Todd Black - Defense Team Says: "Loss Of The Life Of A Little Girl"

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Yes, as a matter of fact...he DID jaywalk with his crew in tow. :waitasec: I was either waiting on him to trip or someone to push him into the traffic, but alas his "bodyguard/attorney" seemed to keep him from it.

...and ya gotta love the chain link fence for the backdrop...
Could we get a 3rd grade English teacher to tutor this man so he stops making such a fool of himself?

I would pitch in on the fee - it is embarrassing to even listen to him.
I have a question about this for the actual Lawyer types around here?

Casey is protected by attorney client privelege. Which means if the actual death of Caylee has been revealed to JB he absolutely cannot say so or comment on it. The privelege also extends to the direct employees of the attorney, which I assume TB is.

If one of those employee's violates the client attorney privelege, and reveals either intentionally or accidentally any contents of client discussions, what are the consequences? Does the actual attorney face any ethics issues before the bar as a result of his employees actions?

I just asked my brother. He said no attorney would ever allow an employee to be privy to any confidential or privileged information which could endanger a case or a client. He said employees do sign confidentiality agreements, but for the most part they are nonenforceable because the only remedy is civil court and that would open more information to the public.
went to the media thread and the cnn video is no longer available.
Excuse at 10:50am
"I said that in response to a former law-enforcement officer's joke about Caylee," Black said. "I have made the same comment to others in the last three weeks.""

and at 12:35
The words used by Mr. Black were referencing the comments of another guest. It was that guest who made the remarks about death, and Mr. Black was merely pointing to that remark by the other guest."

I guess he realized that no one makes jokes regarding the death of a two year old..
Thanks, Muzik! I don't think I can watch it again tho. LOL It was sheer torture the first time watching his song and dance. The elephant is still there and only JB has left the..uhm...side of the road. (And what was the point of holding it across the street again?! Did he have to flag down the press to get them to listen to him or what?!)

The media isn't allowed on his property which is what caused the big beef with wftv the other day.
Patty G. taped it for us to YouTube, her post link is here

OOps, did you mean of todays Baez interview?
I cannot believe that Baez says his own PR rep is not a part of the team. There are some other things I want to say, but it would be in really really bad taste.
Patty G. taped it for us to YouTube, her post link is here

OOps, did you mean of todays Baez interview?
Who cares about his presser?! I hope the other one is for TB's statement! (Can't look now because I am watching Benjamin Kyle on Dr. Phil!! WOWOW!)
Heh - WESH just used this exact soundbite for their 4:30 PM newscast.

They didn't call him on Disjustice, though.

Baez: "To take something that was taken out of context, I think is doing a DISJUSTICE to the Anthony Family and a dis-service to this child. And I would ask that you please report that accurately."

>>>> going off to look up DISJUSTICE in the dictionary<<<<
Resolved QuestionShow me another »
Is disjustice a word, as not in my dictionary?
1 year ago

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

It's a word, but not a grammatical one nor one that is used in the English language. Try injustice.

Well, I hope the media DOES report this accurately! :)
Let's start a list of Joseisms. I'll go first.

Employ: to implore
Let's start a list of Joseisms. I'll go first.

Employ: to implore

Oops ... I didn't read this before I posted (so I deleted)... Needless to say though, I agree ... Joseisms is a thread that is definitely needed ... Cindyisms too maybe ... "Misopportunity"
JPC is a friend of AH and RM ... he went to Puerto Rico with them in July. He is always mentioned on the "who's the daddy?" threads because he looks so much like Caylee. He is also the guy that AH said "didn't like Casey from the very beginning." And he is a news editor for WFTV.

KC sure got around, if JPC is a possible sperm donor certain media are being alienated, and sleeping with LE officers causing them to NOT be officers any longer, beware FULLER BRUSH MAN and AVON ladies since she was on home confinement you might be next to have your business tainted.
Baez would have done better with no comment..then what he did say today. He is rattled.
KC sure got around, if JPC is a possible sperm donor certain media are being alienated, and sleeping with LE officers causing them to NOT be officers any longer, beware FULLER BRUSH MAN and AVON ladies since she was on home confinement you might be next to have your business tainted.

And Rainbow too ... those salesmen actually clean your rugs absolutely for free! :blushing:

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