Tom Cruise/Scientology/Katie - Merged

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Jeana (DP) said:
Seeing him kiss Katie is just about as bad as the Michael Jackson/Lisa Marie Presley kiss. They couldn't possible close their lips any tighter. NOT natural at all.
LOL! Lisa looked sooo mad at MJ when he did that. Did you notice her blush? :doh:
deandaniellws said:
LOL! Lisa looked sooo mad at MJ when he did that. Did you notice her blush? :doh:

I remember hearing her story on that kiss some years later. She said she hadn't seen or even talked to Michael in three weeks prior to that night. He had taken off and she had no idea where he was and couldn't reach him. She was informed by someone close to Michael that she needed to show up at the awards show and that Michael had something special planned. She learned upon her arrival what that was and was LIVID. She threatened to leave and he threatened to divorce her. That happened shortly after they were married and she loved him at that point. She was hurt that he thought so little of their marriage as to use it that way. But, she did say it was an eye opener.

Now, for me, leaving me for three weeks without telling me where you're going or how to get a hold of you in an emergency - NO WAY would I have showed up at any awards show. I would have been packed and outta that house long before he got back. :snooty:
Jeana (DP) said:
The urge to beyotch slap Tom Cruise. . . is it just me?
I will normally turn the television channel anytime his face appears and I skip past him in magazines. I just cannot stand the look of his face. I'm afraid if I saw him in public, the urge to reach out and smack his smug looking face would overcome me and I'd just need to reach out and do it. :rolleyes:

LOL, oh my....i love the term b****-slap, lol....this is way OT, but i feel the exact same way about our president...

those pictures are really you think the dates might be wrong, or the pics are "touched up"???...something's not right... :confused:
close_enough said:
LOL, oh my....i love the term b****-slap, lol....this is way OT, but i feel the exact same way about our president...

those pictures are really you think the dates might be wrong, or the pics are "touched up"???...something's not right... :confused:

Something tells me your bail would be a little higher than mine.
close_enough said:
LOL, oh my....i love the term b****-slap, lol....this is way OT, but i feel the exact same way about our president...

those pictures are really you think the dates might be wrong, or the pics are "touched up"???...something's not right... :confused:
The pictures in People Magazine are the same way...and I don't think they touch up their pictures.
2 Separate Radio News discussions about Tom and Katie...

Any of you hear either of these two bits about Tom and Katie?

The first was that others are wondering about Katie's mysterious pregnancy looks - big one day, not big the next. They were talking about the reason "supposedly" is that Tom and Katie (read: Tom?! :razz: ) WANT to keep everyone guessing as to an expected delivery date. Then, the question is why - due to "security" (cough**cough) because the birth is going to be such a big media ordeal, hmmmm...or because it's a continuing publicity draw...

The next thing I heard was that it was a surprise to the producers of Katie's Indie film, "Thank You for Smoking" that at the Sundance Film Festival, the clips of the film DO NOT CONTAIN her love scenes that were taped. They were shocked, and had no idea why the scenes were cut. Now there is speculation that Tom used his Hollywood clout to have those scenes removed. :eek: But, they did say that the scenes would be in the actual film once it's released. (Until Tom gets that cut, as well???)

Tom really has an inflated sense of his own importance. Of course, here I am, reading about him. Hmmmm. It does facinate me in some weird way -- the cult, the rumors, the changing size of Katie's belly (what the he##!?). I never could stand him, now I care for him even less.

I have always heard that Cruise had mumps after puberty and therefore was sterile.

I am wondering if Katie is sporting a prosthetic "bump" until the child they will adopt is born....... :twocents:
aheddle said:
I have always heard that Cruise had mumps after puberty and therefore was sterile.

I am wondering if Katie is sporting a prosthetic "bump" until the child they will adopt is born....... :twocents:
This is exactly what I was thinking yesterday .........
2 Separate Radio News discussions about Tom and Katie...

Any of you hear either of these two bits about Tom and Katie?

The first was that others are wondering about Katie's mysterious pregnancy looks - big one day, not big the next. They were talking about the reason "supposedly" is that Tom and Katie (read: Tom?! :razz: ) WANT to keep everyone guessing as to an expected delivery date. Then, the question is why - due to "security" (cough**cough) because the birth is going to be such a big media ordeal, hmmmm...or because it's a continuing publicity draw...

The next thing I heard was that it was a surprise to the producers of Katie's Indie film, "Thank You for Smoking" that at the Sundance Film Festival, the clips of the film DO NOT CONTAIN her love scenes that were taped. They were shocked, and had no idea why the scenes were cut. Now there is speculation that Tom used his Hollywood clout to have those scenes removed. :eek: But, they did say that the scenes would be in the actual film once it's released. (Until Tom gets that cut, as well???)


Here's a link to the movie talk:,1,18219,00.html

At a sold-out screening for his new satirical comedy, Thank You for Smoking, rookie filmmaker Jason "Son of Ivan" Reitman was shocked--shocked!--to discover that a 12-second scene of a hookup between Holmes' journalist character and a tobacco lobbyist played by Aaron Eckhart had vanished.

"We were sitting there in shock," the movie's writer-director told the Los Angeles Times. "And I turned to other people who had worked on the film, and were completely confused. But the audience didn't seem to notice or care."

Following the screening, Reitman immediately addressed the audience, which included Holmes and Eckhart, explaining that the scene was missing and "something went wrong with the reel." (The steamy encounter between Holmes and Eckhart's characters were in the version screened at last fall's Toronto Film Festival.) His remarks instead drew grumblings, and even a few boos, from the crowd.

Thus began the Case of the Missing Sex Scene.

