Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #1

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I believe you. Of course I wish you were wrong, because you being right about how predators operate is just creepy. What I meant though, is that I think it's possible TC's actions toward this girl were never originally intended to be predatory in nature, but as a genuine support role for her. I think it's possible the TBI investigation is looking at their prior contact and saying it's possible he may have been grooming her when he actually wasn't. But then obviously at some point, it crossed a line.

I hope that made sense.

No, I understand. I do see what you are saying.

It's suppose it could be my experience coloring my view of this. But rarely are "desperate" situations created out of misplaced good intentions that lead to crossing a lines. Usually, it's someone preying on a victim and swooping in at their most convinced and vulnerable.

It could be different. We really don't have the evidence. But leaving with a juvenile and dropping off the face of the traceable earth with guns and thousands of dollars...does not speak of once good intentions teetering across a line. This feels very planned, very deliberate, like a desperate predatory spiral.Again, completely JMO. I just can't see it any other way right now.
By the way, something I can't get out of my mind regarding TC's wife (and presumably TC) calling Lizzie "Beth," is the Little House on the Prairie parallel. Probably nothing, but remember Laura Ingalls was 15 and Almanzo Wilder 25 when they began dating -- and he (and only he) called her "Beth."

Like I said, probably nothing, but it keeps circling around in the back of my mind...

JMO, as always.

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It ABSOLUTELY has been going around in my head too...... It was actually one of the first things to pop up...
I believe you. Of course I wish you were wrong, because you being right about how predators operate is just creepy. What I meant though, is that I think it's possible TC's actions toward this girl were never originally intended to be predatory in nature, but as a genuine support role for her. I think it's possible the TBI investigation is looking at their prior contact and saying it's possible he may have been grooming her when he actually wasn't. But then obviously at some point, it crossed a line.

I hope that made sense.

This is the exact same justification that many, many adulterers use. "It just happened", We were just friends", "his wife doesn't understand him and I was just trying to *help* his marriage" ( hense the book "Not Just friends" lol!).

imo people do know what their doing all along. I think Tod did too.

He had a duty to remove himself as this girls "support person" the MOMENT he sensed the attraction. imo
She was suspended from school for entering his classroom, I believe. The school definitely failed here.

Do you have a link for that information, that she was suspended? For how long was she suspended? I haven't seen that mentioned in any of the articles I have read.

Anyway assuming that information is correct, that she was suspended. Then the school is being criticised for doing something about it, at the same time they are being criticized for not doing something about it. It sounds like the school is in a no win situation. The teacher and the student were ordered to stay away from each other. They violated that directive. The father through his lawyer demanded that the school take measures to ensure that there would be absolutely no contact or communication between the two of them. The school did what they were requested to do.
I wonder if his wife (or anyone else) noticed a change in his posts at one point. Did he always post the way he recently has? (I cannot make myself go read for some reason.)

I went back all the way to his first post, mostly food pictures at first but overwhelmingly quote pics.
Do you have a link for that information, that she was suspended? For how long was she suspended? I haven't seen that mentioned in any of the articles I have read.

Anyway assuming that information is correct, that she was suspended. Then the school is being criticised for doing something about it, at the same time they are being criticized for not doing something about it. It sounds like the school is in a no win situation. The teacher and the student were ordered to stay away from each other. They violated that directive. The father through his lawyer demanded that the school take measures to ensure that there would be absolutely no contact or communication between the two of them. The school did what they were requested to do.

She was given ISS (In-school suspension). He was not reprimanded.

Cummins and Thomas were caught kissing on January 23, School informed on January 24.
Thomas Family and Cummins were informed on January 31, investigation concluded, no findings.
Thomas was removed from the classroom in February and warned not to return. Thomas kept showing up in Cummins' class and was given an in-school suspension.
Cummins remained in the classroom until February 6 when he was suspended for insubordination.
There was a continuing investigation by the Maury County Sheriff's Office.
Thomas and Cummins go missing on March 13
Cummins was fired on March 14 (a day AFTER they went missing) which was a result of the amber alert.
I went back all the way to his first post, mostly food pictures at first but overwhelmingly quote pics.


For a self described , "Warrior Poet" he certainly wasn't on the Front Line of originality! meh.
I wonder if his wife (or anyone else) noticed a change in his posts at one point. Did he always post the way he recently has? (I cannot make myself go read for some reason.)
It's an interesting progression...maybe because of what we know now.

In the beginning of his IG (his first picture is a pic of his morning cereal and it was posted 116 weeks ago (if I'm reading it correctly) he posted more personal stuff like selfies, pics of his dog (s), his jeep, his coffee, Trump stuff, Jesus stuff.

