Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Are Divorcing

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All of that is tax exempt as it relates to their religion. If it related to something other than their religion, they would pay a tax on it.

Some scam, huh?

Well, I think the issue was whether the COS is not investigated because the feds get large amounts of money from them. They don't.

Yes, they can lobby a little bit, under a special section of the tax code, but the amount is severely curtailed.

For example, the COS spent a total of 100k on lobbying last year: That's nothing in the world of lobbyists.

The government would reap huge rewards if the COS was not tax exempt. Also, it would be able to make unlimited donations to various politicians of it were not tax exempt.

No, I think the failure to properly investigate this church is due to something other than money. And I'm not talking conspiracy theories. I think it's simply too embarrassing now to admit a mistake in granting tax exempt status to a dangerous cult.

OK me nasty time. I am not good at holding my tongue that is why people either love or hate me. :) But ask me if I care? NOT

Scientology Is a money machine for someone Not a religion. RLH created a good self help program that became a self serving program to those at the top.

I will say the same for The Kabblaha Center. (Not Kabblah -- NO) Just the well known one that Madonna belongs to, they are also rip off artists that created a self serving money machine. (Known as the cult in Israel)
no different than Scientology.

IMHO there is no justice in that, any more than in the way we allowed the Banks to rip off the public YES THEY ARE ALL CHARLITONS. Yap Bernie Maddoff’s.
OK I said it. TIME for the gov to step in.
I guess this explains why cults and manipulation doesn't/wouldn't work on me. When people are persistent in a socially inappropriate manner, I immediately sense danger and suspect they either want to rape and kill me or are about to have a schizophrenic moment and decapitate me!

I have never liked authority unless that authority clearly merited respect due to incredible expertise in a certain area. But even then, the minute that authority starts acting weird, I'm gone.

I was a rebellious outsider all my childhood/teen years.

I'm not a follower and never could be.

I think we should all train our kids to be respectful humans but to develop the senses, trust our gut instinct and to question authority. I think critical thinking skills are sorely lacking in our country. I also think too many people are seeking that one truth, that one moment of enlightenment that is going to make them whole and healed, in control, supremely wise and terrifically happy.

But that's not life and it will never happen.

Life is beautiful but it also comes with suffering. It can be hard. Nothing truly worthwhile can be obtained quickly or via the expenditure of money.

The answers to life are not earth shattering. The answer is simply to be the best person you can be and to work hard, every day, to contribute to the world and to help one's neighbor. No special philosophy will cause a person to get there and everyone can do it without any special training. We all innately know what is good and kind and what we can do to make this place better than it is.

I think, too often, people want the quick fix. Many of us have been damaged by life. There is no mysterious truth, waiting to be found, that will fix that. :twocents:

i agree w/ you completely...not much more i could even add to that....

but for me....yeah doesnt work with me either...look at what is written under my username ^^ :) but ive also experienced the most evil people under the guise of religion and well in life in general...ive learned the hard way...and its hardened me a bit in some areas....

i was pretty rebellious myself...and still lean towards being a rebel. ask anyone who knows me, i dont fit into any mold...

trust no one. question everyone and everything. and carry
I guess this explains why cults and manipulation doesn't/wouldn't work on me. When people are persistent in a socially inappropriate manner, I immediately sense danger and suspect they either want to rape and kill me or are about to have a schizophrenic moment and decapitate me!

I have never liked authority unless that authority clearly merited respect due to incredible expertise in a certain area. But even then, the minute that authority starts acting weird, I'm gone.

I was a rebellious outsider all my childhood/teen years.

I'm not a follower and never could be.

I think we should all train our kids to be respectful humans but to develop the senses, trust our gut instinct and to question authority. I think critical thinking skills are sorely lacking in our country. I also think too many people are seeking that one truth, that one moment of enlightenment that is going to make them whole and healed, in control, supremely wise and terrifically happy.

But that's not life and it will never happen.

