GUILTY TN - Yair Carillo, 4 days old, abducted, mom stabbed, Antioch, 29 Sept 2009

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If you put yourself in their mother's place, do you still feel the same ?

It would be one thing for them to temporarily give the kids a safe place to stay, not knowing if they were still in any danger but to take her kids away on an anonymous tip without investigating is BS...IMO. I'd be pizzed for sure.
Maybe the phone call the kidnapper made after the attack was to the cousin.
She looked scared on the video. I understand nervous, but it seemed like fear to me. Since the claim now is that she didn't tell mom she wanted the baby before stabbing her, it's possible someone wanted her dead and in exchange Silas got the baby. Pretty far fetched. I'm curious as to how much time mom & her hubby's cuz spent together prior to this.

That call is suspicious too. Once she's in the home she knows the woman doesn't speak English, even if it was a random crime (which I don't think it was). Why make that call in Spanish unless the person she called did not speak English? Why risk exposing any part of her plans to the victim when she could easily speak in a language she didn't understand?

So Martin wasn't surprised when Tammy began discussing adoption. She'd apparently spent months preparing for the baby's arrival, buying formula and blankets. Martin, not the inquisitive sort, didn't probe too much on how all this was supposed to go down.

[snipped from article at link; BBM]

give me a freaking break - he' not the inquisitive type?! his g/f is planning an adoption & they name the baby after him yet he knew nothing about where this baby came from ... yeah right
That call is suspicious too. Once she's in the home she knows the woman doesn't speak English, even if it was a random crime (which I don't think it was). Why make that call in Spanish unless the person she called did not speak English? Why risk exposing any part of her plans to the victim when she could easily speak in a language she didn't understand?

Good point, I hadn't thought about that. Did the cousin speak English ?
So Martin wasn't surprised when Tammy began discussing adoption. She'd apparently spent months preparing for the baby's arrival, buying formula and blankets. Martin, not the inquisitive sort, didn't probe too much on how all this was supposed to go down.

[snipped from article at link; BBM]

give me a freaking break - he' not the inquisitive type?! his g/f is planning an adoption & they name the baby after him yet he knew nothing about where this baby came from ... yeah right

You might be right, but my husband is Mexican and his English isn't the greatest, so he also lets/makes me take care of everything.He wouldn't know how the adoption process works. Martin doesn't speak English and probably just went along with whatever she said.
Or he knew what she was planning to do. IDK, but I don't think he played an active role in this.
Yes, I do.

You're a lot braver than I am. Just thinking about my kids spending even a weekend with someone I don't know and handpicked by the state, and their track record terrifies me. All the little girls molested in bad foster homes. My daughter is 8. My son who's 9 would be devastated. He'd need therapy for months. He'd always worry that it would happen again, since they don't need any proof, just an anonymous e-mail. Story after story of children being removed because the house was dirty, mom and dad hit each other, or the dad smoked pot, so they put the child in a better place for "safety reasons and they wind up like Dominic James. Dead.

Or Logan Marr who was killed by her foster mother who was a former CPS worker. The woman planned to adopt Logan whose mother was never accused of abuse.

Hopefully they wouldn't go here...

The last time I played with my son Luke, he had only just turned two, and was a healthy little baby, apart from the scratches on his face. I was only allowed 2 hours a week with him for the last six months of his short life which ended on the 18th of January, 2009. Luke died at the age of two years and four months.

Two days after this photo was taken his mother had her 2 hour visit. Only after her discovery of more severe fresh scratches, thiis time on his penis, and after Lukes's mum insisted, was he taken to a doctor for medical attention. These injuries and others, including severe burns, multiple scratches and bruising were a constant in Luke's life, while he lived with his Queensland Department of Child Safety sanctioned foster carer.
Luke was left with a fractured skull, bleeding on the brain, and a blood clot, unconscious for six hours. Only after I rang the foster home a third time that day to check on his wellbeing, was he properly looked at and an ambulance was rung. By the time he got to hospital his brain had been so starved of oxygen that half of my little Lukey Pukey's brain was dead.
The first time I rang the house I was informed Luke had surrered a head injury and gone to sleep. I asked her to be very careful with his head as he had received a knock on the head before. She was awful to me, a 74 year old who already had 3 foster children in her care, two boys aged 4 and 6, and a girl aged 9.

