Found Safe TN - SLP, 14, Madisonville, Monroe County, 13 Jan 2019 #5 *ARRESTS*

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There are pictures on his LinkedIn profile of him and the two oldest girls at a daddy daughter dance.

I wish there was a dislike button. Not at YOU but him on hearing this! You mean the two stepdaughters?? I hope HIS DNA is run for matches throughout this country!

Some *daddy*. I hope he rots. I need to settle down and not comment I think....
I do that too and hope I am wrong. I also am haunted by the pic that clearly was taken of her at a wayside/truck stop... I hope to heck she never traveled with him OTR!

Stomach drop and oh sweet heavens. IMO if that poor child..... Sitting on hands now. I recall that pic. Wasn't there discussion about that being from their move to TN? Or something else?
Before RP's FB was taken down there were pictures of his/their church, he was featured in some pictures and they ran a picture of SP, asking for her return and described her participation in church activities. I wonder why she didn't feel she could find support there. The link for this doesn't exist anymore so I hope this doesn't go against TOS.
Dang (Safe cuss word in place of my typical cuss word) we really have not sleuthed the true identity that makes up RP! I realize the gag order is in place, if any of their findings, are anything like the CC. The Criminal Complaint.

And we will learn any of this information, when the trial is in court. Hmmmm, would they offer a plea deal to get him to plead guilty? This would keep this family from experiencing any further trauma.

Like the trauma young SLP faced. Trying to escape hell on earth. That's what makes me sob, when I see the evil that inhabits our monsters. I hope that came out decipherable? I would hope they can figure out how to avoid anything further being reported on, similar to JC's murdered parents. 18 days here for SLP. 88 days for JC.

ETA: One little item on BR. If he is in any way experienced in these scenarios, they will throw the book at him. Then get BR to plead guilty. Make him an offer that he would be foolish to decline. I realize that will cut off all further information. But isn't that what would ultimately remove the traumatized children from the public eye?

These victims need to find their new lives. Unless they want to remain in the public eye?

ETA: Spelling

I get so torn over these cases. On the one hand, I in no way want the child's abuse detailed to the world to make it worse on them. On the other hand, the public needs to know, the details lead to prosecution and other possible future perps see the perps charged be put away and MAY think twice. If one takes Elizabeth Smart, she faces it, kept her name and is publicly out there and that gives her, imo, strength and she triumphed over it all. However, I feel for others if they want to change their name and not be known, help them to do it.

I think SP may love to ditch the P name and I hope she does. I hope as she gets older, she has much help and decides if she wants to face it head on as Elizabeth Smart or start her life (for the first time in some ways) without most knowing who she is and what she went through. I can't imagine but feel victims may differ in those feelings and that it may even change over time as they process and try to move forward.

I do feel if there are to be further charges and conviction of RP, her taking the stand will be a big part of it. In the single charge, the tape is likely enough. For further charges, her testimony would be key I would think.

I feel she is stronger than we know. Maybe it is wanting to believe that. I think she is smarter than *daddy dearest* and BR. And stronger by far.
Before RP's FB was taken down there were pictures of his/their church, he was featured in some pictures and they ran a picture of SP, asking for her return and described her participation in church activities. I wonder why she didn't feel she could find support there. The link for this doesn't exist anymore so I hope this doesn't go against TOS.

I wonder if someone screen shot those? And would they be allowed? Perhaps only in private? I don't know... ETA: WE know that it was all a lie by RP. I can't imagine being in church, and not being able to find a trustworthy person. Do I need to sit on my hands yet?
Oh sure, now you want the original horrible CC looked at! (jk I needed to check that doc, was just avoiding it) :)

An ETA will be here shortly: The same statement is in the original, as per BR's words. There is nothing typed out by SLP discussing her mother. Now, is her typed message in the unreleased part of their conversations? We don't know yet.

Ha, no. It wasn't in the complaint. There was an article that had more of the text messages. Or maybe the defense document. But I'll probably never find it and I might be mistaken.
I believe the limited texts were proffered by the defense when seeking bail hearing for BR under the false "hero" theory.

