Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Are Divorcing

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I expect TC is going to fight for custody and divorce proceedings to be in California.
I also feel Katie has some kind of ammo to use against him. She is being very pro active.

The case is over. The divroce is settled. TC will not be fighting for custody and the divorce proceedings are through so they will not be moved to CA. If, in the future, the parties fight about something and want to change custody, the court that will hear the case will be in NY. Unless they both agree to change jurisdiction, any changes to the custody agreement will be issued out of NY state from now until the very end. That's the law.

I know that her dad ironed out a prenup that included things about Katie family and scientology... Don’t recall the words, but KH would have the final say on raising the child / religiously. SO YES DADDY had lots to say from the start because Katie was very naive.
I agree that she was the one to come to terms with leaving Tom... But it was all done with the help of daddy. (I want to kiss that man). I am not saying that KH did not have a mind of her own, sure it took some time for her to see clearly...But Daddy did put something’s in motion early on, and at the final stage too.

as for Suri, I agree, the child will need help. This is not a easy situation, the kid not only throws tantrums which many kids do.. She looks miserable. Children get upset and 5 minutes later they forget it and look happy again. I have not seen Suri happy at all.
As for abductions/safety.... You do have a point... but I do not trust them.
even famous people can have a car accident on purpose. Just saying, and NOP I do not trust the Scientologists.

Prenuptial agreements cannot deal with child custody, legal or otherwise, or the religious education or affiliation of children. I'm not sure where you heard that Katie had such a prenup but I think it's safe to say, it's a rumor.

BTW, all I have ever heard is that TC created the prenup. Prenups deal with property characterization, property division, inheritance rights and spousal support. TC had vastly more money and property so he would be the party who would want a prenup to protect his interests. Thus, I believe reports in the MSM that he had Katie sign one, and not the other way around.

Clearly, Katie allowed herself to be surrounded by scientology minders, we have seen physical, photographic evidence that she was undergoing Purif at the centers and ex-members state she was heavily involved in auditing and courses. So it is unlikely that Katie went into this marriage leery about scientology, even if her family was.

But, again, the bottom line is there is nothing about scientology or any religion that a prenup could cover.

WOW... this is NOT going to be easy for 12 more years on Katie...
Because as I have read it... Sure must have her own guard and Nanny every time TC gets to see her.
She is not permitted to go to a scientology party, or anywhere near them...
she will not be permitted near her 1/2 Brother and sister, I guess.
And since they all have that code language, ;) I am sure Katie is not going t want that near Suri. What a mess.

But today TOM is in NYC going our with Suri...
I personally worry....for that child.

Hopefully you won't think I'm picking on you! Cause' you know I love you!! But, where did you hear that Suri can't go near her siblings? I can pretty much guarantee there is no such court order. The only way, really, that a judge would order such a thing is if the siblings had abused Suri. The only way a parent would agree to such a thing is if they knew that their kids abused one of their other children and that the abuse could be proved.

There could be a court order that Suri is not to be left alone with non-family scientologists or to take part in auditing or scientology course or classes. I could easliy see that and I certainly hope that is the case. But barring a child from her family is very rare and only occurs under the most extreme of circumstances. Being members of what most view as a cult would not fit.
Gitana1--- I always enjoy your insightful posts. You are great a what you do. Keep the info coming.
The case is over. The divroce is settled. TC will not be fighting for custody and the divorce proceedings are through so they will not be moved to CA. If, in the future, the parties fight about something and want to change custody, the court that will hear the case will be in NY. Unless they both agree to change jurisdiction, any changes to the custody agreement will be issued out of NY state from now until the very end. That's the law.

Prenuptial agreements cannot deal with child custody, legal or otherwise, or the religious education or affiliation of children. I'm not sure where you heard that Katie had such a prenup but I think it's safe to say, it's a rumor.