I know many feel it's ok to take kids based on unproven, anonymous accusations in case they might be true, but it's illegal and it scares the carp out of me.

I believe that if LE hadn't come to the parent's defense the state would still have these kids and she probably would never have gotten the baby back.
He would have "bonded" with the foster parents. The state would have received a ton of federal funding, and the mother would have been destroyed.
It happens all the time. New laws mandate that if a child isn't returned home in 12-18 months, the child will be adopted and CPS workers aren't much help to the parents trying to get their babies back.
In divorce cases, they're giving kids to their molestors and accusing mothers of parental alienation for trying to keep her kids from being raped by their fathers.

Again, you're much stronger than me. I wish I had that kind of faith in the system.


Opponents of family preservation have a lot of great applause lines. They are for "child protection," they say. They are for "children's rights," they say. They are for "putting children first instead of families first," they say. And over and over again, they tell us they are just “erring on the side of the child.”

But in the name of "child protection" children have been beaten. In the name of "children's rights" children have been raped.
And in the name of "erring on the side of the child," children have been murdered. These are the stories of some of those children:

When Sara Eyerman of northern California was nineteen-months-old, child protective services was concerned that she wasn't growing fast enough. So they "erred on the side of the child" and placed Sara in a "specialized" foster home.

About six weeks later, Sara began running a 105 degree fever. But the "specialists" in the specialized foster home decided it was o.k. to wait two days before taking her to a doctor. On the way to the doctor's office, Sara Eyerman died of viral pneumonia.

"She should have been in the hospital two days earlier when she had a 104.8 [degree] temperature," said Sara's mother, Angie. "When she was home, she went to the emergency room if her temperature got over 101. I didn't care if they laughed at me when I got there or not. One time I took her when she was cutting a tooth ... I kept her alive for a year and seven months. They had her for six weeks and three days and she died."

Grab a kleenex if you decide to read any more of the stories.

And it can all start with an anonymous, untrue and unproven accusation and the opinion of a social worker that your child might be better off somewhere else.
Hopefully they don't stop by when you're sick and haven't done the dishes and the house is a mess, or there's no food in the house because you were too busy or tired to shop that week and you fed your kids take out every night.
Believe it or not, there are people that use CPS as a weapon. If someone pizzes them off, they call CPS and then it all depends on the opinion of a social worker. In my state they don't even have to be licensed and can substitute childcare experience for education. My friend knows a social worker that drives drunk and gets high all the time, when my friend asks how she can take people's children for doing the same things she does, her boyfriend chimed in with " that's what makes her so good at it, because she does it, she knows what to look for.",0,5794023.story

A mother whose baby was kidnapped said she was devastated when child welfare officials took him into state custody shortly after he was recovered, describing the pain of that separation as worse than the knife wounds that the kidnapper inflicted on her.

Maria Gurrola, still recovering from stab wounds and a collapsed lung, started crying and shaking when she learned week-old Yahir Anthony Carrillo and his three siblings would be put into foster homes, said Norma Rodriguez, the cousin of Jose Carrillo, the baby's father.

The children, ages 3, 9 and 11, were split up and put with strangers in two separate foster homes

Rodriguez said the children's separation from Gurrola and Carrillo was devastating for all of them. The couple's 3-year-old daughter, who witnessed the Sept. 29 attack on her mother, had never been apart from Gurrola before she was placed with foster parents.

The child got sick on Wednesday and had to be taken to the hospital, Rodriguez said, and relatives blame her illness on the stress of being removed from her family.
Nordhoff questioned the need to put the already-suffering family through the trauma of separation. He said DCS is supposed to try to keep families together and there were plenty of relatives willing to take in the children
Sorry I was posting to the wrong forum.
CHICANA, thanks for the links to the articles you provided.

