AMBER ALERT TN - Summer Moon-Utah Wells, 5, Rogersville, 15 Jun 2021 #26

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It’s definitely hard to imagine that a parent would not call 911 if a child died, even if someone in the family accidentally caused the death. I think most people would call for help even if they didn’t find a heartbeat, because it’s normal to hold out hope that a person can be revived.

Intentionally causing death is another scenario entirely.

It’s horrifying to me that a parent could discard a child under any circumstances, but it happens more often than I want to think about.

Jmo and NOT directed at SW’s disappearance, just general thoughts.

I'm with you on this. Just can't wrap my brain around a child passing away from some accident and the parents covering it up. Neither can I imagine one deliberately murdering her.
Most people will have enough common sense to realize they can't hide the truth forever. I, myself, could not live with the guilt.. it would eat me alive.
CBW says “And then when we got to the house we unlocked the gate went up and I woke her up. (17:59)
  • Continues “She got up, I unbuckled her, she got out of the car.” (18:02).
This is from dacjess' post.

Now I have a question to everyone who has or has had a five year old:

Does a five year old need an adult to unbuckle their safety belt?
I can see it if she just woke up. If she was still a little zoned out. I remember when my niece was young she was basically a zombie for the first few minutes after waking up
CBW’s interview with CM, Part I

  • CW says “I actually put her bathing suit on before we left the house because it was really hot out that day” 4:23

  • CM asks what time they got to the swimming hole, CBW say “I couldn’t even tell you to be honest with you cuz I don’t keep track of time. I mean I get up in the morning I do my thing with the kids and then we go to bed.” (5:48)

  • CBW says “I know I went to the hospital at 8 with my mom and dropped her off and I was sitting there and H called me.” (6:00)
    • CBW says she was sitting at the hospital in the parking lot waiting for her mom to get done (6:07)
  • At some point while H and Summer were in the water swimming, CBW says “come on Summer we gotta go get Grandma’s prescription and we just got back in the truck and left.” (10:55)

  • CBW says “we went to we went okay we went to the hospital and picked up my mom and then we stopped at the smoke shop and I got Mom that Twisted Tea that she wanted. And then I stopped up at the Hippie House and got me some smoke nicotine vapes is what I got.” (12:15)

  • CBW says “And then we left from there and we went straight down to Walgreens and we went through the drive-through (12:35) but after we were done at the Hippie House I think we bought three of them I think I believe.”(12:40)
    • When asked about the call from DW, CBW says “He called me and asked how everything was going okay and how soon we were gonna be home.” (29:45)
  • CBW says “we went to the Walgreens and dropped off Mom’s prescription and I said well if we gotta wait thirty minutes why don’t we just bring Summer down here.” (12:58)

  • CM asks “from here where do you guys go?” (13:17)

  • CBW says “Walgreens we picked up my Mom’s prescription.” (13:18)

  • CBW says “Then we I told Mom I said why don’t we get a Sonic because it’s hot out.” (13:36)
    • CBW says “And we left from there and went to Priceless and I wasn’t even in there five minutes grab my milk come right back out the door.” (14:55)
  • CBW says “And then we left from there and I went up Moreland Drive because I had to pick up a few things cuz I was in the store for maybe five minutes.” (13:47)
    • CBW says she “grabbed the milk and some cheese and I don’t remember what else I bought.” (13:52)

    • She clarifies that this is the Priceless (13:54)
  • CBW says “And then I was like Hunter, you’re not coming to the house, I’m sorry to tell you but you’re going back to your house.” (14:00)
    • Continues “And I took him back to his house and dropped him off and left.” (14:06)

    • “And Summer was still awake when I left his house.” (14:09)
  • CBW says “On the way home well we were just sitting there talking me and Mom about everything pretty much, trees, flowers, rocks. (17:02)
    • Continues “And I was like oh what’s Summer doing she’s like oh she fell asleep. I was like oh where’s she, how’s she sleeping.” (17:09)

    • “And we were like two minutes from the house when she took her arm down.” (17:52)
  • CBW says “And then when we got to the house we unlocked the gate went up and I woke her up. (17:59)
    • Continues “She got up, I unbuckled her, she got out of the car.” (18:02)

