AMBER ALERT TN - Summer Moon-Utah Wells, 5, Rogersville, 15 Jun 2021 #29

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When I did see a picture of Summer for the first time, the very short haircut stood out to me <modsnip>. A few things came to my money for a hairdresser...use clippers on all the children/a lice problem/she ruined her own hair (or some of the boys did) "playing hairdresser" and this was the only way to let it look kind of ok.
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Mother of missing Summer Wells speaks out for first time

Bly and Summer’s father, Don Wells, call Summer a tomboy. They say she even tried to shave her head to look more like her father.

“[Summer] was a tomboy,” Bly told WJHL. “I shaved my head; she wanted to shave her head like me and the boys did.”

What do they mean? That Summer tried to shave her own head.. That is quite alarming. There's something more complex about the head shaving. I cannot put my finger on it yet.

Btw that video shown, has some good aerial views of the house.

Especially in light of the fact that DW and the boys do not have shaved heads (right now/right after she went missing) as far as we can tell! So, unless all of them have heads of hair that grow at extraordinarily fast rates compared to Summer, it makes no sense at all as a reason.
Summer's hair cut has alarmed me as well. I understand shaving the boys heads for lice, tick prevention, heat relief, no need to comb, etc. CW, as a grown woman, totally fine as well. It really does seem unusual and mean to do it to a little girl, tomboy or not. Kids will absolutely say something in Kindergarten about it. I think it's either because nobody was brushing her hair and it ended up a matted mess that could not be salvaged or she had a raging lice problem. I am really hoping it wasn't a passive aggressive type of action or a punishment. I really, really, really hope it wasn't to make her look like a boy for the worst reason possible.
I remember as a child (female) having long hair. I fell asleep with gum in my mouth that ended up in my hair. After many tries to get the gum out, I had to have my hair cut. It was cut in a pixie style. I cried afterwards. My mother gave me small bottle of hand lotion and made it all better. I wasn't allowed to have gum after that event. Lol.
Fast forward with my own daughter, who had long beautiful hair. Her and her younger brother thought it would be a good idea to give her BANGS. And although it was unsightly that they chop off a good portion of hair at her hair line I didn't shave her head. I just found her a few cute hats to wear until it grew back. My son also cut his beautiful long eye lashes because he said he couldn't see. Kids being kids. In summers case I'm going to go with head lice. Thankfully my kids never had them, but I know many who did. It's just a problem for many kids when they are in school. Having worked with our head start program I know first hand if you don't stay on top of this it can turn into a nightmare.
I remember as a child (female) having long hair. I fell asleep with gum in my mouth that ended up in my hair. After many tries to get the gum out, I had to have my hair cut. It was cut in a pixie style. I cried afterwards. My mother gave me small bottle of hand lotion and made it all better. I wasn't allowed to have gum after that event. Lol.
Fast forward with my own daughter, who had long beautiful hair. Her and her younger brother thought it would be a good idea to give her BANGS. And although it was unsightly that they chop off a good portion of hair at her hair line I didn't shave her head. I just found her a few cute hats to wear until it grew back. My son also cut his beautiful long eye lashes because he said he couldn't see. Kids being kids. In summers case I'm going to go with head lice. Thankfully my kids never had them, but I know many who did. It's just a problem for many kids when they are in school. Having worked with our head start program I know first hand if you don't stay on top of this it can turn into a nightmare.
Wow! I remember those days too. The dentist sure loved our family visits.
That’s what I’m talking about…good example. Finding a pic of her standing next to something that we know the height of, or can infer to an fairly accurate degree would help us determine how correct the height given in the amber alert was. Great job! A counter top is fairly consistent in height.

That said, my parents house would be a contradiction to this as they installed shorter than average counter top heights when they built the house I grew up in. They also had all the wall light switches placed very low because they wanted their 4 year old daughter (me) to be able to reach them.
I agree that Summer is taller than 36".
This YouTube submitted for pre-approval by @SLouTh is approved beginning at the timestamp of 2:15:00 - the end.

Chris M from TIR joins the panel for a lengthy discussion of over two hours beginning at the timestamp above. One of the main topics of discussion is a pedophile corridor in the area and how Law Enforcement has been connecting into these rings. Essentially, CM shares he wouldn’t take this possibility off the table.

As a reminder: Direct accusations toward the parents, though some are presented at various points in this discussion, are still not permitted to be posted in the thread at this time.

