Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #2

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I also don't think he took this girl for human trafficking-sex trafficking purposes. There's no evidence to support that theory.
It looks like he took her because he wanted a forbidden relationship with her .
I can see why some are grasping at straws here because we all just desperately want this girl returned home but the chances of Tad Cummins being BG or selling girls for sex trafficking- human trafficking just don't seem reasonable to me. Imo

For fear of violating TOS, I won't repeat hearsay, but it is not a farfetched idea. And I think we need to consider every possible angle.
I haven't understood why either of them had them wide open for the world to see! Especially him, like you said using his name is just weird. What was the purpose?

Maybe that's why he posted so many pictures of remote beaches etc. He thought he could throw LE off track by making them think they ran off somewhere tropical......

Also, maybe to show that she left with him consensually.
Updated timeline with facts from 2/6 letter and interoffice memos here:

01/23/2017 Alleged incident takes place
01/24/2017 Incident reported to school officials
01/25/2017 School administration began investigation
01/26/2017 School administration being interviewing all parties, including students, staff and administration.
01/27/2017 ET is removed from TC's class by school administration.
01/30/2017 School administration finish interviewing parties.
01/31/2017 School administration is notified by LE that TC was the subject of a criminal investigation. MCPS turns over all known information to LE.
01/31/2017 The principal instructs TC not to allow ET into his classroom
01/31/2017 LE contacts AT and informs him of the incident
01/31/2017 AT contacts the School Principal but was unable to get an answer
02/01/2017 AT contacts the Superintendent about the incident - "Amanda", an HR Manager, says investigation not complete, school assured him that no communication or contact between ET and TC would take place
02/03/2017 ET is seen in TCs classroom from 12:11PM to 12:44PM
02/03/2017 TC is officially reprimanded for violating the the January 31 directive
02/03/2017 TC is officially reprimanded for non professional conduct
02/??/2017 ET is given in-school suspension
02/06/2017 AT through his attorney demands the school ensure there will be no contact between TC and ET and that the father be updated on what school officials had learned. Upon inspection of her cellphone, the two were still having telephone communications
02/06/2017 TC is suspended without pay at 8AM
02/06/2017 "Amanda" from Superintendent's office spoke with Principal Love concerning the 02/06/17 Letter from AT's counsel
02/08/2017 "Amanda" from Superintendent's office perpares memo regarding her conversation with Love on 02/06/17
02/??/2017 Faculty and staff have been discussing this issue at school and on at least one occasion in a derrogatory tone and manner about the student
02/??/17 Faculty assures Love that efforts have been made to advise students/faculty to refrain from discussing the incident

03/13/2017 TC abducts ET
03/14/2017 TC is terminated from his employment
He has some people on SM who are adamantly sticking up for him and saying ET should be getting blamed not sympathy like she's getting but these are former female students too. You might be onto something do you think it could be him commenting?

ETA That's the local paper for their town The Columbia Herald interesting

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How old are these "former" female students? If they are still High School aged, I need to know where their parents are because if my child was sticking up for the behavior and actions of this predator and blaming the victim in this case... I'd have some serious questions I'd need answers to and I'd also be questioning myself as a parent for my child's thinking process. The fact that anyone can feel he is not the ONLY one to blame for his actions is sick to me.
From CNN update posted today:

"The teen's father, Anthony Thomas, told HLN's Ashleigh Banfield that he had suspicions something was going on a few days before his daughter disappeared, but that she never mentioned Cummins.The belongings she took and the ones she left behind "are very confusing," he said, but would not elaborate further, citing the ongoing case."


This is disturbing but perhaps TC instructed her to take and leave certain items for the express purposes of confusing LE.

More than likely she took only a few small important things. She obviously didn't pack a suitcase. TC had likely already prepared everything they would need.
Maybe that's why he posted so many pictures of remote beaches etc. He thought he could throw LE off track by making them think they ran off somewhere tropical......

Also, maybe to show that she left with him consensually.

