AMBER ALERT TN - Summer Moon-Utah Wells, 5, Rogersville, 15 Jun 2021 #25

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I agree with a lot of what you say here, I am taking care of a 6 year old right now for a family member and this little girl can do for herself! She can read, use a phone better than me, she is sneaky, she doesn't meet a stranger!!! I took her to the aquarium and I have had to really have some chats with her about talking to strangers. The thing is this little girl has had druggie parents all her life so she learned how to feed herself if she was hungry, get her own drinks, and call me on the phone if her dad is passed out to come pick her up. She told me the other day when I picked her up from the police "I'm not scared of anything", to my question 'I bet that really scared you didn't it?' I agree, enough credit isn't being given that Summer could have had a conversation with someone and walked away because I bet she is a lot like the sweet little girl I have in my care right now.

Welcome to Websleuths and thank you for stepping up for this six year old! You make very good points about how capable and bold some children learn to be.
I've got nothing to add.
This case is so very sad I can barely follow it anymore.
Someone has to know something.
Please call in a tip.
Where is she? :(
Chi in TN
Yeah.... but didn't she say they did not plan to go swimming?
So she didn't see any need to bring towels along. The mystery seems to be what Summer was wearing before and after the swim. I'm not sure little details like that are that important.

Maybe they had her in the swimsuit to fish, if that was the initial plan.
It sounds like SW is a child. A not-shy child with some extra energy. But, she stood out more than some children partly because of her personality (outgoing and sweet, sounds like to me, although she could be somewhat independent).

She probably is stronger than the average five-year-old girl due to the way she played on her swing and chased after her brothers. So, she might be able to open something or climb something that most little girls cannot.

The fact that she was quiet sometimes and talked a lot sometimes. Well... I don't know for sure, but sometimes the youngest has a hard time getting a word in so maybe she doesn't bother unless she really has something to say.

I have thought someone stalked CB's SM. This person could go up to SW and provide details to make it seem that the person knew CB even if they were a total stranger to CB.

This person might could trick SW into accompanying them with her thinking her mom knew what was happening. I really hope this is not the case because it could really be a person no one in her family knows at all meaning they will not be able to help LE find that individual and SW. (I guess they could also stalk DW's SM, but idk if he put up as many photos of the children since all the photos released elsewhere are from CB's SM as far as i know).

It is a good point someone (im sorry I forgot) made that SW's parents have both moved a lot and done some unconventional things like joining a carnival. So, she would have inherited a bit more of an impulsive and adventurous streak than most children. We are seeing her parents really at their worst when they are struggling with multiple issues.

I have thought, if i just randomly met them somehow three months ago what kind of impression would i have of them? CB seems like maybe she would be funny. Idk about DW... He likes to tell stories about his life is all i have really picked up on with him. (I haven't watched many videos.)

I think SW would have been popular with the children in her class. Like maybe she would be good at thinking of different games to play at recess.

ETA... The shorts outfit SW wore on 6/15... Maybe it was used to towel her off... ?
In my lay opinion as trauma survivor, trauma doesn't have the effect on memory that we're seeing with CW and DW. I cannot be absolutely sure, we'd need a trauma expert on here or probably somebody to sit down and work with CW and DW. But 'trauma' won't be an excuse for anybody like H or his mother. If anybody were to be affected that way, then CH (correct abbreviation for CW's mother?) because of having lost a child already. MOO

IMHO this idea of trauma affecting memory to the degree CW and DW are mixing up their stories and bringing in contradictory statements every other day is very far-fetched. JMO MOO
Just saying, possibly, everyone was literally sleeping. The rem and nrem are levels of sleep most every hunan expeiences. DW's could be completely inoscent of accusations regarding his daughter, Summer Moon. It will come out after the case is solved. Loving her deeply and letting her sleep between he nd his wife is not a crime. <modsnip>

My thoughts are that Don Wells and Summer Moon do have a strong bond. Until anything else is reveled in the present, and confirmed with a reliable source...he is innoscent of suspicion. I can understand Don Wells enamore for his daughter.
My mother had a strong bond with my older brother for his entire life. My brother never slept in my mother's bed and they were not affectionate. Their bond was mental and, spiritual. My brother's wife questioned their bond when she (the wife) was in her mid fifties. My sister inlaw and my brother had been married for over 20 yrs. with two college age children. My mom was in her mid seventies, had her own life, widowed, a pension, savings, was independent and lived 5 hours away but, visited them for holidays or special occasions. My mother simply, loved my brother and admired him, plus they were friends. <modsnip>

I don't know Don Wells and he has nothing incommon with my brother, "accept" that his daughter, Summer Moon has the gift of magnetism toward others and her parent with massive responsibilities. I would imagine that Don's struggles are serious. His daughter Summer Moon must mean the world to him. Her unconditional nature must be refreshing. If he took advantage of that, it is for LE or CPS to discover it and proceed accordingly.
Thank You for the response. I figured you were referring to the stages of sleep. was really just curious about the rem and nrem and the relation to the sleeping arrangement. Agree that everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
I find I am baffled by this case and have become a waffler. Sometimes I waffle one way only to read something and then waffle the other way.

There just doesn’t seem to be any clues.

I hope the Wells are putting their lives back together and as some one else said they are cleaning up their place.

