Found Deceased TN - Noah Chamberlin, 2, Pinson, 14 Jan 2016 - #1

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Little Noah probably curled up into a ball to stay warm, wearing jeans and a grey shirt now dirty, imagine how he would blend in to the leaves .............:(
I have been following from the first day and like many I have gone from hope to anguish to despair.

Like most parents I know how far an able-bodied toddler can get in a very short time. As a second child, Noah was probably a confident walker as children take a lot of their cues from older sibilings often developing physically and reaching milestones faster than their older brothers and sisters did. My child at a similar age could run with good stamina and could be a few hundred feet away in what seemed like seconds. Sometimes if I called out she would run faster, seeing it as some sort of game. Luckily I've always managed to keep her within eyesight.

From what we know and looking at Steelman's excellent map, I do think that Noah is there somewhere. If we think that he could run even just 200 yards in a few minutes, that's probably already out of eyesight. If there was any kind of wind, he might of been out of hearing range too. By the time his poor grandma had made it back to the house and a formal alarm sounded and searches organized, a 2-old-could be a mile away.
1 mile radiating out from the starting point in all directions is 9,726,464 sq yards! I look at that number and think that he is out there somewhere. Somewhere. :(
I'm so glad that someone besides me has researched the mountain lion. I have always felt that is what happened to little DeOrr Kunz, Jr. And mountain lions are KNOWN to be in the area where he vanished. Unfortunately, that scenario brings resistance even from LE. It seems only real experts and those who hunt cougars can truly understand, and, of course, those who have been victims of attack or have lost a loved one in such an attack. Amazing (to me) is that here at WS, when a child gets lost in the forest and dogs fail to pick up their scent and searchers fail to find them, the immediate thought is foul play, and is generally directed at the very people known to have loved that child. :(. Reading that is truly sad.

ETA: I posted that same article along with dozens of other ones.

I think its hard to get people to buy that one..the mountain lion attack because the KNOWN attacks are so few. But I think that is part of the problem. I think there have been ones that have never been found, so no cause attributed to their disappearance, and if it were known I think the numbers would be quite disturbing.
I do think in this case that this boy is still out there and just hasn't been found, I do believe that Deorr may be a different story (Mountain lion). JMO
Of course if they wanted to rule it out they could call in the mountain lion hunting dogs.
Katherine Burgess @KathsBurgess
Both Chester Co. Sheriff Weaver and Madison Co. Sheriff Mehr will address the media at 11:30. @JSunNews #FindNoah

Don't know much about Sheriff Weaver, but those of us who followed the Holly Bobo case knows who Sheriff John Mehr is. He was with the TBI until retiring in 2012. Hated to see him go.. Thought he retired to raise cattle.. Imo, Sheriff Mehr, impressed me as a very competent and experienced investigator as well as a straight shooter.. Maybe we will get some long awaited questions answered..

Sheriff John Mehr - Professional History & Achievements;
I think its hard to get people to buy that one..the mountain lion attack because the KNOWN attacks are so few. But I think that is part of the problem. I think there have been ones that have never been found, so no cause attributed to their disappearance, and if it were known I think the numbers would be quite disturbing.
I do think in this case that this boy is still out there and just hasn't been found, I do believe that Deorr may be a different story (Mountain lion). JMO
Of course if they wanted to rule it out they could call in the mountain lion hunting dogs.

I posted a link with documented mountain lion attacks back a few pages. Many of the victims were small children. This is an example of a Vancouver cougar attack

Vancouver Island cougar attacks toddler in family's yard
Cougar had daughter's head in its jaws when her dad punched it to save her
Does anyone think that if he is down in a sinkhole, out of the wind and under some leaves, he could still be with us? My fervent wish is that this is what has happened, and they will find him today!

Sadly, if he miraculously managed to survive the cold, he would most likely succumb to dehydration after 3 days with no water. This is such a sad thing to type. My prayers continue for Noah and all those that love him.
O/T UPDATE: Did anyone read the latest on Deorr Kunz? There is new evidence that has been withheld due to a witness being afraid to come forward. It has not been disclosed what as yet.

However, the PI firm has "ruled out any attack by a wild animal - beyond a reasonable doubt. There is no evidence to support this theory whatsoever."

Deorr Kunz, Jr. Thread #15, pg.22, post #324 from Klein
Checking back here today, sad to see that he's still missing :(

This case has affected me strongly - for the second night I have dreamed about him.