BTW, all I have ever heard is that TC created the prenup. Prenups deal with property characterization, property division, inheritance rights and spousal support. TC had vastly more money and property so he would be the party who would want a prenup to protect his interests. Thus, I believe reports in the MSM that he had Katie sign one, and not the other way around.

Clearly, Katie allowed herself to be surrounded by scientology minders, we have seen physical, photographic evidence that she was undergoing Purif at the centers and ex-members state she was heavily involved in auditing and courses. So it is unlikely that Katie went into this marriage leery about scientology, even if her family was.

But, again, the bottom line is there is nothing about scientology or any religion that a prenup could cover.

Hopefully you won't think I'm picking on you! Cause' you know I love you!! But, where did you hear that Suri can't go near her siblings? I can pretty much guarantee there is no such court order. The only way, really, that a judge would order such a thing is if the siblings had abused Suri. The only way a parent would agree to such a thing is if they knew that their kids abused one of their other children and that the abuse could be proved.

There could be a court order that Suri is not to be left alone with non-family scientologists or to take part in auditing or scientology course or classes. I could easliy see that and I certainly hope that is the case. But barring a child from her family is very rare and only occurs under the most extreme of circumstances. Being members of what most view as a cult would not fit.
Yea I dont think that is a court issue but like I posted earlier, both her half siblings are in the COS in good standing as far as I know, a child of a split marriage where one parent is an SP and the other is a COS member and the SP has custody is a very difficult issue and I dont know of a single case where that child was able to be with BOTH parents, the child is either with the SP and disconnected from the COS parent or the other way around.

Also I did point out that right now since she is only 6 this may not be an issue but when she is 10 it may be, when she can think , hear and understand what the deal is with mom being an SP and dad being COS and she begins to talk about it and express feelings, the COS will step in, if they dont they will have a lot of mad members who cant see their SP kids or parents or brothers or sisters, thats a huge issue in this cult and will be with Suri sooner or later.

But I agree with you wrt the courts, for sure.
The case is over. The divroce is settled. TC will not be fighting for custody and the divorce proceedings are through so they will not be moved to CA. If, in the future, the parties fight about something and want to change custody, the court that will hear the case will be in NY. Unless they both agree to change jurisdiction, any changes to the custody agreement will be issued out of NY state from now until the very end. That's the law.

Prenuptial agreements cannot deal with child custody, legal or otherwise, or the religious education or affiliation of children. I'm not sure where you heard that Katie had such a prenup but I think it's safe to say, it's a rumor.

BTW, all I have ever heard is that TC created the prenup. Prenups deal with property characterization, property division, inheritance rights and spousal support. TC had vastly more money and property so he would be the party who would want a prenup to protect his interests. Thus, I believe reports in the MSM that he had Katie sign one, and not the other way around.

Clearly, Katie allowed herself to be surrounded by scientology minders, we have seen physical, photographic evidence that she was undergoing Purif at the centers and ex-members state she was heavily involved in auditing and courses. So it is unlikely that Katie went into this marriage leery about scientology, even if her family was.

But, again, the bottom line is there is nothing about scientology or any religion that a prenup could cover.

BY Songline: At the time of the prenup, there may have been another paper drawn. That KH will have say over how to raise her child. (lets not forget KH was preg). Her family was worried about Scientology... and something was drawn up so tha KH will have say about her babys upbringing. ALSO we know her dad is no dummy and wanted her protected.

Hopefully you won't think I'm picking on you! Cause' you know I love you!! But, where did you hear that Suri can't go near her siblings? I can pretty much guarantee there is no such court order. The only way, really, that a judge would order such a thing is if the siblings had abused Suri. The only way a parent would agree to such a thing is if they knew that their kids abused one of their other children and that the abuse could be proved.

There could be a court order that Suri is not to be left alone with non-family scientologists or to take part in auditing or scientology course or classes. I could easliy see that and I certainly hope that is the case. But barring a child from her family is very rare and only occurs under the most extreme of circumstances. Being members of what most view as a cult would not fit.

