AMBER ALERT TN - Summer Moon-Utah Wells, 5, Rogersville, 15 Jun 2021 #29

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Yeah, there have been incidents around here since school started with kids as young as 8 or 9 flashing gang and white supremacist signs on the school bus and in the cafeteria, with no idea what they mean except that they've seen it on TV and think it's something you do.

H is a bit older than that though. Even if he's not into gang stuff, he must have an inkling about what it means.
I feel pretty sure he knows what it means. But, he was flashing it to CB in a place where there weren't many people.
What is the deal with CW and H? I can't imagine a teenager, especially one who is not my own, rummaging through my phone at will. There is an unusual familiarity here IMO.

My husband or I never went through each other's phones!! It was just an unspoken rule. Maybe some folks won't agree but some things just need to stay private.
This YouTube submitted for pre-approval by @SLouTh is approved beginning at the timestamp of 2:15:00 - the end.

Chris M from TIR joins the panel for a lengthy discussion of over two hours beginning at the timestamp above. One of the main topics of discussion is a pedophile corridor in the area and how Law Enforcement has been connecting into these rings. Essentially, CM shares he wouldn’t take this possibility off the table.

As a reminder: Direct accusations toward the parents, though some are presented at various points in this discussion, are still not permitted to be posted in the thread at this time.

One moment in this video that stood out to me (it’s about 2:39:00) was when CM said (I’m paraphrasing) “ask yourself why DW is talking nonstop about the SA stuff and not Summer. Why does he feel the need to defend himself so hard?”

That was an interesting perspective. I don’t buy that it’s just what we would all do if accused of something while a child we love is missing. If anyone I love is missing and I get the chance to speak to anyone about it, I’d be talking about the missing person as much as I could. Anything and everything. As much information as possible to humanize them to their captors or to allow for easier identification if someone sees them. It’s very difficult for me to wrap my head around Summer’s father not talking about Summer at every opportunity. JMO.
What gang sign was H flashing? My gang sign recognition is poor and this doesn't look like any of the two handed ones i have seen.

I am NOT saying either H or CB are in a gang, just that she did recognize it and it is a real gang sign. She said she didn't know why he did that and probably she didn't. Probably he was just trying to be funny or cool.

IMHO only, he formed a diamond (aryan circle) a la white supremacy.
One moment in this video that stood out to me (it’s about 2:39:00) was when CM said (I’m paraphrasing) “ask yourself why DW is talking nonstop about the SA stuff and not Summer. Why does he feel the need to defend himself so hard?”

That was an interesting perspective. I don’t buy that it’s just what we would all do if accused of something while a child we love is missing. If anyone I love is missing and I get the chance to speak to anyone about it, I’d be talking about the missing person as much as I could. Anything and everything. As much information as possible to humanize them to their captors or to allow for easier identification if someone sees them. It’s very difficult for me to wrap my head around Summer’s father not talking about Summer at every opportunity. JMO.

Thats.what he is talking g about because thats.all they ask.him.about and talk to him.about! They start it they edge him.on! one. DW talks about what they want him sandwich he hour!
Not one of these peeps get the Mindset of this man he should have.stopped.talking long ago!

Thats.what he is talking g about because thats.all they ask.him.about and talk to him.about! They start it they edge him.on! one. DW talks about what they want him sandwich he hour!
Not one of these peeps get the Mindset of this man he should have.stopped.talking long ago!
I don’t agree that he would talk about a grilled cheese for an hour. He doesn’t talk about Summer for an hour, I’ve only heard him speak about himself for an hour. Different perspectives I guess :)
I don’t agree that he would talk about a grilled cheese for an hour. He doesn’t talk about Summer for an hour, I’ve only heard him speak about himself for an hour. Different perspectives I guess :)

I've known several heavy drinkers who over-imbibe and talk about themselves endlessly. I mean, to the point where I could set the phone down, go take a shower, and come back and they are STILL talking. Having said that, I'm not convinced that this is the ONLY reason Don talks and talks and talks. I think part of the reason he talks so much (and especially so much about himself ) is because 1. He thinks he a mastermind of manipulation (gee, where did he learn that ?), and 2. Because he knows he's in a world of trouble. Add alcohol to the mix and...ta da ! Meet Donald Wells.