Then like 13 weeks ago (again, if I'm reading the time stamp correctly) he begins posting more uplifting sayings, mushy stuff like "you are my blue crayon, the one I never have enough of, the one I use to color my sky", quite a few pictures from the grocery store of different gluten free products--which makes me wonder if it was for ET....I'm wondering if she's gluten free? A picture of his newest grandchild is next and then it turns into almost exclusively pictures from the internet of remote beaches and "i love you" pictures....lots of "mushy stuff".
Do you have a link for that information, that she was suspended? For how long was she suspended? I haven't seen that mentioned in any of the articles I have read.

Anyway assuming that information is correct, that she was suspended. Then the school is being criticised for doing something about it, at the same time they are being criticized for not doing something about it. It sounds like the school is in a no win situation. The teacher and the student were ordered to stay away from each other. They violated that directive. The father through his lawyer demanded that the school take measures to ensure that there would be absolutely no contact or communication between the two of them. The school did what they were requested to do.

The report concluded the allegation the two had kissed could not be confirmed but recommended E be taken out of Cummins' class. E should be told to bring anxiety issues to counselors and administration in the future, it said.

Four days later, an official reprimand issued to Cummins indicated that E had been in his classroom for a half-hour earlier that day.


Whatley said that despite his Feburary 6 letter to Marczak, school officials did not do enough to keep Cummins away from E and, at one point, placed E in in-school suspension when they learned the two remained in contact.

Anthony Thomas was upset to learn Cummins was not only still pursuing a relationship with his daughter, but also still teaching, the attorney said.

T kept showing up in Cummins' class, despite the warning, and was given an in-school suspension, Whatley said.

The way I understand it on the 25th of january they were seen kissing. On the 26th investigation by school launched. Both denied inappropriate contact. School decided not enough evidence to suspend the adult male teacher. Student and teacher told to stay away from one another, ET removed from teacher's class. School receives report that ET was seen again in his classroom with him and ET is placed on in-house suspension. Teacher is "reprimanded".but continues to be employed actively teaching there. Nothing further is done with teacher until she is abducted by him, at which time he is suspended from his job. Once Amber Alert is issued he is fired from said job.
Darn, this is scary. Volatile. I don't think this man snapped. I think he calculated. The hard part is figuring out what his ultimate intentions are. I wonder what the FBI/TBI and profiler make of the low response to the Amber alert. I hope he did not already have a new life all set up, including new out of state plates.
Do you have a link for that information, that she was suspended? For how long was she suspended? I haven't seen that mentioned in any of the articles I have read.

Anyway assuming that information is correct, that she was suspended. Then the school is being criticised for doing something about it, at the same time they are being criticized for not doing something about it. It sounds like the school is in a no win situation. The teacher and the student were ordered to stay away from each other. They violated that directive. The father through his lawyer demanded that the school take measures to ensure that there would be absolutely no contact or communication between the two of them. The school did what they were requested to do.
It has been mentioned and linked a few times throughout the threads. I don't have time to find it right now. I think a lot of people feel the school should have removed the responsible ADULT from the situation, immediately.
What does the instagram messaging from his end look like? (I don't do instagram, so I'm clueless.)

I believe, like most here that they were secretly communicating with their posts. She was liking his posts until a few weeks ago.
After seeing that... I can't even imagine TC willingly coming back and/or turning himself in. I mean, it's awful enough what he's done, but now his entire personal and professional life is in the toilet and out there for the world to see. Just... ugh. :gaah:

Frankly I could GAS about him.
I can't help but to feel anger over this case. I feel angry because it appears that this girl has been treated unfairly. The school did not handle this situation properly at all. If they had handled it better, things may be very different right now. This child should have never been punished for visiting his classroom after the incident. Instead that should've been an indicator that the child needed immediate help. I'd love to know what resources they offered this girl if they didn't even feel the need to call her parents after the incident was reported! They should've offered this child immediate assistance like counseling and should've brought her parents into the school immediately to discuss this. I feel like this child may have been failed on many levels. The school should've reported the incident to dfcs if they didn't know what else to do.
Yes, they are, after all, MANDATORY REPORTERS.

For a self described , "Warrior Poet" he certainly wasn't on the Front Line of originality! meh.

Exactly, and if I didn't know it was a man's IG, I would think it was a teenaged girl's. 😕
Is it at all possible the actions of TC toward her were genuinely more of a support role in her life, that now in hindsight, the TBI is suggesting were grooming? I mean, the statement does say "may have been abusing his role as a teacher". I think the only reason I'm questioning this, is because there is literally *nothing* in his background, from anyone or anywhere, to suggest he's a sexual predator. No history at all.
There's nothing WE KNOW OF.
Exactly, and if I didn't know it was a man's IG, I would think it was a teenaged girl's. 

Yes, those posts seem very immature and emotional.
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