Life is beautiful but it also comes with suffering. It can be hard. Nothing truly worthwhile can be obtained quickly or via the expenditure of money.

The answers to life are not earth shattering. The answer is simply to be the best person you can be and to work hard, every day, to contribute to the world and to help one's neighbor. No special philosophy will cause a person to get there and everyone can do it without any special training. We all innately know what is good and kind and what we can do to make this place better than it is.

I think, too often, people want the quick fix. Many of us have been damaged by life. There is no mysterious truth, waiting to be found, that will fix that. :twocents:
That is all absolutely true there are no quick fixes but we all struggle with certain things and sometimes we can get help with that by studying the ways of our elders and those who lived before us, my personal struggle in life right now is watching my parents get old and sick and not be able to care for themselves anymore and I have to do that for them as well as balance my own life and needs, sitting down with a peaceful monk once a week and learning to calm my mind and quiet my soul and put these struggles in proper perspective so that they dont destroy me has been a real blessing for me and I probably would have went batshit crazy without that little kick in the *advertiser censored* it gives me to keep getting up each day and trying to make things a little better for the people I love and care about.

I am not personally concerned with finding any mysterious meaning of it all and what happens when I die, I am trying to deal with all this **** that happens while I am still alive.
I getcha' Pax. It is all well and good that more people are aware. Guess I think more legal actions need to happen in addition to just making people aware. Guess I think that a stronger stance needs to be taken.

Leave TC out of it, he is just a puppet, I doubt he has to abide by any rules or practices, just a front.

Just get straight to the point, get good lawyers, get things reported (including missing people, just talking about it is not saving them), etc... I understand why they do not do these things, but perhaps they need some guidance on how to better approach issues. Some backers with the knowledge and know how, regardless of the past threats from COS and trying to ruin many careers, some group of the legal system needs to come together somehow to help them out. I have no idea how.

You may like TC as an actor... OK
But as a person he is NO puppet for scientology at all. He knows exactly what Scientology really is.
I used to love him too…. But once I realized that what I really loved was his acting not his character.
(I did not like how he left Nicole 0- that is another thread)
I have to give Nicole Kidman much credit for keeping him away for so long.
Don’t forget how manipulative they (scientology) are, most of his staff was Scientologists.
Their split was caused by Scientology.
OK me nasty time. I am not good at holding my tongue that is why people either love or hate me. :) But ask me if I care? NOT

Scientology Is a money machine for someone Not a religion. RLH created a good self help program that became a self serving program to those at the top.

I will say the same for The Kabblaha Center. (Not Kabblah -- NO) Just the well known one that Madonna belongs to, they are also rip off artists that created a self serving money machine. (Known as the cult in Israel)
no different than Scientology.

IMHO there is no justice in that, any more than in the way we allowed the Banks to rip off the public YES THEY ARE ALL CHARLITONS. Yap Bernie Maddoff’s.
OK I said it. TIME for the gov to step in.

I am generally very tolerant of consenting adults choosing how they want to live their lives, I draw the line at exploitation and human rights abuses and of course it seems to me that the COS may be involved in both, in that case I would certainly support someone taking a closer look to help these people who seem otherwise incapable of helping themselves for whatever reason.

But really I feel sort of foolish as an American talking about exploitation and all that jazz, the whole world is a ****ing mess. We made the bed time to sleep in it.
You know the sad part of all of this is little Suri, a child should not have to deal with these sorts of things. Any child should grow up, ideally, just being loved unconditionally and kept from all this crap.

IMHO she is already scared look how unhappy she seems.
It can be a result of unhappy hoe, or whatever kind of stress goes on in
that house. Suri looks as miserable as her mother. I hope Katie will be safe in the long run.

She is only 6 - I hope there will be plenty good times to heal her.

