is neither searching, nor is he talking alot to police or anyone. He's lawyered up.

And the fact is, he has never made a statement to the press or said one word about his wife in the media, except something on Facebook. And it's been reported by a friend of Karen's that he is only communicating through a lawyer.

Another of Karen Swift's friends, Lori Burks, told The Huffington Post that David Swift has hired an attorney.

"Her husband has [allegedly] quit talking to the authorities. He has got an attorney. This is the most recent information we have received," Burks said.

And last night, Karen's brother told Nancy Grace that they hadn't spoken to him in over a week and a half. The police are communicating directly with Karen's mother instead.


GRACE: Jeffery, have you been in touch with Karen`s husband?

JOHNSON: I talked to him about a week-and-a-half ago.

GRACE: OK, in the middle of your sister being missing, that`s quite a few days that have passed. What is he doing in the search effort?

JOHNSON: I`m not sure that he`s doing nothing. I don`t believe he`s getting out there.

GRACE: You know, Jeff Johnson, I find it very difficult to believe that Karen would get up in the middle of the night, leave her 9-year-old girl sleeping in the bed with her, and take off. Does that sound like your sister, Jeffery Johnson?

JOHNSON: No, it doesn`t.
I agree that it's true he isn't out searching, although we don't actually know if he even went out looking before he first called police.

But in a way NG is telling the truth - this man is neither searching, nor is he talking alot to police or anyone. He's lawyered up.

And the fact is, he has never made a statement to the press or said one word about his wife in the media, except something on Facebook. And it's been reported by a friend of Karen's that he is only communicating through a lawyer.

Another of Karen Swift's friends, Lori Burks, told The Huffington Post that David Swift has hired an attorney.

"Her husband has [allegedly] quit talking to the authorities. He has got an attorney. This is the most recent information we have received," Burks said.

And last night, Karen's brother told Nancy Grace that they hadn't spoken to him in over a week and a half. The police are communicating directly with Karen's mother instead.


GRACE: Jeffery, have you been in touch with Karen`s husband?

JOHNSON: I talked to him about a week-and-a-half ago.

GRACE: OK, in the middle of your sister being missing, that`s quite a few days that have passed. What is he doing in the search effort?

JOHNSON: I`m not sure that he`s doing nothing. I don`t believe he`s getting out there.

GRACE: You know, Jeff Johnson, I find it very difficult to believe that Karen would get up in the middle of the night, leave her 9-year-old girl sleeping in the bed with her, and take off. Does that sound like your sister, Jeffery Johnson?

JOHNSON: No, it doesn`t.

I can't fault anyone for not wanting their missing loved one to be turned into a media frenzy. We know how it goes once the media finds a long term ratings winner. I also can't fault anyone for staying close to home, hoping the phone will ring - hoping it's the missing person. As for the husband talking to police, I suspect that it was quickly apparent to the husband that police were looking at him - at which time he retained a lawyer. The first thing the lawyer does is act as a go between with police and his client. Police would have to arrange further interviews through the lawyer. Has the husband refused to answer any further questions? Not talking to Karen's family is unusual, unless they too suspect him - in which case his lawyer would have advised him to keep his mouth shut and not say anything.
You're right! My bad, shux! It was JVM that covered Karen tonight and her transcipts are here

but again tonights aren't up yet

Transcripts up from tonight now

BBM & red below bothers me...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, let me go to Levi Page, crime blogger, Internet radio host, and based in the area. Obviously, it`s standard procedure, Levi, to look at the closest family when somebody disappears. Karen filed for divorce from her husband 19 days before she goes missing.

Other than her daughters, who are very young, Karen`s husband is reportedly the last person to see her. I want to stress, cops say he is not a suspect, but what are your thoughts on how they need to investigate this to eliminate him or not?

LEVI PAGE, CRIME BLOGGER: Well, it will be interesting to note whether or not he`s taken a polygraph. We don`t know. The investigators are keeping everything close to the vest, as they should.

We do know that there was a friend -- her name was Laura Jane -- gave a quote to "The Huffington Post," and she described their relationship as volatile. And she also -- I don`t know this for a fact; the investigators have not confirmed it -- she says that David Smith, her estranged husband, hired an attorney and is refusing to cooperate with the investigators.

And going back to what the other guest just said earlier about a connection between Holly Bobo and other women who have disappeared in the same area here in Tennessee, the fact is, is that it could also be a hunter. Remember, in the Holly Bobo case, her brother seen her leaving into the woods with someone dressed in camouflage.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Good theories. We want to find her.

Levi saying HUNTER reminded me that weekend was White Tail Deer season for Young Sportsman:

Young Sportsman Oct. 29-30, 2011
HUNTING HOURS: Crows, doves, ducks (including the early duck season), geese, gallinules, rails, turkey, woodcock, Wilson snipe - One-half hour before legal sunrise to legal sunset, except for dove hunting on opening day when shooting hours will begin at noon. All other game species (except fox chasing and raccoon, opossum, and bullfrogs) - One-half hour before legal sunrise to one-half hour after legal sunset. Fox and rabbit chasing, furbearer trapping, raccoon, opossum, and bullfrog hunting may be done day or night.

Oct 30 2011
Twi: 6:51am
Sunrise: 7:17am
Sunset: 6:05pm
Twi: 6:31pm

Just saying...
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