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I would personally vouch for Tony Ortega, linked above, he is the most fair and balanced journalist I know today, where COS should be given credit he isnt afraid to give it but when he sees abuse he calls them on it, he recently wrote one of the best things I have ever read on this subject, an open letter to Tom Cruise, TC has not responded of course and there is a group out there right now trying to raise enough money to buy ad space in the New York Times and WSJ to run the letter and force Tom and his reps to respond, VERY GOOD READ this is a snippet must go to link to read the rest it is long and detailed:

Dear Tom,
It's time for you to start talking publicly about Scientology again.

Your religion is in serious trouble.

In 2005, you ended a longtime policy of not talking about the church by suddenly bringing it up in interviews. Most memorable, of course, was the way you challenged Matt Lauer, telling him that you had a superior understanding of the evils of psychiatry because of your Scientology training. Some wondered if you'd gone off the deep end, especially after the episode involving Oprah's couch. Soon enough, however, you clammed up about Scientology again. But in 2008, a video of you the church had made four years earlier surfaced, and it had a huge effect, both on your reputation and the church's. For better or worse, your strange words about, for example, how only Scientologists can help out at the scene of a car accident cemented in the minds of many that you were not only the truest of true believers in L. Ron Hubbard's unusual religion, but that you had become, in fact, its public face.

And that's why, today, you must come forward and speak for a church in crisis.

Tom, last week I was in San Antonio, and I saw with my own eyes the sworn court testimony of someone you once knew and respected.

Her name is Debbie Cook, and for 17 years she was "Captain FSO" -- the top executive who ran Scientology's spiritual mecca in Clearwater, Florida, which is called "Flag Land Base." Back in 1975, when you were still a Catholic kid growing up in Ottawa, Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard got tired of running Scientology from a yacht in the Mediterranean, and moved operations from his "flagship" the Apollo to Clearwater, taking over the old Fort Harrison Hotel and many other places in town. With "Flag" now on land, the upper-level spiritual training that Hubbard was delivering on the ship could now take place at the Florida base.

Debbie Cook beckons members to "Flag"
Scientologists -- including celebrities -- save up to come to Flag to this day, and it's quite an operation, with the Flag Service Organization, FSO, employing about a thousand Sea Org members and a budget of over $100 million annually. I'm told it's something of a miracle that Debbie Cook managed to stay in her position running the place for 17 years. I guess it's no wonder that over time images of Debbie welcoming people to Flag in the church's magazine articles and internal videos came to represent for many church members their aspirations for what Scientology could be.
In other words, if for the outside public you became the face of Scientology, inside the church, it was Debbie's that came to mind for many.

That is, until 2006, when Debbie was suddenly called away from her job to the church's international headquarters -- known as "Int Base," a 500-acre compound in the desert east of Los Angeles.

As Debbie testified in court last week, Scientology's leader, David Miscavige -- best man at your last wedding, Tom -- needed her not only to keep running Flag, but also to take care of pressing matters at Int Base, in England, and in Spain. Running a 1,000-person operation in Florida while she was off taking care of other church emergencies was so stressful, she testified, she had time to eat only every other day, and to grab sleep only every other day as well.

I know, it's hard to believe, but then you probably already know that members of the Sea Org are a group of people accustomed to nearly inhuman deprivations. I mean, by this time, some 23 years after you first joined the church, Tom, you've been around Sea Org members and know that they work up to 100 hours a week, grabbing only three or four hours of sleep a night, with never a day off, or time to see their families. These are dedicated folks -- so dedicated, they join the Sea Org at a young age and sign contracts promising to work for Scientology for the next billion years. We wrote earlier about how some Sea Org members, making only about $50 dollars a week, helped customize a motorcycle for you, transformed an SUV, and also tricked out an airplane hangar that you own.

Debbie Cook was another of those exhausted, sleep-deprived, and very poorly paid workers who gave their all, year in and year out. But now, at Int Base in California, she found herself doing things that called for something else besides stamina: She was made to take part in a bizarre prison project.

I know this because I've talked to someone who was already in that strange prison -- known as "The Hole" -- when Debbie arrived. As we wrote earlier, Mike Rinder, who at the time held the post as the church's top spokesman, had been sent to the odd office-jail for reasons so trivial, he couldn't even remember them.

For a story last month, I asked Rinder to describe The Hole...

"It was the two double-wide trailers that were called the CMO Int building. It consisted of one main conference room with cubicles around it, and other office spaces, and a men's and a women's bathroom. That's all it was."
"Where did you sleep?"

"On the floor. Under a desk."