    • Continues “We went and grabbed the boys from the house to come help us with the groceries because I always have them come help me do something.” (18:04)
  • CM asks “Now who was home when you got home?” (18:11)
    • CBW responds “My three sons.” (18:12)
  • CM asks “Now was he (J) babysitting?”
    • CBW responds “Well technically they weren’t really they were watching tv and sleeping at the same time.” (18:23)

    • “And I was just gonna run out for a second and we never even plan I didn’t even plan for H to even be with us that day at all.” (18:31)
  • CM asks CBW to walk through what’s going on as they unload groceries. (20:38)
    • CBW responds “Well I’m like I bring my kids out and we all unload the groceries but we all go in my house first because we sort out my mom’s groceries.” (20:46)

    • “And we did that and Mom walked back across and I was me and Summer were putting groceries away and I dunno watching tv off and on and just chilling with the boys hanging out and…” (21:00)

    • “And then us we decided to do some laundry because laundry, my kids they got 80 pairs of pants, 80 pairs of, each one of them.” (21:10)

    • “So, you know, doing laundry at my house is like a lot. It’s a job.” (21:15)

    • “Uh but um, doing laundry and stuff and the kids are all sitting there watching tv chilling and I stepped down I notice Mom was sitting on the step and her step is like, literally, from here to that tree at my doorstep.” (21:38)

    • “And she’s like looking around like what’s your problem, she’s like we gotta get these plants transplanted into bigger pots.” (21:47)

    • “She’s sitting on our camper step right there and the flowers are here on both sides and I’m just standing there we’re just talking and she’s like we gotta get these transplanted and I was like alright well. She goes well we know the boys ain’t gonna help because they don’t like to do flowers.” (22:08)

    • “I was like but I know someone that will so I ran back in the house and I grabbed Summer she was sitting in the kitchen playing with her little, one of them little short guy with the big eyeballs.” (22:19)

    • “And I was like Summer you wanna plant flowers with me and Grandma” (22:23)

    • “And she said I was like Summer you wanna do some flower planting and stuff she jumped up faster than anybody I’ve seen jump up.” (22:47)

    • “She’s like yeah let’s go over to Grandma’s plant flowers, transplant ‘em that’s what we did.” (22:53)

    • “And so we did that and I dunno it was a while, probably 30, 50 minutes. I dunno.” (23:02)

    • “And Summer we got done we washed our hands real quick, went in Grandma’s house and she asked Grandma for a piece of candy. She always does.” (23:27)

    • “Of course Grandma gives it to her and she wanted candy so Grandma gave it to her talked to for maybe, I dunno, maybe 5, 10 minutes at the most and she was Mom I want to go back to the house with my brothers.” (23:41)

    • “I was like alright, so I got up and I walked her back across to where I could literally see her walk into my doorstep. Well I don’t know if you want to call it front door, back door because I don’t really consider…” (23:59)

    • “Not the basement door. I call it the kitchen door is what I call it.” (24:06)

    • “And she walked in there and there’s a scaffolding that we have for steps, the yellow and black scaffolding, and I put my hand on the scaffolding and I said boys, watch Summer, I’ll be right back.” (24:17)

    • “I had to go over and help my mom she was still sitting over there and I had to go and get her knee brace and fix it for her, it was twisted and crap. It took me like five minutes, maybe two minutes, I don’t know.” (24:26)

    • “Next thing I know I said Mom I’m going to go back over with the kids, chill and hang out whatever. And I freaking asked her brothers where’d your sister go she was just right here with you. Oh she wanted to go play with her toys downstairs Mom. I think nothing cuz that’s where our room is, that’s where her toys are and after about a second, I didn’t hear nothing down there, I was like you sure she went downstairs? They’re like yeah mom, she went downstairs and my boys do not lie to me.” (25:00)

    • “So I went around because my stairs, my husband calls it a bar but it”s not really a bar, I call it a mess… and I walked around because that’s where the steps are like hidden up underneath there and I said Summer and she didn’t answer me and I said Summer you down there? And she didn’t answer me so I ran down the stairs pretty much I was freaking out like why is she not answering me. And I looked every I was just went I blew up I went everywhere looking for her, so I couldn’t find her nowhere.” (25:42)

