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I gotta tend to some business but it was good seeing you again Songline I dont think we have talked since that Tiger Woods thread a long time ago and boy was that a fun thread LOL

Anyway Ill catch you all later, see you next time.

BIG HUG I enjoyd you so much as always. :blowkiss:
That is what I say about Kabbalah.
I started to study with the same group that Madonna and Demie More/Kutcher belong too.
YES they are a cult. But the practice of Kabblah is NOT cult.

Within 8 months I knew it was a cult. Then for about a year and half I only went to classes and nothing else. I was in total control.
I do not recommend the center... And there are so many other ways to learn Kabbalha I am independent now. I take a class here and there.

IMHO Madonna - Demi and the others get so much attention that they do not see clearly, all they see is that are stars. LOL
When Madonna is asked about all the donations for Melawi, (was televised) she skirted around it….
She knows that the BERG’S (owners) have 5 mansions in Beverly Hills. Supposedly many millions were raised for Melawi
but she can only account for 3M.
SURE – she is no dummy.

Last comment for the night but that is actually the perfect example of what I mean, the Kabbalah as an applied religious philosophy is a very powerful spiritual tool that can help people grow spiritually and and achieve things they may not understand they are capable of achieving but the man who is in charge of that organization Madonna and the others are involved in is a nutjob another DM who is in it for the money and fame and nothing more, he is misusing and abusing a very powerful spiritual tool and I am sad to see so many people that I admired like Madonna and Demi fall for this charlatan, but the practice of the Kabbalah itself is GOOD and people should use it freely but wisely.I am glad youre doing it independently you dont need anyone you can learn this stuff on your own or find a trusted rabbi to give you some good books to read stay away from those wearing that little red thread on their wrists lol thats as bad as COS, same thing IMO.
Wow! This has been such and interesting and educational topic. Who would have thought it would have turned out that way.

Oh, Paximus, you're no "smart aleck" - more like a calm and reasoned man.
Wow! This has been such and interesting and educational topic. Who would have thought it would have turned out that way.

Oh, Paximus, you're no "smart aleck" - more like a calm and reasoned man.

I agree with SallyLu.

THANKS for the interesting and enlightening conversation Paximus and songline!
You 2 are great to eavesdrop on LOL

I love your posts so much Paximus, you are so intelligent and so well rounded in so many areas You do inspire me.
YES I know the Feds roll in this. Yes I know there is a separation in church and state. :) Not sure that what TC belongs to is a religion... I do not think GOD is an alien LOL...nor do I think ailiens are about religion. I have no idea why it would be a religion.
But I allow them all to believe whatever they please I myself believe in Kabbalah, and that is also criticized by many, now ask me if I care :) NOT!

When so many come out saying negative things, I think they should be looked at far more closely.
God does not require that you become estranged from your family, or friends.
or become abused. the only exception I know of is if someone will harm another soul.
It is about doing what is JUST (you are a lawyer, you know about justice :) )
but that is not scientology to my knowledge.

However my opinion about religion does not matter.
AS FAR AS the FEDS go I think they are only interested in the large amounts of money they make from Scientology. < end!
COS is in my understanding part of Scientology.

If the Feds were really interested in making money from the scientologists, they would not have given the COS tax exempt status.
If the Feds were really interested in making money from the scientologists, they would not have given the COS tax exempt status.

They sell product righ? books, T-shirts and whatever... That does not get taxed at all?
Last comment for the night but that is actually the perfect example of what I mean, the Kabbalah as an applied religious philosophy is a very powerful spiritual tool that can help people grow spiritually and and achieve things they may not understand they are capable of achieving but the man who is in charge of that organization Madonna and the others are involved in is a nutjob another DM who is in it for the money and fame and nothing more, he is misusing and abusing a very powerful spiritual tool and I am sad to see so many people that I admired like Madonna and Demi fall for this charlatan, but the practice of the Kabbalah itself is GOOD and people should use it freely but wisely.I am glad youre doing it independently you dont need anyone you can learn this stuff on your own or find a trusted rabbi to give you some good books to read stay away from those wearing that little red thread on their wrists lol thats as bad as COS, same thing IMO.

