Found Safe TN - SLP, 14, Madisonville, Monroe County, 13 Jan 2019 #3 *ARRESTS*

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I said I didn't want RP to get away with it on such a technicality. (I wasn't speaking about BDR when I said that.) As much as I think BDR went about this the wrong way and may well deserve all he gets, I am more concerned with RP getting put away. He had care of this child and he has done incredible damage, to SP and to a degree the other three kids as well.
BDR's role in this is questionable - preditor or bad judgment? But RP's role in this is monstrous.

(Please see my correction above, @cluciano pointed out my mistake in reading and I edited to post to reflect that, sorry about that, SkipperKey3!
I'm going to wait to chastise the mother until we have evidence she knew from someone other than the person who kidnapped SLP. It's in his best interest that the mother didn't do anything because it makes him all the more of a knight in shining armor. (vomit)

That is valid. If we hear that SP told as much to LE, perhaps. But I think some of that came from the texts between SP and BDR that they uncovered. And if SP said it in the texts, then that carries more weight. The article said that BDR said that SP said that she had told her mother, and she (CP) didn't believe her (SP). That carries sufficient weight to cast some suspicion that it was true. And the FBI has those texts, so they would know the truth of that statement.
I wonder how many times he viewed the video. And as mentioned, did he share it with someone?

Did he call a single help resource? Child abuse hotline? Anything? Did he do one thing to help her after he picked her up? He had the video presumably for weeks. Did he consult with a single outside entity to get her help for being raped?

I’m afraid of what LE has found on his computer.
They said the time stamp on the video was 1/10, I believe. So he headed out a day or so later to get her.
So SP told her mother and her mother didn't believe her. RP was sexually molesting her, apparently routinely.
When SP ran away, CP had to have known what was behind it, since SP had tried to tell her.
When both of them were in front of the camera pleading for her to come home, they must have both known why she ran and had that in the back of their mind, all the while pleading for her to come home.

Dear SkipperKey3,

How very true - and awful all of this is.

I can't imagine what went through her mind watching two people who should have protected her against anything and everything - trying to get her back into their spider web. I shiver at the thought.

I am so deeply thankful that this young girl is alive. It's almost against all odds.

She could have been murdered by the "stranger" to whom she asked for help "online" and told what was happening in her life.

It was as if she was "drowning" in her horrible and frightening home situation and like a person about to drown - reached for whatever branch was closest.

Thank God she is alive. She is already a survivor and I believe she will get the best counselling and be surrounded by kindness, support and love.

There's going to have to be a lot of counselling over a long time for her to ever trust again, but it is possible.

My heart hurts at the fact that she was so afraid that she reached out to a stranger on the internet rather than even the police.
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ROBLOX is a absolutely horrible online gaming app for the ability to prey. Has been huge with children for a while. My 9yo wanted to play this about 2 years ago. Set up and observed as she was playing. You play in a gaming world with other online profiles. They have a chat going on the screen as you play to talk to them. The shocking dialogue that was being said and the words “rape” and f bombs in the 5 minutes we had it up was astounding. Needless to say not another word has been mentioned in this house about it. It is banned.

This poor child
So tired of seeing:

-Children abused, molested and raped, especially by the hands of their parents

-People saying they’re Christians and doing heinous acts... by the way, DOUBT HIGHLY they are true Christians. You know a tree by it’s fruit...

-All the details


This is a broken, hopeless world. There is evil and sin abounding. And it will never, ever change. If anything, all this confirms to me that this world is NOT my home. Lord Jesus, come soon!

I can’t even guys. I just can’t even. It makes me physically ill and depressed. God save and help these precious ones to heal and know He loves them.

That’s all guys. I’m done reading/posting for a while. God bless y’all ❤️
Agree with very word you said.
Gah, I was going through his friends here this morning looking to see if SP jumped out at me.

Profile - Roblox

kingtut1945bc Created 10/22/2017 (This is BDR)

His #1 friend is:

queentut1945bc Created on 1/19/2019

IMO it appears he created a character for SLP.

Oh that poor girl. How long has she been living this terror?
ROBLOX is a absolutely horrible online gaming app for the ability to prey. Has been huge with children for a while. My 9yo wanted to play this about 2 years ago. Set up and observed as she was playing. You play in a gaming world with other online profiles. They have a chat going on the screen as you play to talk to them. The shocking dialogue that was being said and the words “rape” and f bombs in the 5 minutes we had it up was astounding. Needless to say not another word has been mentioned in this house about it. It is banned.

This poor child

Marking this post for reference, thank you for this input. We might be seeing more of this here, I’m afraid, moo.
Unfortunately, I thought that might be the case.
SP was trapped with no help or hope in sight.

Wonder if any charges can be laid against SP's mother.
Besides being told by SP, I wonder if she knew of these act, so her husband would be happy.:(
CP needed her man, I would think, no matter what sort of slime ball he was.
Maybe she thought her greatest fear was at the front door, ready to take her back "home".

Yes but wouldn’t RP have been arrested by this time? Can we assume she might not have known RP was arrested? And if that’s the case, then what does that possibly tell us? She was sleeping, etc and didn’t hear the news OR was purposefully being withheld somehow from being able to know the news?
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