To all who believe Caylee is ALIVE, explain this?

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Her mother called her a Sociopath and had sought the help of a therapist.

That isn't any kind of medical or psychiatric testing. Her mother or her mother's therapist can call her whatever they want but that doesn't necessarily make it so.
... statement about leaks ... snipped 'cause this damn thread is already way too long ... said:
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noun unintended hole, crack, or the like, through which liquid, gas, light, etc., enters or escapes: a leak in the roof. act or instance of leaking.
3.any means of unintended entrance or escape.
4.Electricity. the loss of current from a conductor, usually resulting from poor insulation.
5.a disclosure of secret, esp. official, information, as to the news media, by an unnamed source. –verb (used without object) let a liquid, gas, light, etc., enter or escape, as through an unintended hole or crack: The boat leaks. pass in or out in this manner, as liquid, gas, or light: gas leaking from a pipe. become known unintentionally (usually fol. by out): The news leaked out. disclose secret, esp. official, information anonymously, as to the news media: The official revealed that he had leaked to the press in the hope of saving his own reputation. –verb (used with object) let (liquid, gas, light, etc.) enter or escape: This camera leaks light. allow to become known, as information given out covertly: to leak the news of the ambassador's visit. —Idiom
12.take a leak, Slang: Vulgar. to urinate

Yes, I too can read. However, that doesn't make it definitive, let alone credible. "Could be" and "are" are two very VERY different things!
Just a reminder, off-topic as it may be.

There are lots of people in the world right now who have a seizure disorder and are bipolar. Most of these people are conducting business as usual, caring for their children and contributing to society every day.

I think this case speaks of entitlement not of mental health issues.
I gave up on a ZG a long time ago. If there is a ZG then it was used as an alias for some reason. Whether Casey gave the person the alias or whether they used it themselves, dont know. Whether the sitter is a person or madeup person, dont know. I would like to know where Caylee was during the Fusion dates that Casey attended. Wonder if her mother knows, meaning Cindy, on any of those dates where Caylee was? If some of these friends or family can help with telling us where Caylee was at those times, BEFORE she was missing, it might show a new picture.
That isn't any kind of medical or psychiatric testing. Her mother or her mother's therapist can call her whatever they want but that doesn't necessarily make it so.
You insinuated that we only heard it from the talking heads on the media. I was pointing out that is not true.
NeJame, the A's atty, on Nancy last night said the A's were given four leads that they turned over to LE, and that LE asked them not to discuss them publicly. Was this to protect the informants from media? Or to protect an investigation?

LE has not stated that the evidence of decomp in the trunk was definitely from Caylee. They stated they evidence of decomp, and evidence it was from Caylee. I read that as they haven't linked the stain to Caylee, only the hair. If the post-mortem bands are reliable science, then LE has a murder case. My understanding is they may not be reliable.

So, I am on the fence with one leg over, one foot on the other side.
A very large number of those statements are contradictory of one another, AND any number of those people have their own reasons to be less than truthful with their statements to protect themselves for various reasons.
[ Where did you come up with that? Do you know specifics about these ppl or are you just assuming that to fit your theory?
Once again, not EVIDENCE, the 400 pages are part of the investigation, not proven, many not double checked and much of it already retracted.
Not evidence?? Which ones would you consider as not evidence? The complete file is evidence of the investigation. Retracted by who where?

The red is mine...
Yes, I too can read. However, that doesn't make it definitive, let alone credible. "Could be" and "are" are two very VERY different things!
So how do you explain what LE officers have said directly to the camera or in quotes in articles which back up the "leaked information" as being true?
Im sorry that my point went over your head. whooosh. It was to point out that prominent people lie on TV all the time and not to believe everything you hear. And nothing at all to the integrity of the players or participants in this case.

Trollish? Wow. Sorry an educated opinion threatens you, I never thought of just throwing out insults instead of a debate. Brilliant.

Is law enforcement afraid of being caught in a lie and impeached? Is law enforcement trying to get elected?

Forgot to add, Actually the sheriff is elected in Florida
Could you post a link to the post/poster you're talking about, because I am pretty you're wrong in your synopsis.

This is the link to the thread. I snipped one example of what I was referring to.

Originally Posted by anastacia129
So, if a detective came to your home, you obviously gave a statement and there would in fact be a report filed on this and it would be public information, and available to the public to view, correct?

No. The detective came to my home for the vandalism that took place in my neiborhood. I just asked his opinion of the Caylee Anthony Case thats it.

If this was a reliable tip, I would call it in to LE. This poster also made comments about not being able to go into detail...shady. Also, you know, there are other children named Caylee in the world????
please review all the answers to this question that you keep repeating.

I have and no one in the 'I beleive Caylee is alive' camp has answered. Just posed more questions. :rolleyes:
exactly my point....
Forgive me if this has already been addressed, but I need clarification again on specifically what evidence and expert testimony from the Body Farm you are referring to. I have a degree in Anthropology and can assure you, the work done there and testimony they will provide have been admitted in court. I would respectfully suggest you pick up a copy of Beyond the Body Farm.