I'm going back to look at her IG. I read through it Sunday and something keeps bugging me. She posted on one of the pics "finally got my data back" or electronics, something like that but had not stopped posting prior to that. So I wonder what was she using?
Updated with facts from 2/6 letter here:

01/23/2017 Alleged incident takes place
01/24/2017 Incident reported to school officials
01/25/2017 School administration began investigation
01/26/2017 School administration being interviewing all parties, including students, staff and administration.
01/27/2017 ET is removed from TC's class by school administration.
01/30/2017 School administration finish interviewing parties.
01/31/2017 School administration is notified by LE that TC was the subject of a criminal investigation. MCPS turns over all known information to LE.
01/31/2017 The principal instructs TC not to allow ET into his classroom
01/31/2017 LE contacts AT and informs him of the incident
01/31/2017 AT contacts the School Principal but was unable to get an answer
02/01/2017 AT contacts the Superintendent about the incident - "Amanda", an HR Manager, says investigation not complete, school assured him that no communication or contact between ET and TC would take place
02/03/2017 ET is seen in TCs classroom from 12:11PM to 12:44PM
02/03/2017 TC is officially reprimanded for violating the the January 31 directive
02/03/2017 TC is officially reprimanded for non professional conduct
02/??/2017 ET is given in-school suspension
02/06/2017 AT through his attorney demands the school ensure there will be no contact between TC and ET and that the father be updated on what school officials had learned. Upon inspection of her cellphone, the two were still having telephone communications
02/06/2017 TC is suspended without pay at 8AM
03/13/2017 TC abducts ET
03/14/2017 TC is terminated from his employment

The school publicly lied about the timeline. Makes me wonder what else they are hiding regarding the situation.
I'm going back to look at her IG. I read through it Sunday and something keeps bugging me. She posted on one of the pics "finally got my data back" or electronics, something like that but had not stopped posting prior to that. So I wonder what was she using?

Probably on wifi
The most unnerving thing is that she told her sister to call the police if she didn't get home by 6 pm. I don't think she totally trusted him.
So why are they not spotted somewhere together? Lord willing she is ok.
The school publicly lied about the timeline. Makes me wonder what else they are hiding regarding the situation.

Maybe other heads at that school need to 'roll' ??
I've the notion that other public schools are sometimes guilty of CYA mode.
I keep thinking about the school admin and how they handled this situation. Their silence! I highly doubt they would be silent if TC weren't involved. It's like ET is collateral damage, nothing to see here, let's move on. I think her dad needs to find a pit bull attorney, in addition to the local one. No child should be in the situation she was in - especially once reported and it was allowed to continue. He did more to stop it than they did.

Totally agree with you. That's how/why ET's father, retained an attorney. Because the father was not even informed about this 'contact' between ET and TC. The father found out, approx a week later, when he was contacted by the TBI. He must have been devastated, that time was indeed, clicking by. And each hour of the day, there was potential continued contact between ET and TC. Action by the school, was not taken, until the father's attorney, hand delivered a demand latter to school officials. wtf? shocking. In other states/counties, a teacher is often put on paid leave, until the issue is fully investigated. Both ET and TC denied that there was physical contact (the kiss, observed and reported by that brave student). Seems like they simply colluded to lie, and the school official chose not to believe the reporting student.
I am shocked, that the school did not properly inform the father. As soon as he was informed, he checked ET's phone, and confirmed the inappropriate relationship.
The one thing that will end this is when ET becomes bored and HAS to go online and communicate with friends or whomever.
I'd say this will happen sooner rather than later.
Kids these days are so glued to their electronics !
How old are these "former" female students? If they are still High School aged, I need to know where their parents are because if my child was sticking up for the behavior and actions of this predator and blaming the victim in this case... I'd have some serious questions I'd need answers to and I'd also be questioning myself as a parent for my child's thinking process. The fact that anyone can feel he is not the ONLY one to blame for his actions is sick to me.
The few I have seen all have said they were former students with1 graduating last year. They also called him Tad not Mr. Cummings when someone else pointed it out it was said that ad was their friend... ugh[emoji36] I really hope LE interview all his previous students. He very clearly never had boundaries IMO[emoji202]

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So I'm not sure if it's been covered, and it's probably not significant anymore (would have been helpful to have seen their IG accounts weeks ago!).....but if you look at their's like they are communicating in code with each other. Some of it is just "schmoopy" talk....and some is him or her letting the other know they are "okay" (their posts pick up A LOT after his suspension when they didn't see each other in school every day).....but some are weird, like pictures of gluten free products - but also tagged with "found at Target" or "seen at Walmart". There were restaurant posts of just food but showing where he/she was. Makes me wonder if that was code for where they were supposed to meet. Then the CFA stuff - she worked there.....and he was posting pictures of his meals and cups ew. I wonder if they were meeting at her work - would co-workers be able to provide clues, or the cameras at any of the stores they mention in their posts on those days. Could there be more footage of them shopping and give a picture of what supplies they might have purchased? I just see a lot of veiled stuff here...he posts a himalayan salt lamp.....and then she does.....they were definitely using IG to communicate IMO. I did notice too that neither one follows the other so they were somewhat trying to avoid detection. Because of that, I believe that ANY mention of a specific place (Bora Bora) or type of place (beach) is just to throw off the people who would be looking for them. Except the camping picture of the couple in the back of the van. THAT seems the most likely scenario here. All is my opinion based on my observation of their IG accounts and reading articles.
The school publicly lied about the timeline. Makes me wonder what else they are hiding regarding the situation.

