Found Safe TN - MCET, 15, Abducted by Teacher, in Maury County, 13 March 2017 #16 *ARREST*

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Imo this wouldn't work.You cant just take a 15 year old, who's had a chaotic life, and plop them down in the "perfect" environment and expect that to be a good fit. It wont be. For a teen that's been living her whole life, dealing with adult issues that she not have had to learn to handle for decades, (if ever!), she now likely has, a unique set of coping mechanisms and behavioral patterns that cannot be done away with by hitting an override switch. I believe she would likely find that kind of environment chaffing, constricting
and, eventually intolerable

She will have to be met and accepted where she is (developmentally), not where we feel she should be. You can't turn back time, and reverse the unique personal development of a 15 year old, who's been both a child and an adult, simultaneously for years, and make her be just a child/adolescent at this point. This why so many older foster children languish in the system. People are not willing/able to address the duality of this complex Hybrid personality type. All jmo...

I also think it would lower ET's self esteem even more to be in such a "functional" environment. As a teen, when I was around families who didn't have "issues" like mine did (alcoholic father), I felt inferior, pitied, insecure and unsure of myself...even more than usual. I think ET staying in a familiar environment and the whole family getting counseling will be best for her in the long run.
I'm going out on a limb here by saying this. I hope that people in her life don't use her as a ticket to fame and fortune. Kids trying to get close to her for the story, attorney's seeing $$ by suing the school district, tv personalities looking for the next sensational story, etc...I believe her family is mostly loving but naive and would probably benefit from guidance from someone like Elizabeth Smart's family, someone with no vested interest or looking to capitalize.

I'm out on that limb with you... I cringed at the sharing of "she sometimes curls up in a fetal position"... I would so not put that out there about my injured child. At least not this early on. Maybe in sharing an account of her story later, ET might choose to include all of those painful details. But I was just very put off by that, I think I would be extremely sensitive and focused on my child. I don't know that I would be giving any interviews at this juncture.
In Thread #15, post 946, Bentley provided a link for a video at (California). Notably, the narrator of the video said that "this is where they may have been caught, but this was not where they were heading." Authorities will release more on that later.
I wonder where they were headed and how the authorities knew that. :thinking:
Thank you for this reminder, JaimeSommers. I have hopefully approached this case with sensitivity and compassion but quite frankly, I know I have faltered a time or two in terms of applying discretion and good judgement in my posts. Going forward, I will try to be more cognizant of this.

On a personal note, I am so, so sorry for your pain.
As have we all, and likely will again... It's good to take stock though, from time to time, as we march along...Appreciate your comment.
Well, TC is going to have his arraignment hearing tomorrow. Let's pray he finally does the Christian thing.
In Thread #15, post 946, Bentley provided a link for a video at (California). Notably, the narrator of the video said that "this is where they may have been caught, but this was not where they were heading." Authorities will release more on that later.
I wonder where they were headed and how the authorities knew that. :thinking:


Perhaps referring to they were heading to BBR, but that was not where they were caught?

How do we feel about sending cards to the P.O. Box that was recently provided in these threads?

A. Great idea - MCET will benefit emotionally and psychologically knowing that she is loved and supported by people that have never even met her. People like us outnumber the negative idiots out there and showing her this is crucial to her healing process. And as long as the messages are vetted prior to her reading them, there is no harm to be had.

B. Bad idea - MCET is a trauma victim and as such might be easily overwhelmed, yes even possibly by well-meaning gestures like this one. Our role as the public in this victim's life is officially over. This child needs privacy and time to heal and an influx of messages from strangers could be too much, too soon which could ultimately have a counter-productive effect on her emotional state.

I am 50/50 with the above arguments and wanted to get some further perspective on the matter. Thanks, guys.

I go back and forth, but I keep coming back to the idea that her family knows her and they are being guided, presumably, by experts. So I wonder if they are doing this to counteract the ugliness around this situation in that town.

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Perhaps referring to they were heading to BBR, but that was not where they were caught?


He said that while standing by the little cabin. And, as I recall, he may have motioned towards the cabin (where they were caught.)
I'm going out on a limb here by saying this. I hope that people in her life don't use her as a ticket to fame and fortune. Kids trying to get close to her for the story, attorney's seeing $$ by suing the school district, tv personalities looking for the next sensational story, etc...I believe her family is mostly loving but naive and would probably benefit from guidance from someone like Elizabeth Smart's family, someone with no vested interest or looking to capitalize.

I do worry that despite help from an attorney and LE, the family needs more. IMHO, they are talking to the media too much. She has been returned. Anything about her mental state or feelings should be kept totally private. The family should stop talking to the press, IMO and get one of those organizations that help crime victims deal with publicity.