I remember as a child (female) having long hair. I fell asleep with gum in my mouth that ended up in my hair. After many tries to get the gum out, I had to have my hair cut. It was cut in a pixie style. I cried afterwards. My mother gave me small bottle of hand lotion and made it all better. I wasn't allowed to have gum after that event. Lol.
Fast forward with my own daughter, who had long beautiful hair. Her and her younger brother thought it would be a good idea to give her BANGS. And although it was unsightly that they chop off a good portion of hair at her hair line I didn't shave her head. I just found her a few cute hats to wear until it grew back. My son also cut his beautiful long eye lashes because he said he couldn't see. Kids being kids. In summers case I'm going to go with head lice. Thankfully my kids never had them, but I know many who did. It's just a problem for many kids when they are in school. Having worked with our head start program I know first hand if you don't stay on top of this it can turn into a nightmare.

omg he shaved his eyelashes lol he could t see!
Did they grow back ok?

I am guilty of cutting my sisters hair!

How could they have
Lice when school had not started!

I love Summers shaved head!

I can see the kids shaving their own heads with the clippers
But like the milk jug I don’t think it’s really important!
But that’s all
I remember as a child (female) having long hair. I fell asleep with gum in my mouth that ended up in my hair. After many tries to get the gum out, I had to have my hair cut. It was cut in a pixie style. I cried afterwards. My mother gave me small bottle of hand lotion and made it all better. I wasn't allowed to have gum after that event. Lol.
Fast forward with my own daughter, who had long beautiful hair. Her and her younger brother thought it would be a good idea to give her BANGS. And although it was unsightly that they chop off a good portion of hair at her hair line I didn't shave her head. I just found her a few cute hats to wear until it grew back. My son also cut his beautiful long eye lashes because he said he couldn't see. Kids being kids. In summers case I'm going to go with head lice. Thankfully my kids never had them, but I know many who did. It's just a problem for many kids when they are in school. Having worked with our head start program I know first hand if you don't stay on top of this it can turn into a nightmare.
Ya I agree lice is a possibility. It’s not a big deal. It happens at school. But I wouldn’t put it past them to lie about it, scared it could agitate cps. But lice can get bad. Remember when that mom for like, attempted manslaughter or something bc she let the lice get so bad? That HAUNTS me.
I’m still very curious why H would call CB!
These 2 seem to be connected in some way!
Esp after his mom had a falling out with her!
What really was going on that day?
That is the question!
I do not think DW had any thing to do with her vanishing!

Mother of missing Summer Wells speaks out for first time

Bly and Summer’s father, Don Wells, call Summer a tomboy. They say she even tried to shave her head to look more like her father.

“[Summer] was a tomboy,” Bly told WJHL. “I shaved my head; she wanted to shave her head like me and the boys did.”

What do they mean? That Summer tried to shave her own head.. That is quite alarming. There's something more complex about the head shaving. I cannot put my finger on it yet.

Btw that video shown, has some good aerial views of the house.
IMO: Don Wells has behavior that is not respectful of females. One minute he says, Summer Moon could do things that require strength which the boys could not do, then she's a "nice young lady". Sorry, but every time I hear that on video, I wonder if that is pedophile language from a NAMBLA's dictionary. CHRIS MCDONOUGH THE INTERVIEW ROOM Sunday Sept. 5th. mentioned NAMBLA, not a dictionary, my words.

Was the hair cut punishment? Who can be sure? My mom did cut my hair at age 9 because I wouldn't comb it. It is a horrible thing to do to a child. Adult females would visit our home and their first greeting was, hello. Their second was, "oh, is this one of your boys." It was a bit humiliating, to say the least. A year prior I was wearing my favorite dresses and patent leather shoes with ankle socks, (similar to Summer Moon's Saturday Christmas pic) but, I wore curls in my hair. It was the best part of being a little girl, IMO, second best was shopping for the styles. After those embarrassing moments, I couldn't wait to develop and mature physically. I was thinking, there was no way anyone would make that identity mistake after I reached puberty.

As seen in the church video, the children snubbed Summer, girls and boys. We don't know how often, but it is when her hair is short. Strange, 5 year old babies taught what Summer Moon is not, therefore, she is not likeable. If the other children were taught about lice, or short hair and pants at church, or what girls are supposed to look like, of course, we don't know. However, IMO, the snub is there, from boys and girls. I wonder if they were taught that blonde hair and blue eyes are a status symbol? My opinion only. I'm just saying, Marylin Monroe has to be the most well known women in the world. She's as popular as Jesus. Anyway, I digress. To a child who offered love unconditionally, as Robin and Don implied, that could be a blow to her ego.