    • “She was just gone. She was just gone into nowhere. And I started chasing the property and going everywhere I could I sent my boys down through the well we live on a hill so it was down by the creek.” (25:45)

    • “I sent them all down through there looking and everything and they still didn’t find her and they said no so I ran over and I freaked out I called Donnie because that’s what I do automatically I freak out, you know.” (26:12)

    • “I call Donnie. I said I cannot find Summer come home now. He’s like call the cops so I threw my phone down on the back of his pickup, ran over to my mom, picked up her phone because it’s the only one that gets cell service is AT&T.” (26:25)

    • “So I picked up, I dial 911, I said I cannot find my daughter and they sent people out and I wasn’t just gonna stand there and wait for them to send people out.” (26:35)

    • “I jumped in my mom’s truck and I went down through down the driveway as fast as I could I went everywhere I could possibly think every road which went. I hadn’t seen no cars, I hadn’t seen nobody at all and I was like flipping out I was like I was a hot mess so you call it.”

    • “The only thing that can come to my mind is that somebody snuck up there in that yard and took my baby girl.” (27:05)
  • CBW says “It happens all the time all the way around the world.” (27:10)
    • When asked about the odds as to whether that happened, CBW says “50/50.” (27:29)

    • Says “I didn’t know how many sex offenders lived around me that were only eight minutes from my property.” (28:40)
Thanks for such a detailed effort dacjess:)

My take away from it is just how mundane and boring and you know extra bit of boring boring nothing to see here or there for that matter in her recollections to CM.

But in her first recount to the news station with her and DW sitting with the reporter at Benhill rd property when asked what happened that day her daughter went missing... she says you know...its really hard to know the time when your trying to have a good time.

The lifestyle of the Wells is far removed from anything I've ever experienced or witnessed. I think that both DW and CB have made bad decisions in their lives, and that they have both exhibited behavior that would be detrimental to their children. That being said, I can't picture either of them dumping their daughter like trash.
The lifestyle of the Wells is far removed from anything I've ever experienced or witnessed. I think that both DW and CB have made bad decisions in their lives, and that they have both exhibited behavior that would be detrimental to their children. That being said, I can't picture either of them dumping their daughter like trash.
Sometimes parents wrap them in baby blankets, even with a toy or a teddy bear, and place them someplace 'pretty.'

ETA: I am not accusing the parents in this case. Just saying that I have seen cases where parents have tried to treat the remains lovingly, when they felt they needed hide them.
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Allys first hand recollection to CM was Summer was asleep in the car and CW told her not to touch her and wake her up.

Every single moment has been met with contradiction.

Ally also claimed she was not on speaking terms with CW so it doesn't follow that she would go over to the car and ask if she could wake Summer up. H didn't seem to remember anything about Summer falling asleep. At first he said he thought Summer got out of the car. At one point he said he thought he was was sitting in the middle seat so maybe she got out when he did and then got back in. Imo
Ally also claimed she was not on speaking terms with CW so it doesn't follow that she would go over to the car and ask if she could wake Summer up. H didn't seem to remember anything about Summer falling asleep. At first he said he thought Summer got out of the car. At one point he said he thought he was was sitting in the middle seat so maybe she got out when he did and then got back in. Imo
H's memory may have been fuzzy because of the alcohol he had consumed. JMO
Ally also claimed she was not on speaking terms with CW so it doesn't follow that she would go over to the car and ask if she could wake Summer up. H didn't seem to remember anything about Summer falling asleep. At first he said he thought Summer got out of the car. At one point he said he thought he was was sitting in the middle seat so maybe she got out when he did and then got back in. Imo
Yeah I am not waging bets in who's version is right or wrong.

Just noting the voluminous amount of unnecessary contradictions in any given statement.

The truth is the truth.