News of Holmes' disappearing act spread quickly around the mountain town of Park City, Utah, and became fodder for the gossip mill. Several publications posited that the missing scene was somehow the work of Holmes' fiancé, Tom Cruise, who, the theory goes, is so protective of his future missus that he didn't want her to be seen cavorting in the nude.

And while another Holmes romp later in the film remained intact in the Sundance print, the Cruise conspiracy theorists were undaunted.

Us Weekly, for instance, quoted one unnamed insider as saying "industry people started whispering that Tom Cruise didn't want the scene in there because it was dirtier than he was comfortable with." Another anonymous wag tells the magazine that the Cruise-is-culpable theory "was the first thing that went through everyone's mind!"

Holmes, who's pregnant with the Mission: Impossible star's first biological offspring (Cruise adopted two children, Isabella and Connor, with Nicole Kidman), wasn't available for comment. Cruise's camp rejected assertions the couch-jumping thespian and self-proclaimed sonogram expert had anything to do with the edit.

Cruise himself was said to have ditched the screening to hit the slopes, according to

HE WASN'T EVEN THERE???? HE CHOSE TO GO SKIING???? WHAT AN *advertiser censored*.... :doh:
Jules said:
Here's a link to the movie talk:,1,18219,00.html

At a sold-out screening for his new satirical comedy, Thank You for Smoking, rookie filmmaker Jason "Son of Ivan" Reitman was shocked--shocked!--to discover that a 12-second scene of a hookup between Holmes' journalist character and a tobacco lobbyist played by Aaron Eckhart had vanished.

"We were sitting there in shock," the movie's writer-director told the Los Angeles Times. "And I turned to other people who had worked on the film, and were completely confused. But the audience didn't seem to notice or care."

Following the screening, Reitman immediately addressed the audience, which included Holmes and Eckhart, explaining that the scene was missing and "something went wrong with the reel." (The steamy encounter between Holmes and Eckhart's characters were in the version screened at last fall's Toronto Film Festival.) His remarks instead drew grumblings, and even a few boos, from the crowd.

Thus began the Case of the Missing Sex Scene.

News of Holmes' disappearing act spread quickly around the mountain town of Park City, Utah, and became fodder for the gossip mill. Several publications posited that the missing scene was somehow the work of Holmes' fiancé, Tom Cruise, who, the theory goes, is so protective of his future missus that he didn't want her to be seen cavorting in the nude.

And while another Holmes romp later in the film remained intact in the Sundance print, the Cruise conspiracy theorists were undaunted.

Us Weekly, for instance, quoted one unnamed insider as saying "industry people started whispering that Tom Cruise didn't want the scene in there because it was dirtier than he was comfortable with." Another anonymous wag tells the magazine that the Cruise-is-culpable theory "was the first thing that went through everyone's mind!"

Holmes, who's pregnant with the Mission: Impossible star's first biological offspring (Cruise adopted two children, Isabella and Connor, with Nicole Kidman), wasn't available for comment. Cruise's camp rejected assertions the couch-jumping thespian and self-proclaimed sonogram expert had anything to do with the edit.

Cruise himself was said to have ditched the screening to hit the slopes, according to

HE WASN'T EVEN THERE???? HE CHOSE TO GO SKIING???? WHAT AN *advertiser censored*.... :doh:

OMG - how on earth would ANYONE be able to cut something out of the film WITHOUT the director or anyone else that worked on the movie knowing about it????? So strange!
aheddle said:
I have always heard that Cruise had mumps after puberty and therefore was sterile.

I am wondering if Katie is sporting a prosthetic "bump" until the child they will adopt is born....... :twocents:
No, the child that Nic lost was his. DNA tests done after the baby was miscarried showed the loser to be the father.
Jeana (DP) said:
I never saw the big attraction. He's short and has a big nose. :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
Plus, I hate people with large egos, so he's definately out for me. :D
With all due respect, I would respectfully ask you not to discuss the big nose thing. I find that offensive. You have no idea what people go through with the large nose issue and what it has driven some people to do.
Thank you,
deandaniellws said:
No, the child that Nic lost was his. DNA tests done after the baby was miscarried showed the loser to be the father.

Not that I don't believe you but where did you find this out? I had heard that is why he wanted a divorce...because she was having someone else's baby.
aheddle said:
Not that I don't believe you but where did you find this out? I had heard that is why he wanted a divorce...because she was having someone else's baby.

that's exactly what i've heard...i don't think either way, has ever been stated fact though....his "rep" & hers have never given details about why they divorced....Tom Cruise was once quoted to say "she knows why i'm divorcing her"....
aheddle said:
Not that I don't believe you but where did you find this out? I had heard that is why he wanted a divorce...because she was having someone else's baby.
That is what he accused her of. However, in the divorce issues, Nic had DNA of the miscarried fetus information at the proceedings. I don't know where the link is now...but it is posted here at WS. I posted it several times. Do a search to find it. Cruise is a loser!:razz:
close_enough said:
that's exactly what i've heard...i don't think either way, has ever been stated fact though....his "rep" & hers have never given details about why they divorced....Tom Cruise was once quoted to say "she knows why i'm divorcing her"....
Exactly...and he was proven wrong. The link is here somewhere. I posted it several times. DNA proved the child was his.
Tom Cruise is off the hook..He is getting weirder and weirder. I Love Nicole Kidman, i think she was too good for him anyway.
michelle said:
Tom Cruise is off the hook..He is getting weirder and weirder. I Love Nicole Kidman, i think she was too good for him anyway.
I do too Michelle. She is not only a good Mom, but a beautiful person and a great actress.:D
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