I did walk out a year ago. After my first 8 months I knew exactly who they are.
But I also knew that I am strong, conscious, and awake. I took additional year of classes, but did not participate in anything else.
I liked an the classes and knew that with the foundation I can do better by myself independently. And I have several sites that I go to as well.

THIS WAY IS NOT FOR EVERYONE... One does need to study with a teacher/group at first...I also have the Hebrew Language which makes Aramaic easier to digest.
I was a speaker against I knew how to look with both eyes open :).
I will never fall prey to a cult. Not me :)
Thanks for your love and concern - i love you too :blowkiss:

Scientology has a similar sucking of money fro thier members. (you'd know better then I).

As for Madonna and the other STARS, They get their A kissed and they like it, that mixed with a great course is blinding sometimes.
Yes the leaders are definitely charlatans... They demand a 10% tithe of your income - if you do not give it you get disproval that starts very covertly...
WELL... BY KABBLAH LAW you cannot charge for can sell books or seminars but the teachings should be free... You pay for everything there classes, seminars, etc....
They tell you that you get a free teacher...but that teachers job is to get you 10% Tithe so if you make 100K a year you must give 10K - My Friend is a Doctor, she did not give 10% they came to her wanting 150K tithe, and told her she can get to sit at the main table the next time the Bergs (owners) are in. My friend walked out of the building and never returned. LOL
OH! Sometimes they give out free books but they are just recruiting books not the meat and potatoes. LOL

Many wars started due to religion, and much evil has been done in the name of God.
Many religions have sent people astray.
I go with my spiritual quest and it works for me.
Wow! This has been such and interesting and educational topic. Who would have thought it would have turned out that way.

Oh, Paximus, you're no "smart aleck" - more like a calm and reasoned man.

I agree with your post.

Also: What Paximus has beside intelligence and education is character, and fair mindedness,
a great memory of events and a brilliant way to bestow his wisdom on others.

"Smart aleck" not so much :) lol
If the Feds were really interested in making money from the scientologists, they would not have given the COS tax exempt status.

You know that is something I am not sure of, I am not a tax lawyer and that stuff is over my head, I think if they sell their books in Barnes and Noble, which theydo, they ay have to pay taxes on that but maybe not, id have to read up on religious tax exemption code to find out how that works.

But I think the more important matter here is that the COS does indeed give A LOT of money to political CAMPAIGNS (they do this through front organizations that they control and and they A LOT OF THEM) and that, as we all know, does indeed PURCHASE FAVORS from said legislators and elected officials, I dont think anyone can deny that in today's political world, and that may very well play a big role in who looks the other way whole these crimes and abuses take place.
Thats true, the ones who arent doctors or lawyers are bankers or accountants lol.

For whatever reason though my parents did decide to bring us up Catholic and it was a very strict Catholic household but like I said I loved y mom's side of the family they always treated me so well even though they knew that my dad's religion had kidnapped us. My mom did officially concert to the RCC when she married my father, back them there was no other way and she went all in she became the typical Catholic mother after that.

Oh... I forgot to tell you. but I think you already know :)
In the Jewish religion - no matter what your Dad is, you are what your Mom is. No matter what you study or worship...
If you go to Israel you would be considered a JEW.

My grandkids are a nice mix - we celebrate both Chanukah and Christmas, but they are Jewish.
I asked them one day and they told me - they are Jewish but Dad isn&#8217;t. LOL
This year I am going to start teaching them Hebrew. I have been throwing many words at them always,
but I want them to be able to speak another language.
When I am gone, they will have that from grandma. :)
The best part of that deal as you know and your kids also is that since mom's family was Jewish I am technically Jewish and can call myself such for purposes of right of return to become an Israeli citizen should I ever desire to because mom was a jew but even more so because both grandparents her mom and dad were Israelis.