Poor Noah, poor family. Hopefully some news in the upcoming pc.
I posted a link with documented mountain lion attacks back a few pages. Many of the victims were small children. This is an example of a Vancouver cougar attack

Vancouver Island cougar attacks toddler in family's yard
Cougar had daughter's head in its jaws when her dad punched it to save her

Hi everyone. Popping in for an update. Nothing huh. OMG where is he? I can't believe there is no trace of him out there. I guess finding no diaper, etc means it is still all on HIM and well, he has fallen into something! I hate to say it but yes to cadaveur dogs at this point. If he's out there, it's beyond reasonable to assume the elements aren't survivable. I think he fell but looking at this cougar attack theory...someone spotted what they thought was a cougar about an 1hr from Chester County on the 16th of Jan. Now these cats can get anywhere they want to QUICK. So, I just thought that was interesting that someone had spotted a large cat. Here is the link. JMO
The link doesn't work for me, webweaved.

ETA: I do get your point that a sighting occurred and how fast they do move from place to place.
I first became aware of Noah when his aunt posted a prayer request on a ladies' Facebook group that we are both members of. She was clearly pouring out her heart, pleading with the other ladies to pray. She shared a photo of her holding Noah at Christmas and he looks so tiny!

A few years ago I partially fell in a hole in the woods. We don't really have many sink holes around here, but it was a hole that had been created by the roots of a tree that had fallen at some point. Fortunately, only one of my legs fell in. My foot did not touch the bottom! I was an adult and not fully in the hole but it hurt and it was scary! The hole was obscured from sight due to leaves (it was Autumn) and the tree's branches that were covering the area. If a child had fallen in that hole then I am certain it would have been extremely difficult, probably impossible, to find him or her. :(

I wonder if they are clearing any brush as they search. There must be old fallen limbs and of course the leaves would be piled up.

I just can't imagine how little Noah must have suffered. Even if he wasn't injured, he would be cold and dehydrated. Sadly, I am sure he could not have survived this long due to the rain and cold.

My heart breaks for his grandmother, all of his family, and the entire community.
The link doesn't work for me, webweaved.

ETA: I do get your point that a sighting occurred and how fast they do move from place to place.

Fixed it. Trying to do this from my phone...I'm not so savvy lol. :)
Waiting for the presser... I can't believe this is the fourth morning and Noah is still missing. :tears:
I saw it, webweaved. Thanks! With that many people reporting there is no doubt the big cats (cougar or mountain lions) are there, IMO.
Checking back here today, sad to see that he's still missing :(

This case has affected me strongly - for the second night I have dreamed about him.

Poor Noah, poor family. Hopefully some news in the upcoming pc.

Me too, hun. Knowing that little baby could be out there in the cold...praying for a miracle.
I saw it, webweaved. Thanks! With that many people reporting there is no doubt the big cats (cougar or mountain lions) are there, IMO.

You're welcome. I had never researched this before. I assumed they were out there (always heard ppl in town mention them) but with Noah missing, this information is now important. I hope to god that is not what happened to him. Surely not. JMO
I posted a link with documented mountain lion attacks back a few pages. Many of the victims were small children. This is an example of a Vancouver cougar attack

Vancouver Island cougar attacks toddler in family's yard
Cougar had daughter's head in its jaws when her dad punched it to save her

The think about mountain lions is they can live everywhere, from the desert to the mountains and everywhere in between. They are isolated animals who live alone, except when mating. The female keeps her litter with her for a very long time. The males leave at about a year and the females at 1 1/2 to two years. A male mountain lion lives a solitary life on a very large territory. The females live on somewhat smaller territories, yet still large. They consume prey from mouse to moose. Although a female mother may allow her female cubs (not the males), after leaving her care, to have their new territory overlap hers, a male cougar won't allow another male's territory to overlap his territory. Attacks by mountain lions have and continue to occur more often as some of their habitat becomes encroached upon. many attacks are by young animals as they learn to survive and hunt on their own and they often mistake a human (particularly small humans) as prey. They might stalk prey for an hour waiting for a vulnerable time and then they attack quickly and quietly. A mother with year-old cubs hunts more often since she must provide them with about the same amount of food as a full grown cougar. She will generally kill a deer every three days to feed herself and her cubs. When it is very hot and the kill has spoiled, they must hunt again. They can jump vertically between 15-20 feet straight up and can leap straight ahead much further. It "could" be that a cougar lives in the woods behind the Grandma's house and nobody would even have known. Yes, they ARE that elusive!
Does anyone have the link for the live news conference?? Thanks in advance...
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