Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #1

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Police said they believe Cummins has two handguns. They are trying to evaluate how much cash he may have. Cummins took out a $4,500 loan days before he disappeared, police said.

Could this mean he did access other money he had available? Sounds like their not sure how much cash they have IMO

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I'm a bit surprised by the fact that the article says the school hasn't mentioned anything about ET being missing on their website. I'm sure they don't want to advertise what's been going on, but it seems like they should have something up telling people what to do if they have any contact with her or TC.
Especially with the amount of prior female students defending him on SM. I couldn't believe the school district doesn't even have her listed as missing and his position is listed as to be determined.[emoji36]

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Especially with the amount of prior female students defending him on SM. I couldn't believe the school district doesn't even have her listed as missing as his position is listed as to be determined.[emoji36]

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I can understand that they don't want to deal with the negative publicity involved, but they're going to have to deal with it anyway. They could at least make it look like they're attempting to aid the investigation. Otherwise it kind of looks like they're just trying to hide stuff.
I can understand that they don't want to deal with the negative publicity involved, but they're going to have to deal with it anyway. They could at least make it look like they're attempting to aid the investigation. Otherwise it kind of looks like they're just trying to hide stuff.
IMO I don't think her Dad is going to have any trouble with his lawsuit if he chooses to go through with it. I can imagine them offering him a settlement to keep it out of court. Unbelievable how no one was looking out for her at all

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Hi everyone. I'm so worried about this poor little girl. I'm on the Alabama Gulf Coast and obsessively studying every silver Rogue and every man with a teen I see. I wish there was more I could do.

On a slightly different note, I have seen his pictures and I would not call him revolting or anything remotely the same. There may be someone reading right now who is a kind and decent person but who shares some physical characteristics with TC and who may now feel shame or embarrassment because he has just learned that a consensus of women from 20 to 60 find him physically repulsive.

It is TC's actions that make him hideous, not his physical appearance. Words have power, but sometimes we don't realize how much. Predators deserve to be shamed for their moral bankruptcy and heinous actions, not their appearance. We all face insecurities about our appearance from time to time, and casual remarks about a villain's weight, wrinkles, thinning hair, nerdy clothes, etc. (not talking about this guy or any specific posts, just giving common examples) just reinforce the sad but widespread notion that we need to be attractive for others in order to gain acceptance and approval.

And, unfortunately, Lizzie's insecurities about her appearance are born of just this sort of beauty culture. Yes, she is beautiful. But what if she weren't? It's quite all right to not be beautiful too. That's a message I'd like to see spread far and wide.

In fact, it isn't that we need to convince our children they are beautiful. It's that we need to be sure they know in their heart of hearts that appearance is not the measure of a person, and that whether they possess great physical beauty has in fact never mattered and has no bearing whatsoever on their worth as a person nor on whether they are or are not lovable.

This is all JMO. Love to you all and to sweet Lizzie.

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You know, it's really a shame that when the school recognized that there was a problem with this young girl and her interaction with the this predator that the school administration didn't take steps to help a child who was clearly greatly in need. She not only had the problem with the teacher, but significant problems in her home life that I would be shocked if the school didn't know anything about. But instead they ignore the teacher's role in their relationship and punish the child. What year are people living in?

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ET has been failed at every level by adults that should have been caring for her. The one time she thought she had a good thing going was when she was groomed by a pedophile and IMO that is exactly what he is.

ET has NO fault in this at all. Let's look to the grown ups in ET's life to take the blame because from the school board, teachers, right down to her own parents - they have created an environment of abuse, neglect and indifference. ET got suspended but Tad went unscathed. GIVE ME A BREAK!

Praying that we get ET back and somehow, get her the help that she so sorely needs and deserves to overcome this horrible situation.

I totally agree! The school should have zero tolerance of any kind of personal relationship between teachers and students. I dont care how nice a teacher is, they should not be meeting with students alone or texting them. ET is not to blame in this because she is a child. They should have put him on Admin leave immediately. MOO

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I totally agree! The school should have zero tolerance of any kind of personal relationship between teachers and students. I dont care how nice a teacher is, they should not be meeting with students alone or texting them. ET is not to blame in this because she is a child. They should have put him on Admin leave immediately. MOO

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I don't have any kids yet, but I would be horrified if I did and found out that a teacher who was being trusted with educating them was able to take advantage of a student and still remain in the classroom. It's kind of like when a police officer is involved in a shooting...even if they had every right to shoot, they're still placed on administrative leave until the incident is investigated...that's exactly what should have happened here. As soon as they had one complaint, his butt should have been banned from teaching until the issue was properly investigated.
By the way, something I can't get out of my mind regarding TC's wife (and presumably TC) calling Lizzie "Beth," is the Little House on the Prairie parallel. Probably nothing, but remember Laura Ingalls was 15 and Almanzo Wilder 25 when they began dating -- and he (and only he) called her "Beth."

