AMBER ALERT TN - Summer Moon-Utah Wells, 5, Rogersville, 15 Jun 2021 #27

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Regarding DW's words about Summer being put in a car:
The transcript said "somebody put in her car and took her not too far away or whatever..."

But if you listen to what's actually said in the video DW said "somebody put her in her car." It can be heard at both normal and half speed. @14:38.


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Regarding DW's words about Summer being put in a car:
The transcript said "somebody put in her car and took her not too far away or whatever..."

But if you listen to what's actually said in the video DW said "somebody put her in her car." It can be heard at both normal and half speed. @14:38.
Yep, it’s correct in his transcript also. I find the generated transcripts often get things wrong, IMO.
It is possible LE found out who was screaming and why and it turned out to be unrelated to SW. I know that's a little far-fetched, but they did interview a lot of people.
Or maybe the neighbor wasn't sure what they heard. They could have said 'it sounded like someone screaming but it could have been an animal,' or maybe they weren't sure what time they heard it. Imo
I can think of at least three:
1. The dogs tracked her scent down to the road and it ended there
2. There was a stranger in the immediate area who was having a dispute with a neighbor
3. Two neighbors heard screams
But Don didn't know any of the above info, when he had already decided she was abducted. He said he knew that by the time he arrived home, at around 7 pm.
Does anyone truly think Summer was abducted by any dogs or coyotes? Even with search and rescue and law enforcement? No remains, blood, clothes, noise, disturbed brush, etc? Could this have happened to Summer in this place and this day?

I doubt that that is what happened.

But at the time that Azaria Chamberlain disappeared from Uluru in Australia, the story of the dingo was thought to be impossible. Whereas now that's the official cause of death.
Australia - Australia - Azaria Chamberlain, 9 wks, Uluru, NT, 17 Aug 1980
So, never say never.
Here is more information that is documented scientifically.
Coyotes are becoming bigger and more ‘wolflike’

I know what I see, what I'm living around and what has been killing pets and livestock here. Experts say it's "Uncommon" but does happen, and I'm telling you "IT IS HAPPENING HERE" Wild or feral dogs and coyotes are pack animals, territorial and the ones captured in our area ARE BREEDING, we have have "coydogs" we have feral dogs and we have coyotes.

The research from Virgina wildlife and TN TWRA shows that these dogs have Wolf DNA, domestic dog DNA, and coyote DNA.

whether they are technically one species or the other, or even a mix of 2-3 doesn't change the problems we have with them!
Every single night I can walk outside and hear their calls, their yips and barks are distinct.
Every single cattle herd here has donkeys, to keep the coyotes or dogs away.
Everyone here can tell you about these animals, they are a nuisance and have killed many many pets.

I have no doubt that what you said about coyotes is true. In New Orleans during Hurricane and after the flood water recessed, many rescuers were concerned about the dogs left behind. They were running in packs and they were very hungry dogs. I will have to research New Orleans and Katrina. I wonder if those dogs had to be destroyed.

It is happening in the extreme wild too. Not dogs but, polar bears and moving inland. They share the same DNA as brown bears. There may have already been mating encounter.(Russia)

If an animal took her, Summer Moon, like a bear, it would render her incapable of movement, then bury her and return for her. Some cats, large cats, would drag her up a tree to get away from wild dogs. A wild animal theory would leaves behind, torn clothing, hair, blood, etc.
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But Don didn't know any of the above info, when he had already decided she was abducted. He said he knew that by the time he arrived home, at around 7 pm.

I've wondered if at that point in time, DW suspected CH and CW were involved in SW's disappearance because he feared she was about to leave him. DW took CW's vehicle to work which would have left her stranded if it weren't for her mom's truck. JMO
The outfir
Now it makes sense. I thought it was the interview where he talked about the law being called early in the morning and he said something about the woman he looked at in the car. There are too many interviews to keep track of and I'm not sure any of them are helpful.

So if he said "or somebody put in her car," he probably is referring to Summer as being "her." He should have said or somebody "put her" in the car." Imo

Don doesn't have an college degree. His language is consistent with the street lingo. But, to clarify how I understand his statement. He is stating that a women may have taken Summer Moon. Replace your wording back to her. "The" is the noun "her". There are two hers. Summer and the perp. Based on street lingo. Somebody put her in their car. Their, equals a her. Her in her car.

If I understand what you missed. MO
I wanted to jump in first thing and say that I am sorry that I did not respond to questions late yesterday. I have been diagnosed with BPPV, Positional Vertigo and the condition and the medication is really messing with me. Scrolling down threads sometimes sends me into spin mode. Going to a specialist next week to see if it is only BPPV which may resolve, or if it's Meniere's Disease.

Back to Summers case. I was curious about feral dog activity in the area is it does occur in all 50 states. NJ has had a horrible problem with feral dog packs back in the 70's, a town terrorized in 2020 and another town overrun this year. Texas had an serious attack on a human and a fatal attack on a human in 2016. How aggressive the pack is depends on it's mix. Results of an attack would be an area where there would be a lot of dog prints and pushed down undergrowth plus signs of a struggle, shoes and torn clothing, possibly bone fragments. The remains could be nearby or have been carried off to a den. It is far easier to spot an intact body than it is body parts and scraps of clothing, notably after this amount of time. There is also the possibility of an attack by one or more dogs on the property or on a neighbors property.

I did not bring this up on purpose early on as it is a horrible scenario, and frankly one I would rather not think about, but it is a possibility along with all the other scenario's.

Forgive me if I don't respond to further questions quickly as I work through my current situation. I will post as often as able.

Hope you're feeling better soon!
By going back to that first week, you see how the information has changed a couple of times.
The emergency scanner traffic gave some insight in those first moments:

The parents have called in advised that the mother had went for a walk, came home and now they
can't find her, they have been yelling for her, she has been gone for ten minutes now.

I am still so confused by this.

IMO, CW probably said she walked over to her mom’s house and that’s where the “mother had went for a walk” came from.
I thought DW and CBW were communicating the entire time he was driving home from work via Facebook Messenger? So I agree, seems like he would know she wasn’t found yet when he got to the lower shed.

This comment just made me realize another potential inconsistency. If DW and CBW were on the phone for DW’s entire drive home, wouldn’t CBW know if he was there before or after the police, instead of her saying that she didn’t know?
IMO, CW probably said she walked over to her mom’s house and that’s where the “mother had went for a walk” came from.
Yeah I don't think its anything to read into too much.

CW could have simply said I walked back to the house from my mothers trailer.

The dispatch has no idea she is inferring a couple of feet.

It is strange how CW says to CM she walks her all the way over to the house. Its such an unnecessary exaggeration of distance.

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