This last article breaks my heart. I don't understand why the children had to be split up while in temp foster care.

I understand the investigation, and think the intended safety of the children was good, but even for that, the child services people really screwed up.
Basically, there had to be someone that made the claims that she know about the plan to sell baby. That name is now and always will be confidential. That is the main reason that CPS violates the Constitution; they are allowed to bring charges and start investigations into people based on hearsay, and then the accused is never allowed to even know the name of the accuser, let alone face them in court.

It could have been as simple as someone at the corner store heard her say in the context of talking about a prettiest baby contest, "Yes, he's beautiful, I bet I could make some money off this little doll." And they make a call. It really is that easy to lose your kids, even easier if you are poor or a minority.
CHICANA, thanks for the links to the articles you provided.

This last article breaks my heart. I don't understand why the children had to be split up while in temp foster care.

I understand the investigation, and think the intended safety of the children was good, but even for that, the child services people really screwed up.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
I think the separation was deliberate.
I'm willing to bet the younger (more adoptable) children were placed together, even though it would have been better for the 3 year old if one of the older children was with her. The older kids would have made it impossible for the younger ones to forget mom & bond with the 'new family'.

One law CPS follows is to have a permanent placement within a specified time frame. If the parents don't get their kids back in that time frame, parental rights are terminated. They can make it very hard for a parent to complete the plan to get the kids back. They set up so many classes, therapy sessions,visitations at times convenient for the foster parents and CPS that a parent will lose their job for missing so much work. Then they'll say that the parent can't provide for the child. It's crazy.
In many cases parents are allowed to keep one child and lose another.
It doesn't make sense.

He made a good point that I think many forget, the law states that unless a child is at risk of physical abuse or death, services should be provided to keep the family together. There was no physical abuse and if the allegation had been true, there was no way that was going to happen with the FBI, TBI. USM and local LE involved. So there wasn't really any risk to the children to remain in their home while the case was investigated.
New story... our tax $$ at work.
He was in charge of protecting children.

Child Protective Services employee to be charged with sexually assaulting boy he supervised

The 15-year-old victim told a detective that Birdsong had placed him in a foster home in Rubidoux the day before, but then Birdsong called the boy to tell him that he had found a better placement home. Birdsong instructed the boy to sneak out of the foster home and meet him down the street, which he did. According to the press release, Birdsong was waiting in his Riverside County van and picked him up. Birdsong drove to a liquor store where he purchased a bottle of Bacardi 151, then headed to his Palm Avenue apartment.

At the apartment, Birdsong insisted the boy drink some Bacardi and Coke, but the victim refused. Birdsong then told the boy he had a gun and he had better drink with him. The victim, fearing for his life, began drinking the alcohol. The victim told police Birdsong touched him sexually and then backed him up against a wall and continued to sexually assault him. The teen said he was scared and told Birdsong he needed to go outside for a cigarette. Once outside, the victim told a woman in the apartment complex he needed help and police were called

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- Attorneys preparing for a scheduled trial next month of an Alabama woman charged with kidnapping a Nashville infant say the investigation is ongoing and they are still analyzing evidence.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Phil Wehby and defense attorney Isaiah "Skip" Gant told a federal judge on Friday that they don't believe they will be ready for the Jan. 12 trial for Tammy Renee Silas, but U.S. District Court Judge Todd J. Campbell did not change the scheduled date.
Judge to consider postponing kidnapping trial

"At a Friday hearing, U.S. District Judge Todd Campbell is expected to consider a motion by attorneys for Tammy Renee Silas and the federal government. It requests that the June 29 trial date be rescheduled because of delays in receiving forensic reports."

Trial in Nashville kidnapping case delayed

"Despite Silas&#8217; testimony, U.S. District Court Judge Todd Campbell set a new trial date of Jan. 25."

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