Tom Cruise/Scientology/Katie - Merged

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Alice253 said:
From the above link:
However, one person who is not thrilled about Tom’s choice of name is fiancie Katie Holmes, for she’s afraid that the wacky name will make both her and the baby the “laughing stock” of tinsel town.

I'm laughing so hard, I don't know what to say to that remark!
:slap: to me

Indeed! do you imagine she hasn't a clue as to how she's viewed already ? :doh:
Alice253 said:
From the above link:
However, one person who is not thrilled about Tom’s choice of name is fiancie Katie Holmes, for she’s afraid that the wacky name will make both her and the baby the “laughing stock” of tinsel town.

Aren't they already? :bang:
I picked up the latest copy of US Weekly this afternoon, and inside shows their latest trip - this time to Tahiti. I think it was from Feb 20-26. I guess with the way they fly around so close to her due date, she'll just go into labor during a flight. :slap:

The pictures also showed her out in the water, alone, a pretty good distance from shore. IMO, that just doesn't seem very bright for such a late stage of pregnancy.
Those upper thighs of her's are a teensy bit unattractive right now. Does getting pregnant do that, or is that the way her legs normally are?
HeartofTexas said:
Those upper thighs of her's are a teensy bit unattractive right now. Does getting pregnant do that, or is that the way her legs normally are?

Pregnancy does amazing things to your body. I was thinking about stretch marks yesterday. Some are in the most unlikely places especially if you are smaller than the average person. Yes, weight gain is distributed and often in the most undesirable place. Does that answer your question?
Yes, thanks! I've never been pregnant so just thought it affected breasts and abdomen, so to speak. I had no idea it would do anything to the thighs, or any other area. I guess, now that I think about it, I have seen women whose faces have appeared swollen, too, so I guess it does affect other areas. Amazing. Well, fat thighs will be the least of her worries if she marries Tom. I would think massive brain drain from listening to talk about aliens and thetans would be her biggest worry.
HeartofTexas said:
Yes, thanks! I've never been pregnant so just thought it affected breasts and abdomen, so to speak. I had no idea it would do anything to the thighs, or any other area. I guess, now that I think about it, I have seen women whose faces have appeared swollen, too, so I guess it does affect other areas. Amazing. Well, fat thighs will be the least of her worries if she marries Tom. I would think massive brain drain from listening to talk about aliens and thetans would be her biggest worry.

LOL! Thanks for the first belly laugh of the day.
LOL My daughter went from 104lbs to 169lbs when pregnant with Emma. She grew from her earlobes to her toes. She is only 5'1" so a 65lb weight gain in 9 months distributed everywhere.
My goodness, are we still hashing over the lives of Tom&Kate?
My thoughts:
They will never marry.
She may look the part, but I'm not really sure she is preggers.
Also wondering, was he always a nut case who hid it well, or did this happen to him after he left Nichole?
Remember all. Nichole is the one with the Oscar for acting. Not Tommy. I do believe this is a thorn in his side.
He's never won, although he's been nominated. Cause no one wants to hear his acceptance speech.
sandraladeda said:
Why would they test it?
Because he accused Nic of being unfaithful. He said the child wasn't his. That was his excuse for divorcing her. When she miscarried a dna test was done and she took in to court. I posted a link here several times. I don't know where it is...but you can do a search to find it.
MrsMush99 said:
I know that now, but wasn't he supposed to be?? Can you become unsterile?
He had a low sperm count. It doesn't mean he was sterile, but the odds of him getting someone preggers was low. BUT...I guess something happened at least twice! LOL. :eek:
jilly said:
I wonder if he's manic.

ETA: Symptoms of Mania:

Abnormal or excessive elation
Unusual irritability
Decreased need to sleep
Increased talking
Racing thoughts
Increased sexual desire
Markedly increased energy
Por judgment
Inappropriate social behavior

Did it say anything about jumping over a couch on National TV?????
As far as what a pregnancy does to the female body.. the list is long and tedious. You get chunky from your "earlobes to ankles" as someone else said. I only gained 25 and 30 pounds with my respective pregancies, but I'm a very small person. I couldn't believe how much 25 or 30 pounds can do to a body! My thighs looked a lot like hers. My *advertiser censored* were twice the normal size. I didnt get stretch marks, thank GOD.. but when I got my body "back", and could fit into my jeans again.. although I was very thin, my body was never the same. I was just watching home videos of my pregnancies a couple of months ago, and I was stunned to see the change in my face, hands, everything! :eek: :eek: I remember FEELING swollen, but dang.. I didn't realize I actually LOOKED swollen too. And I was lucky. I came out pretty much unscathed as far as lasting weight, etc...

Anyway, I said all that to say that yes.. pregnancy effects every single darn thing on a woman's body. I even had to wear my wedding ring on a necklace the last few months because of the swelling in my fingers! Yikes....

ETA: I erased the second sentence that said "I'll try to be brief"..... lol
Thanks for all the info, ladies... I've learned a lot tonight about what pregnancy can do to a woman's body. I can't believe I was so ill-informed. It's no wonder many women get depressed after the baby is born... they're sleep deprived, their whole life changes in an instant with a new baby in the family, their hormones are racing around, they have extra, unwanted weight from the pregnancy to deal with and, if that's not enough, their body has changed, too. Well, all I have to say is that ol' Katie better toughen up because Tom isn't going to allow no nasty anti-depressants in his house! He'll probably be so busy jumping up and down on couches that he won't notice Katie feeling so low to the ground that she's crawling around on all four's! Poor dumb woman.
Thanks for the good laugh.. Yes. Starting with the pregnancy, your whole world turns upside down.... and it just keeps turning after the baby comes... lol....
Oh, I definitely know that part. I may not have ever given birth to a child, but I do know the joys of raising children! My sister and her husband both passed away and left behind a little boy who I'm now raising. Trust me, I do know how a child can change your life in an instant.
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