I would be happy to provide additional suggestions for clarification on DNA, forensic sampling, etc. if you have interest in that sort of fact. Of course, I also offered to provide assistance through my contacts in Puerto Rico in your search there and strangely, no one replied to my offer.

While I certainly do respect your belief (and sincerely hope you are correct) that Caylee is alive, I cannot support that belief without any evidence. And sadly, I still don't see it.
Well, I have and will believe that Caylee is no longer with us because of the cadaver dog hits and the 'air test' results and the hair strand test. The decomposition smell is yet another and perhaps the most compelling. Put all of these things together, the dog handlers testimony as well as Yuri's at the bond hearing, and there is no way I can make myself believe that little Caylee is alive.
IF Caylee is alive, then how do you explain these things?

It is way past time for Casey to stop playing games like "She's close to home" and such statements as that. This charade needs to stop.
I have and no one in the 'I beleive Caylee is alive' camp has answered. Just posed more questions. :rolleyes:
exactly my point....

I lost something in translation here....

The Caylee is alive camp is saying....Correct me if Im wrong.

The evidence is just as strong she is alive as she is dead.
The alive camp is no more right than the dead camp (that's disturbing) just a different opinion on the same subject, with the same evidence I might add.

Im fairly new to WS, but I find people very disrespectful with other's opinions. Listen to their opinions, research the facts, and make up your own mind. I disagree with the alive camp, but that doesnt give me the right to judge their opinion or insult them. Respect is all Im asking.
This is certainly not directed to anyone specifically, and I am not accusing anyone of being one of the A family members. I WILL say that it has occurred to me over the past few weeks that this would be a good place for them to continue the misinformation game. Everyone here knows that this site often "knows" information before we hear it on the news. People here DO pass on information to TES, LE, the media. I am concerned that information is both gleaned from (and possibly planted) here to continue in a Casey defense theory. Casey is being given a lot of time to continue building a narrative, and I am very afraid that it will sound like snippets of theories expressed here. Again, I AM NOT accusing anyone of doing that specifically, I am merely suggesting that it is something I worry about.

I want two things: Caylee found, and justice for anyone who may have caused her harm.

this post is my opinion only
I lost something in translation here....

The Caylee is alive camp is saying....Correct me if Im wrong.

The evidence is just as strong she is alive as she is dead.
The alive camp is no more right than the dead camp (that's disturbing) just a different opinion on the same subject, with the same evidence I might add.

Im fairly new to WS, but I find people very disrespectful with other's opinions. Listen to their opinions, research the facts, and make up your own mind. I disagree with the alive camp, but that doesnt give me the right to judge their opinion or insult them. Respect is all Im asking.

I in no way mean to be insulting. Lively debate and agreeing to disagree isn't being rude, IMO. Picking apart theories and evidence is the best way in finding the correct answers. Plz don't take it personally. I think that we can agree that finding Caylee is the most important thing here.
This is the link to the thread. I snipped one example of what I was referring to.

Originally Posted by anastacia129
So, if a detective came to your home, you obviously gave a statement and there would in fact be a report filed on this and it would be public information, and available to the public to view, correct?

No. The detective came to my home for the vandalism that took place in my neiborhood. I just asked his opinion of the Caylee Anthony Case thats it.

If this was a reliable tip, I would call it in to LE. This poster also made comments about not being able to go into detail...shady. Also, you know, there are other children named Caylee in the world????

There are other children named Caylee?
Good lord, I'm glad to have someone around to inform me of the kind of things.

That poster also went into further details after that post.

Anyway, I'm not here to argue.

What I'd like to know is, why does anyone have a problem with others looking for an alive Caylee?

Seriously, is going to hurt you or the case if we investigate something other than getting more dirt on Casey or more evidence to support a dead Caylee?
If Casey "gave" Caylee away, don't you think by now, the person she "gave" her to would have already came forward. At this point I would imagin "if" someone has her...they are looking at some sort of charges too. They would be more than happy to give her back to avoid that.

Yeah, what kind of charges could these "keepers" be charged with?
This is certainly not directed to anyone specifically, and I am not accusing anyone of being one of the A family members. I WILL say that it has occurred to me over the past few weeks that this would be a good place for them to continue the misinformation game. Everyone here knows that this site often "knows" information before we hear it on the news. People here DO pass on information to TES, LE, the media. I am concerned that information is both gleaned from (and possibly planted) here to continue in a Casey defense theory. Casey is being given a lot of time to continue building a narrative, and I am very afraid that it will sound like snippets of theories expressed here. Again, I AM NOT accusing anyone of doing that specifically, I am merely suggesting that it is something I worry about.

I want two things: Caylee found, and justice for anyone who may have caused her harm.

this post is my opinion only

I agree!!! Especially now that we know they are reading posts from WS!!
One of the things that amazes me the most is how often people keep saying that Casey is a sociopath and has narcissistic personality. This is because they've heard "therapists" on TV who are saying this without having ever tested, evaluated, or even met Casey Anthony. They are saying this totally based on the assumption that Casey did kill someone and is lying. So far, that assumption is based totally on appearances and suggestion, there isn't any proof, thank heavens, that has been admitted as evidence, ready to stand up to examination in a court of law.

Casey's mother also stated she was a sociopath
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