I never think you pick on me... you are so fair, :) and I am open to hear when I am mistaken. I did not read about the siblings. OTHER than that Scientology does not allow those who defected near them.
AND that Katie is not allowing Suri near anyone from scientology.
They are known to separate families...
so this part I have to say is just a process of elimination on my part.
HOWEVER the former or her DAD ironing out an iron clad deal pre wedding -- I did read it.
Yea I dont think that is a court issue but like I posted earlier, both her half siblings are in the COS in good standing as far as I know, a child of a split marriage where one parent is an SP and the other is a COS member and the SP has custody is a very difficult issue and I dont know of a single case where that child was able to be with BOTH parents, the child is either with the SP and disconnected from the COS parent or the other way around.

Also I did point out that right now since she is only 6 this may not be an issue but when she is 10 it may be, when she can think , hear and understand what the deal is with mom being an SP and dad being COS and she begins to talk about it and express feelings, the COS will step in, if they dont they will have a lot of mad members who cant see their SP kids or parents or brothers or sisters, thats a huge issue in this cult and will be with Suri sooner or later.

But I agree with you wrt the courts, for sure.

It is what I worry about the most too. I deal with parental alienation with my clients every day., It's rampant and it destroys kids. I can totally see Suri being alienated against her mother. They state SP's are sociopaths. can you imagine how easy that would be? "Mommy wouldn't buy you that dog. That was not nice of mommy. Daddy will buy you the dog though, okay? Because Daddy is in-ethics. Mommy is out-ethics." Or whatever the heck they say.

Dad's going to give her what she wants and when she gets older, he's going to allow her to be brainwashed. He feels very strongly about this nonsense. He's a fanatic. I don't think there's any way he's going to keep his child's only chance of happiness and salvation from her.
I never think you pick on me... you are so fair, :) and I am open to hear when I am mistaken. I did not read about the siblings. OTHER than that Scientology does not allow those who defected near them.
AND that Katie is not allowing Suri near anyone from scientology.
They are known to separate families...
so this part I have to say is just a process of elimination on my part.
HOWEVER the former or her DAD ironing out an iron clad deal pre wedding -- I did read it.

Okay. Got it! If Katie is an SP and Suri is not allowed near scientologists, where does that leave her siblings. I get ya'.

Now let me just say that from a legal standpoint, a pre-nuptial or post-nuptial (signed after the wedding) agreement, or any other kind of document that has to do with the custody of their children, legal, or physical (religious education falls under legal), would carry no legal weight whatsoever. It doesn't matter what it's called.

That's because in every state, child custody is decided based on the best interest of the child and what the parent views is the child's best interest may change over time, depending on the circumstances.

The courts look at the current situation to determine what is in the child's best interest. A document signed at an earlier date that purports to know what the circumstances will be and thus what a child's best interest will be at some date in the future, is illogical. It goes against the standard used to determine custody.

Further, any agreement stating that if a parent changes their mind about what they may want with regards to legal or physical custody in the event of a divorce or separation later on, will forfeit money or face other legal or financial ramifications, is against public policy and is thus unenforceable.

Katie's dad is a family law lawyer so he would know that.

Thus, there was never any such agreement either before marriage or during.
Jenna is a Scientologist yes, and so is Greta Van Sustern.

The ones that hurt me the most are Chick Corea, Beck, Elizabeth Moss, and Juliette Lewis. (She's a riot to watch in her band. But, now I'm grossed out).
The ones that hurt me the most are Chick Corea, Beck, Elizabeth Moss, and Juliette Lewis. (She's a riot to watch in her band. But, now I'm grossed out).