In response, the prosecution expanded the evidence providing additional texts to show the full picture of BR's intent, in addition to medical exam results of alleging sexual assault by BR.

Judge denied BR bail.
Yes true and thank you - we discussed this over many postings several pages ago together with a very detailed explanation of sex trafficking and those federal charges, should they be applied to BR, carry LIFE. As far as RP and charges, I think one is enough to secure the 2 million bail and they will be assembling their case - remember, the complaint only detailed the video of the assault IIRC. We need to let LE and the prosecutors do their work - I don't think either of these animals are going anywhere. JMO
They are not tracked state to state. It seems they are not tracked city to city, even,

As a teacher, as soon as we ( I worked with social workers, school,psychologists) got too close to asking questions about a child, the parents would move.

Privacy laws are really intense with kids. Parents have done a stellar on keeping info from being shared.
I suspected that, and although it’s probably been 10 years since I reported neglect, I still think of that child often and pray that wherever she moves, she has vigilant neighbors.
Yup. There’s a lot to know about RP beyond what we can’t find out due to the gag order. Was he born in a Georgia and stay in Georgia? Or has he moved around in other states? Has he always been a truck driver? Is he from a small or large family and are they close-knit? I have a lot of questions about his social history. Was he ever married before? We haven’t heard anything from anyone who knew him or CP, AFAIK. We have a lot more answers about BR’s history than RP’s.

Very true and quite odd if you ask me...
I wish there was a dislike button. Not at YOU but him on hearing this! You mean the two stepdaughters?? I hope HIS DNA is run for matches throughout this country!

Some *daddy*. I hope he rots. I need to settle down and not comment I think....
had thought it was SP when she was younger and her sister. But someone pointed out they believe it’s the other step-daughter and his bio daughter. Still, I find it odd on a LinkedIn.
Before RP's FB was taken down there were pictures of his/their church, he was featured in some pictures and they ran a picture of SP, asking for her return and described her participation in church activities. I wonder why she didn't feel she could find support there. The link for this doesn't exist anymore so I hope this doesn't go against TOS.
Was the church in GA or TN? I’m interested in whether or not they were in a church community yet in TN.
That struck me too. Because she's begging him for help. And he keeps insisting that the ONLY surefire way for her to be rescued and not returned to her dad is by recording it and sending it to him.

Here is how many times she begs him to help her without having her record her own rape and send it to him

ONE: She pleads, "Bryan do u understand how hard that would be though" But he is unmoved by her anguish, "Yes But understand that I can get in a hell of a lot of trouble for harboring you Unless you can prove what he did they will just release you back to him if we get caught."

TWO: She again tries to get help without recording her own rape, "I just can’t promise I’ll get the evidence". He remains unmoved by how horrified she is by what he is suggesting, "Then I can’t promise I can get you away from that I hate to say it but I can’t risk getting trouble for you. If you can get that video I can get you out of there but without it you will just wind up back with your dad and I’ll be in trouble"

THREE: Again, she pleads, "I don’t have the mental strength or confidence enough to get the video… I’m so sorry Bryan." Here she is actually apologizing to HIM for not doing what he is coercing her to do. Fits a predator victim/pattern to me. He is harsh in his response to this terrified and anguished child. Instead of offering other options, any other option, his reply? "Then I can’t come get you I’m sorry but I cannot risk prison time for you".

FOUR: She pleads again, "Bryan plz There has to be some [redacted] way". I mean here I really see a child just begging an adult to do the right thing and not force her to get raped on camera. "There has to be some way" and there IS some other way.

But no. His response is cold and sinister. His nonchalance about what this child faces in getting him the "evidence" he craves is disturbing, "Just out of curiosity why can’t you just stay in your room and wait for him to get you? He’s going to rape you anyway, might as well have the phone recording". WTH? What kind of adult responds to a terrified child in this manner? A pleading child:

"There has to be some way."
"Just wait for him to get you. He's going to rape you anyway, might as well record it."

Wow. The utter disregard for what this baby is going through and goes through at the hands of her father, is stunning. He is supposed to be this knight in shining armor? Some misguided hero? A well meaning but stupid person trying to "do the right thing"?