There are three boys probably waiting to come home to the only life they have known. And also one sweet little blonde girl that we all want to see go home too. Let's hope that Summer Moon can go home too.
Which I still find weird because of the relationship fallout between CW and Hunter's mom.
This has always made me very curious about what was really going on with them that day. I had 2 brothers and I have a son. I can't picture any of them being eager to hang out with a 5 year old little girl when they were 15. I think DW is a lightning rod that is getting everyone's attention and may be detracting from other issues that deserve looking into. JMO of course.
Probably O/T

Why would there be a gag order regarding CPS taking the boys? Would CPS request that or would a judge just take that liberty of his own accord? Is such a thing normal?
I don't think we're allowed to talk specifically about the boys. I think you can ask questions in general about CPS. This case is sealed to protect the boys and the gag order is in place so the only people who know what's going on is the parents and they are following the guidelines given to them.

Anything about the boys would be rumor mongering, IMO. They don't deserve that.
Does anyone remember or know if all of the Well's vehicles were searched in the beginning by the dogs, especially the cadaver dogs?

Was the property including the house searched again by the dogs days after the initial search? I know it was searched several times, I just don't remember if they used the dogs.
When my friend worked at the house children in a certain area of Tennessee go to when custody has to be sorted even she wasn't told anything about the cases.

Some of the kids told her things about their cases. She was a social worker, not just a random chick.

This was the 90s, so things may be different now. But, CPS stuff is hush hush.
@10ofRods, John Kelly didn't say "forever". He said if a person is clean for five years they begin to mature again. He has personal experience because he himself was an addict of some sort (maybe alcohol? Could be other things). He has a separate channel that he uses to put up helpful information for people with addiction issues. It's free, but i haven't ever looked at it.

I would say, imo, heavy substance abuse (not referring to anyone being discussed here) or certain types of drugs (again just speaking generally) might have forever types of consequences to the person's brain. Exactly how that plays out would depend on a lot of individual factors.

CB and DW are under extreme stress. So... They are just having a hard time of it. Idk what they may have been like prior to the events that brought them to our attention. We see CB sleeping in church wearing a hoodie, so there's that instance. Meanwhile, DW is listening and SW is wandering.

I was thinking of it as identical to the well-known trope "alcohol kills brain cells"; and yes, it makes perfect sense to me that it takes time to regenerate these.

I agree with a lot of what you say here, I am taking care of a 6 year old right now for a family member and this little girl can do for herself! She can read, use a phone better than me, she is sneaky, she doesn't meet a stranger!!! I took her to the aquarium and I have had to really have some chats with her about talking to strangers. The thing is this little girl has had druggie parents all her life so she learned how to feed herself if she was hungry, get her own drinks, and call me on the phone if her dad is passed out to come pick her up. She told me the other day when I picked her up from the police "I'm not scared of anything", to my question 'I bet that really scared you didn't it?' I agree, enough credit isn't being given that Summer could have had a conversation with someone and walked away because I bet she is a lot like the sweet little girl I have in my care right now.

She sounds like a doll. A coworker told me a similar story about a 5-year-old niece. She said to me "Niece grabs my phone and hollers "Peppa Pig!" at it, and the next thing I know she's watching videos. I'm like "She's a genius!"

I have also heard a theory that says you're better off with a child wary of strangers than you are of one who runs to everyone at the slightest encouragement, because the hungrier they are for adult attention, the less likely it is they're getting enough at home.
I agree with a lot of what you say here, I am taking care of a 6 year old right now for a family member and this little girl can do for herself! She can read, use a phone better than me, she is sneaky, she doesn't meet a stranger!!! I took her to the aquarium and I have had to really have some chats with her about talking to strangers. The thing is this little girl has had druggie parents all her life so she learned how to feed herself if she was hungry, get her own drinks, and call me on the phone if her dad is passed out to come pick her up. She told me the other day when I picked her up from the police "I'm not scared of anything", to my question 'I bet that really scared you didn't it?' I agree, enough credit isn't being given that Summer could have had a conversation with someone and walked away because I bet she is a lot like the sweet little girl I have in my care right now.

Totally like your are a witness to the energy....all the best with her.
FREE SPIRIT means something different to everyone.

I can only refer you to some of the church videos. Can't name them here. In all of them she's consistent, the same. Summer Moon is like a little butterfly. She is on stage, then she darts off stage. She is where she is supposed to be when expected. She knows when her teacher is asking for attention from the group of children. She responds appropriately. If you watch her, she knows when she's allow to move about and she's off. That may be because her teacher said that all of the children are allowed to freely move about the sanctary. I can't tell if any of them take the liberty. Possibly, their parents have those pictures.

Then look at some of the little children around her in some of the videos, a performance clip near the end the clip. Some of the children are snubbing her, she recognizes it for a split second, and her energy keeps moving, like she let the negative second go. One little boy turns his back on her, like he is not supposed to talk to her,(imo). Two little girls at either side subtly lean away from her. Summer's hair is cut in a pixie, she is dressed for the playground. The other little girls are in their Sunday best. I feel bad for the dressed up kids. They don't seem relaxed, free, natural. They act like little soldiers. Summer Moon appears uninhibited, peaceful, quiet, but on the move. It is a wonderful trait, spirit, gift, personality....whatever you want to call it. IMO
That's lovely that you can see such beautiful qualities in the clips of S at church. I see a child that needs some additional attention and structure. God Bless her sweet soul.

Amateur opinion and speculation
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