Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #15 *Arrest*

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Looking back on this case now, the best thing they could have done would have been to stay in San Francisco, rent a $1000 a month converted garage, and panhandle on the streets. They could have probably raised a $100 a day doing that. Which would have paid their rent and food. But after reading about their laziness at the commune I wonder if even that would have been too much work for them.

I think you mean "his" laziness and too much work for "him" instead of them. Why would ET need to try to panhandle to pay rent? He conjured up this mess and I'm so glad he was too lazy to properly plan ahead for the money and figure out ways to make more. It just means she was found earlier than I ever thought she would be.
Yes, April and Sophia. Both with XY chromosomal structure, though, it would seem. Imagine two hillbillies from Tennessee encountering that environment...

I kind of take offense to this statement. I assume they are hillbillies because they are from Tennessee? Why is that? Are you generalizing and entire state?
They also offered the money directly to ET. Please correct me if I'm remembering wrong, but they did not solicit the money from the public. They donated it themselves, so it's their money to do with what they please.

If they bring a lawsuit forward, they will likely be stuck in litigation for a very long time. Not that I care if they sue, I think they should. All JMO

They was broke. So its the publics money which that part was publically designated for reward purposes.

So let's stop the catch 22s before we start the
thinking differently of the families intentions. Jmo
I kind of take offense to this statement. I assume they are hillbillies because they are from Tennessee? Why is that? Are you generalizing and entire state?

I was bothered in the other direction.
How does one know their chromosomal structure which could be any number of combinations besides XX or XY?
Yes, April and Sophia. Both with XY chromosomal structure, though, it would seem. Imagine two hillbillies from Tennessee encountering that environment...

Tennessee has it's own queer communes, "Ida" has been there for years and is one of the biggest and well known in the US. Home of the Radical Fairies.
Contrary to stereotypes, all the queers are not in California.
There are queer hillbillies too.
They was broke. So its the publics money which that part was publically designated for reward purposes.

So let's stop the catch 22s before we start the
thinking differently of the families intentions. Jmo

What on earth are you talking about? A former coworker of Tad's and his business partner donated the money. They did not take donations from the public.

And wth? The families intentions about what?

"Anderson and his business partner Blake Hight are offering $10,000 to Elizabeth to come home, or to anyone else who can bring her home."
I died cracking up when I read your post and immediately that picture of them popped in my head. But each to their own i guess. Last time i chilled in a tub without water I was 10 and refused to sleep in my bed, angry with my parents about new sheets I didn't appreciate.Imo always maybe I belong there.

BBM. That is hilarious!!

I hope your right because when it comes to these trials I don't get my hopes up anymore because most of the time it backfires.

The feds will get him. The law is clear here as are the facts.

If he has a multitude of charges and he is found guilty, will those charges run concurrently in prison, or does it depend on what the individual charges are?

I think concurrently. But state sentences should run consecutive to federal. or vice versa.

what would the ramifications be if ET isn't emotionally ready to testify come trial time...does the prosecution NEED her testimony?


Wsmv decided not to air the interview with ET's mother.

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Glad they made that decision!

Does anyone have a link to validate the rumor going around that a 13 year old can move out of their parents home in TN and there's nothing the parents can do about it?
I've searched and every valid link I have found says parents in TN have legal guardianship until the age of 18 unless the child has been emancipated by a judge by proving they would be better off living separate from their parents.

Also, the age of consent in TN is 18, unless the partner is within 4 years of age to the child.

It was a quote form the DA and I think it was political blustering. He's trying to secure reelection by pointing to a relevant flaw in the law that he thinks should be fixed. But you can't harbor a runaway in TN and parents have authority over their kids. He was referencing the fact that taking a kid over 13 if not by fraud or force, may not give rise to kidnapping charges.

But it does give rise to various other charges and coercing a kid to leave may be enough.

I think this is sometimes being described as "A relationship" merely to distinguish that there was no violence involved. I don't think anybody thinks it's *right*. Both willing parties, is different than a violent kidnap/rape scenario. JMO Emotional manipulation is distinctly different, than a knife to the throat.

Again, a 15 year old child isn't a "willing party". I certainly understand that a child who walks off with a predator who entices her to go, who she knows well, is quite different than putting a knife to a kid's throat. But a kid who is underage, has been manipulated for months by someone in authority who is vastly older than she and who was vulnerable to further abuse to begin with, cannot give consent and cannot be deemed to be a willing partner in her own sexual assault.

A kid under those circumstances is easily manipulated and coerced and cannot know her own mind about sex abuse by a 50 year old predator. The imbalance of power is far too great.

So different from a 6 year old grabbed forcefully and put into a van to be raped, as the law demonstrates, but still illegal, still dangerous and still extremely devastating to the child.

You know had he not been lured out of that shack, he was at great risk of killing her and then himself.

It is my understanding the ranch is queer friendly, not gay, they accept all preferences of people, not excluding.
Queer encompasses more variation of sexual identity, a bisexual may call themselves queer but appear as a heterosexual when in a relationship with the opposite gender.
I have a queer woman friend in exactly that situation, she was in a relationship with a woman before but still considers herself queer even though she is with a man now.
Queer also includes pan sexual and polyamory.

""Queer” now serves as an umbrella term that not only includes those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, but also people who fall in between the binaries and beyond these labels, including identities such as pansexual, intersex, asexual, gender-non-conforming and polyamorous, just to name a few"

You know there's no way TC knows that!!!
Is it me. Or did Tad head for a male gay commune of members that wasn't interested in sleeping with his young female kinapeed?