Kathy Griffin is right. Whenever most people hear that someone is a scientologist, their opinion of that person is knocked down several pegs. I know it is for me.
It will be interesting to see if Suri "loses" the constant company of her blanket and toys if her life becomes happier. I know kids have things that they carry around a lot, but I've often felt her need was excessive. Is it a reflection of an unsettled home? And Tom is almost always carrying her. Katie does too, but not to the extent Tom does. Just me speculating, but is it Tom's need for control, or maybe Suri isn't as willing to follow along with Dad so carrying saves constant arguing?

In my opinion, Tom isn't the best front man for scientology. He just doesn't strike me as someone who has cleared himself of emotional garbage. He's controlling, quick to anger when challenged, and seems very fake and hollow. I wouldn't look at him as a person and say, that's where I want to be in my life - well oiutside of the money part anyway.

John Travolta on the other hand aside from his possible sex life issues, seems a fairly peaceful person? There was a gossip item saying an unnamed person wanted out of their marriage and custody of child/children because the spouse was hardcore into something they felt was negative on the child/children and guesses were that JT wants out of scientology and Kelly is hardcore. Went on to say hardcore spouse had "the goods" on them so they had to decide if airing the dirty laundry was worth getting away. Regardless who the couple is, it's sad to think anyone would be in that sort of relationship. What sort of horrible person blackmails someone to stay married when obviously the relationship is bad?

Certainly it could be anyone or even completely untrue, but say it is John and Kelly, that is just another example of scientology (DM's version at least) being B.S. because anyone who is at peace with life or "aware" etc is not going to do crazy stuff like that.

The more I have been learning about COS the more I understand it is not about being at peace. It is about being at war. They are taught to argue, fight, blackmail, sue, and even attempt to kill anyone that openly puts down their beliefs.

It is frightening, and there is an entire brainwashed army of them around the world.
It will be interesting to see if Suri "loses" the constant company of her blanket and toys if her life becomes happier. I know kids have things that they carry around a lot, but I've often felt her need was excessive. Is it a reflection of an unsettled home? And Tom is almost always carrying her. Katie does too, but not to the extent Tom does. Just me speculating, but is it Tom's need for control, or maybe Suri isn't as willing to follow along with Dad so carrying saves constant arguing?

In my opinion, Tom isn't the best front man for scientology. He just doesn't strike me as someone who has cleared himself of emotional garbage. He's controlling, quick to anger when challenged, and seems very fake and hollow. I wouldn't look at him as a person and say, that's where I want to be in my life - well oiutside of the money part anyway.

John Travolta on the other hand aside from his possible sex life issues, seems a fairly peaceful person? There was a gossip item saying an unnamed person wanted out of their marriage and custody of child/children because the spouse was hardcore into something they felt was negative on the child/children and guesses were that JT wants out of scientology and Kelly is hardcore. Went on to say hardcore spouse had "the goods" on them so they had to decide if airing the dirty laundry was worth getting away. Regardless who the couple is, it's sad to think anyone would be in that sort of relationship. What sort of horrible person blackmails someone to stay married when obviously the relationship is bad?

Certainly it could be anyone or even completely untrue, but say it is John and Kelly, that is just another example of scientology (DM's version at least) being B.S. because anyone who is at peace with life or "aware" etc is not going to do crazy stuff like that.

I have thought the same thing about the stuffed animals and blanket, she seems to have to have something to carry around. I can understand one small stuffed animal but to have to have 2 and the blanket is a bit much to me. I have also noticed that suri has a fondness for the orange dress, I have seen pics of her in the dress at the same time katie is in a different outfit and then there's tom carrying her in the orange dress again, really. The child does seem to have too much control for a child.
The case is over. The divroce is settled. TC will not be fighting for custody and the divorce proceedings are through so they will not be moved to CA. If, in the future, the parties fight about something and want to change custody, the court that will hear the case will be in NY. Unless they both agree to change jurisdiction, any changes to the custody agreement will be issued out of NY state from now until the very end. That's the law.

Prenuptial agreements cannot deal with child custody, legal or otherwise, or the religious education or affiliation of children. I'm not sure where you heard that Katie had such a prenup but I think it's safe to say, it's a rumor.