"For two years?"


"And Debbie Cook showed up one day and made you march down to the lake and jump in it?"

"It was October or November. Yeah, it was cold. She was on orders," Rinder says.

Later, Tom, Debbie herself was put in The Hole. How she got there was actually pretty cinematic, so maybe you'll appreciate it. Here's how she described it in court last week, while I was taking notes...

I was at the international base. Mr. Miscavige was not there, but I was supposed to be doing numerous things at the Int base at his direction. I was on the phone to him every day, sometimes several times a day. And there were certain things he was unhappy about, that weren't done to his satisfaction. Anyway, I was on the phone to him, somebody was pounding on the door. I was on the phone, so I couldn't answer it...Somebody pried the window open, two big guys came in. Mr. Miscavige said on the phone, "Are they there?" Yes, I said, they are. And he said, "Goodbye."
Apparently Mr. Miscavige has a flair for the dramatic.

The two gentlemen escorted Debbie to the same office trailers that Rinder had described. For the next seven weeks, it would be her home. In court, she gave a pretty vivid description of her time there, Tom. Like Rinder, she mentioned that there was nowhere to sleep but on the ground. She remembered also that there was an infestation of ants, and in a bid to punish these fallen executives even further, she testified, Miscavige had the air conditioning turned off as desert temperatures climbed past 100 degrees.

Debbie Cook testifying on Thursday in a San Antonio court
But the physical environment wasn't the only thing that made The Hole a living hell, Tom. Debbie testified that there was psychological terror too, in the form of mass confessions that the residents of The Hole had to take part in. Debbie testified to one case of forced confessions that we had written about earlier, and which brings up Scientology's troubling history as an organization infused with homophobia.

Many have suggested that DM's missing wife is in the hole and has been held captive there for years, who know the truth, where is Shelly?
reminds me when i was growing up (70s/80s) in my super religious home that there were rumours going around in many christian groups that proctor & gamble was owned by satanists, so any P&G products you bought meant your $$ was going into the hands of satanists. lol i remember my mom would NOT buy any P&G products.

ok...did some googling and found this :giggle:

That was referred to as the "Satanic Panic" era and it was tied to the whole Mcmartin Preschool case and trial, that is a very interesting case in its own right to study and read about, some say it was debunked some to this day say it was a big coverup, who knows?

[ame=""]McMartin preschool trial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

Michael Aquino, there is a name to research, INTERESTING FELLOW!
Why Does Scientology Have Tax-Exempt Status?

"In fact, for most of its existence, Scientology was considered a money-making enterprise and did not qualify for tax-exempt status under U.S. law. That changed in 1993, and the reason behind it is a fascinating story. The short version: for years, Scientology wore down the IRS with thousands of nuisance lawsuits until tax authorities simply gave in."

Yes and as I posted upthread they also went after Hubbard for practicing medicine without a license when he was offering his auditing services as a for profit business and he reopened shop as a religion and they couldnt stop him then.
That was referred to as the "Satanic Panic" era and it was tied to the whole Mcmartin Preschool case and trial, that is a very interesting case in its own right to study and read about, some say it was debunked some to this day say it was a big coverup, who knows?

McMartin preschool trial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Michael Aquino, there is a name to research, INTERESTING FELLOW!

ah! you just jogged my memory! i remember my parents discussing this too!
i have aged myself here...for sure :giggle:
In this brief time of learning about COS, I have a question.

Why on earth does anyone think TC has time to respond to an internet letter? Even if they sent it to his home, PR company, manager, what have you, he probably does not even open his own mail! Not to mention, COS does not let members look at anti-COS websites, etc... One interview even states that you get a disc to put something on your computer from COS that secretly installs something to keep you from seeing anti-COS stuff.

Say that TC's PR company gives some vague answer to something printed in a newspaper (slim chance), it still would not be TC responding. I guess I don't understand wasting time trying to talk to someone, or even those in COS that cannot see it, on the internet, it will not be seen. In the off chance it is, what would compel anyone to respond?
In this brief time of learning about COS, I have a question.

Why on earth does anyone think TC has time to respond to an internet letter? Even if they sent it to his home, PR company, manager, what have you, he probably does not even open his own mail! Not to mention, COS does not let members look at anti-COS websites, etc... One interview even states that you get a disc to put something on your computer from COS that secretly installs something to keep you from seeing anti-COS stuff.

Say that TC's PR company gives some vague answer to something printed in a newspaper (slim chance), it still would not be TC responding. I guess I don't understand wasting time trying to talk to someone, or even those in COS that cannot see it, on the internet, it will not be seen. In the off chance it is, what would compel anyone to respond?

