Found Safe TN - MCET, 15, Abducted by Teacher, in Maury County, 13 March 2017 #17 *ARREST*

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what was so weird was that I remember them saying they got caught because someone recognize them at some mcdonalds, and the cashier told me the food would take a while so that the police could reach them... and now 20/20 says some outsdoor guy called the cops and police barricaded them in that shelter.

Perhaps the situation with McDonald's that you are referring to was the Cleveland Facebook killer found in Erie, Pa. I believe his name was Stevens or something like that.
Even if you completely subtract 2 weeks at the commune and bring it down to 21 days, $4500÷21=$214.
$214 a day can be tight traveling, with food, lodging and gas.
I doubt they got by in Berkeley that cheap.

If he was paying daily rates for lodging at places that did not require ID or credit cards, that would be tight. (Do such places exist, or are they only legend?) I didn't see a tent or warm, cozy sleeping bags among the things they found in the cabin. So much for "planning". How do you form a getaway plan without a budget? Anyway, that's why I am curious about the details.
Sooooo I have a crush on Griffin. What a sweet soul.

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If he was paying daily rates for lodging at places that did not require ID or credit cards, that would be tight. (Do such places exist, or are they only legend?) I didn't see a tent or warm, cozy sleeping bags among the things they found in the cabin. So much for "planning". How do you form a getaway plan without a budget? Anyway, that's why I am curious about the details.

They exist and sometimes they're really cheap. There's a strip of motels in my area that are ~$180 per WEEK and I guarantee they don't ask for ID and they happily take cash. They pay most of their employees under the table (cash) and they don't ask any questions so they can play dumb when the cops show up to bust a meth lab or prostitute.
In watching the show I realize how many victims TC left in his wake. I don't like JC. I think she's got a self-righteous attitude and I don't like her. I've been fairly harsh in my criticisms of her commentary on ET. Some feel the same about ET's father, or the school administration or the teachers Culleoka. But after watching this show, and listening and really hearing what is being said I have to say it gives you perspective. In that ET didn't leave and run away when they were in Walmart or on the commune, or in Berkeley I understand. She's a victim who was groomed and felt dependent for her livelihood on her abductor. When I watched the show I saw that same groomed behavior from JC and I realized I need to cut her a little slack. She's not saying what she should and she's not clear about who the victim is, yet. I do think she's in more pain and far more conflicted than I had thought. I still don't personally like her, but I do feel compassion for her and for the entire community and I do agree that the only real person who is to blame in this whole thing is TC. When they asked JC if she had any inkling that anything was going on, she put her head down and said no. That's a sign of deceit, but not to mean she was lying. It means she feels responsible and that shook me to my core when I saw her do that. It explains so much of how she's characterized TC's culpability and I feel bad now for how harsh I've been in previous comments. My hope is that as the lights are turned on and TC is no longer able to keep people from knowing who he really is, sentiment will change and true healing will begin for everyone.
:goodpost: Wow mom24,
That is a powerful post.
I don't like JC, and you have made me consider watching the show for hope, that I can come to a place of compassion, that you have shown.

:goodpost: Wow mom24,
That is a powerful post.
I don't like JC, and you have made me consider watching the show for hope, that I can come to a place of compassion, that you have shown.

Why so many here not like JC? Geez its not her fault TC groomed and took the girl. She and her daughters didn't ask to be in this mess nor did ET's family. I never say I dont like someone as a person just because they may or may not say the right thing on national TV. She looked very nervous to me as she talked over the interviewer which is a sign of nervousness. The only one I judge here is TC and his heinous behavior. He's a sick creature. Too each his own I guess. I try to be compassionate to the victims.
A real Einstein. I am confused at how people that know him keep saying how 'smart' he is.
Since he allegedly planned this escapade for some time, you'd think he'd have done a much better job.
Starting with changing his appearance. He simply dyed his hair and beard. Big whoop.
Not that I would have rather he succeeded in his plan, but geez. *Trying to think like a criminal here* I would have shaved that beard and my head as well.
And even *I* know better than to try to kayak to Mexico.
Good gravy. Tad Cummins and smart don't belong in the same sentence.
Book smart - street dumb sounds more like it.
I noticed they showed Bear Grylls as the "off the grid" show he and his wife liked to watch.

:goodpost: Wow mom24,
That is a powerful post.
I don't like JC, and you have made me consider watching the show for hope, that I can come to a place of compassion, that you have shown.

I felt more compassion for her.
She seems numb and lost.

I felt more compassion for her.
She seems numb and lost.


Trying to put myself in her shoes. She's only known adult life with him. She's probably deferred every decision she's made to him. Now she's abandoned, broke and humiliated along with devastated by losing her husband - who should be her protector and provider. To me, the big slap in her face was for TC to leave her stranded at work and with NO way to drive herself anywhere knowing she didn't drive a stick. That's a real a$$hole.
I'm not getting a book smart vibe from him, either.
You are right!
Ok, then he must take tests well.
How do men like him, that are obvious losers, fool everyone?

There was one guy that knew better! The guy that gave the $10,000 reward. HE had TC pegged 100% correct.
I guess no one ever challenged TC.

They exist and sometimes they're really cheap. There's a strip of motels in my area that are ~$180 per WEEK and I guarantee they don't ask for ID and they happily take cash. They pay most of their employees under the table (cash) and they don't ask any questions so they can play dumb when the cops show up to bust a meth lab or prostitute.

<modsnip> I don't think it will be shared by anyone who stays in hotels often, or anybody who operates hotels. In 40 years of staying in many hundreds of hotels from the mid-price hotels to the cheapest fleabag places, 100% of them required me to show an ID. Cheaper cash only hotels check IDs even more carefully than if you pay by credit card. Generally they can charge your credit card for any damages you cause. If you pay with cash, they have little recourse. If you pay with cash, and don't provide an ID they have absolutely zero recourse. People causing damage to hotel rooms is a major issue for all hotels. Renting rooms without requiring an ID is not a viable business model, and in most places it's illegal.
Trying to put myself in her shoes. She's only known adult life with him. She's probably deferred every decision she's made to him. Now she's abandoned, broke and humiliated along with devastated by losing her husband - who should be her protector and provider. To me, the big slap in her face was for TC to leave her stranded at work and with NO way to drive herself anywhere knowing she didn't drive a stick. That's a real a$$hole.

I have also started to see that she essentially has been groomed too - and I bet in 5 years if she gets some meaningful counseling in the meantime, she will have a completely different view of her marriage and him and what happened. When she blames the victim and portrays her as some temptress (which is the vibe I get), she is doing her "go-to" move, which is to blame anyone but her own husband for what he did. She will one day come to know why the public's reaction to her has been negative. The daughters have also been brainwashed to believe that their father knows all.
I have also started to see that she essentially has been groomed too - and I bet in 5 years if she gets some meaningful counseling in the meantime, she will have a completely different view of her marriage and him and what happened. When she blames the victim and portrays her as some temptress (which is the vibe I get), she is doing her "go-to" move, which is to blame anyone but her own husband for what he did. She will one day come to know why the public's reaction to her has been negative. The daughters have also been brainwashed to believe that their father knows all.
I have to agree. Had the same thing happened to me, my dad left without saying goodbye, left my mom stranded, taken the only vehicle that she could drive, with no intention to ever return. I would be rid of him.
Not on tv saying he needs someone on his side.
They have all been brainwashed by Mr. Cummins.
He was the perfect father...
Would anyone really say that?
My parents were not perfect.
No one is.

Maybe I have the quote wrong in head.

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