As seen in the church video, the children snubbed Summer, girls and boys. We don't know how often, but it is when her hair is short. Strange, 5 year old babies taught what Summer Moon is not, therefore, she is not likeable. If the other children were taught about lice, or short hair and pants at church, or what girls are supposed to look like, of course, we don't know. However, IMO, the snub is there, from boys and girls. I wonder if they were taught that blonde hair and blue eyes are a status symbol? My opinion only. I'm just saying, Marylin Monroe has to be the most well known women in the world. She's as popular as Jesus. Anyway, I digress. To a child who offered love unconditionally, as Robin and Don implied, that could be a blow to her ego.

I honestly have no idea what you are talking about here.
First I would to clarify that I in no way am a fan of DW and CBW.
In my opinion they are certainly guilty of something and their parenting skills leave much to be desired.
We spend a lot of time on DW and I understand why and how it relates to Summers case. Is it possible that TBI haven’t came out and cleared the parents because it could jeopardize a bigger operation/investigation that ties into Summers case. Perhaps DW and CBW are low laying fruit in something much larger. While everyone is looking at DW and CBW(rightfully so) TBI is focusing on other players.
I don’t think DW or CBW are all that intelligent and could have covered their tracks that well….especially given the drinking and drug use. But then again I am so confused that perhaps DW is in fact a master manipulator.
Habitually I am of the mindset if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck……. But there is so much going on it’s difficult to know where to focus.
Because.all these youtuber s only want D!
Nothing else! So he talks.and he talks they lead him!
Hoping to get honest answers,about what happened to Summer. Don't know why he is the designated answer guy being he as has a shady past, and he wasn't there when she disappeared. So how he does know who,what,when,where? Why doesn't he have CW, or CH step up to the plate, and give a timeline. A real true honest timeline. Why is he in control of running the show? Why have they not gotten together with LE, TBI,FBI,and search teams to do a presser for Summer? Go national,and get her face,and story out there. Plea for her return? For Summer.
I've known several heavy drinkers who over-imbibe and talk about themselves endlessly. I mean, to the point where I could set the phone down, go take a shower, and come back and they are STILL talking. Having said that, I'm not convinced that this is the ONLY reason Don talks and talks and talks. I think part of the reason he talks so much (and especially so much about himself ) is because 1. He thinks he a mastermind of manipulation (gee, where did he learn that ?), and 2. Because he knows he's in a world of trouble. Add alcohol to the mix and...ta da ! Meet Donald Wells.


3. I feel like he enjoys the attention
If it all went away for a few weeks and he had to deal with his own mind and thoughts “the sound of silence”, it would be interesting to see where things are in a month.
3. I feel like he enjoys the attention
If it all went away for a few weeks and he had to deal with his own mind and thoughts “the sound of silence”, it would be interesting to see where things are in a month.
Agree. I've been thinking about this for some time now. I believe the wheels will come off when the next big case comes up and everyone moves on.

Just not sure what that will look like.

ETA: BTW Your new avatar keeps throwing me off. I like it though!
The truth behind child sex trafficking in Tenn. | How and where it happens | WJHL | Tri-Cities News & Weather

“It is such a cash flow generator that it is constantly growing. As a trafficker you have a product, which would be that trafficking victim. You sell that trafficking victim but they don’t go away. You can sell that victim 10 times a day. For 5, 10 days a week,” said Special Agent Lofquest.

To put this in context, an example of a real life case investigated in Tennessee:

“A little boy who would be sent to the landlord’s house and the landlord was taking advantage of the child. Of course the child didn’t know why or what for. Upon investigation it came out that the mother was receiving money off her rent,” said Smith.

For solicitation of a minor to be considered trafficking, there has to be a commercial gain. Money, drugs, rent, car rides; all are seen as common transactions.
Agree. I've been thinking about this for some time now. I believe the wheels will come off when the next big case comes up and everyone moves on.

Just not sure what that will look like.

ETA: BTW Your new avatar keeps throwing me off. I like it though!

You can look at that from both sides of the coin:
-if he had nothing to do with her disappearance, less attention may help him refocus and find the tip that could be just what LE needs

Per the avatar - I will have the coffee ready :D
<modsnip: Quoted post was removed>

Idk, i just feel like up to the part of the day when SW went missing everyone was just kind of goofing off except DW who, i think, was at work (eta at least part of the day)

CH said it took 90 minutes to get home. It is a 45 minute drive. Maybe instead of stopping somewhere, they just took H home. But, i wasn't there. So, just throwing this possibility out there.

I thought the police didn't want H to publicly talk about a two hour period. I really don't know what happened then, but i didn't mean to imply he had a nefarious purpose.

Maybe everything happened exactly like everyone said, i don't know?

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