It was published in the Village Voice not just an internet letter per se.

Tony Ortega has been covering the COS for years for the VV.

The COS is very aware of Tony and his work.

Well that is a good point but TC knows Tony Ortega they have spoken before and I am certain TC is aware of that letter, now I personally agree with you that he will never respond to it but there are people out there that at the very least want that letter read by more people thus the push to publish it in a more widely read publication and as a bonus if it pressures TC to respond, great, but if not at least more people will hear about the abuse that is allegedly taking place inside the COS. Debbie Cook did indeed testify to all of this in court.

The letter asks some very important questions that a public figure like Tom should want to address IMO since he is the face of the organization being accused of these crimes.
This is possibly the best thread I have read in WS. I have learned so much more thanks to you folks. :grouphug:
I getcha' Pax. It is all well and good that more people are aware. Guess I think more legal actions need to happen in addition to just making people aware. Guess I think that a stronger stance needs to be taken.

Leave TC out of it, he is just a puppet, I doubt he has to abide by any rules or practices, just a front.

Just get straight to the point, get good lawyers, get things reported (including missing people, just talking about it is not saving them), etc... I understand why they do not do these things, but perhaps they need some guidance on how to better approach issues. Some backers with the knowledge and know how, regardless of the past threats from COS and trying to ruin many careers, some group of the legal system needs to come together somehow to help them out. I have no idea how.
I getcha' Pax. It is all well and good that more people are aware. Guess I think more legal actions need to happen in addition to just making people aware. Guess I think that a stronger stance needs to be taken.

Leave TC out of it, he is just a puppet, I doubt he has to abide by any rules or practices, just a front.

Just get straight to the point, get good lawyers, get things reported (including missing people, just talking about it is not saving them), etc... I understand why they do not do these things, but perhaps they need some guidance on how to better approach issues. Some backers with the knowledge and know how, regardless of the past threats from COS and trying to ruin many careers, some group of the legal system needs to come together somehow to help them out. I have no idea how.

I agree, in this case got to fight fire with fire, they have very good lawyers and I think a lot of lawyers are afraid of going up against them as they do hire PIs and dig every skeleton out of your closet so you better not live in a glass house if you take these goons on.

Anonymous and project chanology really had the COS by the collective balls for a while but as these matters go the general public has a very short attention span and they didnt go for the blood while they had the chance and they ended up moving on to other matters, thats too bad because chanology was very effective for the period it was taking place.
This is possibly the best thread I have read in WS. I have learned so much more thanks to you folks. :grouphug:

I agree, a lot of great posters have come together here and contributed some good honest research, this thread will be a great source of information for posterity if nothing else, good stuff from everyone.
You know the sad part of all of this is little Suri, a child should not have to deal with these sorts of things. Any child should grow up, ideally, just being loved unconditionally and kept from all this crap.
How Scientology Works 196: The Dedicated Glare.
LRH valued dedicated glare in his followers. In fact most cults seem to cultivate it. You sometimes even see it in Amway distributors.

This is an interesting turnaround from his position in the early days while writing Dianetics. In this book he talked of the 'too often hypnotised stare' and saw it as evidence of the degraded state of man.

Who knows... maybe this observation has been 'corrected' in the latest edition.

The simple answer is to say that LRH was right the first time and the fixed stare is evidence of hypnotism, but let us look a little deeper and consider how one gets that way.

I once had that stare. It frightened my non Scientology friends and I was proud to do so. I hardly noticed that they began to avoid me and my strange new behaviours. I am sure I was behaving strangely on many levels.

This means I am able to tell you how the stare feels from the inside- and it is not a pleasant sensation. The best I can do is describe it as intensity plus deadness.


Hypnotism can be defined as the progressive narrowing of attention. The will is focused like a laser beam and is aware of nothing but the target at which it is aimed. It is easy to manipulate people when one is in this state because ones TR's are automatically in place. I felt superior to the 'wogs' (non Scientologists) who I met because I could control them so very easily. Simply thrusting a leaflet at a 'wog' with the force of intention could make them take it from me against their own will.

First I would thrust it at them with a smile. I would notice a slight hesitation or even a shake of the head but I would ignore this and continue as before. Almost everyone would take the leaflet from me as an automatic reflex despite not intending to do so.

I was beginning to learn the pleasure of overwhelming others with the power of my will. For a few hours a day I could feel powerful even though I was slowly starving to death.

There is really no difference between controlling people in this way and running a TR routine.

Example A

"Do fish swim?"