I highly doubt he knew the people there were gay. If he watched the documentary, it wasn't a big part of it. He probably thought it was mostly hippies, haha. If anything, I'd guess he's probably homophobic and not wanting to be around gay people which would explain the "oh you're kicking us out because we're straight" BS he allegedly spouted off when they were kicked out.

As for a gay man not wanting to sleep with a woman, being bisexual is not as uncommon as you'd think. Many people who are bi just say whichever gay/lesbian because it's more socially acceptable (even if it's not 100% acceptable overall) than being bi. Also, one of the people interviewed just said transgender (I'm assuming MtF trans). Transgender isn't an orientation, it's a gender identity. Trans people are all over the place as far as orientation goes. My brother-in-law is transgender and pansexual (meaning he is open to loving people of all gender identities).
My daughter that I am visiting in LA right now just told me she has been to BBR.
One of her friends owns the property next door and they were invited to a party while she was visiting.
She said there were all kinds of people there, straight and queer.
They was broke. So its the publics money which that part was publically designated for reward purposes.

So let's stop the catch 22s before we start the
thinking differently of the families intentions. Jmo

The reward money was NOT the publics money. The $10,000 was put up by a former co-worker of TC. The family has raised NO money and that comes directly from the family. If you have paid any money to go to the family, you got swindled.

Maybe he will come across that issue of Teen Vogue while in prison and learn something.

If I had to guess, I'd say that he'll go for being a religious preacher in there. It'd give him the feeling of superiority and esteem that he craves.
dang...i missed gitana...

i know it's late, but, how can we be certain that they don't need ET's in-court sworn testimony. just trying to cover all future bases...

and folks this isn't a transgender case nor lifestyle debate (IMO). keep cool. applaud the bathtub "commune" for what it is and if they hadn't booted our "rogue" twosome, they never would have been found nor outed...and further applause (and reward) for the ex-pat-tennessean who called them out to authorities...
one more question...ET's sister was married at 17, JC married TC at 19...who's to say that in her mind, ET didn't think 15 was unreasonable?

not justifying TC's motive/intent in the very least...but perhaps between both families ET had a distorted view of age/ no fault of her own...thoughts?
I don't think Tad ever had any intention of Murder/Suicide. I think he's far too Narcissistic. (imo) I wouldn't be surprised if they discussed the possibility of capture, and he romanticized the heck out of "taking the fall" for her (Sick!). BS like " don't let anyone tell you that what we had wasn't real" ect...

Anyone remember this "teacher" :

"Born Mary Katherine Schmitz, in January 1962, in Orange County, California, Mary Kay Letourneau became infamous in February 1997 when it was learned that she had a sexual affair with Vili Fualaau, a 13-year-old boy in the class she taught. After serving 80 days of a seven-year sentence, Letourneau was released on parole and was promptly caught with Fualaau and sent to prison for her full term. Upon her release, the two married in 2005, having had two children as well. Journalist Barbara Walters interviewed the couple for an episode of 20/20 during their 10-year wedding anniversary."

"Letourneau was released from prison in August 2004. Shortly after her release, a judge lifted an order that barred contact between Mary Kay Letourneau and Fualaau after the 21-year-old Fualaau petitioned the court. He and Letourneau soon got engaged. In May 2005, the couple married at a winery in Woodinville, Washington. They sold their wedding video to the press. Eventually reunited with their children, Fualaau and Letourneau live in a suburb of Seattle, Washington. Fualaau has been working as a DJ in recent years, and the couple hosted a series of "Hot for Teacher" nights at a local club in 2009."

And that sorry excuse for a teacher was married and had four children at the time, she abused a 13 year old boy! The story has similarities to Tad such as:

"Letourneau took a job teaching at Shorewood Elementary School, where she became a respected member of the faculty. As a teacher, Letourneau took sixth-grade student Vili Fualaau under her wing, and encouraged his artistic talents. He spent time at her house, and she encouraged a friendship between him and her oldest child, Steve, who was only a year younger than him.".

I wouldn't be a bit surprised to learn that there was an attempt to contact after ET is of legal age, but I hope that that she has a strong rehabilitative team, ( and I do think a support group is the way to go with this), in addition to a personal therapy plan.), or...
perhaps Tad will receive the ( forced) psychiatric attention he so desperately needs, ( but I doubt it).
dang...i missed gitana...

i know it's late, but, how can we be certain that they don't need ET's in-court sworn testimony. just trying to cover all future bases...

and folks this isn't a transgender case nor lifestyle debate (IMO). keep cool. applaud the bathtub "commune" for what it is and if they hadn't booted our "rogue" twosome, they never would have been found nor outed...and further applause (and reward) for the ex-pat-tennessean who called them out to authorities...

Because the federal charges have to do with his intent, not what he actually did. And there's plenty of evidence as to his intent (and some of what he actually probably did as well).
thanks mountain kat...and everybodhi, I don't have a link but it has been posted multiple times, it's something about the stupid "left willingly" clause and that Tennessee still has that age listed as 13 (older than 13 can "leave willingly"). i'll try to find it...

Thanks but gitana already explained it, as I understood her, it is political posturing on the part of the DA thinking ahead to election season using an obscure law with no real bearing on this case.
I can't see either side wanting to use them. They'd be destroyed on cross.

Well, there's that, of course. But also, what Prosecuting Attorney would put these 2 on the stand to repeat the things they've said about the 15 year old victim in this case ? No Defense Attorney would put them on the stand either, because the only thing they have to offer is more damning evidence against the defendant.

Never happen.
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