I read more of the letters/memos and updated it again:

01/23/2017 Alleged incident takes place
01/24/2017 Incident reported to school officials
01/25/2017 School administration began investigation
01/26/2017 School administration begin interviewing all parties, including students, staff and administration.
01/27/2017 ET is removed from TC's class by school administration.
01/30/2017 School administration finish interviewing parties.
01/31/2017 School administration is notified by LE that TC was the subject of a criminal investigation. MCPS turns over all known information to LE.
01/31/2017 The principal instructs TC not to allow ET into his classroom
01/31/2017 LE contacts AT and informs him of the incident
01/31/2017 AT contacts the School Principal but was unable to get an answer
02/01/2017 AT contacts the Superintendent about the incident - "Amanda", an HR Manager, says investigation not complete, school assured him that no communication or contact between ET and TC would take place
02/03/2017 ET is seen in TCs classroom from 12:11PM to 12:44PM
02/03/2017 TC is officially reprimanded for violating the the January 31 directive
02/03/2017 TC is officially reprimanded for non professional conduct
02/??/2017 ET is given in-school suspension
02/06/2017 AT through his attorney demands the school ensure there will be no contact between TC and ET and that the father be updated on what school officials had learned. Upon inspection of her cellphone, the two were still having telephone communications
02/06/2017 TC is suspended without pay at 8AM
02/06/2017 "Amanda" from Superintendent's office spoke with Principal Love concerning the 02/06/17 Letter from AT's counsel
02/08/2017 "Amanda" from Superintendent's office prepares memo regarding her conversation with Love on 02/06/17
02/??/2017 Faculty and staff have been discussing this issue at school and on at least one occasion in a derogatory tone and manner about the student
02/??/2017 Faculty assures Love that efforts have been made to advise students/faculty to refrain from discussing the incident

03/13/2017 TC abducts ET
03/14/2017 TC is terminated from his employment
Slight update, thanks Kaboom. The father contacted the school on 2/5, it was that contact that the school had no choice but to suspend him.

01/23/2017 Alleged incident takes place
01/24/2017 Incident reported to school officials
01/25/2017 School administration began investigation
01/26/2017 School administration being interviewing all parties, including students, staff and administration.
01/27/2017 ET is removed from TC's class by school administration.
01/30/2017 School administration finish interviewing parties.
01/31/2017 School administration is notified by LE that TC was the subject of a criminal investigation. MCPS turns over all known information to LE.
01/31/2017 The principal instructs TC not to allow ET into his classroom
01/31/2017 LE contacts AT and informs him of the incident
02/01/2017 AT contacts the school about the incident
02/03/2017 ET is seen in TCs classroom from 12:11PM to 12:44PM
02/03/2017 TC is officially reprimanded for violating the the January 31 directive
02/03/2017 TC is officially reprimanded for non professional conduct
02/05/2017 AT through his attorney demands the school ensure there will be no contact between TC and ET and that the father be updated on what school officials had learned
02/06/2017 TC is suspended without pay at 8AM
03/13/2017 TC abducts ET
03/14/2017 TC is terminated from his employment

2/5 is when AT contacted the school, 2/6 he was suspended.

I believe that report is wrong. That letter was dated February 6, not February 5. The school administration memorandum dated February 8 also refers to the letter from "Whatley and Associate dated 02/06/2017".
I wanted to add something from my experience in the field of education.

Sometimes there are variances that allow certain tracks of classes--like career prep oriented ones, for ex--to be taught by someone without a teaching degree.

Also, even with regular classes, there are variances schools can apply for if they want to hire an uncertified teacher. They usually can if they can demonstrate no certified teachers with the necessary skills and experience applied for the job. Often a situation like this is temporary only, but some do allow an uncertified teacher to stay in the job as long as they are working toward their own certification.

I don't know which of these might apply. In Michigan, a teacher's certification can be looked up at the Dept of Ed site. Has anyone tried to look his certification up?

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I just reread both threads and couldn't find any absolute confirmation that they left together or are still together.

I absolutely believe they are, but has LE said they DID LEAVE together or that they're BELIEVED to have left together.

There's always a chance they are in different locations now, perhaps she's hiding while he goes out. Or even a tiny chance they never even did leave together?

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