"Errr...well do bears **** in the woods?"

"I will repeat the auditing question. Do fish swim?"

Example B

I thrust a leaflet at the public.

Public rejects leaflet.

I ignore this response and continue to hold the leaflet out.

Public takes leaflet.

You see the similarity? Both examples show the Scientologist overcoming the will of another person by being more focused upon the objective and blanking their communication.

Mastery of this technique makes one a master manipulator but carries a terrible price.


I found that the better I became at manipulating others the more dead to the world I became. Nothing was quite real to me and I had the sensation I was watching the world through a pane of glass. I suffered a peculiar dislocation by which I both knew and did not know that Scientology was a crock of ****. I fantasied about being kidnapped and forcefully deprogrammed because I lacked the strength to walk away.

I found this emotional deadness lead to a sort of physical deadness. I had the peculiar sensation that my face were merely a piece of dead meat stuck to the front of some other hidden face. Sometimes I would cut myself shaving because this 'dead' face was physically numb- as were the tips of my fingers.

I also became aware that I would obey orders automatically without intending to do so. This was actually a pleasant discovery as I could take a rest while my body followed the orders of other people on some auto pilot mechanism.

I became a fanatic- and yet at the same time I knew that I were in the grip of something evil that was draining me of all physical and mental life.

I became both master and slave- able to control others but no longer in control of my own body and mind.

A very strange sensation.



Look in to Scientology TR (Training Routine) called Bull Baiting.

Have to admit bull baiting is powerful training and it does work but it can be abused and misused horribly.
The Language of Scientology -- ARC, SPs, PTPs and BTs

Two Scientologists meet on the street.

"How're you doing?" one asks the other.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I've been a bit out ruds because of a PTP with my second dynamic because of some bypassed charge having to do with my MEST at her apartment. When I moved in I gave her an R-factor and I thought we were in ARC about it, but lately she seems to have gone a bit PTS so I recommended she see the MAA at the AO to blow some charge and get her ethics in. He gave her a review to F/N and VGIs but she did a roller coaster, so I think there's an SP somewhere on her lines. I tried to audit her myself but she had a dirty needle and BIs and was acting really 1.1 so I finally sent her to Qual to spot the entheta on her lines. Other than that, everything's fine..."

There is not a Scientologist anywhere to whom this paragraph would not make perfect sense. Like a secret code, the language of Scientology helps members to identify and bond with each other, and creates an invisible but effective boundary between the cult and the world "outside."
The Language of Scientology -- ARC, SPs, PTPs and BTs

Two Scientologists meet on the street.

"How're you doing?" one asks the other.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I've been a bit out ruds because of a PTP with my second dynamic because of some bypassed charge having to do with my MEST at her apartment. When I moved in I gave her an R-factor and I thought we were in ARC about it, but lately she seems to have gone a bit PTS so I recommended she see the MAA at the AO to blow some charge and get her ethics in. He gave her a review to F/N and VGIs but she did a roller coaster, so I think there's an SP somewhere on her lines. I tried to audit her myself but she had a dirty needle and BIs and was acting really 1.1 so I finally sent her to Qual to spot the entheta on her lines. Other than that, everything's fine..."

There is not a Scientologist anywhere to whom this paragraph would not make perfect sense. Like a secret code, the language of Scientology helps members to identify and bond with each other, and creates an invisible but effective boundary between the cult and the world "outside."

Yes they really do talk exactly like that LOL. You learn the vocab real quick surprisingly.
You want to know something really hilarious, A LOT of Scientologists smoke, its like a big deal with these people you see them all chain smoking in the classes, the in the Sea Org etc, when I was hanging around the org I would ask what the hell that was about and why auditing couldnt help these people beat this horrible addiction, the old timers would say "Didnt you know Elron found out that smoking cures cancer, it doesnt cause it we have been lied to."

Granted these were old timers who had been part of the orginal movement, I dont think it is as bad today and Ron obviously changed his position on that but he too was a heavy smoker until his death.

That is no joke, absolutely 100% serious LOL.
You want to know something really hilarious, A LOT of Scientologists smoke, its like a big deal with these people you see them all chain smoking in the classes, the in the Sea Org etc, when I was hanging around the org I would ask what the hell that was about and why auditing couldnt help these people beat this horrible addiction, the old timers would say "Didnt you know Elron found out that smoking cures cancer, it doesnt cause it we have been lied to."

Granted these were old timers who had been part of the orginal movement, I dont think it is as bad today and Ron obviously changed his position on that but he too was a heavy smoker until his death.

