Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #12

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Or, voicemail could have been turned off on the phone, but once the phone died the carrier voice mail kicked on. Plausible?

Could she have blocked dad's number in the phone, and once the phone battery dies the carrier voice mail took over.
Or, voicemail could have been turned off on the phone, but once the phone died the carrier voice mail kicked on. Plausible?

Could she have blocked dad's number in the phone, and once the phone battery dies the carrier voice mail took over.

I guess anything is possible. I'd like to know if they ever got a ping from TCs phone, and if so where.
the wal mart on video sighting of these two was it taken right after they went missing? and was it the last time they were seen? sorry if its been repeasted a lot, but i have CRS syndrome (Cant Remember ****) lol
We do not know how much money he has, we only know that he took a loan....he could've had more, could've sold things, had private stash, received help from friend.....we don't know.

maybe the loan was a red herring, a false clue? people talk about them going to mexico but what about canada? is it easier to get into mexico than canada?
One more then I'll cook my dinner.

My theory is they use the phones,transported south, so they could appear to be heading south while actually heading north to I40 then west. A head start so to speak. They were not noticed soon enough (for their plan) in OKC. Looking at the Walmart video convinces me they wanted to bee seen. why not choose a good grocery store like "whole foods" for the wheat allergy issue? ( which is what they are doing while everyone scours walmarts)


But they are right under everyone's nose now.
the wal mart on video sighting of these two was it taken right after they went missing? and was it the last time they were seen? sorry if its been repeasted a lot, but i have CRS syndrome (Cant Remember ****) lol

Yes, 2 days after they went missing. And yes, so far it is the last time they were seen. I also have CRS. Hoping hey find a cure for it soon! Lol

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What it means is that you are all very empathetic. Typical of websleuthers!!!

I've seen psychopath. But I've seen various different definitions of both. Most definitions consider psychopaths more deadly and more devoid of normal human emotion, from what I've seen so it would make sense that it's psychopaths, I think!

It's a smart thought but is TC sophisticated enough to realize that? I don't think so. Although he did cruise seemingly unafraid through Walmart only two days after taking off. However that might have been more stupidity than cunning? What do you think?

In terms of the Walmart shopping trip, I simply think that they needed to stock up on food, and the fact that they needed to do so that early in the trip tells me that he did not plan as well as we assumed. He should have packed at least a week's worth of gluten-free food. The other thing it suggests is that they may have gone to Walmart specifically, because he or they normally shop at one. ET has food allergies and probably knows what she can safely eat without triggering her allergies. I suspect that they got what they needed and left as quickly as possible. It really doesn't matter how many cameras there are in the store if nobody is reviewing the footage in a timely manner.
While I don't disagree that they could be bored if camping out in the wilderness, I think it is sad that this has become the state of our country. Camping out in nature, the way man lived for years and years is now seen a boring venture. I could be engaged with nothing but nature for weeks and probably months, but obviously I'm in the minority.

I still think he has money, but even when he runs out, they could certainly start dumpster diving. Food stores throw out plenty of good food.

Right now, the trial of Eric Frein is going on here near me. He shot two state troopers and hid in the woods for almost two months before getting caught. He was a survivalist type and knew the woods around his home probably better than anyone. Still, he was in what isn't a very large area with troopers searching for him day and night. There was plenty of speculation that he might have got out of the area, but he was found in an abandoned hangar in the general area.

These two don't have Frein's skills and they are in a vehicle most likely, not on foot. Still, they have the advantage of much more possible locations and no one searching for them in a particular area, because no one knows how to pinpoint where they are. I think they'll eventually slip up and be caught, but if they are good at it, they could probably hide for years.
Yes, there are at least 3 toll booths down I-44 between Oklahoma City and Wichita Falls. You can skip the toll booths if you have a Pike Pass but if you don't have the electronic pass or stop and pay the toll, they will get an automatic picture of your license plate and mail a ticket. If you are trying not to draw attention to yourself, you would have to stop and pay the toll. That was a good thought, I forget about the toll booths because we have a Pike Pass and don't have to stop and pay.
On the other hand, if they headed down I-35 there are no toll booths.
There are a lot of places to cross into Mexico and they don't pay attention. If you are American and crossing those areas, all they care is you are coming to spend money. They don't give you a hard time about coming in.

Now if he carries the guns into Mexico and gets caught doing that, different story. They don't play around with bringing guns into Mexico and it would be Mexican jail for him.

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According to the verified sister, Kat:

Thread 5, page16, post 240

"She left with a purse/bag with probably make up. She never left the house without a huge makeup bag. She had a grocery sack with a change of clothes. That wasn't a concern at the time. Because of family female health issues leaving the house with a change of clothing wasn't uncommon. There may or may not have been another bag. But her two sisters were home and watched her leave."
"Female health issues". Sounds like there might be more health issues than allergies. I don't want to discuss possibilities, just noted.
Has Her Father or Sister mentioned if she knows how to drive? I would hope if she does have the ability to get away in a vehicle she knows how to drive.
Hoping she returns home soon.

Yes, there are at least 3 toll booths down I-44 between Oklahoma City and Wichita Falls. You can skip the toll booths if you have a Pike Pass but if you don't have the electronic pass or stop and pay the toll, they will get an automatic picture of your license plate and mail a ticket. If you are trying not to draw attention to yourself, you would have to stop and pay the toll. That was a good thought, I forget about the toll booths because we have a Pike Pass and don't have to stop and pay.
On the other hand, if they headed down I-35 there are no toll booths.
I've just caught up on the status of this case (I saw the Amber Alert on the news when it was issued but haven't read anything else until now)... and EVERYTHING about this man and this entire situation is disturbing! This poor girl. And... IMO, her school is partly to blame here. They should have immediately placed him on a mandatory leave of absence while they conducted an investigation the minute they were informed that he was seen kissing one of his students. The no contact BS they demanded just doesn't cut it for me. They could have potentially prevented these turn of events, if you ask me. I am downright shocked and appalled... not to mention, OUTRAGED about how they handled such a serious allegation!

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Has Her Father or Sister mentioned if she knows how to drive? I would hope if she does have the ability to get away in a vehicle she knows how to drive.
Hoping she returns home soon.

According to her sister ET doesn't drive and no permit.
I made a poster. Don't know how good it is. Spanish isn't my first language and i had to convert measurements. Tell me if there are any mistakes. Also, I don't know how useful a 1-800 number is south of the border, because there are country codes and problems with international plans. Is there a website?

Finally, I don't know how to convert it to a photo. It's a screenshot of a word doc.


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I hope the depositions are oral/in person and not written.
In person depositions you could read a lot from someone's expressions and manner, not in a written depo.

Depositions are taken in person and then a court reporter prepares a written transcription. However, some depositions are also video recorded.
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