And yet this is how he responds to her pleas for help. To her desperation and helpless horror about subjecting herself to having her rape recorded and sent to a strange man.

"There has to be some way."
"Just out of curiosity why can't you just stay in your room..."

As if it's just such a reasonable suggestion. As if it's no big deal for a terrified 14 year old who has been repeatedly brutalized, to record it.

FIVE: Again, this little girl pleads. Once more desperate for this adult to help her without making her get raped on camera, "Bryan I can’t stand it I’ll have a [effing] mental breakdown… idfk how"

This noble hero's response? "Ok".


"I'll have a mental breakdown." His response is basically, "Oh well."

This is tragic to me. She knew in her heart he could help her without that. His cold manipulation of her and capitalization of her desperation to me in this conversation chain is obvious.

But she tries another time to get this adult to do the right thing for her. To avoid forcing her to exploit herself and endure hell on camera. Begging. Pleading.

SIX: "There has to be a way I can’t just stay here bryan I’m begging u plz" And he again insists, "There is. Be in your room when he comes home and have the phone recording. That way when he comes for you it’s already recording and you don’t have to worry about anything And I can’t help you if we don’t have foolproof leverage against your dad". He coerces her to think the only way to get "foolproof leverage" is to record herself being raped. And send it to stranger. Despite the cost to her mental stability in doing so. Our hero.

Finally, she explains the depth of her horror over what he is telling her to do as the price for freedom. She demonstrates that so great is her anguish over the possibility of being raped on camera, in order to be helped, that she would rather just die.

SEVEN: "If u don’t help me somehow I might as well kill my [effing] self like I’ve been planning to do I can’t get the video I just can’t"

This caring hero's response to a terrorized child? He becomes angry. Defensive. She's 14 and being raped. She's pleading for help. And he gets mad at her, "So I’m an *advertiser censored***** for not risking going to prison for someone I haven’t even met?". He shows how much he cares for this vulnerable child, "someone I haven't even met", yet is willing to work so hard to "help" her by getting her to record her rape, send it to him and then drive to pick her up and transport her across state lines?

Once again, she begs for help and states she cannot do it. She cannot get that dreaded but much coveted video.

EIGHT: "IDFK ANYMORE! But u can’t just leave me here! If u don’t help me I’ll either kill myself or just run away to a friends house cause I can’t deal with this **** but I can’t get the video either Idfk what to do anymore

Again, he demonstrates an utter disregard for her mental state, an utter lack of any empathy for this child victim, “And I know you don’t want to do it but I don’t exactly want to see your dad rape you either”

NINE: "If u don’t help me I’ll either kill myself or just run away to a friends house cause I can’t deal with this **** but I can’t get the video either Idfk what to do anymore"

The child is so desperate for this adult to do the right thing, she actually suggests an alternative herself - running away (it's actually the second time she hopefully suggests it before he bites) - and only then, nine times after she expressed her devastation about doing what he kept telling her she had to do, does he casually tell her she can take that option. " Good. Run away to a friends house".

But we see later in the conversation how he uses his skill at manipulation in making that option seem like not a sure thing, as opposed to his determination in getting her to record her rape. "Run to a friends house and hope for the best".

This kid doesn't stop though. She tries yet again. Please, man. Help me. Don't make me do this. Just help me. Do the right thing.

TEN: "That’s all the [EFFING] advice u have for me"?

And here he coldly lies, "That’s all I can offer If I knew something else I would tell you".

Oh he knew something else that could help this begging child. But he only really wanted one thing.

To me this is almost a master class in predatory manipulation. He tries to persuade her it's the only logical thing. He pretends that this is the only way to save herself. He acts like it is no big deal. He insists he cannot get involved any other way. He reacts with coldness when she tries to get out of it, withdrawing his friendliness and depriving her of his friendship. He becomes angry and defensive and tries to make himself out to be the victim, sullenly accusing her of being a jerk for not considering HIS position. She's a vulnerable child. He's a knowledgeable adult. Communicating with a child over the internet and trying to convince her to send him a video of herself being raped. He uses every emotion and argument he can to get that video. Textbook predation, IMO.

