Found Safe TN - MCET, 15, Abducted by Teacher, in Maury County, 13 March 2017 #18 *ARREST*

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Need a lawyer here....but since they both own the home he should get half of any monies free and clear of the mortgage. So he should have some monies to pay for a lawyer. Maybe he already signed over the house to his soon to be ex wife as part of the divorce settlement so it would show he has no money. She started the divorce before he had a court date and said he was broke.

A legal situation es about the money....does not look like they had savings

He owes half of the debt they have, too, which includes half of that $4500 loan, and, if there was a loan on the 2015 Rogue, half of the debt on that as well. They may have a line of credit on the house, who knows? Half of the sale price of a $137,000 house is $68,500. That's not going to pay attorney fees for very long with the kind of trouble TC is in. He better hope that some slimebag, high-profile defense attorney will take the case pro bono for the publicity. Ugh.

I don't think they have a line of credit. From what I remember, he told JC he took out the $4500 loan to help with every day finances since he lost his income . Whether he planned to take out the loan for that or to finance his #ohtheplaces trip with ET, I don't know.
Regarding the Daily Fail story about various alleged unnamed sources commenting on ET's state of mind:

I can believe that she does not yet realize how she was groomed, used, abused by this... thing (I refuse to call him a man, & the word I want to use would get me a timeout).

There was a similar case in the U.K.* where it took several years for the (then) 15 year old victim to come to terms with/realize the fact that she had been groomed & that it was NOT a relationship. & she was found after 8 days.

*Google Jeremy Forrest/MS.

Nobody should be speaking to the press regarding MCET's state of mind, IMHO, and no media outlet should be publishing it. I am SO disgusted by this! There are HIPPA laws preventing health information from being disseminated, so this cannot be coming from anyone qualified to speak about MCET's mental health. We'd all like to know that she is receiving good care, is recovering at a good pace, and has a good prognosis. We don't need details at this point. And it may indeed take her a while to realize that she had been groomed by a predator. Nobody, not even an adult, likes to come to the realization that they've been fooled. She can share, or not share, her perspective when she is over 18 and fully recovered. And I will believe whatever she has to say then.

As we've all pointed out, her willingness/unwillingness to go matters not one bit in terms of the heinous crimes TC has committed. He will easily be convicted, and I hope he gets a very long sentence.

I don't think they have a line of credit. From what I remember, he told JC he took out the $4500 loan to help with every day finances since he lost his income . Whether he planned to take out the loan for that or to finance his #ohtheplaces trip with ET, I don't know.

So she should not be responsible for this loan since he took it out and she did not sign for it....correct#? Gosh I hope she isn't but still hope she is not aiding him any.
So she should not be responsible for this loan since he took it out and she did not sign for it....correct#? Gosh I hope she isn't but still hope she is not aiding him any.

I hope she's not aiding him either. I am worried now that I read that his sister and his children are standing behind him.
So she should not be responsible for this loan since he took it out and she did not sign for it....correct#? Gosh I hope she isn't but still hope she is not aiding him any.

JC does not have the resources to help him, even if she sold everything they owned. They'd filed for bankruptcy a while back and were people of humble means. She's had to pay all of the bills for a full 2 months on one salary. I don't know what she is driving, but I'm sure she doesn't want that nasty Rogue back. If you're concerned that someone is helping TC, look to his sister and daughters. IMHO.

"He gave a tight-lipped smile to three family members seated in the second row, who returned the gesture with waves and blew kisses."

Supporting is one thing, this is entirely another and tells me that we're not just dealing with garden variety denial here, but full-blown cognitive dissonance on the part of the family. Which also tells me how strong TC's psychological hold was on the people in his life.

Do his loved ones realize that had any family member become seriously ill or God forbid, died, that Tad would NOT have returned to Tennessee? He was never coming back. Ever. Under any circumstances. No calls, emails, Skype, etc. Nada. And that was a CHOICE he made. And not just an off-the-cuff, heat of the moment choice but one that was planned well in advance. He was permanently done with his family, it could not be any clearer.

Just to be clear, their support is not the issue. It's the cheerleading and gleeful attitude that disturbs me. Something is just not right here.
At first when I heard that JC had the house on the market, I thought, Wonderful, she's moving on with her life, maybe she'll get a smaller home or apartment or, even better, move in with one of her daughters until she gets her life back together.

But now that I see that the daughters were blowing kisses and waving at him, does that mean that JC is the only family member NOT supporting him or is she planning on supporting him through her daughters and his sisters, while sitting back and telling MSM she wants nothing to do with him.

I'd be upset if my daughters supported their father's recklessness instead of me and what I am going through if I were in this position. Is that what is going on in this family?

Something smells fishy.
I hope she's not aiding him either. I am worried now that I read that his sister and his children are standing behind him.

Am I the only one that feels that his sister and daughters standing behind him is like condoning what he has done?

Also, I am very much afraid that the sale of the house is to help with TC's legal fees.

As for ET not wanting to leave TC, if it's true, I fear a LeTourneau situation happening again IF JC divorces TC.

I am still worried about the father not knowing about the abuse the children endured while he was still in the house. I am just not comfortable with him. The mother was out of the house for a year and ET was with her father in their house, yet she still wanted to run. Just a gut feeling........