She's alive, THANKFULLY. And she's a minor. So you may not be correct about the details coming out at trial. It's possible certain parts could be sealed. Maybe a legal expert can weigh in, but IME, as a surviving victim, there are things that were never released publicly, outside of the trial. I remember them explaining that it was possible some of the media would report certain things, but usually they have some unspoken "codes" and ethics that they just won't break. This was years ago, and I am not a legal expert, however, IMO, we may not get all of the details, nor do we have to on order for justice to be served.

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Typically that stuff isn't sealed. Her name might be initialed. But we will all know who she is. If there a pretrial hearing details for a probable cause finding will be released.

And we will likely discuss those details here, in terms of whether certain facts prove elements necessary to finding him guilty of certain crimes charged.

But IMO it's in her best interests that none of that be released. I don't need to know. And while I did discuss something with regard to an element of the crime in a past thread, and then defended that discussion, frankly, I think I missed a ton of what had been going on on the thread before that.. Because later on a I saw ad nauseum discussions about the uses of a product which seemed over the top.

I wish it could all be sealed to protect her but our system of law is a public one when it comes to criminal charges against adults, regardless of the age of the victims. That is likely so that the public is aware of what the government is doing and can hold it accountable if need be.

For example, Tonya Craft was wrongfully charged and prosecuted for molesting her child and a couple other kids. Details were reported about the case. That caused public outcry in Tonya's defense. She was acquitted and regained custody of her kids. I believe the public outcry had a lot to do with it.

Of course we don't have an innocent man here. But the same principles apply.

I have a feeling, though, that there will be a plea deal. I hope for ET's sake there is and that we can be spared the salacious details before that happens.
How do we feel about sending cards to the P.O. Box that was recently provided in these threads?

A. Great idea - MCET will benefit emotionally and psychologically knowing that she is loved and supported by people that have never even met her. People like us outnumber the negative idiots out there and showing her this is crucial to her healing process. And as long as the messages are vetted prior to her reading them, there is no harm to be had.

B. Bad idea - MCET is a trauma victim and as such might be easily overwhelmed, yes even possibly by well-meaning gestures like this one. Our role as the public in this victim's life is officially over. This child needs privacy and time to heal and an influx of messages from strangers could be too much, too soon which could ultimately have a counter-productive effect on her emotional state.

I am 50/50 with the above arguments and wanted to get some further perspective on the matter. Thanks, guys.

For me it's not about whether we shouldn't send cards. It's whether the family should have set that all up to begin with. I don't know that they're equipped to handle this situation. Apparently there's has been way too much talking to the media and on social media, about specific details of this case not related to helping to find her and not enough privacy for the kid.
I skipped over a lot of the last thread for different reasons. I did not know the family was giving interviews! Yikes! I hope they quickly put an end to that. In their defense, the media is unrelenting, and when you are so overwhelmed, it's easy to feel like you have to talk. It really sucks. :(

Gitana, thank you! I always appreciate your input.

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I have asked some questions to the following effects before. What was the underlying “impairment” (default) that made Mr. Tad Cummins give up good paying “described as his dream” job, wife and kids and grandkids, and the respect of his community at school work and at his catholic church, for an ephebophilia flight?
JMHO, we could refine our comments by checking before flaming. I recall, my benign question about Mr. Tad Cummins was flamed about “he is a pedophile. That is why. Google pedophilia if you do not know.”
I let it slide but Ms. Elizabeth Thomas is an adolescent, JMHO. The corresponding crime, if applicable to Mr. Tad Cummins (yes, I agree he is a monster etc.) would be “ephebophilia” instead of pedophilia.
The distinction is relevant in two extends (1) to comprehend the motives and pattern of behavior of Mr. Tad Cummins and (2) to measure the applicable penalties of his despicable actions according to law.
I would not venture about the law as the applicable Tennessee law was discussed extensively here. Also, Mr. Tad Cummins hurdles compound with Federal penalties as the FBI agent’s criminal complaint of Title 18, United States Code, Section 2423(a) says “knowingly transport an individual who has not attained the age of eighteen (18) in interstate commerce, identified here as victim, with the intent that the individual engage in any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense”. This federal crime carries a minimum penalty of 10 years in prison, if I recall correctly.
What is intriguing would be to comprehend the motives and pattern of behavior of Mr. Tad Cummins. Are there people in everyday life under the same pattern of behavior, just waiting to act-up? How to discern those potential offenders? What was the underlying “impairment” (default) that made Mr. Tad Cummins give up good paying “described as his dream” job, wife and kids and grandkids, and the respect of his community at school work and at his catholic church, for an ephebophilia flight?
If he were doing it with an 18 year old woman, he would not be in such predicament as now. That was the question I asked and still vexes me to-date.
Yes, he is a monster etc. etc. What drives men like him to act on his devilishness? What is the difference between doing it with a 15 year old as opposed to a 18 year old? It is my belief this question is worthy of an academic research in scholarly journal article about human behavior and/or for the mental health professionals out there, if there are any here.
For me it's not about whether we shouldn't send cards. It's whether the family should have set that all up to begin with. I don't know that they're equipped to handle this situation. Apparently there's has been way too much talking to the media and on social media, about specific details of this case not related to helping to bid her and not enough privacy for the kid.

