Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #3

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There is an injunction in place and she's not allowed to contact any of the children. That the news interviewed her and gave her a platform to seek sympathy from her children is poor form. Essentially this interview is just furthering her abuse of her children who are waiting to testify against her. This may do far more harm to the safe return of this child.

totally agree with you. Additionally, considering the injunction in place, I am very surprise that she is able to 'communicate' to her child, via this interview. Anthony Thomas' attorney, should contact the court.
In all reality, she will be a hindrance rather than a help to avoiding capture.

Yes, that I agree with. Tad looks like 50% of middle age I see on a daily basis. Without a 15 year old girl in tow he doesn't look out of place at all. If they are able to avoid being found for much longer, it will only make it harder for him to conceal her.
totally agree with you. Additionally, considering the injunction in place, I am very surprise that she is able to 'communicate' to her child, via this interview. Anthony Thomas' attorney, should contact the court.
1st.. let's see the wording of the so called injunction.You won't see it as I'll wager one does not exist.
It would be unheard of for a court to enter an "injunction" in a manner such as alleged as well as a violation of the rights of the Defendant as well as the rules of court/ procedure. Normally in a criminal proceeding there would be a simple order of no contact with complaining party.

2nd. It would not be an injunction.. any order would be a temporary restraining order. or TRO. This is typically done ex parte'. Later, the Defendant appears with counsel at a set date and defends the TRO at which time the judge or chancellor decides to make it permanent by INJUNCTION or to dismiss it.Are the court files online in the state and county where filed? BTW The only person I heard her address by name was Tad Cummins.

Class dismissed
[h=2]RULE 65.04: TEMPORARY INJUNCTION.[/h](1) Notice. No temporary injunction shall be issued without notice to the adverse party.
(2) When Authorized. A temporary injunction may be granted during the pendency of an action if it is clearly shown by verified complaint, affidavit or other evidence that the movant's rights are being or will be violated by an adverse party and the movant will suffer immediate and irreparable injury, loss or damage pending a final judgment in the action, or that the acts or omissions of the adverse party will tend to render such final judgment ineffectual.
(3) Officers Who May Grant, Modify or Dissolve. A temporary injunction may be granted, modified or dissolved on motion by a judge of the court in which the action is pending, or if this judge is disqualified, disabled or absent from the county, by a judge of a court having comparable jurisdiction.
(4) Issuance, Filing and Entry. Every temporary injunction shall be indorsed with the date and hour of issuance, shall be signed by the judge granting it and shall forthwith be filed in the clerk's office and entered.
(5) Binding Effect and Duration. A temporary injunction becomes effective and binding on the party enjoined when the order is entered. It shall remain in force until modified or dissolved on motion or until a permanent injunction is granted or denied.
(6) Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. In granting, denying or modifying a temporary injunction, the court shall set forth findings of fact and conclusions of law which constitute the grounds of its action as required by Rule 52.01.
(7) Consolidation of Hearing with Trial on Merits. Before or after the commencement of the hearing of an application for a preliminary injunction, the court may order the trial of the action on the merits to be advanced and consolidated with the hearing of the application. Even when this consolidation is not ordered, any evidence received upon an application for a preliminary injunction which would be admissible upon the trial on the merits becomes part of the record on the trial and need not be repeated upon the trial. This subdivision [65.04(7)] shall be so construed and applied as to save to the parties any rights they may have to trial by a jury. [As amended July 1, 1979.]
He put a microwave only she could use in the classroom also here's the tweet from Josh Devine Channel 4 WSMV


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I know! The bloody MICROWAVE in the classroom? The cocktail lounge mood lighting (her lamp-gift to him), Moving her desk near his... This was definitely on someone's radar; they took this photo, to prove it... to someone who would listen. But I submit, that the school administrator's (Penny Love) judgement was clouded by her belief in CTs b.s. These people should be acutely aware of these obvious signs of an inappropriate relationship.
1st.. let's see the wording of the so called injunction.You won't as I'll wager one does not exist.
It would be rather rare for a court to enter an "injunction" in a manner such as alleged as well as a violation of the rights of the defendant as well as the rules of court/ procedure. Hard for me to see a criminal court entering an " injunction" in a manner such as this. 2nd. It would not be an injunction.. ir would be a temporary restraining order. or TRO. The defendant appears with counsel at a set date and defends the TRO at which time the judge or chancellor decides to make it permanent by INJUNCTION. Normally there would be a simple order of no contact with complaining party. Are the court files online in the state and county where filed? BTW The only person I heard her address by name was Tad Cummins.

