Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #15 *Arrest*

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The reward money was specifically donated for reward purposes.

So it shouldn't go to the family if the funds were donated for those purposes. Jmo

So if the guy doesn't want it. Then give the reward money back or whatever.

Because that money was raised for a reward and not the family. Jmo

They already have their money and future lawsuits jmo

They also offered the money directly to ET. Please correct me if I'm remembering wrong, but they did not solicit the money from the public. They donated it themselves, so it's their money to do with what they please.

If they bring a lawsuit forward, they will likely be stuck in litigation for a very long time. Not that I care if they sue, I think they should. All JMO
Is it me. Or did Tad head for a male gay commune of members that wasn't interested in sleeping with his young female kinapeed?

7 days with no wifi or electric equipment in the boonies actually equals 70 days to us folks when realizing how slowly time travels. Lol

So time goes by differently .jmo

From what the people in the commune said, it sounds like they were keeping very busy. I have a feeling that time was flying for them.
I'm so grateful that the child is home and well. That about wraps it up for me. I don't need to argue about the $$ end at all.
I wish ET all the sweet things life can hold.
It seemed to me as though the commune members were telling the reporter what he wanted to hear - one of them in particular. IMHO. I remain skeptical until we hear more.

In my opinion, people are being quick to dismiss the commune members because they don't fit a certain mold. I'm keeping an open mind about the commune members who were interviewed until we know more.

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I hate the fact taxpayers will pay for housing, food and medical care for this pervert trash during his prison stay. He will be separated from other inmates have his own cell, 24/7 escorted protection by deputies since this is a high profile case sexual assault charges against a minor. Inmates want to have at it with prisoners who have committed crimes against a child but unfortunately he will have security wherever he goes. I do know this for fact as my nephew and a friend of mine are correctional officers and another friend is in prison.

Another words he will be protected from general population.

The good news is, however, he will not have access to any other precious young girl to groom. So, there's that...

And despite how much "nicer" federal prison is than state prison, it's still prison. I can't imagine it's any kind of great life for anyone.
In my opinion, people are being quick to dismiss the commune members because they don't fit a certain mold. I'm keeping an open mind about the commune members who were interviewed until we know more.

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I don't dismiss them, but am pretty sure that the prosecution will not call them as witnesses. There are likely many, many indelicate cobwebs in their closet that would not look good to a jury.
What the ???
WHY??? She isn't even allowed to be around her daughter! !!

"Tonight at 5:00, 6:00
An exclusive interview with Elizabeth Thomas' mother.
Following a harrowing, stress filled six weeks, Elizabeth was found, and her alleged kidnapper Tad Cummins arrested in a rural area of Northern California.
Thomas' mother talks to Channel 4's Cody Engdahl
about the ordeal.
Join us on Channel4 News at 5:00 & 6:00"


Because there is a restraining order against her for severe abuse of ET and other kids. The l;ast thing she needs is to be around that woman, IMO.

<shiver> The "tour" of the commune made me think of the Ghost Ship in Oakland -- another fire trap waiting to happen. (Many of you will know what I mean.)

Anyway -- after reading the comments of the commune folks, it surely sounds like ET was very fond (to say the least) of her teacher. Bless her heart. I hope she won't hate everyone involved in bringing the thing to an end and in bringing her back home. SMH. A bad situation for all, IMO. I hope she was glad to be home. Time is what they all need and some very good therapy for all of them -- not to smother her with hugs & kisses unless she wants them; not to speak ill of the teacher, yet; I know how my folks prolly would have acted (smothering me with love & kisses -- things that some kids pray for -- and I not understanding that I was a very fortunate teen with parents such as that) , and it would have made me mad (at first). I feel sure her folks will hear something like "Leave me alone; I was having a good time; you just don't know him; he is wonderful," and such. But maybe not for long. Maybe she was a needy, vulnerable kid and the teacher saw his chance. Grrrrr.

Oh, this just make me wanna scratch his eyes out and worse. It may be a long road for all of them. She is young in age, but "old" in life right now, IMO. But teenagers are still flexible and they often bounce back quickly if they are physically healthy. But good therapy is surely critical. Yes, a long road, methinks.

I don't think the comments indicate that this previously abused, vulnerable, sheltered 15 year old, who was manipulated, groomed and stalked by her teacher, and who voiced fears of him, tried to hide from him and told a sibling to call the police if she wasn't back by 6, and was then taken by her fully armed predator, across state lines, hundreds of miles from her home and family, dependent on him for everything, was fond of her predator.

They may just indicate she did what she had to in order to cope with the situation.

I am open that she has conflicting feelings. I think there's been evidence of that. But what a kid does when in the clutches of a predator, may not indicate anything more than their instinct to survive.

Also, everything I have researched and read about trauma and kids who have been preyed upon sexually by adults does not indicate they are flexible or bounce back at all. It indicates the opposite - they are quite fragile and experience horrible and often life-long negative effects from trauma.
Oh know Radar online got a big story blowing it up calling it the house of horrors

Video of Kat she posted quite a bit here

Radar uses the Daily Mail as a source, one tabloid regurgitating another.

"These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative*causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative*causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.
Factual Reporting: MIXED"
Bingo. Dont you love hoe he explains away the commune members making them leave as predjudice? As if it has to be a flaw of the commune and not that he was doing something wrong. I have to wonder if JC isnt a little relieved he gave her a way out of that marriage.

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Relief may come in time, but for now I suppose she's still grieving the loss of what she thought she had, and the husband/father/man she thought she knew.

I've read tons of interviews over the years of wives/girlfriends of serial killers, rapists, etc., and they all read the same way. They basically pull your heart out.

