Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #13 *Arrest*

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It's my understanding the doctor would be able to track if any of the 12 refills were refilled. So I agree investigators would likely know if he had done this.

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But he could have mail ordered the meds from another country weeks before (a years supply)

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Not another. 3 others. 3. They have names and are forever effected. Two have stepped forward the other for reasons cannot.

Just to clarify, does this mean that aside from Elizabeth there are THREE individuals who were groomed as teenagers by TC? Assuming one is Destany Parrish, and one will remain anonymous, is the remaining person still a minor? Or is she now an adult who intends to speak to the press?

Kat, hope you are doing relatively ok at the moment. Elizabeth, yourself, and your family are in my thoughts daily.
Same here. The pharmacist is extremely picky about that, in fact.

But if you had a few scripts from a few different docs you could go to several different pharmacies & get them filled. My hubby has taken blood pressure meds for years. His doc gives him 6 months of scripts at a time. Plus our insurance encourages mail order to save money. Now I doubt TC did that w/out JC knowing but he had all kinds of time to plan the trip, he could have easily got scripts from 2 docs & had them filled in local towns (not using insurance) like said before the doc could track that but did he go to an urgent care & say he was in town for work & forgot his meds & get a new scrip in an alias? I have no idea how much thought was put into these small details but he easily could have stockpiled BP meds. They are not highly regulated like pain meds etc.

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Does Jill Cummins work for the board of education?

In her own words, she is a "Maury County Schools Administrative Assistant in Dept. of Instruction". There was some confusion early on as to whether she on the Board itself but that is not the case. So yes, she works for the School Board in an admin capacity.
Not another. 3 others. 3. They have names and are forever effected. Two have stepped forward the other for reasons cannot.
Thank you for verifying that! He has been getting away with this for FAR too long.
TC has no moral compass.

Anyone who allowed their teen daughters to spend time with him unsupervised need to be asking their daughter serious questions.
Except he was grooming another girl before ET.

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There is no "except" in this case.

I don't think this issue was spur of the moment.

He has had this fantasy for a while. Elizabeth was the one who accepted it as well.

The above is my opinion only.
There is no "except" in this case.

I don't think this issue was spur of the moment.

He has had this fantasy for a while. Elizabeth was the one who accepted it as well.

The above is my opinion only.
Agree. He had been planning IMO for a long time and honing it. The month after suspension was TC executing it.
I am curious about the "hunker down" theory.

In this scenario, how long do you think Tad envisions hiding out? What is the long-term play?

The "hunker down" theory is hard for me to consider because, in my mind, hiding out together is not the same as running away together.

Maybe he didn't think long-term, but indications to me are that he did.

The above is my opinion only.

Oklahoma City is a major crossroads for Interstate Highways 35, 40, and 44. What's scary is they could be anywhere since that one sighting, like a gateway to the rest of the country. I hope LE is looking into surveillance footage from the numerous truck stops in OKC alone.



  • IMG_0172.GIF
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Oklahoma City is a major crossroads for Interstate Highways 35, 40, and 44. What's scary is they could be anywhere since that one sighting, like a gateway to the rest of the country. I hope LE is looking into surveillance footage from the numerous truck stops in OKC alone.

I noticed that there is a truck stop on both sides of the Walmart they were seen at in Oklahoma City.
That really stood out to me!

In her own words, she is a "Maury County Schools Administrative Assistant in Dept. of Instruction". There was some confusion early on as to whether she on the Board itself but that is not the case. So yes, she works for the School Board in an admin capacity.

Thanks. This says a lot if you can read between the lines. Maybe he worked for the school system just a bit too long?
I noticed that there is a truck stop on both sides of the Walmart they were seen at in Oklahoma City.
That really stood out to me!


Here's quick Google Maps snapshot of the truck stops just in the OKC vicinity alone!


  • IMG_0173.JPG
    378 KB · Views: 312
I noticed that there is a truck stop on both sides of the Walmart they were seen at in Oklahoma City.
That really stood out to me!


They probably parked in a truck stop and walked to the Walmart. BTW, I saw a Tennessee license plate in the parking lot @ work today - first one I've seen since I've been looking. I went over and touched it. :blushing:The letters and numbers on the plate are FLAT. (In CA, the numbers and letters are raised.) Naturally, I didn't TRY painting or taping over the letters, but it looked like it would be possible to do so.
They probably parked in a truck stop and walked to the Walmart. BTW, I saw a Tennessee license plate in the parking lot @ work today - first one I've seen since I've been looking. I went over and touched it. :blushing:The letters and numbers on the plate are FLAT. (In CA, the numbers and letters are raised.) Naturally, I didn't TRY painting or taping over the letters, but it looked like it would be possible to do so.

This coating supposedly prevents the scanner from reading your plate. Just one I found doing a quick google search for "license plate coating"
That Walmart is ONE mile from the Department of Public Safety too.
So yes, Tad is hiding in plain sight. IMO

The article says she stuffed it down her shirt.

"Jason Whatley, Anthony Thomas’ attorney, said Anthony Thomas signed a waiver giving investigators access to the traffic but could not physically take the phone because Elizabeth Thomas kept putting it down her shirt."

That's what sisters are for. Or wait till she's in the shower.
Could be possible they are still in Oklahoma giving the illusion that they traveled any which direction?
That's what sisters are for. Or wait till she's in the shower.
Not my daughter! I'd demand that she hand it over or I would shut it off.
In fact at that point I would have been in possession of her phone.
Had a situation where and older man contacted my daughter.
His next call was answered by me. He was told in no uncertain terms not to contact her again.

I then cancelled her #, unplugged and hid my router. Until she was able to explain to me why I came unglued.

That’s me. I am not judging. I know everyone reacts differently.

Correct me if I'm wrong: we don't know about any planning activities TC did before he was suspended, correct? The internet searches, the title loan, etc were all in the time between his suspension and the disappearance?

JMO but I don't think it's so far-fetched to imagine that he took off with only a short- to medium-term plan (ie hide out). He was already in trouble and facing consequences. He had nothing to lose and he could very well have been acting from a place of panic. He may think he can hide until the furor dies down and have an opportunity to escape for good. If he stays in his old life he definitely gets punished; if he escapes, he may get punished anyway, but he'll have had these few weeks to do what he wanted--or he may get away with it entirely.

I just find it harder to believe that he either planned a flawless international escape in the space of a few weeks, or he's been planning longer than that and left no trace. (And I don't think that fantasizing about running away is the same as hammering out the practical details. Just because he may have been dreaming about it, doesn't mean he was planning how to make it happen.) Of course as always LE may know more than they let on.

Ultimately I guess it comes down to: given what we know about TC, do you find it more likely that he took off with no endgame, or that he could successfully deliver them to a new life? Personally I find the first option more likely, but both of them requires a leap, IMO, and I don't think that one is so obviously more likely that it rules the other one out.
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