I just found this one... YAP you do know. :)
You know that is something I am not sure of, I am not a tax lawyer and that stuff is over my head, I think if they sell their books in Barnes and Noble, which theydo, they ay have to pay taxes on that but maybe not, id have to read up on religious tax exemption code to find out how that works.

But I think the more important matter here is that the COS does indeed give A LOT of money to political CAMPAIGNS (they do this through front organizations that they control and and they A LOT OF THEM) and that, as we all know, does indeed PURCHASE FAVORS from said legislators and elected officials, I dont think anyone can deny that in today's political world, and that may very well play a big role in who looks the other way whole these crimes and abuses take place.

My thinking too... get out of my head PAX... LOL
On the other hand please stay... I may get much smarter.
Oh... I forgot to tell you. but I think you already know :)
In the Jewish religion - no matter what your Dad is, you are what your Mom is. No matter what you study or worship...
If you go to Israel you would be considered a JEW.

My grandkids are a nice mix - we celebrate both Chanukah and Christmas, but they are Jewish.
I asked them one day and they told me - they are Jewish but Dad isn&#8217;t. LOL
This year I am going to start teaching them Hebrew. I have been throwing many words at them always,
but I want them to be able to speak another language.
When I am gone, they will have that from grandma. :)

Hebrew is a neat language I cant speak it fluently but I know enough to be dangerous and it is amazing when you read the Torah in Hebrew and then English, it almost says two different things, also you cannot effectively study Kabbalah unless you know Hebrew, you just cannot get the proper feel of it all with out some understanding of Hebrew which I doubt all these celebs saying they study it know any Hebrew at all, its all for show and to seem hip and trendy. I am studying some Buddhism and its the same thing, its hard to understand in English the original was written in a language called Pali which a monk is teaching me little by little, the more I learn the better I understand what Buddhism is all about, I am not a Buddhist but I like to learn about different paths, I did look at Kabbalah in college heavy stuff, its mysticism, takes a special way of seeing the world to really grasp mysticism. Its powerful medicine if done properly.

Teaching kids Hebrew, Latin or Greek is a gift that keeps on giving, much of the English language has its roots in these languages and it will expand their vocabulary considerably once they learn some of these languages.
They sell product righ? books, T-shirts and whatever... That does not get taxed at all?

All of that is tax exempt as it relates to their religion. If it related to something other than their religion, they would pay a tax on it.

Some scam, huh?

You know that is something I am not sure of, I am not a tax lawyer and that stuff is over my head, I think if they sell their books in Barnes and Noble, which theydo, they ay have to pay taxes on that but maybe not, id have to read up on religious tax exemption code to find out how that works.

But I think the more important matter here is that the COS does indeed give A LOT of money to political CAMPAIGNS (they do this through front organizations that they control and and they A LOT OF THEM) and that, as we all know, does indeed PURCHASE FAVORS from said legislators and elected officials, I dont think anyone can deny that in today's political world, and that may very well play a big role in who looks the other way whole these crimes and abuses take place.

Well, I think the issue was whether the COS is not investigated because the feds get large amounts of money from them. They don't.

Yes, they can lobby a little bit, under a special section of the tax code, but the amount is severely curtailed.

For example, the COS spent a total of 100k on lobbying last year: That's nothing in the world of lobbyists.

The government would reap huge rewards if the COS was not tax exempt. Also, it would be able to make unlimited donations to various politicians of it were not tax exempt.

No, I think the failure to properly investigate this church is due to something other than money. And I'm not talking conspiracy theories. I think it's simply too embarrassing now to admit a mistake in granting tax exempt status to a dangerous cult.

Good place to learn about and discuss Scientology both from members and ex members for and again, very lively discussion, its the original and first place on the net that people started to come out and discuss it years ago and it is and always has been under heavy attack by church intell agents (OSA). Good stuff there though if this topic interests you further.
All of that is tax exempt as it relates to their religion. If it related to something other than their religion, they would pay a tax on it.

