Found Safe TN - MCET, 15, Abducted by Teacher, in Maury County, 13 March 2017 #16 *ARREST*

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This made me cry. I've been married 38 yrs, 2 grown daughters, 5 grandies. If I were JC, the most agonizing pain that I'd feel would be for 15 yo ET & our grandies (losing their beloved Poppa). I think most of us "grandmas" would feel the same.

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Not me! I have been with my husband since 10th grade. 34 years ago. If he pulled a stunt like this I would be thankful for my grandkids to never know or remember him!

Except he refilled his ED medications days before the disappearance.
And he was being investigated for criminal charges after suspension, IMO for more than "a kiss", that they both denied then explained as a fatherly peck. There is probably much more than public that could come out. IMO the Pros/Feds will have no problem proving intent, that's why the Federal Charges are what they are.

I hope you are right, Irishboy. I think he could say that he had the refill for whatever purposes he used it for before - he was married, after all. He could try to say that she had a sexual interest in him, and he did not have one in her until they were on the run. That's apparently what people in the town think/thought. Not everyone will understand this grooming process. Just takes one juror who doesn't get it.
Since they secretly "shared" his work email account, I think he might've also had access to her Instagram and done a lot of #love postings on her IG himself.
#tad #ohtheplaces #prison

Agree. IP tracing would confirm
Uhhgg! I can't stomach that woman. Just the sound of her voice brings on a migrain. I'll have to wait for the recap...
(She couldn't even be bothered to get the facts right in Abby & Libby's case!).

I know, she's difficult to listen to LOL.
For those that listened to, Anything to highlight or that is new info?

The only new tidbits I got were, he got a watercraft, not sure how or what kind, and made a test run into Mexico waters with ET, he seems vague on that but said he's getting his info from the FBI.

He said there were naked men at the commune but said he didn't want to get into what he knows.

The FBI still have to finish interviewing her but are waiting for the right time, and it will be a part of her healing.

That's the only new stuff that I caught.
TC is entitled to a defense under the law. His attorney knows that there is really no defense, except to try to mitigate the crimes by suggesting ET went willingly. He knows that even if she did....and even if it turns out that she says wont fly as a defense, because of her age. I hate when people bash public defenders......they are doing their jobs, representing their (usually) guilty clients. In this case, according to TC's sister, TC basically confessed to everything EXCEPT the issue of ET's willingness. That's all the attorney has to work with...and he or she knows that it won't work. JMO

I don't bash public defenders. But I do bash scuzzbag attorneys who throw innocent people under the bus or use underhanded, dirty tactics to get a win for their clients.

You can do a good job without victim blaming or lying.
One of the things that really makes me wish "Beating With Bare Hands" could be a sentence, is how this sorry sack dumped, abandoned, threw his own kids to the wolves. He left his own family there to deal with the fallout, (and now he has the audacity to publicly cry that was protecting someone else's child!).

His children, though grown, had young infants, small children... A very stressful time in any adults life. New parents need all the support they can get... instead of being there for his own kids, he took off with someone else's, and basically brought down a nightmare on them, and didn't give a **** who was there to "protect" his kids.

That's true! I hadn't really thought about them. Oh and he left his wife with a car she couldn't drive because she doesn't drive stick! Nice. Just abandoned his whole family to "protect" someone else's kid by molesting her.
For those that listened to, Anything to highlight or that is new info?

Lawyer: family is doing well, counselors will get ET back to normal, at times she appears normal, looks/acts 12, growth may be stunted (?!?!)

NG she had not developed as a woman, doesn't need a bra (twice)

Father is stoic, but this broke him. Never had a client weep in the way he did. We've had to reign in his emotional response because she cannot handle it.

The sight of the Thomas mother on media is hurtful to her children - they can't stand to see her.

ET told people she was so upset about the ridicule she got from the kissing incident that she wanted to "get out of there."

NG says the kiss was a "french kiss" (three times)

TC narcissistic, "a legend in his own mind"

In the commune, naked men walking around, but lawyer is not going to say what else he knows

Lawyer's understanding is that he went into Mexican waters with boat he purchased.

He also thinks ET will testify and be a good witness.

Her forensic interview was not finished, still need to finish that.

-And lots of other stuff we already know.
I'm not trying to downplay the severity of what that nasty piece of work TC has done, but when i think about it ET is a very lucky girl that this had the outcome it did. As we know here on WS's a lot of other teens aren't so lucky to get out of a rape situation that live to tell their story, :(
I wish ET all the very best going forward.
Lawyer: family is doing well, counselors will get ET back to normal, at times she appears normal, looks/acts 12, growth may be stunted (?!?!)

NG she had not developed as a woman, doesn't need a bra (twice)

Father is stoic, but this broke him. Never had a client weep in the way he did. We've had to reign in his emotional response because she cannot handle it.

The sight of the Thomas mother on media is hurtful to her children - they can't stand to see her.

ET told people she was so upset about the ridicule she got from the kissing incident that she wanted to "get out of there."

NG says the kiss was a "french kiss" (three times)

TC narcissistic, "a legend in his own mind"

In the commune, naked men walking around, but lawyer is not going to say what else he knows

Lawyer's understanding is that he went into Mexican waters with boat he purchased.

He also thinks ET will testify and be a good witness.

Her forensic interview was not finished, still need to finish that.

-And lots of other stuff we already know.
The IG I read.said the exact opposite. Very well endowed for a 15yo. Th e only reason that matters is what type of child TC was drawn to. A prepubescent
15yo or a 15yo that had a grown woman's body.
If it is the former ,IMO he is indeed a pedophile.