But frankly - I do not trust them/Scientology... I do not trust that wont do something to abduct her. I do not trust that they are safe.
I am only elated that Katie's Dad looked out for her in the best way possible.
IMHO she is already scared look how unhappy she seems.
It can be a result of unhappy hoe, or whatever kind of stress goes on in
that house. Suri looks as miserable as her mother. I hope Katie will be safe in the long run.

She is only 6 - I hope there will be plenty good times to heal her.

But frankly - I do not trust them/Scientology... I do not trust that wont do something to abduct her. I do not trust that they are safe.
I am only elated that Katie's Dad looked out for her in the best way possible.
Katie is a fine example of having good parents who love her no matter what, they were not very happy when she got herself in to all of this but when she needed them most they were they to protect her, thats what mom and dad is for.
OK me nasty time. I am not good at holding my tongue that is why people either love or hate me. :) But ask me if I care? NOT

Scientology Is a money machine for someone Not a religion. RLH created a good self help program that became a self serving program to those at the top.

I will say the same for The Kabblaha Center. (Not Kabblah -- NO) Just the well known one that Madonna belongs to, they are also rip off artists that created a self serving money machine. (Known as the cult in Israel)
no different than Scientology.

IMHO there is no justice in that, any more than in the way we allowed the Banks to rip off the public YES THEY ARE ALL CHARLITONS. Yap Bernie Maddoff’s.
OK I said it. TIME for the gov to step in.
You should always speak your mind including tell me to clam it up when I am wrong lol. I have no problem and take no offense at those who see things differently than I do.
You want to know something really hilarious, A LOT of Scientologists smoke, its like a big deal with these people you see them all chain smoking in the classes, the in the Sea Org etc, when I was hanging around the org I would ask what the hell that was about and why auditing couldnt help these people beat this horrible addiction, the old timers would say "Didnt you know Elron found out that smoking cures cancer, it doesnt cause it we have been lied to."

Granted these were old timers who had been part of the orginal movement, I dont think it is as bad today and Ron obviously changed his position on that but he too was a heavy smoker until his death.

That is no joke, absolutely 100% serious LOL.

I was one of the first group who learned Breath Work AKA Rebirthing (many other names) founder Leonard Orr... the work is amazing and I became a practitioner in 1980 for 20 years.
Some great teachers came out of there...And great authors we all read often…
Anyway one of them was a chain smoker.... I will call him Buddy - he was a good buddy :)
One of the first steps in this body of work is to learn that "THOUGHT IS CREATIVE AND YOU ARE THE THINKER".
Buddy used to stay with me when in NYC – (yes I made him smoke outside) I used to ask buddy when
Will he cut down or give it up it can’t be good for you. Buddy said "thought is creative and it is good for me" “We can dispel and convert any energy” “I have it in my head that it will never harm me and the smoke will dissipate”.

Last year Buddy was in the Hospital with Lung Cancer... But he insisted that he has Pneumonia.
He passed away last April… Lung cancer….RIP Buddy - you can’t control everything, not even if you BS yourself.
He taught Money Mastery internationally – good guy… Sold himself a barrel of BS regarding smoking. Sadly most addictive people do.
I know I have defended Scientology and some of Elron's teachings and I will always continue to do so he was really a kooky guy but he was also strangely brilliant in a lot of ways, but some of what he wrote was indeed completely insane, couple that with the fact that these people are driven mad by the church they have them working ONE HUNDRED HOURS A WEEK with literally no sleep, 10 people to a one bedroom apartment, 50 bucks a week pocket money, they are crazed, dazed and confused and it is all a mess, but I will continue to suggest if his stuff and the methods were applied PROPERLY it can increase ones awarness, improve memory, help you focus and become less distracted. When I was studying Scientology I used it to learn to play the piano, I had tried and tried all my life and I couldnt never learn it and some of what I learned in Scientology, applied properly, helped me accomplish things like that, BUT when I think of the above story I just laugh my *advertiser censored* off at how crazy some of these bastards are after the COS runs them through the wringer.

