AMBER ALERT TN - Summer Moon-Utah Wells, 5, Rogersville, 15 Jun 2021 #33

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Yes it is very interesting, just that one little statement, isn't it? I've been puzzling over it for quite awhile. At first (prior to this statement) I had thought that perhaps one or another or all of the boys had been outside with Summer at some point, and had seen this vehicle. Then upon questioning (after Summer disappeared) LE discovered from one of the boys that they had witnessed the vehicle in question. But with that statement, it seems clear it was an adult who was driving his own work vehicle.

I had also wondered if one of the boys had reported Summer as having been down in the shed area, or this vehicle was witnessed along Ben Hill adjacent to the shed area (where it somewhat comes out to the road) and that's why DW immediately went to search that area. Since we don't know what transpired between CW and DW during DW's ride home from work, I was speculating that CW was saying where the boys had gone/were going to search, where she was headed in the truck, and he thought ok, I'll go up by the shed. All speculation of course.

If the vehicle was noted as out of the ordinary immediately, it would not surprise me that DW and CW immediately thought Summer had been abducted. Kwim?
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Yes it is very interesting, just that one little statement, isn't it? I've been puzzling over it for quite awhile. At first (prior to this statement) I had thought that perhaps one or another or all of the boys had been outside with Summer at some point, and had seen this vehicle. Then upon questioning (after Summer disappeared) LE discovered from one of the boys that they had witnessed the vehicle in question. But with that statement, it seems clear it was an adult who was driving his own work vehicle.

I had also wondered if one of the boys had reported Summer as having been down in the shed area, or this vehicle was witnessed along Ben Hill adjacent to the shed area (where it somewhat comes out to the road) and that's why DW immediately went to search that area. Since we don't know what transpired between CW and DW during DW's ride home from work, I was speculating that CW was saying where the boys had gone/were going to search, where she was headed in the truck, and he thought ok, I'll go up by the shed. All speculation of course.

If the vehicle was noted as out of the ordinary immediately, it would not surprise me that DW and CW immediately thought Summer had been abducted. Kwim?

The red Tacoma with the ladder rack bothers me. But then, everything about this case bothers me. I fear that the whole she-bang was mishandled from the start. What are the chances that the truck had KY or NC plates instead of TN?

I stay on the fence with this case. Statistically it's more likely that she chased any random interesting thing and got lost in the woods. Despite protestations to the contrary, I think Summer had a touch of wanderlust. You can be afraid of bears and still wander around the woods. She has a few big brothers is a tomboy princess, fearless and kind of spoiled.

But my gut keeps leaning to abduction. I wondered if she made a secret friend she wanted to go visit. We know from the videos that she was very social and liked attention. Maybe the secret friend lived close? Maybe the secret friend drove by?
The red Tacoma with the ladder rack bothers me. But then, everything about this case bothers me. I fear that the whole she-bang was mishandled from the start. What are the chances that the truck had KY or NC plates instead of TN?

I stay on the fence with this case. Statistically it's more likely that she chased any random interesting thing and got lost in the woods. Despite protestations to the contrary, I think Summer had a touch of wanderlust. You can be afraid of bears and still wander around the woods. She has a few big brothers is a tomboy princess, fearless and kind of spoiled.

But my gut keeps leaning to abduction. I wondered if she made a secret friend she wanted to go visit. We know from the videos that she was very social and liked attention. Maybe the secret friend lived close? Maybe the secret friend drove by?

The secret-type friend theory is an interesting one.
Imo, it also wouldn't take much more than a "You're not supposed to be playing down here by yourself, come on, I'll give you a ride home" to get a five year old in a vehicle- especially with someone they knew as 'friendly.' And then what if on top of that it was supposed to be a secret?

When CW states (when she drove all the way down past the church and down to the holler as far as the truck could go) she also states that she didn't "see nobody even out and about". BBM.
That 'nobody' implies to me that not only did she not see any evidence of Summer... she didn't see any evidence of anything human. No vehicles with drivers, no people out in yards/tracts, no one on the road, nothing. That must have stuck in her head as odd, I would think. No one that she could even ask, did you see Summer?

Today, I lean toward abduction. And I lean toward the outlet down by the shed as the location. But that's just MOO, and that's just today.
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Interesting. I hadn't seen this before. Despite this info, they are still stating "no signs point to abduction", which if we look at statistics and the terrain...makes sense. But then again, what about this case makes sense?

That being said, if we stripped all the "noise" out of this case, what do we really have/know? That's what I have been focused on. There's been a LOT of noise, that is for sure.

Amateur opinion and speculation

About all we know is that a beautiful little girl is missing and a lot of hearts are breaking.
About all we know is that a beautiful little girl is missing and a lot of hearts are breaking.
So true.
What has been the motivation for all the "noise?"
It's been such a distraction to the focus....SUMMER.
Is it an attempt at deflection, lack of sophistication and trying to cooperate by talking, or what?!
I'm glad to see someone has apparently taken control of family communications and most of the drama seems to have stopped. I hope. It's been a terrible distraction.

Amateur opinion and speculation
The secret-type friend theory is an interesting one.
Imo, it also wouldn't take much more than a "You're not supposed to be playing down here by yourself, come on, I'll give you a ride home" to get a five year old in a vehicle- especially with someone they knew as 'friendly.' And then what if on top of that it was supposed to be a secret?