The IG I read.said the exact opposite. Very well endowed for a 15yo. Th e only reason that matters is what type of child TC was drawn to. A prepubescent
15yo or a 15yo that had a grown woman's body.
If it is the former ,IMO he is indeed a pedophile.


Her sister Kat said that she looks and acts 15, and her family's attorney Jason Whatley said that she looked more like 12.

Pictures can be deceiving, and the only full-length picture that I recall seeing of her was the one in the white dress. I'll go back and see if I can find that.

ETA: Found it:

ETA: The white dress pic is recent, and IMHO, she is neither pre-pubescent nor well-endowed. She looks like a normal teen of her age.

That's true! I hadn't really thought about them. Oh and he left his wife with a car she couldn't drive because she doesn't drive stick! Nice. Just abandoned his whole family to "protect" someone else's kid by molesting her.

Yes it's terrible. TC doesn't really have any redeeming qualities at all.
I hope you are right, Irishboy. I think he could say that he had the refill for whatever purposes he used it for before - he was married, after all. He could try to say that she had a sexual interest in him, and he did not have one in her until they were on the run. That's apparently what people in the town think/thought. Not everyone will understand this grooming process. Just takes one juror who doesn't get it.

Things go differently on the Fed level sometimes. Feds don't charge you until they've built a crazy-strong case. TC gave them 39 days to do that. From where I sit, it doesn't look like it would be hard at all to prove each and every element of the federal charge against him. That's why I think there will be a deal, but not a sweetheart deal. He probably doesn't have anything to offer the feds. The only reason for them to agree to a deal would be for MCET to be able to avoid the ordeal of a trial.

There was a HUGE federal RICO case here a few years ago that focused on a few elected officials but ended up snaring about two dozen people in the end. These main guys that the feds were after, the feds actually followed them to Las Vegas on vacation. They got into their hotel rooms and took pics. They had audio of them eating and talking in restaurants. They had pics of them in the pool! Why take pics of a bunch of fat old guys in the pool? Who knows. Maybe just so that by the time they filed charges they'd realize that they knew every little detail of their lives and it was pointless to try to game them (though a few did try.) I do not think TC will have an easy time of it with the feds. MOO.
The IG I read.said the exact opposite. Very well endowed for a 15yo. Th e only reason that matters is what type of child TC was drawn to. A prepubescent
15yo or a 15yo that had a grown woman's body.
If it is the former ,IMO he is indeed a pedophile.


If you're referring to the post about the item she was trying to return, I'm not sure she bought it for herself. There's a relatively recent pic of her trying on a dress (possibly for her confirmation?) & though pix can sometimes be deceptive, I really don't think she's anywhere near the sizes mentioned in that post. Se looks smaller than my daughters, neither of whom are past B yet.

Obviously that pic was taken prior to her recent weight loss too, so her size would be even smaller now. She has more than one older sister so I think it's possible she was talking about a gift purchase.

If you're referring to the post about the item she was trying to return, I'm not sure she bought it for herself. There's a relatively recent pic of her trying on a dress (possibly for her confirmation?) & though pix can sometimes be deceptive, I really don't think she's anywhere near the sizes mentioned in that post. Se looks smaller than my daughters, neither of whom are past B yet.

Obviously that pic was taken prior to her recent weight loss too, so her size would be even smaller now. She has more than one older sister so I think it's possible she was talking about a gift purchase.


AmberAlert_ET1.jpg <<< Pic of ET in the white dress.
I know, she's difficult to listen to LOL.

First time I've ever heard her cry for real though. She was very moved about an anecdote by the lawyer that ET's dad went searching everywhere for a special, rare flavor of Gatorade for ET and had a lot of trouble finding it when she was gone. Just a broken daddy desperate to find this connection to his kid so he could give it to her when she returned.

Lawyer: family is doing well, counselors will get ET back to normal, at times she appears normal, looks/acts 12, growth may be stunted (?!?!)

NG she had not developed as a woman, doesn't need a bra (twice)

Father is stoic, but this broke him. Never had a client weep in the way he did. We've had to reign in his emotional response because she cannot handle it.

The sight of the Thomas mother on media is hurtful to her children - they can't stand to see her.

ET told people she was so upset about the ridicule she got from the kissing incident that she wanted to "get out of there."

NG says the kiss was a "french kiss" (three times)

TC narcissistic, "a legend in his own mind"

In the commune, naked men walking around, but lawyer is not going to say what else he knows

Lawyer's understanding is that he went into Mexican waters with boat he purchased.

He also thinks ET will testify and be a good witness.

Her forensic interview was not finished, still need to finish that.

-And lots of other stuff we already know.

The lawyer keeps repeating that she looks, behaves/acts like a younger child. She is in a lower percentile on the physical/emotional range of 15 year olds is what I'm getting. She has reached puberty. But she's small, not that developed (some girls are more than others) and childlike in her conduct. Normal kid but there's always a range at this age. As freshman, my brothers and I were all like this. I think he's really trying to express his astonishment at what a little girl she was when he first met her. And how much more of a pervert that makes TC. Like some in the public are trying to paint this kid as some knowing Lolita type but she's not.

I'm not trying to downplay the severity of what that nasty piece of work TC has done, but when i think about it ET is a very lucky girl that this had the outcome it did. As we know here on WS's a lot of other teens aren't so lucky to get out of a rape situation that live to tell their story,

I wish ET all the very best going forward.

I agree. Oh his attorney can prattle on all he wants about how TC is excited to defend himself and how he was arrested without incident and was cooperative.

Well listen, he was lured out, away from his guns and away from the child he stole. Had it been otherwise, I'm positive the outcome would have been more violent.

He wasn't fully armed with loaded weaponry for nothing.
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