IIRC that information with the address was not given to MSM/has appeared in MSM AFAIK.

It was posted here, but not sure of the source - iirc the source, it was one which is not allowed here and that post with the address was removed?
For me it's not about whether we shouldn't send cards. It's whether the family should have set that all up to begin with. I don't know that they're equipped to handle this situation. Apparently there's has been way too much talking to the media and on social media, about specific details of this case not related to helping to bid her and not enough privacy for the kid.

I kinda wonder if the family is doing this as a way to prevent the case from being lost in the shuffle. For a long time after the kidnapping it seemed like they were fighting a lot of people that were determined to marginalize the danger that ET was in with words like 'romantic' and 'runaway' etc. It would be understandable that they want to make sure the town doesn't start backpedaling to protect certain interests.
I do hope this family finds their way out of the spotlight. With this young woman a victim, it is important for the family to rally around her and protect her. It is quite possible that her healing trajectory will not be only positive because this is complicated. She may feel positive and negative feelings about this relationship/seres of events. We don't know. It is quite possible that the professionals who work with trauma clients won't really know, although they probably will be able to anticipate. This process will most likely be confusing and painful to all in her sphere.

On another note, I have thought a lot about the young people at the commune. It is quite possible that they have gone to live there to feel safe and have judgement free lives. LGBTQA youth have often experienced horrible prejudice and violence (physical and emotional). It is not a surprise to me that they would not question TC and ET too much. (Although I would not think that they would consider the abuse and abduction of a young person something that they would support.) That is not what a commune is about. It is not about what you did before but that you are willing to commit to communal living. TC and ET did not want a communal lifestyle which is why the commune used its process to have them go. Many here at WS forget that the greater world does not necessarily see or understand the whole by-stander thinking. People who are choosing to live in a commune have often chosen to leave a society with its rules and messed-up values that may marginalize them and their beliefs. I would be horrible on a commune as I want too much individualism (what most commune dwellers want as well) but would hate the shared kitchen, bathrooms, clothes, and lack of privacy. Many have made comment about the clothing optional issue. However, if the commune dwellers are wishing to get beyond ornamentation/clothing status and beyond body politics the idea of clothing optional is not about sex but rather equality. Again, not something I could do but it is their land and their legal covenants so they should be free to hold their values. JMHO.
I do worry that despite help from an attorney and LE, the family needs more. IMHO, they are talking to the media too much. She has been returned. Anything about her mental state or feelings should be kept totally private. The family should stop talking to the press, IMO and get one of those organizations that help crime victims deal with publicity.

Typically that stuff isn't sealed. Her name might be initialed. But we will all know who she is. If there a pretrial hearing details for a probable cause finding will be released.

And we will likely discuss those details here, in terms of whether certain facts prove elements necessary to finding him guilty of certain crimes charged.

But IMO it's in her best interests that none of that be released. I don't need to know. And while I did discuss something with regard to an element of the crime in a past thread, and then defended that discussion, frankly, I think I missed a ton of what had been going on on the thread before that.. Because later on a I saw ad nauseum discussions about the uses of a product which seemed over the top.

I wish it could all be sealed to protect her but our system of law is a public one when it comes to criminal charges against adults, regardless of the age of the victims. That is likely so that the public is aware of what the government is doing and can hold it accountable if need be.

For example, Tonya Craft was wrongfully charged and prosecuted for molesting her child and a couple other kids. Details were reported about the case. That caused public outcry in Tonya's defense. She was acquitted and regained custody of her kids. I believe the public outcry had a lot to do with it.

Of course we don't have an innocent man here. But the same principles apply.

I have a feeling, though, that there will be a plea deal. I hope for ET's sake there is and that we can be spared the salacious details before that happens.

Regarding a plea deal, does the federal charge of taking minor across state lines with the intent, etc., have a lesser included charge that he could plea to? If not, and considering mandatory sentencing what could he plea to? Thank you. Just:thinking:
She's asked to see her little sister, but they haven't let her. Why not?


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Kat said a while ago that they were trying to keep the sordid story away from the 8 yr old. But I don't see why she can't see her. The kid knows that she was missing. JMO Maybe the little one would ask questions that the rest of the family is advised not to ask at this time.
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