That is no joke, absolutely 100% serious LOL.

smoking cures cancer :floorlaugh: now thats some ****ed up **** right there!
I know I have defended Scientology and some of Elron's teachings and I will always continue to do so he was really a kooky guy but he was also strangely brilliant in a lot of ways, but some of what he wrote was indeed completely insane, couple that with the fact that these people are driven mad by the church they have them working ONE HUNDRED HOURS A WEEK with literally no sleep, 10 people to a one bedroom apartment, 50 bucks a week pocket money, they are crazed, dazed and confused and it is all a mess, but I will continue to suggest if his stuff and the methods were applied PROPERLY it can increase ones awarness, improve memory, help you focus and become less distracted. When I was studying Scientology I used it to learn to play the piano, I had tried and tried all my life and I couldnt never learn it and some of what I learned in Scientology, applied properly, helped me accomplish things like that, BUT when I think of the above story I just laugh my *advertiser censored* off at how crazy some of these bastards are after the COS runs them through the wringer.

But I was never a dedicated hardcore Scientologist as I stated before this was a school project I was doing to learn about it and sort of experiment with it, I was lucky because I sort of danced around the politics and drama and never get too close to anyone I came and went and did my thing, because I was a student at the University they never hassled me much and knew I was busy with schoolwork so I was very lucky I didnt get sucked in like a lot these crazy bastards do.
Hebrew is a neat language I cant speak it fluently but I know enough to be dangerous and it is amazing when you read the Torah in Hebrew and then English, it almost says two different things, also you cannot effectively study Kabbalah unless you know Hebrew, you just cannot get the proper feel of it all with out some understanding of Hebrew which I doubt all these celebs saying they study it know any Hebrew at all, its all for show and to seem hip and trendy. I am studying some Buddhism and its the same thing, its hard to understand in English the original was written in a language called Pali which a monk is teaching me little by little, the more I learn the better I understand what Buddhism is all about, I am not a Buddhist but I like to learn about different paths, I did look at Kabbalah in college heavy stuff, its mysticism, takes a special way of seeing the world to really grasp mysticism. Its powerful medicine if done properly.

Teaching kids Hebrew, Latin or Greek is a gift that keeps on giving, much of the English language has its roots in these languages and it will expand their vocabulary considerably once they learn some of these languages.

The folks that do not know Hebrew, are told to scan the word with their finger and eyes and they will get it. I do know the power of the Hebrew letters and many books were written on that.
But I personally would learn the language if I wanted to study Kabblah – the scanning business leaves me questioning. I am impressed that you are learning Pali WOW…that is as hard as Aramaic, and the proper way to learn Buddhism. I wanted to learn that also... but from what I see I just can’t juggle both.... I have 23 books of the Zohar, and I do not know how many other books that will keep me busy for some time. I do not know Aramaic but It works into Hebrew, and could not imagine studding this without that knowledge.

As for scanning - whatever....:) If it works for them God Bless them.

Language adds dimensions – I have Hebrew, Yiddish, and English. Some Hungarian and German.
YES I do want to teach my grandkids this coming year after summer is over.

This week I have a Hungarian guest so I will polish up. :)



Look in to Scientology TR (Training Routine) called Bull Baiting.

Have to admit bull baiting is powerful training and it does work but it can be abused and misused horribly.

I guess this explains why cults and manipulation doesn't/wouldn't work on me. When people are persistent in a socially inappropriate manner, I immediately sense danger and suspect they either want to rape and kill me or are about to have a schizophrenic moment and decapitate me!

I have never liked authority unless that authority clearly merited respect due to incredible expertise in a certain area. But even then, the minute that authority starts acting weird, I'm gone.

I was a rebellious outsider all my childhood/teen years.

I'm not a follower and never could be.

I think we should all train our kids to be respectful humans but to develop the senses, trust our gut instinct and to question authority. I think critical thinking skills are sorely lacking in our country. I also think too many people are seeking that one truth, that one moment of enlightenment that is going to make them whole and healed, in control, supremely wise and terrifically happy.

But that's not life and it will never happen.

Life is beautiful but it also comes with suffering. It can be hard. Nothing truly worthwhile can be obtained quickly or via the expenditure of money.

The answers to life are not earth shattering. The answer is simply to be the best person you can be and to work hard, every day, to contribute to the world and to help one's neighbor. No special philosophy will cause a person to get there and everyone can do it without any special training. We all innately know what is good and kind and what we can do to make this place better than it is.

I think, too often, people want the quick fix. Many of us have been damaged by life. There is no mysterious truth, waiting to be found, that will fix that. :twocents:
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