IMHO only
At first when I heard that JC had the house on the market, I thought, Wonderful, she's moving on with her life, maybe she'll get a smaller home or apartment or, even better, move in with one of her daughters until she gets her life back together.

But now that I see that the daughters were blowing kisses and waving at him, does that mean that JC is the only family member NOT supporting him or is she planning on supporting him through her daughters and his sisters, while sitting back and telling MSM she wants nothing to do with him.

I'd be upset if my daughters supported their father's recklessness instead of me and what I am going through if I were in this position. Is that what is going on in this family?

Something smells fishy.

If my dad (who has been a good dad) did this to my mother. I would tell him 'get the he!! out of my life and stay out'. No matter what JC has done during the course of the marriage, she did not deserve this and ET definitely did not deserve it.
At first when I heard that JC had the house on the market, I thought, Wonderful, she's moving on with her life, maybe she'll get a smaller home or apartment or, even better, move in with one of her daughters until she gets her life back together.

But now that I see that the daughters were blowing kisses and waving at him, does that mean that JC is the only family member NOT supporting him or is she planning on supporting him through her daughters and his sisters, while sitting back and telling MSM she wants nothing to do with him.

I'd be upset if my daughters supported their father's recklessness instead of me and what I am going through if I were in this position. Is that what is going on in this family?

Something smells fishy.

Your guess is as good as mine, and this is just my guess.

I see a woman who is trying to preserve what meager assets she has while divorcing a man that, using her own words, she cannot trust. She's also publicly stated that she cannot allow him to hurt her like that again (20/20 show, IIRC). The reality is, he is going to jail for a long time. She knows this. She has an attorney handling her divorce, and I assume that he or she is telling JC to protect herself first, whether or not she would be inclined to take pity on her miserable, lying, cheating, thieving, etc. soon to be ex.

If my dad (who has been a good dad) did this to my mother. I would tell him 'get the he!! out of my life and stay out'. No matter what JC has done during the course of the marriage, she did not deserve this and ET definitely did not deserve it.

:goodpost: :ditto:

I totally agree!! I sure as heck would not be blowing kisses to him in court!! What a slap in the face to their mother, IMHO. Blech.
Am I the only one that feels that his sister and daughters standing behind him is like condoning what he has done?

Also, I am very much afraid that the sale of the house is to help with TC's legal fees.

As for ET not wanting to leave TC, if it's true, I fear a LeTourneau situation happening again IF JC divorces TC.

I am still worried about the father not knowing about the abuse the children endured while he was still in the house. I am just not comfortable with him. The mother was out of the house for a year and ET was with her father in their house, yet she still wanted to run. Just a gut feeling........

IMHO only

Agree with each point.
Logistically, JC doesn't need a three bedroom house anymore what with grown children and no partner in the picture. Downsizing actually makes sense, IMO. Also, this is where the Cummins raised their children - the "ghosts" of the relationship, a relationship that wasn't at all what she thought it was, are literally everywhere in that house. It's haunted, if you will.

I think the sale is simply about closure and living space logistics but I've been wrong about other aspects of this case before and therefore nothing would surprise me at this point.
Nobody should be speaking to the press regarding MCET's state of mind, IMHO, and no media outlet should be publishing it. I am SO disgusted by this! There are HIPPA laws preventing health information from being disseminated, so this cannot be coming from anyone qualified to speak about MCET's mental health. We'd all like to know that she is receiving good care, is recovering at a good pace, and has a good prognosis. We don't need details at this point. And it may indeed take her a while to realize that she had been groomed by a predator. Nobody, not even an adult, likes to come to the realization that they've been fooled. She can share, or not share, her perspective when she is over 18 and fully recovered. And I will believe whatever she has to say then.

As we've all pointed out, her willingness/unwillingness to go matters not one bit in terms of the heinous crimes TC has committed. He will easily be convicted, and I hope he gets a very long sentence.


ITA, & I should have perhaps specifically iterated my disgust at the Daily Fail/other media/those who are presuming to "speak" for ET, in order to make sure my post was not misconstrued.

I was attempting to point out that *IF* there is any truth in the "reports" of the victim's feelings, it's not not unexpected & indeed adds to just how traumatized/abused she has been by the perp.
Rumors - as in "unknown people" speaking for ET - often begin with a tiny bit of truth. From the day that ET was rescued, I have thought to myself that she would not want to return to her father's home. I have wondered where she might choose to live if given a choice. It makes me sad. She's had quite the troubled childhood.

Regardless of whether or not she fancies herself in love with TC, I think it's possible she doesn't want to return home. I personally wouldn't. I would need a quiet place, with my own room, some freedoms to make my own choices and a female adult to help me transition back to the real world, and keep me on track.

I think a simple comment like "I'm not ready to go home" may have grown wings. JMO MOO

I sincerely hope that ET is given input into her care.
So he would be indigent and qualify for a public defender?
He took her car and 4500 maybe he is looking after her a little

I have thought about that and I tried to find information online, if that would work or not. I couldn't find anything. I find it hard to believe that it would be that simple, to just transfer ownership of property and then instantly qualify for a public defender.
I have thought about that and I tried to find information online, if that would work or not. I couldn't find anything. I find it hard to believe that it would be that simple, to just transfer ownership of property and then instantly qualify for a public defender.

Perhaps one of our verified attorneys can help with this. I don't think indigent has to be penniless. I'm sure there is a cap. I'm looking for TN law to see. idk
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