AMBER ALERT TN - Summer Moon-Utah Wells, 5, Rogersville, 15 Jun 2021 #2

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But then why were the dogs not able to pick up her scent?

I haven’t posted much (and in a long time), but have been following this. I’ve read through every post. I’m on the edge of my seat here…this is terrible.

I struggle to decide what is the most likely explanation for her disappearance, but the whole thing is unlikely. The most common explanation is that family is involved, but I just can’t see that for some reason. Stranger abduction while unlikely seems even MORE unlikely given that they appear to live in BFE, surrounded by woods, with the house a ways off of the road, ect. A person lying in wait seems like the most out there theory, to me personally.

My personal feeling is that she did something thus far out of character for some reason; that she went into those woods and got turned around. The father has said that he doesn’t think that she would do that, but something unlikely has happened for the situation to be what it is today.

Some thoughts that I have, based on some experience (which is searching for and tracking lost dogs) about how easy it is to get into trouble in the woods. The fact that Summer’s area includes difficult terrain adds to this significantly:

First, I’m sure that most of you realize most if not all of this stuff - You take too many steps off of the path or route that you know, and things become unfamiliar. You take some more steps trying to get back to where you were, and oops, you’re worse off and further away. It devolves from then on. While she likely knows a lot of the area around her house, the area looks thick with brush and plant life and could easily confuse someone while limiting their view that would help them reorient themselves to where they are. I’m kind of stating the obvious there - I’m sure you all know what I mean.

Another thing to add especially with terrain is that it’s easy to get somewhere and then realize that you can’t get back the way you came. It can be easier to go down than to come back “up.” That leads to moving in a different direction to find a way back up or around that difficult hill, ect., moving farther away and then to the process of getting lost. I once got lost in an area that I had pretty much figured out, and it wasn’t even quite BFE, because I went too far. Then I saw a way back but it was winter and cold so I tried to take a shortcut. That shortcut led to a hill that I couldn’t climb and it just devolved from there. I was a 20-something and not a child, so all the much easier for something like this to happen to her.

Given the terrain and overgrowth of plant life I feel that while the sheer area they’ve covered is an amazing achievement and a testament to their valiant efforts, it isn’t at all unlikely that someone has walked within feet of her without seeing her. In the earlier days of the search coming close to her would likely have led to her being found because she was more likely to have been able to cry out to searchers, but sadly the odds of her being alive, or at least conscious, seems low. In those early days I think that she probably moved too far out of the then current search area to be found or heard, and well sadly I feel that the chances of finding her that way has passed. It’s hard to type.. Like you all I’m hoping for a miracle.

Sorry for the overly long post. I’ve been following and I guess all of my thoughts added up over time to a long winded post.
I could 100% see myself absolutely panicking in this situation and calling my partner first. I'd not be in the right headspace to make logical decisions. I don't stay calm when I am panicking like some people do.

I have been in a situation where my child was missing and I didn't think at all of calling my husband who was at work at that time. My instinct was telling me to call someone who can help right now.
I find this call to be very interesting also. I really cannot imagine how she thought he could help with the situation while at work or what explanation he could offer for the child being missing. Maybe she wanted him to come home and help look for Summer? If she was not concerned enough to call 911 before calling him, why not?

I might do this as well to be honest. Just quickly call and let him know what’s going on and see if he had any ideas where she might have gone and get him on his way home to meet the police with me. So if it’s a 3 minute call that would fit.

Depending on how long she had searched maybe also she was wanting some validation to call 911? Maybe she wasn’t sure if she should keep looking longer or wait for him to come look first before calling.

Now if the call is 30 minutes long that would be suspicious.
But then why were the dogs not able to pick up her scent?
Dogs are not infallible. They can be an excellent resource and I think they often help with mp cases but there’s also times they walk right past a person/clue. A lot depends on the dog, the day, the handler, the training, the weather, etc.
I think I am leaning this way, too. I agree with you that I just don't think the *immediate* family is responsible. I too don't know exactly why I feel that so strongly, but I do.

I still think it's possible she was taken by someone she knew, someone on the peripheral of the family, a friend or more distant relative, something like that. But the longer time goes on, the more unlikely that seems as well, because some sort of evidence would've popped up to support that.