But I was never a dedicated hardcore Scientologist as I stated before this was a school project I was doing to learn about it and sort of experiment with it, I was lucky because I sort of danced around the politics and drama and never get too close to anyone I came and went and did my thing, because I was a student at the University they never hassled me much and knew I was busy with schoolwork so I was very lucky I didnt get sucked in like a lot these crazy bastards do.

The no sleep is a bad sign... "CULT" wears you down to control you. They do not get real pay – that is abuse of Power. They get more disproval then a rapist. Imprison people in remote locations. NOP no need to defend them. They did not hassle you because you were a student. If you were a CEO the eye bales would be rolling with Dollar signs. “No rush let the boy become a Lawyer – then we will deal with him”.
Please know I talk highly about Kabblah and NOT the Kabbalah Center created by the Bergs. NOP it is not what Kabbalah is meant to be. I say study someplace else….NOR is Scientology what it was meant to be.

Hitler was Brilliant too, but I cannot defend him. Scientology that was is no more and should only become a “BUYER BEWARE”
That is all absolutely true there are no quick fixes but we all struggle with certain things and sometimes we can get help with that by studying the ways of our elders and those who lived before us, my personal struggle in life right now is watching my parents get old and sick and not be able to care for themselves anymore and I have to do that for them as well as balance my own life and needs, sitting down with a peaceful monk once a week and learning to calm my mind and quiet my soul and put these struggles in proper perspective so that they dont destroy me has been a real blessing for me and I probably would have went batshit crazy without that little kick in the *advertiser censored* it gives me to keep getting up each day and trying to make things a little better for the people I love and care about.

I am not personally concerned with finding any mysterious meaning of it all and what happens when I die, I am trying to deal with all this **** that happens while I am still alive.

All of us need a spiritual outlet... Glad you found yours.
I went to Israel where I lost both parents 2 months apart 14 years ago… but took care of them for over 6 months before
they passed. IF I did not have the spiritual foundation I would have lost my mind. I had been a spiritual guide for others
– it was time for me to use all I knew – OK so I looked like a waif, weighed 90 pounds but I carried on… :)
I juggled 2 sick people 2 hospitals...was glad to see them go - I do not believe in suffering.
So keep on using whatever tools it takes. life is simple but living is not always. Spiritual work simplifies things.

What a huge difference between spiritual work and cult. GLAD we do know the difference. Wishing your parents the best and
an easy transition when its time.
I guess this explains why cults and manipulation doesn't/wouldn't work on me. When people are persistent in a socially inappropriate manner, I immediately sense danger and suspect they either want to rape and kill me or are about to have a schizophrenic moment and decapitate me!

I have never liked authority unless that authority clearly merited respect due to incredible expertise in a certain area. But even then, the minute that authority starts acting weird, I'm gone.

I was a rebellious outsider all my childhood/teen years.

I'm not a follower and never could be.

I think we should all train our kids to be respectful humans but to develop the senses, trust our gut instinct and to question authority. I think critical thinking skills are sorely lacking in our country. I also think too many people are seeking that one truth, that one moment of enlightenment that is going to make them whole and healed, in control, supremely wise and terrifically happy.

But that's not life and it will never happen.

Life is beautiful but it also comes with suffering. It can be hard. Nothing truly worthwhile can be obtained quickly or via the expenditure of money.

The answers to life are not earth shattering. The answer is simply to be the best person you can be and to work hard, every day, to contribute to the world and to help one's neighbor. No special philosophy will cause a person to get there and everyone can do it without any special training. We all innately know what is good and kind and what we can do to make this place better than it is.

I think, too often, people want the quick fix. Many of us have been damaged by life. There is no mysterious truth, waiting to be found, that will fix that. :twocents:

Yes there is often a hole people are seeking to fill... And will swear they found it whenever they go someplace that feels good.
It is their quick fix for a week, month or however long... Then it drops.
Back to the race looking for a new quick fix… OR buying into whatever hook they are given.
There are no quick fix remedies. But remedies do exist, and people should find the one that resonates for them.