Ultimately, in the face of her continued expressions of anguish and horror about doing what he wants her to do, he lackadaisically suggests other options. But those options never come to fruition. He never calls the police. He takes no action to be a real hero to this frightened and devastated little girl.

But we know this: They talk again.

He gets the tape.
Here is some of their online interaction taken from the court documents - thanks @gitana1
I wonder if someone screen shot those? And would they be allowed? Perhaps only in private? I don't know... ETA: WE know that it was all a lie by RP. I can't imagine being in church, and not being able to find a trustworthy person. Do I need to sit on my hands yet?
they would not be allowed on the forum itself...
I highly doubt LE would have locked it down just around the time CP locked hers down. So my bet is that family did it (probably CP, but possibly someone else). I don’t know that I would do that for a family member who committed this kind of crime. Pretty sure I would not.

I would not and if it was her, it plays into what many of us suspect/wonder with regard to her...
I honestly forget if I responded to you on this. Would it be cool if SLP may have realized that sending the video to BR, was like breadcrumbs in the forest? Was she in a 'place' that she realized he was a manipulator? She needed saving, and he was insistent on that video. He demanded that video, or he was not going to rescue her. That truly sickens me. It sounded like it sickened SLP.

IMO the outcome here would not have played out positive, if SLP had not sent data to BR. He was brilliant, but only to himself.

I like your take on this and it makes sense. I think she was smarter than we realize and recognized him for what he was. Yet I believe she thought it was her way out of the first situation. I even suspect/hope she picked the least evil of her probably few options. However it happened, the proof went to the FBI, he either is a mixture, or she played him and got him to help and despite his mixed intentions, kept herself safe somehow, etc. Without that video, as sad as it is she was encouraged to make it, I wonder if her *daddy* would be in jail right now on a 2 million dollar bond... Like it or not, I am not so sure he would be. No further charges have come based on her six page letter of probably a decade or more of abuse... Only a charge based on video evidence...
Was the church in GA or TN? I’m interested in whether or not they were in a church community yet in TN.
I think it must have been in Georgia because I don' think SP could have developed the involvement with Sunday School in Tennessee that was described in the missing child notice that was posted. Now, I wish I had done a screen shot or at least written down the name of the church.
There are pictures on his LinkedIn profile of him and the two oldest girls at a daddy daughter dance.

Actually, I believe SLP is not in that picture. These are her younger sisters. Perhaps SLP was back at home, tending to her animals? IMO RP gives me a creepy feel. Maybe because we know what he was up to. Sick man IMO

I had thought it was SP when she was younger and her sister. But someone pointed out they believe it’s the other step-daughter and his bio daughter. Still, I find it odd on a LinkedIn.
Correct. SLP is not in the linked in pictures. The 12 year old, and youngest sister are in them.
Yes, but the children’s pictures are still clearly visible and public on CP’s profile, so I doubt this was the reason it was done. I suspect it was done to protect him. Your reasons for doing so would make sense if you didn’t then make the children’s photos on your own FB public.

I do not know if I have the right words to get my point across here but here are my thoughts on this:

I do not see RJP as the type that would share passwords on his private SM accounts with his wife. He was hiding things and molesting HER daughter and who knows what else. Now if she was complicit, that may be different. Like a cheating husband or wife, they will keep things as private as possible for example. So if she had the password, she was knowledgeable possibly of all she and he had to hide.

So, again trying to word this right, if SHE locked down and deleted his account she has seen him or heard from him with the password since his arrest.

To me, if she locked it down, it adds to her guilt in my mind...
I would lock it down because I would not want the children's photos out in the media - I don't understand why people make everything public in the first place. JMO.

If you check the property records you will find a lot of property owned by that name in different counties in TN. If they are related, it's pretty extensive. Which begs the question, did this child have no family member she could trust to turn to regarding the 12 years of abuse? Or did she, and once isolated feared even worse/more/repeating (4 bedroom house purchased 12/19/18 to facilitate the rapist) and did turn to someone as alleged by BR, and was not believed?

Tennessee Property Data Home Page
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