On the other hand, her mind set could have been, "good, my new short hair image is working, and now maybe I'll get the attention my brothers are getting, like a new motorbike." (my thoughts and not Summer's)

Her mother is dressed like her son's. Big t-shirt, baggy shorts. Summer's pictures are pink toto, dresses, clinging tights and a swing at the tree. "Never goes further than the tree by "her" swing." Long hair could have been a real drag, no pun intended. People giving her attention because of her looks could have been drag number two. Perhaps, she loved her brother's and sensed the demeanor when her looks attracted attention to only herself. Therefore, to be accepted in their group she sacrificed the positive attention, by cutting her hair. I believe she was that smart, positively, and calculating. Speculation MO only.

I bet she was the leader of the family. What pressure. It does happen when there is substance abuse among the adults.
Summer's hair cut has alarmed me as well. I understand shaving the boys heads for lice, tick prevention, heat relief, no need to comb, etc. CW, as a grown woman, totally fine as well. It really does seem unusual and mean to do it to a little girl, tomboy or not. Kids will absolutely say something in Kindergarten about it. I think it's either because nobody was brushing her hair and it ended up a matted mess that could not be salvaged or she had a raging lice problem. I am really hoping it wasn't a passive aggressive type of action or a punishment. I really, really, really hope it wasn't to make her look like a boy for the worst reason possible.

Honestly, my daughter has a mental illness and if I wasn’t constantly watching, she would totally shave her daughter’s head and then tell me the 6 year old wanted it done. We’ve actually had that conversation. I can see a lot of my daughter in CB.
There are videos that show Summer in church and you can see that someone (likely Summer herself) shaved the back of her head. Finishing the job was the best solution. Come on, how many kids do you know that have cut their own hair? Lots! Nothing nefarious here.
Given the casual way the entire family seems to dress, I have to wonder whether it was Summer's choice to wear the dresses and other girly stuff, or if somebody in the family chose to have her dress up? I can think of a number of reasons, none of them sinister--that's the way they think a girl should look, it shows that they can afford nice things for her, they wanted to have her look like Daddy's girl.

On the other hand, there are potentially sinister reasons, too. And I don't want to think about those.

And on the third hand (this case makes me feel like an octopus) the most likely explanation is they, like most parents, mostly let her dress the way she wanted to, and it's not in the least significant.
JMO but I got the sense that her hair was cut as a punishment. I work with children this age and I’ve only ever encountered one girl who had short hair and that’s cuz she’s a wonderful weirdo and expresses herself differently via fashion etc. Summer didn’t look like she wanted to be like the boys, in all those dresses and bows. I could be wrong. It’s just my opinion. But a girl this age is gonna be real upset about losing that much hair.

eta stuff
In my experience, when a young girl has her head shaved, and all of her brothers too, it’s because there is an issue with head lice. I have seen it lots within our schools.
Mother of missing Summer Wells speaks out for first time

Bly and Summer’s father, Don Wells, call Summer a tomboy. They say she even tried to shave her head to look more like her father.

“[Summer] was a tomboy,” Bly told WJHL. “I shaved my head; she wanted to shave her head like me and the boys did.”

What do they mean? That Summer tried to shave her own head.. That is quite alarming. There's something more complex about the head shaving. I cannot put my finger on it yet.

Btw that video shown, has some good aerial views of the house.

Well, if we were discussing this in a psychiatric setting, we'd inquire for what reason does a little girl want to become, in her mind, a little boy?

There are a few ways to take the question and of course, one is "gender identity" development, but the other is to protect oneself from the consequences of being a girl (and related to that would be to get any perceived privileges of being a boy). Intense admiration for an adult male is yet another reason - which is the one we're offered in this case, but there needs to be some reason for this intense admiration. I remember developing an intense admiration for one of my uncles, mostly because he was so calm and thoughtful (and never ever yelled at me like my dad). While he lived with us, briefly, my dad kept the lid on his own temper, which made me admire my uncle even more. My uncle wore light blue button down men's shirts every single day, with khaki pants.

I insisted on buying the same shirts from the boy's department. My mom nixxed the khaki pants though - in those days, girls didn't wear anything that masculine. Naturally, it was just a phase I went through quickly - but my admiration for my uncle never faded and that was based on his wonderful temperament, which was so different from my dad's (I admired my dad, but feared him). Somewhere in Summer's little girl psyche, things were percolating. Why she admired her dad so much might have to do with the neglect she suffered from her mom - just a theory, and there are certainly other theories.
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