But sadly so many are LOST and even when they do find a good remedy they are still looking.
Also sadly some stay with abuse and disapproval because their own lack of self esteem.
And others flounder around because they thing someone will save them.
All are candidates for CULT groups.
"Scientology, well understood, is a very powerful thing. Poorly relayed, poorly communicated, monopolized or used exclusively for gain, it could be a very destructive thing." - LRH June 1955

He knew.
I think TC is saying to himself: "Man, I sure picked a bad time to stop sniffing glue."
IMHO she is already scared look how unhappy she seems.
It can be a result of unhappy hoe, or whatever kind of stress goes on in
that house. Suri looks as miserable as her mother. I hope Katie will be safe in the long run.

She is only 6 - I hope there will be plenty good times to heal her.

But frankly - I do not trust them/Scientology... I do not trust that wont do something to abduct her. I do not trust that they are safe.
I am only elated that Katie's Dad looked out for her in the best way possible.

Reports were that TC allowed Suri to run the show and do what she wanted, per scientology theories of child development. Katie had a problem with that and treated her like a kid, not a mini adult. This caused a rift between the parents.

Of course none of us know the real story - reports are simply reports and I have no idea what really goes on in these people's lives.

But I have seen a photo or two of TC grinning as he holds a screaming, tantruming Suri. On the contrary, I have seen the mother looking annoyed and frustrated at a tantruming Suri and appearing not to give in. (Gosh, I feel bad for this kid - so exploited by the media and zero privacy).

In any event, I have learned that an intense dichotomy between parenting styles can mess a kid up so badly they become insane. (I have seen in this happen in two of my cases).

I do think something is going on with the little girl. Yes, kids do have an occasional tantrum at 5 or 6, but unless they are quite spoiled, or have parents who do not know how to handle them, it should not be that often. That is behavior one sees more often in 2 and 3 year old kids. But, there are dozens of photos of Suri in the last year throwing toddler-style fits.

Maybe it's the constant media-scrutiny. Maybe it's the tension in the home. Or maybe it was permissive parenting. Signs are that Katie is not going to just allow that behavior anymore (recent trip to pet store and mom did not give in and buy a crying Suri a dog). I hope so because a spoiled child is an unhappy one and I have a feeling that may be part of why we see so many sad Suri pics in the media.

As far as Katie is concerned, since the split, she looks like a different person. She looks stoked.

I think Katie will be safe. She is surrounded by hand-picked body guards. And, she is super-famous. If anything happened to her, the bad publicity the COS is trying to dig out from now will become unpenetrable.

Suri will not be kidnapped. Because that would not serve the COS well. It would end TC's career and likely end the church. There would be no purpose. Yes, the COS is a scary cult, but it's a lucrative business first. They settled that divorce faster than any I have ever heard of or seen. It's not even logical how fast that was settled. I know it was because the COS and TC were getting such bad publicty, they basically wanted to end the *****storm.

As I've said, my biggest fear, assessing the fanaticism of TC and the ruthlessness of the church, as well as my experience in family law and parental alienation and looking at what happened to Nicole Kidman, is TC turning her daughter away from her. This is especially a risk if TC has a tendency to spoil and Katie does not and if TC has a feverish hatred of Katie. Since she must now be an SP and is to be disconnected, and since she basically made a raging fool out of a man with an unending ego, I'm betting he is seething with rage. I very much fear that, with the help of the COS, that rage will find its outlet in a campaign of alienation and brainwashing. I can only hope that Katie, her family, friends and lawyers know enough about the COS that iron clad provisions were put in place to try to prevent that. Otherwise, I see a bleak future for Suri Cruise.