BTW, all I have ever heard is that TC created the prenup. Prenups deal with property characterization, property division, inheritance rights and spousal support. TC had vastly more money and property so he would be the party who would want a prenup to protect his interests. Thus, I believe reports in the MSM that he had Katie sign one, and not the other way around.

Clearly, Katie allowed herself to be surrounded by scientology minders, we have seen physical, photographic evidence that she was undergoing Purif at the centers and ex-members state she was heavily involved in auditing and courses. So it is unlikely that Katie went into this marriage leery about scientology, even if her family was.

But, again, the bottom line is there is nothing about scientology or any religion that a prenup could cover.

Hopefully you won't think I'm picking on you! Cause' you know I love you!! But, where did you hear that Suri can't go near her siblings? I can pretty much guarantee there is no such court order. The only way, really, that a judge would order such a thing is if the siblings had abused Suri. The only way a parent would agree to such a thing is if they knew that their kids abused one of their other children and that the abuse could be proved.

There could be a court order that Suri is not to be left alone with non-family scientologists or to take part in auditing or scientology course or classes. I could easliy see that and I certainly hope that is the case. But barring a child from her family is very rare and only occurs under the most extreme of circumstances. Being members of what most view as a cult would not fit.

I am sure Katie’s Dad does know the law :) as you say.
And I read it long ago.... Not sure how it was written.
But not on the internet anymore.

I don’t know how he managed to stir her away from Tom...
But he is instrumental is saving her.
And will continue to be. Whatever it takes.

And Scientology is not going to want bad press.
He is not a catholic and not a defect; I imagine he can say anything in print and otherwise.
I know he will be careful and threatening too. JMHO
I am only interested in Katie and Suri’s safty.

EVEN the law can be bent.
What I mean is every law has another counter law.
I do not know the law as you do, so I am going to bow out at this point gracefully.
You are a love and I have no intentions to ever argue with you
I think katie is worried about losing suri the way nicole has lost bella & connor. jmo I also think that nicole had no choice but to distance herself from them as well. jmo It would not surprise me if bella was reporting back to tom things that katie was saying and doing at katie's business. jmo
Has The Next Mrs. Tom Cruise Already Been Chosen?

In the wake of Katie Holmes' split from hubby Tom Cruise, speculation is building as to who will be the next Mrs. Tom Cruise, and it just might be Yolanda Pecoraro.

Experts predict the 27-year-old Latin beauty will be the perfect match for the Mission: Impossible star because she's a devout Scientologist — and the two dated in the past!
Has The Next Mrs. Tom Cruise Already Been Chosen?


She is certainly beautiful young enough to be malleable. BEST part is that she is a scientologist. I would hate for some innocent girl to get trapped again.

Actually this will keep him busy and stroke his ego mostly it will leave Kati alone.
It is Suri that will need a very careful eye.
She is certainly beautiful young enough to be malleable. BEST part is that she is a scientologist. I would hate for some innocent girl to get trapped again.

Actually this will keep him busy and stroke his ego mostly it will leave Kati alone.
It is Suri that will need a very careful eye.

She's only 5'6" so she might not be tall enough for Tommy.

You clever SOB, Davey, she is perfect! Finally a beard I wont have to shave!
She's only 5'6" so she might not be tall enough for Tommy.

You crack me up AGAIN - love you :)

I think he is about her height... maybe he will get new shoes with no heals.
And just maybe he won’t be kissing her belly button.

You clever SOB, Davey, she is perfect! Finally a beard I wont have to shave!

HA? :waitasec: Beard? --- he is no Brad Pitt... LOL never was, never will be.

Is this his ego poster? (one of many).
She's only 5'6" so she might not be tall enough for Tommy.

Still 2 inches taller than Dear Leader who is even shorter than Tommy Boy.



Note, this is not meant to be offensive to people who are short but these two with their big egos, you cant help but laugh.
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