When CW states (when she drove all the way down past the church and down to the holler as far as the truck could go) she also states that she didn't "see nobody even out and about". BBM.
That 'nobody' implies to me that not only did she not see any evidence of Summer... she didn't see any evidence of anything human. No vehicles with drivers, no people out in yards/tracts, no one on the road, nothing. That must have stuck in her head as odd, I would think. No one that she could even ask, did you see Summer?

Today, I lean toward abduction. And I lean toward the outlet down by the shed as the location. But that's just MOO, and that's just today.

That's always been pretty stand out for me, especially since Google says it doesn't connect to Beech Creek there. You have to have known it was there or use Bing (I can't check Apple Maps, need a new iPad cord.) and if Bing tells you to turn left here, would you?
ScreenHunter 1233.png
Google Maps
That's always been pretty stand out for me, especially since Google says it doesn't connect to Beech Creek there. You have to have known it was there or use Bing (I can't check Apple Maps, need a new iPad cord.) and if Bing tells you to turn left here, would you?
View attachment 328262
Google Maps
That's a road?

I would think it was a driveway unless I knew the truth somehow. Could be from someone telling me that no matter what it looks like, it is a road.

I am from Tennessee and i drive in the country sometimes, but roads usually don't look exactly like driveways.

The mailbox at the end is kind too much of a sign that i might be having to turn around in someone's yard. Which is just rude and possibly the people might take offense.
John Kelly, in his analysis of the case, notes that SW was "a people person". He thinks she stood out more than some children her age due to her personality (this is a positive, but it made more people notice her).

SW was pretty good at doing stuff. I noticed in a church video, she retrieves and sets up a little stool for herself during one of their little singing moments. R talks about how SW was her "little helper". CB says she knew SW would be able to help her and CH with flowers (that aren't flowers, but cacti and were in pots and planters).

I think SW really could help with things like this. A lot of five-year-olds, they can't really help. You're just including them. I don't think that was the case for SW.
That's a road?

I would think it was a driveway unless I knew the truth somehow. Could be from someone telling me that no matter what it looks like, it is a road.

I am from Tennessee and i drive in the country sometimes, but roads usually don't look exactly like driveways.

The mailbox at the end is kind too much of a sign that i might be having to turn around in someone's yard. Which is just rude and possibly the people might take offense.

Now you're getting why it bothers me.
ScreenHunter 1235.png ScreenHunter 1234.png

I think the mail box goes to the residence kind of around the corner on Simpson Rd. If someone went that way, I think they would have been more likely to be noticed due to the closeness of that home.
New from the Well's website -

Summer In The News 2021 (

Summer was the top story of 2021, Kingsport TimesNews.

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Both of SW's parents called her "a free spirit", I asked what that meant. I have never heard a five-year-old called this. Clearly, they're her parents, and they know a lot more about her than i do. So, maybe it's just what did this term mean to them?

Maybe they mean she liked the outdoors. Maybe they mean she was really active. Maybe they meant she was independent.

I could be wrong because I didn't know SW, but she seems to have a kind of bold personality. She seems like she is the one who will try things and she's pretty good at a lot of things. Maybe better than most kids her age, idk. But, good anyway. A lot of little children are shy, i get the idea that she wasn't although she was described as quiet.

I think SW had a pretty unique personality. If something was important to her, i think she would do it... Or try.

I think, yes, SW would be confident enough to go do something if she really wanted to. CB said SW always wanted her there, but this is pretty typical for such a young child. But, maybe if both SW and CB were outside that was being "there" to SW.

Kids get lost in stores all of the time (or they did and i mean temporarily) because they think their mothers can see them.

So, i guess what I am saying, is maybe the place SW was last seen is not where she vanished from--if we could ask her. The place where she was before she got lost, i bet it wasn't the basement or the house or in front of CH's camper.

Now, did she go to that last place willingly? On her own feet? Or was she driven?

Eta: i used the wrong initials earlier, i put CB when i meant SW
From the Well's website:

First To Deploy : Aerial Tracking (

First to Deploy is an organization that utilizes drones to assist in missing persons cases.

The Wells say they support 'First To Deploy' and the advancement of their aerial drone software
technology for helping to import crucial data in all missing persons cases.
She won't be found anywhere in that area, and sadly, she may never be found, period. I think whoever took her was a total stranger, and wherever she is, it's not close by. And I have very little faith that she is still alive... I hope I'm wrong.
I am not sure what happened.

Although I think she could have been taken, and i can see that being the focus here because that's the only thing that is a crime that we can try to discuss (although we don't have anything except Summer is gone)... I am not really sure why her parents are so locked in to that possibility from the start. It seems like parents would exhaust every option. Including what if she is lost.

Are there all manner of criminals around that area that might have made a side trip by SW's house: yes. But, the TBI got every camera they could find including ones that people didn't originally offer up. Although there were no traffic cams out there, it's not impossible there's a few cameras that sort of capture road traffic. And there are trail cams that capture other than road traffic.

Is there anyone before this who would have known where all these cameras were? Because I am less surprised that someone didn't get caught on camera than I am that they believed they wouldn't.

Were they disguised? Was it someone who could have explained away being with SW (as long as they weren't harming her) if they got caught (at the time, not now, obviously, but if CB had seen SW talking to someone would it have been someone who could have placated her?)

But, there are places right around their house that seem like they would be so hard to search.
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