I don't dismiss them, but am pretty sure that the prosecution will not call them as witnesses. There are likely many, many indelicate cobwebs in their closet that would not look good to a jury.
Pretty sure many of us posting on these threads have our fair share of "indelicate cobwebs" in our own closets. My opinion only.

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In federal prisons they can even wear jeans not prison attire.

Only good thing about federal prison is NO conjugal visits in any state!!
You can wear jeans and actual "street clothes" in state prisons as well. What determines what you wear and how "strict" the facility is state wise is whether or not it is a DOC (Dept. Of Corrections) facility on state ground or a privately owned facility on privately owned land aka "satellite campuses"! Believe it or not there's a BIG difference in DOC ground facilities and Satellite Campuses!! If you are serving your state time at a satellite campus you can actually order food from restaurants, pizza, etc. Satellite Campuses are unbelievably lax! Also VERY easy to get what DOC would call "contraband" (drugs, cigarettes, cell phones etc) into a state satellite campus because the guards and employees have NO certifications when it comes to prison guards or LE. They are your everyday people who get paid minimum wage and can make plenty of money off of inmates! DOC State facilities are a lot more stricter! They require way more requirements to work in there facilities! Such as state certifications, countless hours of training, LE experience, etc.! The guards in a DOC facility get paid more money and have a lot more too lose! Therefore its a lot more stricter, and you font get away with much at all! Don't get me WRONG there's corruption everywhere! So I'm not saying it can't or doesn't happen in a DOC facility. Just not as often because of tge reasons i started above!

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Because there is a restraining order against her for severe abuse of ET and other kids. The l;ast thing she needs is to be around that woman, IMO.

I don't think the comments indicate that this previously abused, vulnerable, sheltered 15 year old, who was manipulated, groomed and stalked by her teacher, and who voiced fears of him, tried to hide form him and told a sibling to call the police if she wasn't back by 6, and was then taken by her fully armed predator, across state lines, hundreds of miles from her home and family, dependent on him for everything, was fond of her predator.

They may just indicate she did what she had to in order to cope with the situation.

I am open that she has conflicting feelings. I think there's been evidence of that. But what a kid does when in the clutches of a predator, may not indicate anything more than their instinct to survive.

Also, everything I have researched and read about trauma and kids who have been preyed upon sexually by adults does not indicate they are flexible or bounce back at all. It indicates the opposite - they are quite fragile and experience horrible and often life-log negative effects from trauma.

I read and believe that a main predictor of the ability of a victim of such crimes to heal is what shape they were in mentally and emotionally prior to the crime(s) having been committed in addition to the therapy and love and support from family they receive afterwards. I would be overjoyed if Elizabeth Smart would be able to one day help or refer help for ET. It appears she recovered well and that her life prior to her abduction was stable with lots of love. Sadly, ET has already been traumatized by her own family member, which was likely why she was vulnerable to a predator. None of this is that poor girl's fault. I hope she gets the help and can live in a stable and loving home.
I do hope people realize that ET likely feels that she was in love with TC. Which, in a way, she may have loved very deeply, the sense of worth and value he made her feel...(.I give up my Kingdom for you. My family, my freedom, my life).... Powerful stuff.

Adolescence can be a shaky emotional time period. Unlike adults their emotions are right up close to the surface, (and not all covered with scar tissue like many of us.) The more people vilify TC right now, the more likely she is too feel misunderstood.

Counselling can be a great help, or it can suck... imo. I've seen great counselors, and those who should be in prison...

I do sincerely hope ET has someone who can allow her to acknowledge her true feelings, while helping her to see a healthier type of love is possible and attainable for herself.
Great points - especially “I do sincerely hope ET has someone who can allow her to acknowledge her true feelings, while helping her to see a healthier type of love is possible and attainable for herself.”

It’s best for ET that nobody tells her she is incorrect, invalid, or wrong about her feelings for TC. While ET‘s long journey toward understanding that TC’s behavior was criminal, it is essential for her emotional well-being to always receive acknowledgement that her true feelings about TC are valid feelings. I hope family and friends will accept professional guidance on how to always honor ET’s feelings.
Yes, April and Sophia. Both with XY chromosomal structure, though, it would seem. Imagine two hillbillies from Tennessee encountering that environment...

I live in Tennessee and I can only imagine some hillbillies I know running upon those guys, that would be interesting!!
The commune was a brilliant hiding location for them. But why TC thought they would fit in there, I have no idea. Maybe he just had no idea what he was getting into.

Agreed. I think TC is incredibly naive and nowhere near as worldly as he thinks he is.
I see. I hope they take the money. They deserve it, and I'm sure they would greatly benefit. If fr some reason they didn't, I don't see why the family shouldn't receive it. If that' what the donor wants to do...hey, it's their money. I really hope the men responsible for the tip will keep it, though. They seem like really good and kind people.

I thought I saw an interview with the award donor and he said that in the event the award money was not claimed, it would go into a fund for Elizabeth's future, I think he said college, but not entirely sure about that part.
Is it me. Or did Tad head for a male gay commune of members that wasn't interested in sleeping with his young female kinapeed?

It is my understanding the ranch is queer friendly, not gay, they accept all preferences of people, not excluding.
Queer encompasses more variation of sexual identity, a bisexual may call themselves queer but appear as a heterosexual when in a relationship with the opposite gender.
I have a queer woman friend in exactly that situation, she was in a relationship with a woman before but still considers herself queer even though she is with a man now.
Queer also includes pan sexual and polyamory.

""Queer&#8221; now serves as an umbrella term that not only includes those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, but also people who fall in between the binaries and beyond these labels, including identities such as pansexual, intersex, asexual, gender-non-conforming and polyamorous, just to name a few"
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