Finally, yeah, Katie was lucky to have such a smart dad. But there is nothing to indicate that the decision to escape wasn't one hundred percent Katie's. Nothing suggests her dad or her parents were the ones who broke their daughter out or worked on her until she saw the light. I give full credit to Katie for realizing what the rest of the public realized - that she had lost her spark, her autonomy and looked like one sad sack robot, following her fanatical husband around like a dog on a leash. I think she took stock of her life and made the decision, all on her own, to get the he!! out. Then she had some quiet, in-person conversations with her father and a trusted friend and together, they all orchestrated her incredible escape. I applaud her for that.
All of that is tax exempt as it relates to their religion. If it related to something other than their religion, they would pay a tax on it.

Some scam, huh?

Well, I think the issue was whether the COS is not investigated because the feds get large amounts of money from them. They don't.

Yes, they can lobby a little bit, under a special section of the tax code, but the amount is severely curtailed.

For example, the COS spent a total of 100k on lobbying last year: That's nothing in the world of lobbyists.

The government would reap huge rewards if the COS was not tax exempt. Also, it would be able to make unlimited donations to various politicians of it were not tax exempt.

No, I think the failure to properly investigate this church is due to something other than money. And I'm not talking conspiracy theories. I think it's simply too embarrassing now to admit a mistake in granting tax exempt status to a dangerous cult.

bbm reading this reminded me of jim jones "peoples's temple" [ame=""]Jim Jones - Rosalynn Carter - George Moscone - Mark Lane - YouTube[/ame]
I do not remember which media outlet posted it, but a couple of days ago I did see a pic of Katie and Suri online. It was the day Mom and daughter spent shopping and sight seeing in New York. Caption under the pic, Suri was telling Mom this is the best day ever! I was happy to see that.
I do not remember which media outlet posted it, but a couple of days ago I did see a pic of Katie and Suri online. It was the day Mom and daughter spent shopping and sight seeing in New York. Caption under the pic, Suri was telling Mom this is the best day ever! I was happy to see that.

This whole situation is going to be very hard on everyone involved, if Tom follows COS teaching and there is no evidence he will stop, he cannot have ANY contact at all with Katie as she is now an SP declare (suppressed person) and excommunicated from the Church. Any member in good standing that has ANY contact with her even speaking a single word to her would be "out-ethics" and reported to an ethics officer for that, I am sure they dont treat celebs the same as everyone else but EVERYONE in the Church will be watching this closely because as an SP Katie cannot be in any contact with anyone in the Church for any reason whatsoever. Now since she has SURI this creates a small problem, anyone related to or friendly with an SP who is not a member of the COS is called a PTS (Potential Trouble Source) and you also cannot have any contact with them, Suri will by definition be a PTS as far as TC is concerned. This is why Bella and Conner could have no contact with Nicole and spent all their time with TC, you cannot have one parent in and one parent out and spend time with BOTH parents, it HAS to be one or the other as one of them will be an SP and the kids, if they in the custody of the SP will be declared PTS. I really dont know how DM is gonna handle this but I can tell you I have been watching COS boards very closely and everyone is paying very close attention to this particular issue, there is a very good chance that if TC decides to remain in the COS and a practicing member in good standing who is "in-ethics" AND Katie has custody of Suri, that TC could very well end up having nothing at all to do with Suri, at least until she is of the age of 18 and can decide if she wants to join the COS or not. I know some of you cant imagine this happening but Katie being an SP and having custody of the kid puts TC in a very troubling position wrt the Church and its ethics officers. This is an EXTREMELY serious and enforced matter within the COS as the "tech" (methods, teachings) cannot work (according to the COS) if there are any SPs or PTSs in your life, they all must be removed and no further contact is allowed. Any accidental or intentional contact thereafter must be reported, the person must go through a confessional and truth rundown and explain and report every single detail of the contact each time it happens, if it is something that is happening on a regular basis the person will themselves be declared an SP.

Those outside the church have no idea of the suffocating, overbearing, super controlling, incredibly micro-managing presence the dwarf (DM) and his henchmen inflict on those they 'safeguard'.
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