So in the absence of evidence, I think the most likely explanation is she wandered into those woods.

I agree - if she was taken I think it would most likely be someone she knew. I struggle to imagine that playing out partly because they owned dogs and you would think they would’ve made some noise. But anything is possible. I sure hope we find out soon one way or another.
Dogs are not infallible. They can be an excellent resource and I think they often help with mp cases but there’s also times they walk right past a person/clue. A lot depends on the dog, the day, the handler, the training, the weather, etc.

It's also possible that someone has awareness on how to confuse search dogs with competing scents. Announcing now that I will never murder someone, because "how to confuse search dogs" is now in my browser history.
I agree - if she was taken I think it would most likely be someone she knew. I struggle to imagine that playing out partly because they owned dogs and you would think they would’ve made some noise. But anything is possible. I sure hope we find out soon one way or another.
Some dogs wouldn't. My dog is old and sleeps through everything. Worst watch dog ever. Plus she loves people so she would be excited to see someone-anyone and she wouldn't bark at them.
Thank you very much. This is what I believe also. I just didn't want to say parts of it. Last thurs when the temps had dropped, knowing that she was likely wet also, I had a dr apmt and this is what I discussed with him. He did not give me reasons for hope under the circumstances. (it only takes a couple of minutes to go over refills)
Personally I will cross those bridges when we come to them.

I know…it’s so hard to think about. The heat during the day along with the rain that has come through.. Being wet overnight is not good.
I agree - if she was taken I think it would most likely be someone she knew. I struggle to imagine that playing out partly because they owned dogs and you would think they would’ve made some noise. But anything is possible. I sure hope we find out soon one way or another.
Maybe the family dogs did make some noise, which could happen not only because of an abduction but also if she wandered off or was harmed. Dogs know when something is amiss, in my experience. Maybe they did act up that evening but we just don't know about it.


So, what exactly are, the "circumstances leading to Summer's disappearance"?

1. Outside with mom & grandma.
2. Inside to play, in the basement where her toys are.
3. Basement door unlocked/open(?)

From all accounts, this is what the mother, told the father, and what he's relaying to the MSM and what they're both relaying to LE.

LE investigating are saying those very things are "very much under investigation" it somewhat reads to me that they (LE) don't exactly believe what they've been told. It's also possible I've misread and they mean something else.

Circumstances can be something that happened 48 hours previously. Its like throwing a pebble in the water. Some see the immediate splash. Others see the ripples. JMO
I think the problem might lie in what LE has discovered or rather has NOT discovered on the neighboring trail & security cams. If all the vehicles in the relevant time period have been identified, then how could Summer have been abducted and removed from the area? I suppose she could have been taken for miles through the forest cover, then taken to a waiting car?

Has any consideration been given to the possibility she was given to someone and her disappearance was prearranged?

To me, the idea that she was abducted then taken into the woods is even more unlikely than abducted by a lurking perv with a vehicle nearby.

I mean, is it possible some local creep has seen her and chose to snatch her and take her away? Sure, it's possible. I think of little 7 yr. old Gabbi Doolin, snatched at her brother's football game and taken into the woods. Creepy things like that do happen, but they're not at all common.

I haven't considered a planned disappearance only because so far, there's been nothing mentioned by LE to indicate that direction.

More common than anything, is an accident covered up, or a lost temper or every day abuse leading to a fatality (then covered up).

I was sad to read on Texas EquuSearch Facebook page that Tim Miller is having some pretty serious health issues right now :(

I know some have wondered if he would be called in on Summer's case, but it appears he is dealing with his own health matters for the moment.

For those interested in reading the update it can be found here
I find this call to be very interesting also. I really cannot imagine how she thought he could help with the situation while at work or what explanation he could offer for the child being missing. Maybe she wanted him to come home and help look for Summer? If she was not concerned enough to call 911 before calling him, why not?

A possible explination for this is lack of cell service. For a long time we had no cell service in our area and any calls out were via apps. (At the time Facebook / FaceTime calls weren’t a thing so we used a third party app)

I had to WiFi call hub at work once to have him call 911 for a neighbor. It’s a reality of a lot of rural areas.
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