Ally also claimed she was not on speaking terms with CW so it doesn't follow that she would go over to the car and ask if she could wake Summer up. H didn't seem to remember anything about Summer falling asleep. At first he said he thought Summer got out of the car. At one point he said he thought he was was sitting in the middle seat so maybe she got out when he did and then got back in. Imo
True. She could have still had a soft spot for summer, though and she did still allow her son around her. I don’t know what to believe, though.
That would have taken her right exactly where Mom and grandma were, I believe. Unless they had already gone inside the camper?
They could easily have been in the camper. CB was going to help CH with her brace and the camper seems like a good place to do that. (Theory)

I think there's a chance SW at least started to go right back to where she just left. However, Chase is still in the planter. So, she did something else. (Theory) Idk what. Maybe seeing CB and CH were (or weren't, it could work either way as SW is only five) there she changed her mind. Or noticed something else...

This is really just a motive for her to immediately go right back outside. I have no idea what happened next, unfortunately.
H's memory may have been fuzzy because of the alcohol he had consumed. JMO
That CW claimed she didn't provide him and he didn't drink?:confused:

That contradiction win goes to H IMO.

Because CW has a lot to answer for that little misdeed. Owning up to giving a minor alcohol with CPS breathing down her obvious who had the most to gain by the denial.

I’m going to go back to that phone call from DW to CW when H was in the truck and they were going through the Walgreen’s Drive Thru.

We now know that CPS/DCS was already on to the Wells Family before Summer went missing. We also know the history of both DW and CW with children from previous relationships and their dealings with CPS/DCS.

Could H have misheard or misunderstood that call?

Instead of a guy was on the Property trying to “touch” kids, could it have been “there is a Guy on the property trying to TAKE the kids?

H said the boys were with Don. We still don’t know if that’s true. We know Summer was with CW and CH and H.

CW was all over the place trying to fill time. Shopping, errands, hospital, sonic, Hippie place.

Could the Wells’ have been trying to dodge a CPS/DCS visit that day? If so, could this factor into Summer’s disappearance somehow?

Just throwing this out there because that phone call made no sense.

That CW claimed she didn't provide him and he didn't drink?:confused:

That contradiction win goes to H IMO.

Because CW has a lot to answer for that little misdeed. Owning up to giving a minor alcohol with CPS breathing down her obvious who had the most to gain by the denial.

In the CM video I saw today, he said he was trying to validate H's story. CM drove to the fishing hole and spotted an empty can of "tea" that H said CW had given him. CM also mentions they said they talked about fishing but took no fishing gear:

I’m going to go back to that phone call from DW to CW when H was in the truck and they were going through the Walgreen’s Drive Thru.

We now know that CPS/DCS was already on to the Wells Family before Summer went missing. We also know the history of both DW and CW with children from previous relationships and their dealings with CPS/DCS.

Could H have misheard or misunderstood that call?

Instead of a guy was on the Property trying to “touch” kids, could it have been “there is a Guy on the property trying to TAKE the kids?

H said the boys were with Don. We still don’t know if that’s true. We know Summer was with CW and CH and H.

CW was all over the place trying to fill time. Shopping, errands, hospital, sonic, Hippie place.

Could the Wells’ have been trying to dodge a CPS/DCS visit that day? If so, could this factor into Summer’s disappearance somehow?

Just throwing this out there because that phone call made no sense.

I’m wondering if H mostly told the truth but embellished a bit because it felt cool to have this out of town investigator focused solely on him. Maybe this call was more mundane but he wanted to give more to the story? I also agree that this call makes no sense. Could it be an unintentional red herring? Unfortunately, it seems like each person added small details or left out small details so it muddies the waters of the day as a whole. JMO.
Ally also claimed she was not on speaking terms with CW so it doesn't follow that she would go over to the car and ask if she could wake Summer up. H didn't seem to remember anything about Summer falling asleep. At first he said he thought Summer got out of the car. At one point he said he thought he was was sitting in the middle seat so maybe she got out when he did and then got back in. Imo

To offer CW’s version:
CW denies A ever coming to the vehicle
and left and summer was still awake when
i left his house
okay okay and allie did never walk to
the truck and try to talk to me or
okay i tried to get her to come over and
talk to me but she wouldn't okay

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