Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #12

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The witness list will be sealed:

Judge Stella Hargrove sealed the witness list at Whatley’s request.
“To avoid harm to these witnesses such as potential embarrassment and harassment, as well as public scrutiny, this document should be sealed,” Whatley argued. “Certain issues have arised that establish an immediate threat of irreparable harm to the witnesses that this court would be justified [in sealing the list].”

Through witness depositions, the petition also sets the stage for a future lawsuit against Cummins, including an order of protection and possible civil lawsuits.

The family’s interview of witnesses would run parallel to law enforcement. The TBI, the lead agency in the case, said it has received and investigated more than 1,200 tips. A Maury County Sheriff said his deputies have been spending 12-14-hour shifts on investigations.
It is absolutely crazy to me that people have information about these two and their "trip". Who in their right mind would know about this so-called relationship and not say anything? Who in their right mind would know anything about their runaway plans and keep it secret?? This is a sick situation. I'm flabbergasted. What is going on here? So many questions....

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From the link below I pasted a quote that seems to conflict with what her sister said on this forum. Was the sister verified?

Whatley pointed out that according to family, Elizabeth didn’t take anything from her home that would suggest she planned on running away. While it’s unclear exactly what she had in her bag when she left with Cummins, she didn’t take things from home that would indicate that she was willingly going away for as long as she’s been missing.

Yes, the sister was verified. That sentence, IMHO, doesn't contradict what I recall Kat stating. ET appears to take some clothes, including a sister's swimsuit. She did not take an Epi pen, IIRC. The think the key words in the quote are "for as long as she's been missing." I don't recall anyone, our VI included, saying that ET packed up a month's worth of clothing. If memory serves me, we don't know how many changes of clothes or what they may even look like. Unless she took her favorite outfits, who would notice what three out of 20 (hypothetical example) she packed. A couple changes of clothes and swimsuit could equal a day trip. IMO.
It is absolutely crazy to me that people have information about these two and their "trip". Who in their right mind would know about this so-called relationship and not say anything? Who in their right mind would know anything about their runaway plans and keep it secret?? This is a sick situation. I'm flabbergasted. What is going on here? So many questions....

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People who think he didn't do anything wrong. People he lied to. People he conned. People who would do the same thing.

Just thinking, and trying not to feel sick.
Do any of you think he is back tracking?
I believe that I saw on AT twitter a few days ago that some group had notified Mexican authorities and there was a photo of an Amber Alert (or the likes of one) in SPANISH. Anyone else see that? I think it was a poster to AT from Penn. JMO

The Alert in Spanish? I posted it many threads ago.

here is another version:

Do any of you think he is back tracking?
No too risky unless person/persons hiding him. But I've been wrong before a lot.
There was that guy in Cleveland hiding those girls in a neighborhood house and no one knew.
Do any of you think he is back tracking?

No I'm thinking he went straight on I-40 but I'm not sure if he went all the way to CA or not.

I-40 would dump him close to LA then he could have gone south to the border. OR he went south on I-35 right to Mexico from OK.

I still think he is heading to Mexico and I'm not sure why. I think its because he researched teen marriage and I have a family member who got married as a 17 year old in Mexico to a 19-20 year old with out consent. They got married by proxy. But really any amount of cash can buy you what you need in Mexico in terms of documents it seems.

I have been known to be wrong so I won't be surprised wherever they are found:)
Was just thinking about TC's claims of being a millionaire. Some of us have stated that ET probably figured out by now that TC is not a millionaire or even rich. I am now second guessing this assumption as TC could actually be stringing her along on this one by explaining that the money is currently inaccessible (but will get in his hands any minute now) or that they are purposely living like paupers because it's all part of his grand plan and that a lifestyle of luxury will happen when the coast is clear. I'm not saying she's there for the money, I'm just using the millionaire thing as an example. In other words, it's possible ET still believes anything and everything TC has told her in the past despite evidence to the contrary.