You're correct, it's a restraining order that restricts third party access. I originally used the word "injunction", that was my fault. Thanks for the catch! I don't know if the files are online....hmmm...might be worth a look-see.
I know! The bloody MICROWAVE in the classroom? The cocktail lounge mood lighting (her lamp-gift to him), Moving her desk near his... This was definitely on someone's radar. But I submit, that the school administrator's (Penny Love) judgement was clouded by her belief in CTs b.s. These people should be acutely aware of these obvious signs of an inappropriate relationship.
But when her father told the school he thought they ran together they looked at him like he was crazy. They still didn't believe him after all that.

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Teaching was his "dream job"

"Cummins as a man who has spent the past decade surrounded by children in leadership roles on the job*and in church ministry positions,*including a stint as interim youth pastor at Grace Church of the Nazarene in Columbia."

It's upsetting because there are so many really good teachers out there, who have proper boundaries and are teaching for all the right reasons, but they never make the news. So often the news only highlights the negative, and TC certainly doesn't do the teaching profession any justice.
The DA on the case told Nancy Grace he was only being charged right now for a misdemeanor. How can that be isn't kidnapping a Felony?

I heard them state that they would not charge him to the full extent of the law if he released her unharmed.

Aside from that, here is what he can be charged with:

1. Harboring a runaway - a misdemeanor, in TN. Tennessee Code Annotated § 39-15-0414. Up to 11 months in jail.
2. Aggravated sexual exploitation of a minor - a class B felony in TN. Tennessee Code Annotated § 39-17-1005. 8-30 years in prison. Offenses and Violent Sexual Offenses.pdf
3. Aggravated kidnapping - a class B felony in TN. Tennessee Code Annotated § 39-13-304. 8-30 years in prison. I think this applies ( i could be wrong) because he physically removed the child from her home by fraud (if it can be shown that he convinced her they could get married, for example), with the intent to commit sexual assault on her.
4. Kidnapping - federal charge.18 U.S. Code section 1201. 20 years to life sentence. This occurs if someone "unlawfully seizes, confines, inveigles, decoys, kidnaps, abducts, or carries away and holds for ransom or reward or otherwise any person, except in the case of a minor by the parent thereof, when—(1)the person is willfully transported in interstate or foreign commerce, regardless of whether the person was alive when transported across a State boundary, or the offender travels in interstate or foreign commerce or uses the mail or any means, facility, or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce in committing or in furtherance of the commission of the offense". Inveigles means persuades, so if he persuades a minor to cross state lines, he can be charged federally for kidnapping.
5. Transportation of a minor - 18 U.S. Code section 2423 - Up to 30 years or 10 years to life.
6. Coercion and enticement - 18 U.S. Code section 2422 - up to 20 years.

I can only speak for myself, but I feel like stones are being thrown at those saying things like "on board" and "willingly". Speaking solely how I feel....I think we all know that he's she is 15 and yes he is 50 and no matter what way you chose to look at this it is wrong, disgusting, illegal and KIDNAPPING.

If and when these two are found I hope that the justice systems does its job.

But until they are found, we have to look at the possibility that ET and TC are in this together. Whether she is a child and in an emotional unstable state, if she is running WITH TC and not just being a hostage then it will take more work to find them.

By no means am I saying that they're in this together because it's right. But if she's "willing" to still be on the run with him the. It has to be expected that she is going to try just as hard to conceal herself as he is.

Bottom line. ..It disgusting. He's disgusting. But, in order to find these two, you have to at least admit she may very well feel like he has swept her away and this may be what still *thinks* she wants.

I get what you mean but I just don't think the term "in this together" is appropriate when we are talking about a child and an adult. She lacks the capacity to be in this, really, because she is being coerced by an adult who is older and has more experience and knowledge.

The bottom line is the authorities know, and the public should by now, that she may appear to be compliant or actually assist him in concealing this crime and remaining hidden, whether she feels like staying with him at this point, or whether she doesn't. Even kids who are being held totally against their will can obey and follow instructions of their captor.
I'm leaning more and more toward pregnancy forcing their hand. He wasn't fired for kissing her. Unproven/ unsubstantiated. He was fired for allowing her back in his room in opposition and disregard of written orders from his higher ups. He would have cried, "help me Jesus", to his church ala Jimmy Swaggart and somebody would have found the seething maggot a job. He could have slipped around and still seen her. All the trouble was more or less was past and would have blown over. They had some reason they HAD to leave. It's all I can come up with that would so firmly force their hand.

Technically, he was only suspended for letting her back into his room. He wasn't fired until he took off with her.
Guessing no confirmed sightings means it wasn't them after all

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Yes, that I agree with. Tad looks like 50% of middle age I see on a daily basis. Without a 15 year old girl in tow he doesn't look out of place at all. If they are able to avoid being found for much longer, it will only make it harder for him to conceal her.

Sorry dally_doodle. Someone posted that I sounded snarky in my reply to you.
I didn't mean to sound snarky but was confused as I hadn't read about the bag that was left behind yet. My reply sounded terse I guess.
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