Like I said, probably nothing, but it keeps circling around in the back of my mind...

JMO, as always.

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That explains why TC's wife referred to ET as Beth during the press's the name that the school used in their report on the incident.

Yes. I didn't want to argue the point earlier, but her SIL has also confirmed Beth as one of the names she goes by, and that is also the name she uses on certain SM. Interesting though that ET stated in documents she mostly interacted with the wife when they would take her to church. My heart aches for TC's wife (along with ET and family).

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Yes. I didn't want to argue the point earlier, but her SIL has also confirmed Beth as one of the names she goes by, and that is also the name she uses on certain SM. Interesting though that ET stated in documents she mostly interacted with the wife when they would take her to church. My heart aches for TC's wife (along with ET and family).

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His wife is just as much of a victim here as ET. His entire family is, really. It's so sad, her whole world literally crumbled in a matter of hours. I can't even imagine the pain she's going through.
His wife is just as much of a victim here as ET. His entire family is, really. It's so sad, her whole world literally crumbled in a matter of hours. I can't even imagine the pain she's going through.

Same! Heart wrenching for sure.

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You know, it's really a shame that when the school recognized that there was a problem with this young girl and her interaction with the this predator that the school administration didn't take steps to help a child who was clearly greatly in need. She not only had the problem with the teacher, but significant problems in her home life that I would be shocked if the school didn't know anything about. But instead they ignore the teacher's role in their relationship and punish the child. What year are people living in?

How did they punish the child? Am I missing something. I haven't read anything about that.

If you mean the one week it took them to recognized that there was a problem, then yeah, I agree. Maybe the principal was a bit slow to take action. But one week is hardly an unreasonable amount of time for the school to investigate and take action on something like that. IMHO. Especially since the case was kind of complicated. They can hardly fire a teacher instantly the minute one single student makes an accusation against a teacher with a 100% clean record.

Of course that problem was solved when the teacher forced them to take additional action, with his insubordination. That action was taken immediately, with no delay.
I noticed tonight that all pictures of Tad has been removed from their joint FB account.
Yes. This could have easily been so many I have known, or even me. The desire/need for 'protection' and 'love' is so real. When there is such a deep void, it doesn't take much to fill that hole, temporary as it may seem. I'd imagine she truly thinks she loves this man. I'm sure she fantasizes about her future with him, even now. She is counting on him to fill this void within herself and he is counting on her to keep him on a pedestal. It's heartbreaking. ..scary, dangerous. A perfect storm brewing that will end in even more catastrophe. My heart breaks for her.

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I heard on the news recently about this case.

Such a sad situation. I originally thought that as soon as a couple weeks would go by she may get homesick and come to her senses and sneak away to contact LE or family to rescue her. After reading so many good posts I now have a concern that it wont happen like that at all.

She may not see the downside of this at all because of the perfect storm that surrounded her.
Exactly, you said what I have been thinking all along, he knows how wrong this is and he doesn't care! I have no idea if he has been a wolf in sheeps clothing for a long time, but going from his facebook "likes" or "subscribed" he changed about 8 months ago. I think he possibly has had some sort of mental breakdown and is very disturbed and dangerous.


He is Disturbed and Dangerous for sure.

The one thing that really scares me is when he feels he is going to be backed into a corner then his sick mind may go to a scary place that the girl has not even considered and never would consider.

This is one good reason why he needs arrested immediately and get her to safety. She has no idea the real danger she is in. The adult sick mind he has is nothing like the young innocent mind she has.

Someone said it earlier. Thankfully we have laws that prevent most adults from even entertaining doing what he has done. Those laws are there for good reasons.

And some of the reasons involve the major difference between an adult mind and a young still developing mind.

She is in grave danger and the scary part is she doesnt know it. I pray LE arrests him today.
nice to see hatfield here.

I'm having Hannah Anderson and abby Hernandez flashbacks, but IMO agree with most of you that there's something deeper here and that ET has been failed on many, many levels...also, it's the 2nd headline on good morning America just now...
He may just be mentally ill, suffering from mania, and being paternal only to this girl. The Instagram stuff is freaky, but it isn't proof that's they are lovers. I only hope he can release her and get help. I have so much respect for his wife. If she is removing him from her Facebook though, maybe it is as dreadful as people have been assuming. I really hope not
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