Short version: TC is most likely filling this vulnerable, gullible child's head with so much nonsense that it is beyond sickening. Lies and manipulation are how he lured her in the first place and lies and manipulation are how he plans to keep her with him IMO.

This appeared around 2:30 on the front of the (Nashville) Tennessean:

Tad Cummins threatened teen with 'repercussions' before kidnapping, court papers say

A former Middle Tennessee teacher accused of kidnapping 15-year-old Elizabeth Thomas last month threatened the girl with repercussions, according to newly filed court papers.

Tad Cummins, 50, was a “masterfully manipulating predator” who pressured the girl to go out with him by threatening her with repercussions at school, according to a petition for perpetuation of testimony filed Thursday in Maury County Chancery Court.
A little unfamiliar with Mexico, please bare with me. In watching other news/movies, there are parts of Mexico that people have gone to that don't extradite. Is that indeed Mexico or was that one of the islands near Mexico??
A couple thoughts ...
I've been told by people in Mexico that they are generally apprehensive to call in a tip on an abduction, because they don't trust their government and feel they may be implicated for something they didn't do/have prior knowledge of. They simply don't want to get involved.

With that said, I think it's easier for them to hide in the U.S. than we think. At the salon I asked people if they had heard of the Amber Alert for Elizabeth. No one had. We at WS follow closely but a great part of America does not, or doesn't care to find them to the extent we do. Id be pretty surprised if my local, small town LE could recognize them, TBH.

I don't know if they're in Mexico but I'm leaning towards no.
Yes, the sister was verified. That sentence, IMHO, doesn't contradict what I recall Kat stating. ET appears to take some clothes, including a sister's swimsuit. She did not take an Epi pen, IIRC. The think the key words in the quote are "for as long as she's been missing." I don't recall anyone, our VI included, saying that ET packed up a month's worth of clothing. If memory serves me, we don't know how many changes of clothes or what they may even look like. Unless she took her favorite outfits, who would notice what three out of 20 (hypothetical example) she packed. A couple changes of clothes and swimsuit could equal a day trip. IMO.

According to the verified sister, Kat:

Thread 5, page16, post 240

"She left with a purse/bag with probably make up. She never left the house without a huge makeup bag. She had a grocery sack with a change of clothes. That wasn't a concern at the time. Because of family female health issues leaving the house with a change of clothing wasn't uncommon. There may or may not have been another bag. But her two sisters were home and watched her leave."
Does anyone know which OKC Walmart they were at? That might be a clue as to which direction they went afterwards...

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Unless they took a wrong turn, or had some particular reason for Wal-Mart in OKC, they weren't on I-40 anymore when they were in OKC. That Wal-Mart sits along 240 which feeds into 44 just a couple of miles further west. 44 turns south and runs into Texas at Wichita Falls where 44 ends. It also sits very close to I-35. It makes sense to me they were planning on heading south into Texas on 35. If you took 35 into Dallas/Ft. Worth there are several possibilities from there.
I also thought, if they were intent on camping, I-44 runs straight through the Wichita Mts. There is one small campground and wilderness camping in the Wichita Mts. Wilderness camping requires a permit, and I doubt the area is big enough that un-permitted wilderness camping would go undetected for more than a day. I don't think they could be in that area undetected this long, but they might have planned to go there.
It is possible they missed the I-40/I-240 split as they were headed west and wound up in South OKC by accident, or they had other reasons going south and then back to I-40. If they just missed the turn though, they would have had some backtracking to do to get back to I-40.
Does anyone know which OKC Walmart they were at? That might be a clue as to which direction they went afterwards...

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I think you posted the same time I was writing my message, but they were at a Wal-Mart located just off of I-240. It is right at 240 and just past 35.
I literally cannot believe these two haven't been found. I did not think it possible to "disappear" in 2017. Not in this country anyway...
What state do you think is the cheapest to live in?
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