Some scam, huh?

Well, I think the issue was whether the COS is not investigated because the feds get large amounts of money from them. They don't.

Yes, they can lobby a little bit, under a special section of the tax code, but the amount is severely curtailed.

For example, the COS spent a total of 100k on lobbying last year: That's nothing in the world of lobbyists.

The government would reap huge rewards if the COS was not tax exempt. Also, it would be able to make unlimited donations to various politicians of it were not tax exempt.

No, I think the failure to properly investigate this church is due to something other than money. And I'm not talking conspiracy theories. I think it's simply too embarrassing now to admit a mistake in granting tax exempt status to a dangerous cult.

BBM I think that is indeed a big part of it.

Also as far as the 100K spent on lobbying goes that doesnt even scratch the surface, the COS controls a **** ton of other front orgs many of which are for profit companies etc. Youd have to really dig around if you wanted to get in to that but I can tell you they own a lot of stuff that is known to everyday people, household name stuff that is, utilmately controlled by the COS in one way or another. They have very good accountants and legal reps, kids that grew up in Sea Org that were sent to the very best law schools in America and now serve the church with utmost loyalty.
Why Does Scientology Have Tax-Exempt Status?

"In fact, for most of its existence, Scientology was considered a money-making enterprise and did not qualify for tax-exempt status under U.S. law. That changed in 1993, and the reason behind it is a fascinating story. The short version: for years, Scientology wore down the IRS with thousands of nuisance lawsuits until tax authorities simply gave in."
Big List Of Church of Scientology Front Groups

List of Public Officials who Endorse Scientology or any of its Front Groups

"Scientology" Archives - by Tony Ortega at the Village Voice

Yea it was a long time ago I dug in to this stuff but I was coming across all sorts of companies that ultimately at the very top were owned and controlled by COS, household products, vitamin companies, food companies, soft drink companies, book publishing companies, rehab clinics, spas, gyms, all sorts of stuff, they own and control a lot more than people realize, thats a good find thanks for the links!

Now if you figure that each one of those front groups spend 100 grand on lobbying that adds up to a lot of money and a lot of favors and its all hidden from most people who have no idea that the COS is ultimately behind all these companies and org

Suffice to say there are a lot of front groups and companies involved in this scheme, its bigger than we all know.

For years COS biggest enemy was the CULT AWARENESS NETWORK, COS put their lawyers to work and ran that organization in to financial ruin then BOUGHT THE NAME AND LOGO and now they own it, when people call them for help getting info about cults or how to get out of one they are talking to COS now, if that doesnt blow one's mind I dont know what will.

On October 23, 1996 the law firm which has represented the Church of Scientology for years purchased the logo and license agreement of the Cult Awareness Network (CAN).
Yea it was a long time ago I dug in to this stuff but I was coming across all sorts of companies that ultimately at the very top were owned and controlled by COS, household products, vitamin companies, food companies, soft drink companies, book publishing companies, rehab clinics, spas, gyms, all sorts of stuff, they own and control a lot more than people realize, thats a good find thanks for the links!

Now if you figure that each one of those front groups spend 100 grand on lobbying that adds up to a lot of money and a lot of favors and its all hidden from most people who have no idea that the COS is ultimately behind all these companies and org

Suffice to say there are a lot of front groups and companies involved in this scheme, its bigger than we all know.

For years COS biggest enemy was the CULT AWARENESS NETWORK, COS put their lawyers to work and ran that organization in to financial ruin then BOUGHT THE NAME AND LOGO and now they own it, when people call them for help getting info about cults or how to get out of one they are talking to COS now, if that doesnt blow one's mind I dont know what will.

reminds me when i was growing up (70s/80s) in my super religious home that there were rumours going around in many christian groups that proctor & gamble was owned by satanists, so any P&G products you bought meant your $$ was going into the hands of satanists. lol i remember my mom would NOT buy any P&G products.

ok...did some googling and found this :giggle:
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